Michael Jackson - 'Dangerous' Will Cost You

Not to be mean but in reference to Wyclef and I am a fan of his and the Fugees. I don't like how he called MJ about owing him money. See things have a way of correcting themselves. He has done some great things with Haiti for years now, but recently his integrety came into question about his foundation and money. And he did admit he made mistakes but people will not allow Michael to make mistakes he had to be perfect. So MJ may have owed some of these people monies but some are going about it the right way and some want to embarrass and add on to the Mad Mad World of Michael Jackson. That is what pisses me off and it hard to distinguish between the legit and the bogus bull.

Wyclef said MJ owed him money? What a Joke, Specially since he "STOLE" Money from his haiti relief fund to pay hotels and studio time, Wyclef can go str8 to H*ll.
I wonder why everybody waited SO long after Michael passed to file there claims, He might be owed only $4700 dollars and the rest is probably interest rates!!!!
I think this had less to do with Michael, and more to do with some of the shady characters who "handled" his business affairs while he was alive. Business is finally getting done and at a swifter pace now, so the select few with a legitimate claim to money will be paid.

and this is what I have always thought in regards to MJ owing monies. I don't think it was Michael not paying people. He prob thought he was paying people but the people dealing with his monies...were doing who knows what with it.

Would have been nice if Branca and co..could have handled MJ's finances when he was still with us. Glad everything is getting settled now so that the kids do not have to deal with when they are older.
IDK if this is legit, on the surface it seems so, but I don't think musicians get royalties, so I can't understand that if the claim is valid why not do it years ago?

Isn't the deadline for claims at the end of this week? It will be a big relief.
You guys do remember that Michael was cash strapped for a while. People who sued him during that time are the real assholes (Assuming he even owned them the money they claimed). The proper thing to do is to wait for him to get his personal finances together first, then ask for what he owes you. This is especially important in this case since Michael and Brad were friends.
is this the guy ?
yep, thats Brad Buxer, A GOOD GOOD GUY :yes:

tmz wants to make him look bad, duh....:puke:

but Brad is GOOD and is not that much money,

confirming what i just said this is a good guy, watch the video above, he is humble, Michael saw he was a talented musician

FANTASTIC, another musician confirming Michael had all the sounds already on his mind.... G-E-N-I-U-S :bow:
Well, perhaps we can keep in mind that T-Mez is on this list as well. They're not all bogus claims. Although some definitely are. So far, I haven't seen one to top the guy who added payment for ice cream to his claim. lol Well, that and those Billie Jean claims.
Well, perhaps we can keep in mind that T-Mez is on this list as well. They're not all bogus claims. Although some definitely are. So far, I haven't seen one to top the guy who added payment for ice cream to his claim. lol Well, that and those Billie Jean claims.

I gotta agree, although there are many stupid and asinine lawsaits. I think that less than 1 precent are legit. Being a huge artist or and all. :(
http://books.google.com/books?id=EK...YE&cd=5#v=onepage&q="michael jackson"&f=false

And while searching google books, I found this from 1972, the first Michael Jackson lawsuit I found. :eek: I wonder what was the outcome of this one.

well, that's an eye opener. but it fits with the pattern. they don't sue unsuccessful people for stealing. they only sue successful people, for stealing. that's what makes all the lawsuits suspect. if the suits were legit, they'd find a way to punish the target of the suit, no matter how much success the person has, or doesn't have.
^^ I have been trying to see what happened with the lawsait like what was the verdict of it but it seems lost in time. I am trying to figure out why sue a 14 year old kid when they could have sued the adults that did the sketch.
You guys do remember that Michael was cash strapped for a while. People who sued him during that time are the real assholes (Assuming he even owned them the money they claimed). The proper thing to do is to wait for him to get his personal finances together first, then ask for what he owes you. This is especially important in this case since Michael and Brad were friends.

In the end it doesn't matter; people want their money. I wouldn't care,and I am sure John landis, T-mez, and the others don't either because they have to live too. Lets not forgot that MJ was still living very wealthy even though he was not pulling alot of "real" cash in. Its going to take years prob to get the financial situation of the estate figured out.I can't blame any of the seemingly legit claims because when you sign a contract, it is what it is.
In the end it doesn't matter; people want their money. I wouldn't care,and I am sure John landis, T-mez, and the others don't either because they have to live too. Lets not forgot that MJ was still living very wealthy even though he was not pulling alot of "real" cash in. Its going to take years prob to get the financial situation of the estate figured out.I can't blame any of the seemingly legit claims because when you sign a contract, it is what it is.

SEEMINGLY legit, you say? if you can't tell for sure, why always err on the side of never giving MJ the benefit of the doubt?

if those people gotta live, they can get a job. if MJ could keep his stuff in order, why can't they? people gotta stop blaming their own bad economy on others with their own good economy.

these people should be responsible to get their own financial ship in order, instead of spending a lifetime suing people.

people need to stop punishing MJ for having his financial act together, while theirs is not together.

maybe they should go to business school.

how come MJ never had a need to seek out people to sue, in order for him to have money?
SEEMINGLY legit, you say? if you can't tell for sure, why always err on the side of never giving MJ the benefit of the doubt?

if those people gotta live, they can get a job. if MJ could keep his stuff in order, why can't they? people gotta stop blaming their own bad economy on others with their own good economy.

these people should be responsible to get their own financial ship in order, instead of spending a lifetime suing people.

people need to stop punishing MJ for having his financial act together, while theirs is not together.

maybe they should go to business school.

how come MJ never had a need to seek out people to sue, in order for him to have money?

LOL..I won't say anything because I will probably be banned. I would recommend some research though
LOL..I won't say anything because I will probably be banned. I would recommend some research though

research is subjective. habits can be seen from afar. if you have to say something that would get you banned, then you lost your argument.

do you know why the Vatican felt comfortable saying nice things about MJ? it's because they see a lot of qualities in MJ that make them feel comfy saying good stuff about him. and those qualities are usually stuff that some people envy. the kind of envy that the Vatican feels is familiar envy toward someone with the kind of qualities that the Vatican would recognize as a relationship between those qualities and the envy based hate, that those qualities give rise to.

financial envy is included in this relationship. the kind of financial envy toward Michael.

no. the Vatican is not saying that MJ is God. they are saying that MJ handled his affairs in a moral fashion, including his financial affairs.

then there is the glowing kudos that Donald Trump gave to Michael for how he handled his finances.

so, if you want to see negative, it's because you are seeking it out.
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Wyclef said MJ owed him money? What a Joke, Specially since he "STOLE" Money from his haiti relief fund to pay hotels and studio time, Wyclef can go str8 to H*ll.
Yeah he said that, i well remember it... i even remember he's face, or maybe im just imagining it :puke: oh no, please NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wyclef Jean, what a man....

Back to topic Brad Buxer is an awesome guy who remained friends with Michael, and he's a wonderful musician

tmz is just trying to making him look bad, but we KNOW...