All TMZ stories about Conrad Murray

Re: Dr Murray to have his own supporters outside the Court House June 14th...

thats ok he can have anyone he wants...he is still a MURDERER ..that wont change no matter WHO he has out there supporting him.

yup u r right.but seriously world is full of ignorant people.
Seems to be TMZ stirring things up to get hits. Who in their right mind would support Conrad Murray? The man killed someone with his stupidity and recklessness-who would support that?
Yes that's what I think too. TMZ is stirring things up on a regular basis.

Seems to be TMZ stirring things up to get hits. Who in their right mind would support Conrad Murray? The man killed someone with his stupidity and recklessness-who would support that?
remember his patients released statements / went to TVs etc to show support. so I guess it's possible.
TMZ is making fun of Murray's supporters in their own way by coming up with that silly ideas.

See this is why it is best to read and understand before you post. I did not realize that those were ideas from TMZ. LOL! They are so ridiculous. Well I hope it doesn't give Murray supporters any ideas!
Yes it is possible but I suspect that TMZ is taking a lot of license to stir up Michael's fans.

remember his patients released statements / went to TVs etc to show support. so I guess it's possible.
Joel Osteen Invites Conrad Murray for a Pray Date

Originally posted 27 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
Pastor numero uno Joel Osteen will have a special guest at his weekly sermon today -- none other than Dr. Conrad Murray.


Sources tell TMZ the doc accused of killing Michael Jackson has been invited into Osteen's inner sanctum at Lakewood Church in Houston, TX. We don't know why Osteen personally invited Dr. Murray. In fact, we're told Dr. Murray isn't sure why he was invited either ... although he's an active member of his Houston church.

We're told Murray will arrive at the church in the morning and go in through a "bunker-like" entrance -- and he won't be given the entry code until just before he arrives.

With all that security, it's almost as if Murray has a meeting with ... nevermind.

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Murray is going to have supporters. The patients he treats are all poor. Where are they going to get healthcare from if he goes to jail?
Re: Dr Murray to have his own supporters outside the Court House June 14th...

They aren't Murray supporters, they're MJ haters.
more than likely. especially the fact he has no paitents in cali. so i doubt broke ass ppl who had him treat them casue they couldnt afford anyone else will be flying to L.A to support him from houston. anyway prob just tmz B.S looking for a reaction. who cares. he aint gonna have no supporters in the showers in prison
Its getting close to the court date so of course they're gonna come up with more stuff to bash MJ.
This just breaks my heart. I have watched Joel on TV for many, many, many years. Watching him helped lead me to rejoin a church and get baptized and commit to being a Christian. I know we teach forgiveness in Christianity, but I'm just not there yet for Murray and I sort of feel like I've been kicked in the stomach right now.

Joel Osteen Invites Conrad Murray for a Pray Date

Originally posted 27 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
Pastor numero uno Joel Osteen will have a special guest at his weekly sermon today -- none other than Dr. Conrad Murray.


Sources tell TMZ the doc accused of killing Michael Jackson has been invited into Osteen's inner sanctum at Lakewood Church in Houston, TX. We don't know why Osteen personally invited Dr. Murray. In fact, we're told Dr. Murray isn't sure why he was invited either ... although he's an active member of his Houston church.

We're told Murray will arrive at the church in the morning and go in through a "bunker-like" entrance -- and he won't be given the entry code until just before he arrives.

With all that security, it's almost as if Murray has a meeting with ... nevermind.

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This just breaks my heart. I have watched Joel on TV for many, many, many years. Watching him helped lead me to rejoin a church and get baptized and commit to being a Christian. I know we teach forgiveness in Christianity, but I'm just not there yet for Murray and I sort of feel like I've been kicked in the stomach right now.

I agree with you..Joel is a wonderful preacher. I too am a Christian...I am also finding it hard to forgive Murray....I guess it will take us some time...If I am ever able to.
Joel Osteen -- Dr. Murray Invited Himself

Originally posted 40 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
Joel Osteen's people are ticked ... saying they didn't invite Dr. Conrad Murray to Osteen's service yesterday -- Dr. Murray invited himself.


According to sources connected with Dr. Murray ... TMZ first reported Osteen personally invited Dr. Murray and even gave him a secret code to enter Osteen's Houston church.

But Osteen's rep tells TMZ they were approached by Dr. Murray's people who said the doctor was in need of prayer and Osteen agreed to pray with him.

One of Osteen's reps griped to TMZ, "It seems like this was more of a PR move than seeking actual prayer."
Murray's Visit to Osteen Church Not for PR

Originally posted 5 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
Joel Osteen's right-hand man tells TMZ Dr. Conrad Murray was indeed invited to come to Osteen's church yesterday "to pray and worship," and met with Osteen privately before the service.


TMZ first reported Osteen invited Murray to the service. Someone from Osteen's media relations department told us it was a PR stunt, but the guy who runs the PR department says that's not true.

Donald Iloff, Jr., the Chief of Strategic Operations for Osteen (and Osteen's brother-in-law), tells TMZ, "Dr. Murray did call the church to speak with Osteen a while back but Osteen was not available. Osteen's rep then invited Dr. Murray to yesterday's service." So, Dr. Murray truly was invited.

Iloff says Murray met privately with Joel and Victoria before the service. We do not know what they talked about.

After the meeting, Iloff says Dr. Murray attended the service. "He was really engaged in the worship service," Iloff says.
I still think it's a PR stunt, Murray should be asking for forgiveness for the crime he committed.
Murray can do all the PR stunts he wants. It makes him look like the idiot that he is.
I were glad he were one.
Idiots are stupid, they don't know and understand what they are doing.

But he, he knows for sure what he has done and what he is doing now.
He has no scruples, no morals to do such things (TMZ^^), that makes me soooooooooo angry, I can't described.

He had the nerve to go out in public (jogging on the beach, with his lawyer, reading newspapers in a café near the courthouse) and acting like a poor, unfair handled man who has nothing done wrong. *pfft*

It's all strategy, of course, I know it, but sometimes ... :mat:
It's way better I live so far from L.A.!
remember his patients released statements / went to TVs etc to show support. so I guess it's possible.
It may be possible,however, MJJ fan's will out number MURRAY's. Aren't most of his patients on medicare? just sayin...
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murray has no paitents in cali. who gonne ship them to L.A from houston? only ppl that will be there are mj haters not murray supporters. and probably there will be no one.

keep up with the p.r stunts murray. just makes u look even more guilty.

if you geniunly want to pray you should do it privately, without announcing it to the whole world and going to a famous preacher.

I agree. PR move on both sides and I think it backfired. Murray's legal team or publicists are really horrible. The creepy YouTube video Murray made, the staged TMZ photos (running on the beach, posing outside of the Great Mausoleum) and now this just make Murray look even more cold, callous and guilty.
Dr. Murray -- Turn Your Head and Coffee

Originally posted May 14th 2010 12:30 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
Dr. Conrad Murray has fans ... with whipped cream on top.


Murray -- who's due in court next month in the Michael Jackson manslaughter case -- was corralled by a fan Wednesday at a Houston Starbucks.

She gave us the pic but asked us to blur her face.

It's all about taking precautions.
Oh gosh...I hope I don't run into him....:(

See how happy and calm he looks? This is what I was talking about.

When the trial comes, then he'll put on his mask, and look like some sad innocent man, who's been going through lots of stress for months.
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