have u notice "the time change" in Remember The Time music video?!

Jul 25, 2011
lost, lonely & scared... wanna live with Michael i
i hope im chooing the right section. sorry i need time to learn :blush:

there is something i wish to know about the Remember The Time Video. i notice sth in it 2 years ago which i hadn't and its cuz i didn't know much about Egypt HIstory.

well as far as i am concerned, that country's HIStory is divided to 2 parts,
1. before islam
2 after islam

when the video begins in the palace, the time sure is before islam, the Ramsis lived looooooooooooooong ago even before christ, i think 2000.

but when :heart:Michael leaves, there is a huge change, A HUGE JUMP on the time. u see women with veils, men in Arabs costume and there is camel in the street and it sure it after islam. actually maybe 1000 A.D. and again the times goes back.

it sure ain't an error. and i think was intetinally. but i cant figure out what it means!

to me the story happens in one day and i cant get it why he flies in time a 1000 years! i think when he appearened in the palace he already had came from the future, i mean (in the story) a long after he'd fallen in love and was back to ask if she remembered the time.

so whats the jump in the time when he's with the girl? !!!
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weren't there women in veils when MJ was in the scenes though? They were dancing around him, remember?
i hope im chooing the right section. sorry i need time to learn :blush:

to me the story happens in one day and i cant get it why he flies in time a 1000 years! i think when he appearened in the palace he already had came from the future, i mean (in the story) a long after he'd fallen in love and was back to ask if she remembered the time.

so whats the jump in the time when he's with the girl? !!!
he's a ghost in there.....

killed once by the queen's husband...
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well it makes sense, because the theme is all about "time". And when he's on the street he ends up finding the queen and kissing her. So maybe he brought her into the future where it'll be 'ok' for them to be together. :unsure:
I have to say... well done for noticing it... you have great attention to detail. But to be honest, I think its just a lack of attention from whoever wrote the storyline and stuff. They just used a few stereotypes and didnt really think of the different time periods they are in.

Maybe im wrong tho.
he's a ghost in there.....

killed once by the queen's husband...
lol lol it seems thats he only reason!!!

well it makes sense, because the theme is all about "time". And when he's on the street he ends up finding the queen and kissing her. So maybe he brought her into the future where it'll be 'ok' for them to be together. :unsure:
well but he already was fro mthe future u see. he was from 1993 AD, returned to 2000 BC and then flew to 500 A.D!!!! :lol:

I have to say... well done for noticing it... you have great attention to detail. .
:thanks: :thanx:

But to be honest, I think its just a lack of attention from whoever wrote the storyline and stuff. They just used a few stereotypes and didnt really think of the different time periods they are in
i dont think so. the costumes r so evidently, so obviously different. cud it be they thought ppl in palace and ppl in town dressed differently? that a bit too far from u know a designer or a director. i think
I always assumed that in the video, MJ was from that time. That's how he and the queen got together. I never entertained the thought taht MJ came ALLLLL the way from 1993 to be with the queen...:lol: just cuz lol I just assumed that MJ was always placed in the ancient Egyptian period.

I think MJ somehow did a time jump though...thats why he just "appeared" in the archway when he was on the street. And after he made is appearing act, he was more relaxed and 'cool' cuz he knew he escaped lol
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I think this is very interesting
i also think it was intentional.
Directors and writers and such put in a lot of detail to stuff like that.
I might be wrong though but considering the song has to do with time i think all of that was thought out.

pretty cool that you caught that!
Very interesting... knowing how detail oriented Michael is, I bet it was intentional, and the fact that TIME is the main subject on the song it makes perfect sense.

TBH I never noticed any of those stuff, I was too busy choking in my own drool over how cute Michael was, so I didn't pay attention to the rest.

Kudos for checking out the details. :)
I think MJ somehow did a time jump though...thats why he just "appeared" in the archway when he was on the street. And after he made is appearing act, he was more relaxed and 'cool' cuz he knew he escaped lol

i just recalled something guys. the gaurds of palace also were in the street, looking for :heart:Michael. so it was NOT a flying through time since the gaurds followed :heart:Michael. they surely couldn't have flew through time. :heart:Michael was the only one with that magical power.
so .... im confused!!! :lol: ;)
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Naaa i dont think so. Bigger mistakes have been made in historical movies by big name directors, so it's not that hard to believe that the same happens for music videos lol
mjs is her dead ex lover, he returns due 2 some magical spell involvin cat litter lol
This whole scenario about why this or that is a moot point, if you listen to the words of the song.

Like the parts where he says...

"on the phone you and me 'til dawn, 'til 3"...


"In the Park, on the beach, you and me in Spain"...


In the Park, after Dark...

So the format of the video carries no weight with me, because the words don't fit anyway.:D

The conceptualization of the video wasn't exhibited very well, is all I can say.
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This whole scenario about why this or that is a moot point, if you listen to the words of the song.

Like the parts where he says...

"on the phone you and me 'til dawn, 'til 3"...


"In the Park, on the beach, you and me in Spain"...


In the Park, after Dark...

So the format of the video carries no weight with me, because the words don't fit anyway.:D

The conceptualization of the video wasn't exhibited very well, is all I can say.

I was just about to point that out! :mad::lol: Yeah the lyrics don't fit with the video!

Anybody else know any mistakes from an MJ short film? I love catching a mistake in a film.
I have to say... well done for noticing it... you have great attention to detail. But to be honest, I think its just a lack of attention from whoever wrote the storyline and stuff. They just used a few stereotypes and didnt really think of the different time periods they are in.

Maybe im wrong tho.
You are more than likely right.:lol: