Billie Jean appreciation


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
South East London
Who is she and what is the song about? What is mj telling us in this song?

I think this is one of the cleverest pop song I have ever heard, What say you?:D
she is Roxanne and the song is about her and her delusions and MJ is trying to tell us that he wants to keep a distance between himself and her
I've read the story behind the song is the real one.... though Michael denied this in his "Moonwalk' autobiography....

anyway he has always been inspired by his life so who knows....

the song is really something....I agree
she is Roxanne and the song is about her and her delusions and MJ is trying to tell us that he wants to keep a distance between himself and her
That is the trouble you see. Billie jean is not just a twisted lady, the song itself is twisted and full of surprises. First he blamed billie jean but then he admits that he did dance on the floor in a round, then he claims that the baby's eyes did look like he, then he admits that he went to he room, but it hapened much too soon, but he did dance. Cunfused?
wHEN mj sings about dance does he give it a double meaning, like he told that rock and roll means making love, does dance also mean making love?
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Eventhough it's been overplayed to death lol, it remains one of my fave, if not my fave Michael song ever. "Billie Jean" is Michael's most successful single, his signature song, the highlight of his concerts and has been voted on countless listsn in magazines and elsewhere as being one of the greatest pop songs ever. The song and video also helped to break down color barriers on radio and MTV. I love everything about it tho, the lyrics are great and very cleaver. It's a very dark and mysterious song, as is the video. The video couldn't have been better, it fits with the song so well.

I can't tell you how many times i've been out at parties or department stores though and no matter what people are doing, they will stop when that song comes on. When I used to work at a record store and the song would come on, i'd see people bopping their heads and tapping their feet in the aisles, everyone would just be humming the song. The bassline in it is just something else though, everyone knows it. This reminds me of just yesterday though when I was driving in the car with my dad and "Billie Jean" came on the radio and my dad, who used to be a big MJ fan but doesn't mention him too much these days, was saying how great of a song "Billie Jean" is after all these years and I agree, it really is a brilliant song. Even Michael said in "Moonwalker" that he had knew the song would be a hit, here's an excerpt from the book:

"A musician knows hit material. It has to feel right. Everything has to feel in place. It fulfills you and it makes you feel good. You know it when you hear it. That's how I felt about 'Billie Jean.' I knew it was going to be big while I was writing it. I was really absorbed in that song. One day during a break in a recording session I was riding down the Ventura Freeway with Nelson Hayes, who was working with me at the time. 'Billie Jean' was going around in my head and that's all I was thinking about. We were getting off the freeway when a kid on a motorcycle pulls up to us and says, 'Your car's on fire.' Suddenly we noticed the smoke and pulled over and the whole bottom of the Rolls-Royce was on fire. That kid probably saved our lives. If the car had exploded, we could have been killed. But I was so absorbed by this tune floating in my head that I didn't even focus on the awful possibilities until later."

"Billie Jean" is just perfection in every sense of the word. No matter how many times I hear the song or see the video, I still get goosebumps everytime. The feeling I get when I hear the song or watch the video is indescribable, but I have never gotten that or experienced that with any other artist. That song alone is one of the reasons why I truly think Michael is the greatest.
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Thank you Cinnamon. That was a really nice read. I usually love to listen to other performers singing |MJ songs. BJ is one of their most chaallenging one, but the audiance loves it and they always break into singing when it starts.
I've noticed with this song... regrardless if you're an MJ fan or not, you know every single word.
I would even go far as to saying it's one of the greatest songs of our time.
A while back, I would listen to the lyrics, grasp the meaning, but it didn't really hit me how deep the song was.

I just love what Blender Magazine had to say about the song...
"one of the most sonically eccentric, psychologically fraught, downright bizarre things ever to land on Top 40 radio"
I've noticed with this song... regrardless if you're an MJ fan or not, you know every single word.
I would even go far as to saying it's one of the greatest songs of our time.
A while back, I would listen to the lyrics, grasp the meaning, but it didn't really hit me how deep the song was.

