Prince Appreciation Thread - For Fans


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Okay, where are all my Prince fans at? I know there are a lot of Michael fans such as myself who love Prince as well. After Michael, Prince is my favorite artist actually. What can I say about Prince really that hasn't been said already? I mean he's a musical genius and one of the greatest and most influential entertainers ever. I saw him on his "Musicology" tour three times back a few years ago and thought he was incredible. Definitely the best live performer i've ever seen.


My Top 10 Prince albums:

1)Sign 'O' The Times
3)Purple Rain
5)Black Album
6)The Rainbow Children
9)The Gold Experience
10)Diamonds & Pearls

What about everyone else? What is your fave Prince album (s), song, etc.?
Re: Prince...........

I love Prince, he's definitely one of my top favorite solo artists. He has so many great songs (Purple Rain, Erotic City, Cream, to name a few ;) )

I also really like his newer material. He's one of the few artists that I would buy an album without hearing any of the tracks beforehand. :yes:

Top Ten? Hmm, I guess I'd rank in this order:

1. Lovesexy
2. Emancipation
3. The Gold Experience
4. Come (an underrated masterpiece)
5. Around The World In A Day
6. Dirty Mind
7. Sign 'O The Times
8. Musicology
9. The Rainbow Children
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Re: Prince...........

1. Sign 'O' the Times
2. Purple Rain
3. 1999
4. Dirty Mind
5. Prince
6. Gold Experience
7. Parade
8. Controversy
9. Lovesexy
10. Love Symbol
Re: Prince...........

I only got a compilation late last year 'Prince Ultimate'. I love love love 'I wanna be your lover'!! it's soooo good! aswell as When Doves Cry and Little red Corvette. They are brilliant! and My Name Is Prince is hilarious!
Re: Prince...........

Did someone say Prince? :woohoo:

Prince and Michael Jackson are my favorite artists of all time.
I think Prince is a genious, and I'm not nearly finished listening to all his material. From the albums I've heard so far I like Purple Rain, Sign 'O' The Times, Parade, Diamonds And Pearls, 3121 and Around The World In A Day the best.
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Re: Prince...........

Best Prince songs for me:

7 (very underrated)
When Doves Cry
Sign O The Times
Diamonds & Pearls
U Got The Look
Sexy MF
Re: Prince...........

i'M a BIG Prince fan.

Love most...if not everything he's put out. Brilliant artist.
Re: Prince...........

i'm still trying to get into him :lol: so far I really like Purple Rain and 1999 :D
Re: Prince...........

His Web site still isn't working.
Re: Prince...........

Man I LOVE prince, also my fav artist second to mj.

Favorite songs:
1. Purple rain of course
2. I would Die For You
3. I wanna Be Your Lover
4. I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man (this song has such a VIBE to it. It makes me happy, and brings me WAY back to the 80s, cuz it sounds like such an 80s song :lol: ANd it takes me back,even when i can remember the part of the 80s that i lived through lol)
5. Cream (yum lol)
6. 7
8. The Greatest Romance Ever Sold
9. Adore (he PREACHED! in this song lol)
10. Black Sweat.
Re: Prince...........

Purple Rain is one of my favorite songs ever. And Prince is an amazing musician. And his slut-like behavior is hilarious too :D
Re: Prince...........

i like some of his songs. i have a few of his albums. i've heard he has released like 30 albums :eek: i have 7 of them :D
my fave songs are: i would die 4 u, cream, red corvette, 1999, kiss, oh sheila and others that i dont remember the titles of :p
Re: Prince...........

Oh Sheila isn't Prince but a group called 'Ready For The World'
Re: Prince...........

haha i love that song too! ^^ :lol:

"I want to te da dee la dee....ah te la de da loo" :lol:
Re: Prince...........

I have all of his albums (some as vinyl), a lot of the maxi-singles with the unedited full versions, and even a few "unofficials", lol.
Re: Prince...........

Does anybody else besides me think that Planet Earth was a fantastic album? I thought it was much better than 3121, in terms of the music and artwork.
Re: Prince...........

My top 10?
in random order:
Sign O' The Times
For You
The Gold Experience
Crystal Ball
Around The World In A Day
The Work Vol.1-6
Re: Prince...........

4. I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man (this song has such a VIBE to it. It makes me happy, and brings me WAY back to the 80s, cuz it sounds like such an 80s song :lol: ANd it takes me back,even when i can remember the part of the 80s that i lived through lol)

That is probably 1 of my all time favourite songs of his, it's always the 1 i put on if I'm in a good mood or I want to get into a good mood. There was a programme he did for MTV where he performed some songs called "Art of musicology"-found it on youtube, and he performed an acoustic version of that songs, have you seen it? you can still find it on dailymotion. Love that performance because he does acoustic version of "cream", "i could never take the place of your man", "sweet thing" and "sometimes it snows in april". Worth a look if you haven't already seen it.

Does anybody else besides me think that Planet Earth was a fantastic album? I thought it was much better than 3121, in terms of the music and artwork.
The cover artwork I thought was better on Planet Earth than musicology. On 3121 I thought it would have been better if they put his name on the cover. I thought Planet Earth was a great album. None of the songs sound the same and a good mix of fast paced and slow. Favourite tracks off Planet Earth are Guitar, 1 u wanna c, Chelsea Rodgers, Somewhere here on earth but when I play the cd I'm not tempted just to play those songs. I'll listen to the whole album.
Re: Prince...........

Planet Earth was great, and it's hard I think to compare it with 3121, cause they're quite different. But I love them both, PE is probably the better one.

So is any1 going to Dublin to see him??
Re: Prince...........

Planet Earth was great, and it's hard I think to compare it with 3121, cause they're quite different. But I love them both, PE is probably the better one.

So is any1 going to Dublin to see him??

I was thinking of going then I saw the size of the stadium-its much bigger than the o2 and the price of the tickets-higher than the o2 then the price of going over to ireland and accommodation. It's good for people who haven't seen him and everything because I bet he would put on a good show but for me personally I'm going to leave it. If he would do the o2 again I'd be there :punk:
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Re: Prince...........

I was thinking of going then I saw the size of the stadium-its much bigger than the o2 and the price of the tickets-higher than the o2 then the price of going over to ireland and accommodation. It's good for people who haven't seen him and everything because I bet he would put on a good show but for me personally I'm going to leave it. If he would do the o2 again I'd be there :punk:

Yes I wanna go to dublin but I can't afford it now, hopefully he'll play in more european cities this year
Re: Prince...........

i am going got a GOLD Circle A ticket ^_^
Re: Prince...........

He needs to come back to NYC! I haven't seen him since the Musicology tour.