am I a mj fan?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was just wondering: I was reading thru many of the posts at this forum. And my question is: are we mj fan´s even if we don´t think he is the grates ever? If we like other music as well?
It looks like that people in here that has critical views on mj get very not popular in here:)...even if the critics is very careful.

I look at myself as a admire of mj´s work. but he is not the only one...sorry
well honestly yesterday I was very frusterated recognizing the same as you.

Still I consider myself a fan cuz my heart is telling me.

Thanks to you and some others I don't feel too stupid about this board anymore.

But we really have to stop the intolerance and ignorance sometimes running around here.
I really don't want mjj fans to be known for that.
it's a shame this thread has to be made. of course you are a fan, don't let childish bickering tell you otherwise.

and recognising other artists is a better testament to our community.
I've been frustrated with MJ fan boards for a while now. Not just this one. You try to post another viewpoint, look at things from both sides of the fence... you're just a negative fan or not a "true fan".

Hey, whatever.
I was just wondering: I was reading thru many of the posts at this forum. And my question is: are we mj fan´s even if we don´t think he is the grates ever? If we like other music as well?
It looks like that people in here that has critical views on mj get very not popular in here:)...even if the critics is very careful.

I look at myself as a admire of mj´s work. but he is not the only one...sorry

You have the right to come here and prefer other artists , BUT here is a mj FAN board if you diss him in the name of so-called freedom of speaking we wont let you diss him .

To you he is not the only one , neither to us we also love a lot other artists , but the difference is that to us he is the greatest , the best of all these artists and if you want us to respect your opinion that michael is not the greatest , well respect our opinion that he IS the greatest .

You can disagree with us without the need to bash him and diss him by remind us again and again that he has done nothing for years , we all know it but to us he still is the greatest whatever and thats normal , it deosnt mean that you are more realistic or something like that but we only state our opinion no need to diss michael to convince us .
I've been frustrated with MJ fan boards for a while now. Not just this one. You try to post another viewpoint, look at things from both sides of the fence... you're just a negative fan or not a "true fan".

Hey, whatever.

ok hold on... lol don't feel too much a pity with yourself hey:better: that's not too attractive you know! :cheeky:
See only because someone calls you negative no way proves you are!
Very independent from if you are or not. that word is thrown around here too much anyways.
arxter and me just told you, you're not alone!
So just be happy again with yourself and enjoy being yourself! :)
You have the right to come here and prefer other artists , BUT here is a mj FAN board if you diss him in the name of so-called freedom of speaking we wont let you diss him .

To you he is not the only one , neither to us we also love a lot other artists , but the difference is that to us he is the greatest , the best of all these artists and if you want us to respect your opinion that michael is not the greatest , well respect our opinion that he IS the greatest .

You can disagree with us without the need to bash him and diss him by remind us again and again that he has done nothing for years , we all know it but to us he still is the greatest whatever and thats normal , it deosnt mean that you are more realistic or something like that but we only state our opinion no need to diss michael to convince us .

ok just to state this very clear... when she's talking so powerful of WE and US... I'm not included there ok.
I can't remember electing you as a spokesperson for this board serena sorry... maybe you should change realistically and all positively into 'some of us' etc. :cheeky: that would be nice and prevent creating a wrong picture! thank you!
You have the right to come here and prefer other artists , BUT here is a mj FAN board if you diss him in the name of so-called freedom of speaking we wont let you diss him .
i think some fans have a problem dissociating "dissing" from constructive criticism or personal taste. this is where the problems arise.

]You can disagree with us
who's "us"? LOL we're all us.
ok just to state this very clear... when she's talking so powerful of WE and US... I'm not included there ok.
I can't remember electing you as a spokesperson for this board serena sorry... maybe you should change realistically and all positively into 'some of us' etc. :cheeky: that would be nice and prevent creating a wrong picture! thank you!

OK "some of us" , but i stik to my opinion it doesnt change anything .
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Everyone here has different opinions and views of MJ, that's natural and there's nothing we'll ever do to change that. The admins of this board understand this and all we ever ask (we meaning admins;)) is that you follow the rules of the board... this is just be respectful but this is a two-way street... meaning this all powerful collective we and us that feel whatever way cannot disrespect YOU for having a different opinion... however u start trashin MJ and bein disrespectful then i'm not gonna be jumpin on your side to defend your opinion. There are ways to state u don't like something respectfully :)

No one is perfect and its rare that u find an artist u like and u love every fiber of their being :) If you do feel that way... thats wonderful and i'm happy for you but because someone doesn't like Rock with You don't make em a hater LOL

i hope that helps and if someone is being disrespectful towards anyone...we have the report button on every post and a mod will review it and determine if they are breaking our rules :)
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Serena, you've explicitly said I say "negative things about MJ" all the time when that is not true at all.

I said I can understand why someone put him as 13 on a list... not exactly a "diss", at least in my book. Especially when I already stated I'd personally have him higher.