I just love what Blender Magazine had to say about the song...
"one of the most sonically eccentric, psychologically fraught, downright bizarre things ever to land on Top 40 radio"
:DI love that. I never knew the meaning of the song and used to think there were 2 diffent song going on at the same time. Then I see that MJ was telling a story to his mates as he dance in a round, then all of a sudden I realise tha the dancing was no necessaruly with his mates but with the girl and billy Jean wasn't really lying afer all, he did dance till 3 and he did go to her room, but it happened much too soon and now he is breaking some youg girls heart. My head hurts.:D
I'm here thinking... do i right it or not? But you've started with this threat, now i'm gonna say it... please don't be mad at me...
I hear BJ like a premonition of Michael's life... i mean:

she as more like a beauty queen from a movie scene
Billie Jean was the most beautiful... like a dream, like his life, his succes

The avery head tuened with eyes that dreamed of being the one
All the world has his eyes on Michael

People always told me be careful of what you do
Come on, Michael is so nice that in my opinion he sometimes gives too much to people that dont deserve it...

Now is the most important part for me:
And mother always told me be careful of who you love
And be careful of what you do "cause the lie becomes the truth
Cause the lie becomes the truth??? Can you see something like that on Michaels life??? Of course... all he whent thru and still, cause the media always want him to look weird.

For forty days and forty nights
The law was on her side
But who can stand when she"s in demand
Her schemes and plans
"cause we danced on the floor in round
So take my strong advice just remember to always think twice
(do think twice)

No coments right?

This happened much too soon
Yes it did... too soon Michael was under everyone looks...

Billie jean is not my lover
She"s just a girl who claims that iam the one
But the kid is not my son
Yes, bad things they say about him its not true (she is not her lover, its just a girl saying that it is him). And the kid is not his sun... yes, the bad things does not come from him, not from his acts... it's not his sun.

Ok then, call me crazy, but thats what i always think about this song...
The avery head tuened with eyes that dreamed of being the one
All the world has his eyes on Michael
Well the actual lyrics are "Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one" ;) But I guess what you're saying makes sense too...

Now is the most important part for me:
And mother always told me be careful of who you love
And be careful of what you do "cause the lie becomes the truth
Cause the lie becomes the truth??? Can you see something like that on Michaels life??? Of course... all he whent thru and still, cause the media always want him to look weird.
Well, at the time Michael wrote Thriller, no one was trying to make Mike look weird.

I really don't think this song contains subliminal messages. The lyrics are very cut and dry, it's just Michael's so creative with his writing abilities, it triggers one's mind to think.
mmm i never really got that song... what was all the hype about anyway ?? that song just kinda sits there, it has no bass line... the strings are lacking ... over rated :yes:

**end sarcasm**

O M G !! I had y'all pissed off didn't I ?? LOL
My all time fav MJ song. I must have ever version known to man. :lol: Perfection. Simply perfection in a pop song.

As for the meaning, there's several different things that have been said about it. Q and Bruce Swedien both have stories about what Michael told them the song means (regarding a woman who stalked MJ at Hayvenhurst and claimed Mj was the father of one of her twins), and then there's Mj's account in Moonwalk- (that is was about a combination of people they have been plagued by over the years).

It doesn't matter though, it's obviously an emotional, real life experience, and very literal. :yes:
IMO arguably the greatest song that I have ever heard. I mean you can debate what made the song great? was it the vocals? Bass? Synths? Drums? Hook? groove? background vocals? the lyrics? I mean it is the kind of song you will never forget period. timeless Classic.
Well the actual lyrics are "Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one" ;) But I guess what you're saying makes sense too...

Well, at the time Michael wrote Thriller, no one was trying to make Mike look weird.

I really don't think this song contains subliminal messages. The lyrics are very cut and dry, it's just Michael's so creative with his writing abilities, it triggers one's mind to think.

I sad that i hear BJ as a premonition, so of course its about something not hapening at the time, but that would hapen in the future! :)
Billie Jean made me a fan of Michael when i was just kid always wondering who sang this song, im glad i found out and eventually listen to more of his work
you don't have enough cyberspace for this appreciation thread.

what is the song about? i guess...different things to different people. which makes it even more amazing. to me, it is a song of obsession.
Billie Jean is as perfect as the sky is blue. End of.

In 2005 when I was in yr 10 at highschool, for our dance section of physical education we had to learn the cha cha. The teacher chose Billie Jean as our song. So every week for over a month we would be cha chaing to Billie Jean, mouthing the words :)
WHat Amazes Me That It Is A Perfect Dance Song,But Has A Deep Meaning To It