share the L~O~V~E


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
so who do you love on here and why:wub:i love wendijane because she is kind:yes::yes:so what about you-_-
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Sweet idea... however I don't wanna hurt someone in might forgetting to name them here so I'll better not even start.

Also of cuz I don't wanna share all my 'secret lovers' on here! ;)
I love everyone here, truly, and from the bottom of my heart. You guys are practically my family, the best family I could ever ask for, especially during these difficult times. I really have no words with which to thank you that would suffice to paint the portrait of my gratitude. You just have to know that, despite the debates, the disagreements, the differences, the perspectives, at the end of the day, each and every one of us is part of the other. We are united in our grief, in our pursuit of justice, and most importantly, in our love for the man who holds each of our hearts in the palm of his hand.

With that said, happy icky love day to all of you, appleheads! :p
I love everyone on this forum, I love everyone who treats me with respect and every single MJ fan out there in the world is truly beautiful!

I love everyone!!!
Sweet thread...

I love my sister and parents, Michael and the children, my friends, my friends from here, the humble, the selfless, some other people, innocence, animals, birds, snow, the sky.... I wish I could love everyone. ..
I love everyone here, truly, and from the bottom of my heart. You guys are practically my family, the best family I could ever ask for, especially during these difficult times. I really have no words with which to thank you that would suffice to paint the portrait of my gratitude.

Oh, shucks... What's there left to add?.. I'm grateful for you, too, you do have a heart afterall...^ Hang in there, Mikage..

You just have to know that, despite the debates, the disagreements, the differences, the perspectives, at the end of the day, each and every one of us is part of the other. We are united in our grief, in our pursuit of justice, and most importantly, in our love for the man who holds each of our hearts in the palm of his hand.

True. Even though I love it to have my brains racked from time to time. ^

With that said, happy icky love day to all of you, appleheads! :p

Wishing you the same ickiness for this day. :p
There are so many people on this forum that I see as my friends. There are those I have only talked to online and not met in person (yet), there are those I have met, and there I those I see regularly. They're all people I see as friends but I would be here too long to mention them all, plus I would hate it if I missed someone out by accident so I'll just say they all mean a lot to me :)

But I'm going to give a special mention to 3 people in my life; they are known on this forum as Motsey, thrillerchild and kingofpop10.

It's no secret that Motsey is my boyfriend who I love very very much and feel very lucky to have in my life. Thrillerchild (my honorary twin) and Kingofpop10 (my honorary little-big brother) are two of my best friends in the whole world. These people have been a big part of my life since about August 2009 and we have helped and supported each other through a lot of stuff.

I don't want to gush too much but they know I love them all. And just for the occasion here is a picture of the 4 of us from 2 weeks ago when we went to Thriller Live:

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(from left to right) Motsey, me, kingofpop10 and thrillerchild with the Lyric tribute plaque of the man who brought us together.