You say "if you want us to respect your opinion, respect ours". Well, isn't that a two-way street? I certainly didn't fell any respect in your post in that thread.
i think some fans have a problem dissociating "dissing" from constructive criticism or personal taste. this is where the problems arise.

who's "us"? LOL we're all us.

What you think is "constructuve criticism " is dissing for other , maybe you also should wonder if yourself can dissociate "constructive criticism" to "dissing" because it doesnt appear to me that you can .

As for prsonnal tastes theres no problem about it ,but respect also the other who disagree , it seems that if we think (excuse "some of us") think that michael IS the best you cannot bear it and you start to diss him by reapeating always the same thing .
Everyone has opinions and thoughts that are their own. What I don't understand is why people have the need to express their ideas as the only truth. Everyone is different so should our thoughts be. No two people love Michael the same. No two people feel the same about all the other artists that are out there. Doesn't mean my opinions are law and everyone should bow to my desires.

But that is exactly how many of the members here are acting. Everyone thinks someone else is bad mouthing their ideas when in fact they are simply expressing their own - sometimes badly cuz they don't have cuth but it is their opinion.

People need to get off the high horses and lower their resistence. We are not here to judge - we are here to communicate. It should be fun not full of drama and hate.

Loving Michael is great. How much you love him is your decision and I for one am thankful that you are a fan at any level. Michael is amazing but he is human and I think many forget that. There are many levels to fandom so if you are an omg I'd die for him fan or a well he screwed up here but James did it better then you are still a fan. He needs the support of everyone :yes:

It simply takes all kinds.

The fighting even in this thread needs to immediately stop!
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Let me say one thing positive in here though: this is one of the better boards out there. I've only posted at a couple of others in spurts because they are annoying and unbearable. This is one of the finer, more organized boards I've seen.
So well said, GITM & Shannon. :yes:

What I love about MJ forums is the diversity of people and fans- it makes for very interesting discussion! :D No matter what type of fan of what level your fandom is, we should all be able to express our opinions about Michael in a respectful way. :yes: It's fun to discuss things with each other and learn from each other. :)
What you think is "constructuve criticism " is dissing for other , maybe you also should wonder if yourself can dissociate "constructive criticism" to "dissing" because it doesnt appear to me that you can .

As for prsonnal tastes theres no problem about it ,but respect also the other who disagree , it seems that if we think (excuse "some of us") think that michael IS the best you cannot bear it and you start to diss him by reapeating always the same thing .
there's no problem with disagreeing (i think one point of this thread is to address this) but to go branding fans on this board as "haters" or grading how much of a fan they are is of poor taste and sheds a bad light on the community as a whole, imo. if you see a negative point as disrespectful, i think it's better to leave it to the right people on the board (mods, admins) to deal with it instead of doing an all-out personal attack on that poster and steering the thread completely off-topic.
Serena, you've explicitly said I say "negative things about MJ" all the time when that is not true at all.

I said I can understand why someone put him as 13 on a list... not exactly a "diss", at least in my book. Especially when I already stated I'd personally have him higher.

You say "if you want us to respect your opinion, respect ours". Well, isn't that a two-way street? I certainly didn't fell any respect in your post in that thread.

In that post you said that you dont understand why people on this forum are upset about the 13 position something meaningless , as if they were stupid to think like that or react like that .

You think that if you constantely follow the public opinion or the journalist make you are more realistic or more objective than the fans , actually you think you are superior intelectually because you dont think in the same way than the common fans community .

The fact that "some of us " react strongly doenst mean we are blinded or fanatics which are your insinuations , sorry but when you make negative insinuations you cannot expect to receive flowers .
there's no problem with disagreeing (i think one point of this thread is to address this) but to go branding fans on this board as "haters" or grading how much of a fan they are is of poor taste and sheds a bad light on the community as a whole, imo. if you see a negative point as disrespectful, i think it's better to leave it to the right people on the board (mods, admins) to deal with it instead of doing an all-out personal attack on that poster and steering the thread completely off-topic.

just wanted to make sure everyone saw that ;)
In that post you said that you dont understand why people on this forum are upset about the 13 position something meaningless , as if they were stupid to think like that or react like that .

I never called or insinuated that anyone was stupid. I'm sorry you took it that way.

You think that if you constantely follow the public opinion or the journalist make you are more realistic or more objective than the fans , actually you think you are superior intelectually because you dont think in the same way than the common fans community .

If I followed public opinion, I wouldn't be posting on a Michael Jackson message board and I wouldn't be caught dead listening to his music in public. You couldn't possibly be further from the truth.

The fact that "some of us " react strongly doenst mean we are blinded or fanatics which are your insinuations , sorry but when you make negative insinuations you cannot expect to receive flowers .

And the fact that some of us don't always see things through rose-colored glasses doesn't make us any less of a fan.

