The OFFICIAL "MICHAEL" Album Hype Thread!!!!1!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Disclaimer: As the title suggests, this is not a thread for arguments and debates, this is a thread to hype up the new album. Therefore, negative comments, no matter how true, are NOT welcome. If you're looking for debates and discussions with your fellow members, please go here. If you have any questions about the nature of this thread please read the FAQs before posting. If you have any critique or suggestion please PM me. Thank you for your time and enjoy!


Album Name: MICHAEL
Publisher: Sony
Number of Tracks: TBA
Producers: Teddy Riley, Lenny Kravitz, Rodney Jerkins,, Akon (Credit goes to smooth_criminal05)
Release Date: December 14th US
December 10th AU


Q: What's this album about?
It's a brand new album from the legendary artist Michael Jackson, it is the first studio album in nine years. It is also his first posthumous studio album.

Q: How many tracks will this album have?
That's still to be announced

Q: Did Michael write any of the songs in this album?
That still remains to be seen, although it's quite possible to have several songs co-written songs as well as self written ones.

Q: When can we expect to receive more info regarding this album?
Information has just started flowing, so news can drop at any given moment between today and December 14th. It's very likely to receive more details by the end of this month so check this thread frequently as the first post will continuously update.

Q: About this thread.. WTF is it?
It is as the name implies, a hype thread. It is here to get you excited about this upcoming masterpiece. It will also act as an information hub for anyone to collect details effortlessly whenever he or she needs. Therefore, this thread needs to be fully rid of Negative comments no matter how true the the comments may be. It should be noted that the "Reviews" section below will be removed if the collective verdict tipped against the album's favor. Selective reviews will also be removed if they caused any disruption amongst the members of this thread.

Q: That's not enough, I need to know what I can post and what I can't

This is about the most basic example I can give:

I like the album cover (This post is fine)

I do not like the album cover (This post is not fine and will be deleted)

Please understand it is not this forum's objective to silence any criticism surrounding the world of Michael Jackson. On the contrary, there are plenty of threads as well as administrators that support civil discussions and debates amongst members, if you wanted to practice such behaviors please follow the aforementioned link. Because this thread is just not about that. As stated earlier, this thread is to get people excited, burst with joy, and have the opportunity to share it with other members without the need to enter countless discussions. Don't focus on what can be improved, focus on what's been perfected! If you can't find any, lurk around. You will find something!

Q: So I can't post anything negative whatsoever?
No, you can't.

Q: Well what happens if I do?
If you so choose to look past the already countless warnings, you will have to adhere to MJJC's rules. The rules will be heavily reinforced Especially in this thread, so please don't ruin it for the rest of us. Nothing will come out of it.



Breaking News Teaser

Breaking News Teaser MP3 Download (Credit goes to electrickeyez)



Hope you all enjoy this thread. NOW HYPE THIS UP LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW!!! :punk:
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Credit goes to smooth_criminal05 (This is not all rumors, rather it's pretty much confirmed but it wasn't "officially" announced):

-There will be 10-12 tracks on the album
-Multiple single releases
-A music video
-Release date is the week of Dec 13th 2010 (Dec 14th in US)
-Huge promotion via television, radio, in store, billboard, and internet
-Breaking News is being tested on Monday for public reaction, if strong, it will be the first single

Latest News

This section will cover the latest news but unfortunately, we still don't have much to go on. Will be updated ASAP!
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cool album cover i think
im not sure when its comes in australia
can't waite i want oder myself a copy
cool album cover i think
im not sure when its comes in australia
can't waite i want oder myself a copy

The release date is going to be either December 10 or 14. Not sure yet, will definitely update as soon as I get official info.
I can't wait to see the tracklisting.

I reckon it might get leaked in the next week or two... man, that's gonna be a sweet day!!! :)


OMG, I really wanna hear that album. But I'm quite okay with settling on BN this Monday. Will be EPICNESS!
I love the cover!:clapping: I think it is amazing drawn and perfectly choosen for this incredibly special album!It celebrates his wonderful life and career!All his legacy is basicly summed up in one great picture!
I also love the title very much.I think it does blend in perfectly with the other album titles, despite what others may say.
To me it's like this:

Michael Jackson lived his life OFF THE WALL.

He was a THRILLER.

He was BAD.

He was even DANGEROUS.

He made HISTORY like no other.

That really made him INVINCIBLE.

But,at the end of the day,he was still just MICHAEL.

And he really was! :yes: Michael was always a humble and kind person,despite the fact that he was a super-nova in the entertainment world.:cheeky:
^ Wooow amazing! Yeah it's true that he lived OFF THE WALL, and he was THRILLER, BAD and even DANGEROUS.. he made HISTORY like no other and that made him INVINCIBLE .. But he still just our MICHAEL. :wub:
Do we know at what time BREAKING NEWS will premiere?

Can't wait to hear it!!! I've played the snippet on youtube over and over and over again!
Do we know at what time BREAKING NEWS will premiere?

Can't wait to hear it!!! I've played the snippet on youtube over and over and over again!

Sony is too stubborn to actually tell us when :lol: But thread will be updated ASAP when it's released.

BTW thread updates:

Producers added
Teaser Download added
rumors and latest news section added (you'll want to check this one out ;))
New video game, new music video, AND A NEW MJ ALBUM WITH NEW SONGS
The King is BACK!! :D
The REAL music is back!!
Do we know at what time BREAKING NEWS will premiere?

Can't wait to hear it!!! I've played the snippet on youtube over and over and over again!

You've probably seen in the other thread but it's at 12am EST Monday Morning :D