UPDATE: Jackson Fans Campaign to Have Name on School Uncovered


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Jackson Fans Campaign to Have Name on School Uncovered

Click on the link below to see video of MJ at the dedication.

In October of 1989, Michael Jackson attended a dedication ceremony at Gardner Street Elementary in Los Angeles to name the auditorium of the school where he was once a sixth grader in his honor. During the ceremony, his sixth grade teacher, Laura Gerson, lauded Jackson, remarking the honor came "as a token of our respect, and our love for you, not only as a performer, but as a fine human being."

But by 2003, Jackson's name had become more synonymous with tabloid fodder and his high profile legal troubles, particularly those involving children, and so the school decided to cover up his name on their auditorium.

Now fans are demanding the school uncover his name and re-honor the late King of Pop. They've launched a campaign to rally for the "outpouring of concern" Gardner Principal Kenneth Urbina said would prompt such action.

They've created a Facebook page, and are asking those who support the movement to download a letter they can sign and send to LAUSD Superintendent Ramon Cortines, as well as local district staff and Principal Urbina.

You can follow their campaign via Twitter to see if they are successful in their endeavor.


This is one of the letters we sent out through the Legacy Project Email Alert distribution list. I think we didn't get a great response; however, it looks like this initiative is picking up momentum. I hope they are successful. I did become a fan of this effort on Facebook. Peace, love and hugs to all...:angel::wub:
Thank You so much for doing all that can be done to get Michael's name uncovered again...he deserves it...he did nothing wrong and he deserves to be recognized for the good that he did...shame on them for covering it up in the first place..
[size=+2]Gardner St. School voted YES to uncovering MJ's name[/size]

Good morning supporters,

I just had another wonderful conversation with Mr. Urbina, the Principal of Gardner Elementary School. First I must thank him greatly for all his support he has shown us from the beginning. He was in support of this before we even contacted him. He is also just a wonderful man and has been nothing but kind, helpful, and a pleasure to talk and work with. I just can not say enough about him.

He did tell me the school just had a Back to School night and they took a vote on having the sign uncovered. Great news!!! They voted on YES!!! We thank the school PTA, Teachers, and Parents for their support in this matter. This is really big!!

He also said he did speak to Mr. Cortines, the Superintendent of the LAUSD yesterday. He is anxious to hear what we have to say on the 19th. But I will say the 19th will be big!!

Listen everyone, let me just say that this WILL be done. Our patience and peserverance WILL pay off.

Mr. Urbina also said he was inpressed with how we have conducted ourself in our campaign and comends us all. I have full confidence that all of our hard work and your support will not be in vain. Michael Jackson's Name WILL BE UNCOVERED!!!

Also just to remind everyone I did post earlier that we were in a TMZ article today. The writer has contacted me and IS a Michael Jackson fan and supports us! I wrote him back my feelings on TMZ, lol, but thanked him for the nice article which was all true. I asked him to mention the campaign's actual name too.

So much happening that is ALL GREAT!!! So once again, I will tell you all , MICHAEL'S NAME WILL BE UNCOVERED!!!

I really appreciate all of your help and really have much love for you. We would not be where we are today without all of the supporters around the world. Be proud to be part of a wonderful campaign to clear Michael's name and have it UNCOVERED once and for all!!! We are making HISTORY her for Michael Jackson. Feels great to be apart of it.

Much LOVE, Jennifer Marino

The TMZ article:

MJ -- Controversy Over Elementary School Exposure
10/14/2010 12:40 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson's name is taking center stage in a controversial cover-up ... one involving kids, an elementary school -- and a group of MJ fans looking to literally clear his name.


It's all over a building once called the Michael Jackson Auditorium located at Gardner Elementary School in Los Angeles -- where MJ attended classes back in 1970.

Michael's name was proudly displayed on the building from 1989 until 2003 ... when in the wake of the molestation allegations, school officials used plywood to cover up the words Michael and Jackson.

But an MJ support group claims it's an unfair punishment since MJ was never convicted of any wrongdoing ... and after he died, they launched a campaign to uncover MJ's name on the building.

And the campaign appears to be working -- so far, they've obtained more than 2000 signatures -- and got a meeting to plead their case in front of the school board next week.

The Board of Education confirmed the meeting -- but had no further comment.

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[SIZE=+2]Gardner St. School voted YES to uncovering MJ's name[/SIZE]

The TMZ article:

MJ -- Controversy Over Elementary School Exposure
10/14/2010 12:40 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson's name is taking center stage in a controversial cover-up ... one involving kids, an elementary school -- and a group of MJ fans looking to literally clear his name.


It's all over a building once called the Michael Jackson Auditorium located at Gardner Elementary School in Los Angeles -- where MJ attended classes back in 1970.

Michael's name was proudly displayed on the building from 1989 until 2003 ... when in the wake of the molestation allegations, school officials used plywood to cover up the words Michael and Jackson.

But an MJ support group claims it's an unfair punishment since MJ was never convicted of any wrongdoing ... and after he died, they launched a campaign to uncover MJ's name on the building.

And the campaign appears to be working -- so far, they've obtained more than 2000 signatures -- and got a meeting to plead their case in front of the school board next week.

The Board of Education confirmed the meeting -- but had no further comment.


Vici, this is great news...baby steps we are taking to clear Michael's name. :yes: I wish I could attend the meeting on the 19th; however, I'm sure we will receive an update. Thank you so much for keeping us updated on this.
I'm writing emails in support of this as well. Can't wait to see what happens on the 19th. Hope everything gets cleared up, and that Michael's name is rightfully restored in that auditorium.
Oh I was wondering why this came back up. Thanks a bunch. I met with the principle and some of the staff. They showed me the big board he signed and said they had to put it up. Since they uncovered Michael's name, I usually send money for supplies each September. Last year, I did so in person and to see how grateful they are is very touching.