This is obviously where we have a failure to communicate. All I said was simply that I can understand why someone would put MJ at number 13 on a list instead of number 1. Other people twist it into meaning something it is not. I'm understanding of certain opinions by other people is all.
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there's no problem with disagreeing (i think one point of this thread is to address this) but to go branding fans on this board as "haters" or grading how much of a fan they are is of poor taste and sheds a bad light on the community as a whole, imo. if you see a negative point as disrespectful, i think it's better to leave it to the right people on the board (mods, admins) to deal with it instead of doing an all-out personal attack on that poster and steering the thread completely off-topic.

I dont think a negative point is disrespecful , but it seems that some of you always state the same things or do it only to provoque the fans .

What is "constructive criticism " on the post called "Usher vs michael " ?? , if you didnt see that this thread was made only to provoque the fans , well i dont know what to do for you , you seemed to agree with neverlandprincess wereas it was obvious that the thread was made only to bash on michael and repeat again and again the same "constructive criticism" , when something is constantely repeated again and again , sorry but its no longer a "constructive critcism" but only hatred , i dont see where is the point always reapeated the same things ;

Tell me where was the point to make the thread "usher vsmichael " on the MJ section .
That seemed to me like an innocent thread where someone really likes Usher and it reminds them of the energy MJ had in the 80's.

Not every thread has a point, or a good one: some people are just innocent fans and get on here and post what is on there mind, even if it's not the greatest or most unique of ideas. They do it out of just being casual fans trying to enjoy themselves on a message board.
yep seems there's way too much reading into posts as if there's more written in between the original words always.

That's what I mean when I ask fans not to try and analyze fans lol if you've not really learnt it, analyzing ppl goes often wrong I guess.
I dont think a negative point is disrespecful , but it seems that some of you always state the same things or do it only to provoque the fans .

What is "constructive criticism " on the post called "Usher vs michael " ?? , if you didnt see that this thread was made only to provoque the fans , well i dont know what to do for you , you seemed to agree with neverlandprincess wereas it was obvious that the thread was made only to bash on michael and repeat again and again the same "constructive criticism" , when something is constantely repeated again and again , sorry but its no longer a "constructive critcism" but only hatred , i dont see where is the point always reapeated the same things ;

Tell me where was the point to make the thread "usher vsmichael " on the MJ section .

Well Usher and Michael do have a lot in common.
While Usher was inspired by Michael, Michael was inspired by others... like James Brown... that could have really been an interesting thread... it's gone now and I really see that as a failure of us... seems we're really not able to discuss interesting stuff which has some substance.

The Madonna dances a part of Thriller thread is also gone.
I as a Madonna fan also liked the youtube thing in there and would have liked to see if others saw that live before also etc.... it's gone also.
Is that a message for that an also Madonna fan has no space on here to enjoy also being a Madonna fan... that would be intolerance... not really anything else.
I never called or insinuated that anyone was stupid. I'm sorry you took it that way.

If I followed public opinion, I wouldn't be posting on a Michael Jackson message board and I wouldn't be caught dead listening to his music in public. You couldn't possibly be further from the truth.

And the fact that some of us don't always see things through rose-colored glasses doesn't make us any less of a fan.

This is obviously where we have a failure to communicate. All I said was simply that I can understand why someone would put MJ at number 13 on a list instead of number 1. Other people twist it into meaning something it is not. I'm understanding of certain opinions by other people is all.

I dont always see things through rose-colored glasses , YOU SEE ??, thats what you think about people who are positive they constantely see things through "rose-colored glasses " lol , what you think about me , i think it about you constantely see things through " black-colored glasses " (dont know the english expression but think you understand what i mean ) .

Maybe the board needs some fans like that if not the board would have been full of negativity all the time , nothing which give you the want to stay here .
And the fight continues - does anyone actually read????

I apologize, I didn't realize you wanted us to stop. I thought that post was quoted for emphasis for other threads. Consider it finished.
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That seemed to me like an innocent thread where someone really likes Usher and it reminds them of the energy MJ had in the 80's.

Not every thread has a point, or a good one: some people are just innocent fans and get on here and post what is on there mind, even if it's not the greatest or most unique of ideas. They do it out of just being casual fans trying to enjoy themselves on a message board.

"innocent fan" ? well thank you for being so much "objective" , again if you didnt see the goal of this thread i am speechless .

OK end of the story .
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I apologize, I didn't realize you wanted us to stop. I thought that post was quoted for emphasis for other threads. Consider it finished.
oh we have to stop? ok sorry... I'm out! I'm slow at times lol sorry!!! :innocent:
ur a fan of who ever you want.. no1 can tell u, ur not a fan..

that's stupid..

U may not be the 'biggest' fan, or the most obbsessed fan, but no1 can tell YOU who you like..

If u consider urself one, then yes...

I think if you like Michael enough to even check out his sites and joine a forum, you're a fan..

no1 just goes onto celebs sites for no reason..

Fan is short for fanatic.. But I don't think of it in that terms.. No1 really does.

If u appreciate a persons art and abilities on a deeper level than just liking some work by that person, ur a fan.. in my opinion..
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