My Book - Michael - By His Fans, For His Fans, I need your help!


Proud Member
Oct 9, 2011

Hi Guys

When Michael passed away it was to the forums that I turned to, to try to find answers..... and friends. However, I was so saddened to find so many others like my self struggling with their grief, bourne out of the sheer frustration and anger over the way he passed away and the length of time it is taking to get any answers. I wanted to do something......but what - a 'call to arms' went largely ignored. It was after a long evening with an old friend, to whom I poured my heart out , and who subsequently suggested that the best way to cope with grief is to put your feelings on paper. I thought about this and thought - "well if it can work for me, perhaps it will help some of you guys". I also thought that there are books ON MICHAEL, but none about us, his fans, the people who have been there with him through thick and thin, happy times....and sad. So why not do a book, working title ‘Michael – By his Fans, For his Fans!

For this as I mentioned, I need you to send my your Michael Jackson stories, good or bad, happy or sad. How have you coped with his loss? Do you have any advice to give to other fans as to how to cope? How long have you been a MJ fan? Anything as long as it has to do with Michael

I would also be grateful if you could send me any pictures you have of anything that you have or have done that Involves Michael. These could even take the form of drawings you have done.

The idea is that all the stories you guys send me into will be organized into a book (possibly 'coffee table' sized) and divided up into chapters according to countries / continents. Each fan whose story is included will have their own page and 'photoalbum'. However, obviously I wont be able to fit everybody's story in, so for those not included I have got the services of a graphic artist who will take their photo's and turn them into a mosaic picture of Michael (which will grace the back cover). These fans will then be given the opportunity to purchase a copy of the picture, along with the precise position of their pictures within it. The best bit is that the proceeds of this book are going to The Neverland Hope Fund ( Guys with the sales from this book we could help them secure Neverland forever, so, please, please, I am desperately relying on your stories & photo's guys to make it work

At the time or writing I have also been in contact with Deborah Campsie Kunesh (the lady behind and she has given me the big thumbs up for the project along with helping me to set up a website (, please have a look at the site since it will give you a better idea of what I need from you guys. I have also got the help of one of Michaels closest friends - Mark Lester. I know that a lot of you will have negative feelings about the guy, however, he has offered to help with this project and that to my mind is good enough for me – remember Michael was good at forgiving and so should we be!

I will say one other thing - please, please dont rush it. This has to be from the heart!! The whole idea is to show the world what type of person a 'Michael Jackson Fan' is. I also know that it will be painful and for that I apologise but hopefully (in a year or so's time) it will be worth it when you can read your story along with others in print!!

Once again thank you - I would like to think Michael would approve!!

Keep the Faith:clapping:
Hi there Debbi, remember me?

Just wanted to remind you what I told you on MJ.COM, please do not copy and paste any of my posts on MJJC for your book
This is a wonerful idea! I dont know what i could contribute because i dont feel im copeing very well right this minuite. But it sounds wonderful, good luck with it! :)