MJ allways does the same moves?


Proud Member
Jul 29, 2005
I hate when people say this, because its not really true in all the dance breaks in his videos and live performances the choreography has allways been different, sure he does some moves like the spinning and the leg kick and all but thats because when he does them they are just done spontainoiusly(sp?) but when he does his proper dance routines they are ALLWAYS different!!!-_-
I hate when people say this, because its not really true in all the dance breaks in his videos and live performances the choreography has allways been different, sure he does some moves like the spinning and the leg kick and all but thats because when he does them they are just done spontainoiusly(sp?) but when he does his proper dance routines they are ALLWAYS different!!!-_-

That is very true.:yes: The moonwalk, the leg twist/kick, etc. are all signature moves IN the routine. And whoever it is that says all his routines are exactly the same probably haven't even SEEN all his routines.:lol: Just have them watch 'Thriller' first and then something like 'GHOSTS' and see if they still think it's all the same:lol:
I haven't heard anybody say this but if somebody says it it's because he envy his talent and smooth and awesome moves. He moves so naturally that it's incredible and unique. No one can move like Michael Jackson that's for sure, and I don't think I'm narrow-minded with this statement. People who try to imitate him look hilarious to me no matter how hard they try. Because those moves are not natural moves just the ones they've learnt. Michael is unique because he can move so good that when he imitates e. g. James Brown he does that so naturally that you might think it's "his" move. He mixed them with his own style.
People who say that are being absurd. First of all, every great dancer in history has had a set of signature steps they would regularly incorporate in to their routines, i.e. Fred Astiare, Eleanor Powell, etc... There's nothing wrong with having a set number of steps you perform, most especially when improvising, which is regularly when Michael actually performs his arsenal of signature steps, when he's dancing on the spot. Any dancer would do so, believe it. Nobody actually makes anything up on the spot, not without looking like a complete ass. Improvisation is simply the performance of steps you already have worked out, and then simply doing them impromptu. And another thing which makes the statement that Michael is repetitive so patently absurd is, he's probably the most versatile dancer I've ever seen. He can perform in any style or form of dance as equally well as the other. From tap, to jazz to ball room and hip hop. He can actually imitate the way other dancers move, not just the form in which they move, but their actual mannerisms and distinct motion. If you watch him imitate Fred Astaire, James Brown, Bob Fosse, etc... you'll see what I mean. Most dancers have concentrated on one form all their lives, and then when you throw some other genre at them, they don’t look good doing it at all. Beyond that, as others have already pointed out, each choreographed segment of Michael's features different steps, and he brings the same form to those steps as he does his regular arsenal, the same speed, accuracy, cleanness, and ease. And lastly, I don't know how many times I've said it, but it's true. The steps don't matter. All that matters is how well you execute those steps. And when Michael dances, his execution is the cleanest, fastest, most accurate, fluid and easy that I've ever seen. Simple, really. People who say Michael is too repetitive are mostly hip hop dance buffs who judge dancers not off of how well they actually move but off of how many steps they can jam in to a short segment. If you had someone judging from a show like dancing with the stars or so you think you can dance, they would judge it off of form, not off of variety. And that's what really counts, how good you look.
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For certain routines (i.e.- the beginning of 'billie jean' with the leg kicks, throwing of the hat, etc...) he has said that he would love to change some of them, but they are so synonomuos with a certain part of the song that he knows his fans WANT to see that! Especially when he does the kick and the mookwalk during the musical part towards the end of Billie Jean!!!!!

But otherwise, Michael is the best dancer and he can do it all, and he has done it all! Whoever says that has probably just seen him perform once or twice!!!!!