Vote for WBSS video on MTV base UK


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Akon and Michael Jackson video of 'Wanna Be Startn Somethin' has now been added to the MTV Base UK's playlist chart,

Please vote here, It does not matter which country you live in as you can still vote. I suggest we keep voting everyday.

Please vote here and lets get this video in the top 10 then to number 1 on the MTV Base Chart:
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I voted _ Michael is #20

VOTE PLEASE - all it takes is a click
certainly MJ is worth that much to ya.
I voted,

Didnt know there was a video for WBSS 2008, saw it on YT, pretty cool.
can someone then actually record this video? would be nice. everyone's talking about it ... but no one outside UK can see it..
Voted, BUT I didn't see anwhere he was at #20. !
I couldn't vote,, it said 'service unvailable' will try later. Hopefully I can see Michael chart and record that clip to my VHS finally, LOL