My Day At Neverland


On Monday April 4 2005, my dream cam true and I spent a magical few hours inside Neverland with Michael and his beautiful family. It was the Day Of The Roses of Love Project.

This was a project organised by fans online on the forums(KOP Board and MJJFORUM mainly) and in Santa Maria as a way of showing Michael that the whole world was supporting him, not just the ones who were acatually in Santa Maria.

A paypal account was created and fans around the world sent money to buy a Rose for Michael.

On The day, there were seven huge baskets of roses as well as individual flowers.

Michael was soo overwhelmed by the gifts of the roses, that he invited all the fans there that day, about 60 of us, to spend some time with him in his home.
It was totally unexpected, totally unplanned and totally magical.

It was the most amazing experience of my life. All we wanted to do was to make Michael smile, and feel the support of the fans around the world and we got something so precious in return.

Being at Neverland that day, being welcomed by Michael into his home, is something I will never forget.

After Micheal had been presented with the roses at the main gate and gone into Neverland, we were all just in a group outside the main gates. Every was soo happy and it was such a lovely atmosphere.

Then the unexpected happened. Securiity were talking in a group and then they opened the gates and came out to talk to us. Every one was surprised and didnt know what was going on. The guard said that no one was to leave yet as there was something else. We just were in shock, what else could happen. Then he got a call on the radio and told everyone to be quite as he had something to tell us. My heart was just beating soo fast, what was he going to tell us. When it was finally quite, he said that we were all being invited inside, and to go back to our cars and to drive inside to the main carpark.

OOOOOOOMGGGGGGGG everyone just started screaming and crying. I just stood there in shock, shaking with tears rolling down my face. I just remember hugging my friend soo tightly, while both of us were crying. Everyone was crying, mothers with young children, even all the guys, it was just soo overwhelming, the shock, the joy, the excitement, the unbelievableness of it, the fact that we had all dreamed of being inside but never dared hope it would happen to us.

It took us about 10 minutes, maybe more, to compose ourselves and move away from the gates back to our cars.

Going though those brown gates, and actaully into the property, seeing for the first time what is not visable from the main entrance, is something indescribable.

My heart was beating soo soo fast but at the same time, I tried to remain calm, to really take in everything and try to remember as much as I could.

video of ROSE OF LOVE project made by one of the organisers

This is a video of a British tv documentry about the fans in Santa Maria, which includes footage of the Day of The Roses

(I wrote this when I first watched that video)
oh god, sitting here with tears rolling down my face... the memories just flooding back... I met all those fans, some I am still in contact with...
its all in my head, everything you see, the screams, the joy, the heartache....

OMMMGGGGG thats me at 2.01 at the fan convention

I remember the unbelievable emotions at hearing Michael on the telephone, talking to us. That was on Saturday 2 April 2005

At 3.57, thats me, dressed in white , wearing a fedora, with a green flag (Irish Flag) wrapped around me, taking a photo of the roses.

The girl at 4.10, putting up the banner is one of my friends.

Thats me again at 4.21
and at 6.31 to 6.53 thats my reaction to the inviation into Neverland
Wow. That is all really amazing! If I believed in a god I would call it a blessing. I will say that all of you deserved to go there and meet him that day. It must have been beyond magical.

I think all of Michael's fans know that he loves them, but you guys were there to show your support that day and he was so sweet to thank you all back that way. The great thing about it all is that the relationship between Michael and us fans has always been filled with LOVE, which is not something everyone can say with certainty.

In any case, I am sure you'll cherish that experience until the end of time. Thanks so much for sharing the magic with those of us who could not be there due to our personal circumstances.
Wow, what a beautiful, beautiful story. That must have been so amazing. I think all of you will cherish that day for ever. He knew he was loved and supported and he really has amazing fans.
awwww so wonderful that you got to be there! I wanted to donate for roses so badly then but I didn't have paypal or credit card and my parents didn't let me use theirs :(
wow, as I have said before, lucky u. I wish.
With your unwavering support, I would have to say well deserved.
The videos made me cry, how sweet. MJ fans are the best :hug:
it's so wonderful, thanks for sharing... Michael was such a amazing person, so kind towards his fans, he truly loved us.
Wow amazing! I love stories like this.. you're so lucky! :blush:
Thanks for sharing! :flowers:
Thank you for sharing your memories! Such an amazing story!

This is a picture of Michael with the roses. His smile is so beautiful :wub:
www, wonderful story. Thank you for sharing :flowers: There's no one who loves his fans as much as Michael, and it's two-way street... Aw, I miss'im :cry:
And I am really happy for you, moonstreet :hug:
Thank you for sharing. It's wonderful that you could visit Neverland.
Awwww, that sounds so wonderful :)
You were all so lucky, and Michael must have been so happy to have such a special afternoon during that difficult time.
What did he say in Private Home Movies... "My fans really show me their love, and I love them just as much.." :wub:
He was so special :cry:
Thanks a lot for sharing that precious memory :flowers:
WOW! Im stoked! ..thanks for sharing all that, its opened my eyes and given me a real thrill to know and read this story.
omg.. thank you so much for sharing this :wub:
your very very lucky,
my heart is actually bursting with love for Michael, hes so, just, amazing. :wub:
Michael´s generosity was immerse and his fans devotion never-ending. This story is one of many proofs how strong and amazing bond there has been, is and always will be between Michael and us, his fans.