Michael Jackson filmed during a break on the set of the Martin Bashir interview

Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

New clip from same Youtube account that gave us the two other unreleased clips!

Enjoy :)

Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

God that man makes my skin crawl.

He's so two faced it's embarassing to watch.

And I hate the way he was trying to force Michael to agree to let him write something for Maurice Gibb's funeral.
Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

God! I hate bashir!!!!
Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

How low is that? Badgering Michael to allow him to write something for Maurice Gibb's funeral. The man sickens me.
Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

Talking about Liz Taylor.. " Do you know what? We are going to lose her soon, i'm telling you.. she's not young"

What a nasty thing to say to Michael about someone he loved so dearly.

Didn't really like anything said in that clip. :sleep:
Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

Michael kept his sweetness though. He had so much patience with this utterly annoying Bashir.
Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

Talking about Liz Taylor.. " Do you know what? We are going to lose her soon, i'm telling you.. she's not young"

What a nasty thing to say to someone about someone Michael loved so dearly.

Didn't really like anything said in that clip. :sleep:

Couldn't believe my ears when I heard him say that.
Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

is this how bashir sweetened michael up..Suckin up to him like a lolly pop...on the one hand we should not be allowed to see this footage of michael in a sense but in another way..it just shows how michael iis in the right and a prime example of how people manipulated their intentions for their own selfish gains...

On the one hand bashir is saying ' Would you like to help me write a speech for you...wana go to the movies..Then the camera is rolling and he is painting him out to be a man fixated with children in a sexual way and someone who should be thought off as UNUSUAL AND A FREAK...and yet here he is ASKING HIM to go out to the movies and offering favours..

What a two faced piece of dirty...I am glad he has gone into obscurity and will never get a big interview again..It just shows how everyone knew michael won...

But to be this nice and supportive and helpful and to then ask those types of questions ( not talking about bashir off camera on the voice overs) in this final interview..Because this is the inteview where bashir really asks questions that tried to paint michael in a certain way..I am just surprised mj was still so friendly and open to him..Perhaps this clip was before the interview started which would make sense

But to ask him the questions he asked and to then be like this in the break...If i were mj I woulda been like ...'Sorry are you kidding me, you wana be all nice now cameras are off?''

So two faaced..But by then it was too late..Perhaps mj realised how two faced he was in this final interview..But nothing could be done by that time...So sad
Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

sums it up that hes doing well in the U.S
Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

OMG ..He said to mj ' You are looking so sexy..'

and then proceeds to focus on mj's nose and probe him on how many operations he has had and his appearance...

I think this is literally the most two faced interviewer in the history of broadcasting..I can't think of anyone else soo artificial
Thank you! I haven't seen this footage before. Michael is so adorable, I love him so much.

And I can't believe the way Bashir was talking to him like they were best friends, paying him compliments and calling him "boss" and inviting him to the movies. He is such a manipular, it's unbelievable. Poor Michael, he's such a trusting person, he didn't have a single chance :(

Can anybody please make a transcript of what Michael is saying? He's talking too quietly and it's hard for me to understand him sometimes... Thanks in advance!
what did they say about Tatum O'Neal?? Michael's face was priceless at that moment.
Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

This video proves once again that Bashir is an asshole and that Michael is the sweetest ever...

Thanks for sharing
Thanks for posting tho bashit makes my blood boil how he is acting as michaels best friend. Great to hear michaels comments thi :)
Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

what goes around comes around
Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

Bashir's an ass and we know it. Michael is looking gorgeous as always, keeping his cool. Man, I love him so much.
Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

If any nice friend would ever do a transcript of this, I would really appreaciate it. I can hardly understand a word :(
shame in my English
Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

Thanks :wub:
Martin Bashir shut the hell up! ugh!:evil: just yapping away, with his two-faced self and I can hardly hear what Michael was saying!

We should be able to look up the word HYPOCRITE and see Martin Bashir's name as one of its meanings!

Talking about Liz Taylor.. " Do you know what? We are going to lose her soon, i'm telling you.. she's not young"

What a nasty thing to say to Michael about someone he loved so dearly.

Didn't really like anything said in that clip. :sleep:

Thats what he said about Liz! that bastard! If I were Michael I would've slapped him across the face then!

All these behind the scenes clips make you realize just how Martin Bashir 'set up' Michael from the start. Michael was just too damn nice, but then again thats why we all loved him so much.
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Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

yeah well that brain tumour aint doing nothing

uhm, know I probably should'nt have laughed at that comment, but I just could'nt help it, it was funny.

In any case Elusive, the wicked people are left on this earth to just torture the rest of mankind it would seem.
That Liz Taylor mentioning was just lame. Why bring up that for? Oh right, he's a journalist and he wants some emotion and feel. SIGH!!

I loved watching Michael though, my goodness his laugh, another new laugh I hadn't heard. I love him.

Tatum O'neil comment was kinda fun, in a sense, LOL.
Amazing stuff we see the real michael laugh and talk about his emotions! thanks so much for this videos i just dont listen to bashir only look at michael :)
Bashir is a real @sshole, hate him and never stop hating! I'm a peaceful person, but when i see Bashir my whole systems start to boil! Michael had so much trust in him and Bashir deceived him in the most ugly way, pretending being his friend..
What would I do to be sitting there talking with Michael, but I would certainly not say the things Bashir said. Karma rocks btw.
Bashir is a real @sshole, hate him and never stop hating! I'm a peaceful person, but when i see Bashir my whole systems start to boil! Michael had so much trust in him and Bashir deceived him in the most ugly way, pretending being his friend..

Yep..no bashir, no trial........

And do you guys see how the real Michael talks???
Not this peter pan crap!!!! Damn it!!!

I hate bashir.