Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Oh wow...some amazing stories in here once again. Is there a date already for the meditation?

Hope everyone here is doing fine - not so well myself, every time I think I'm doing okay I get shocked by seeing that clip for TII on tv or something else, just these small things you know. Ugh. :boohoo:

Hug for all of you! :hug:
Oh wow...some amazing stories in here once again. Is there a date already for the meditation?

Hope everyone here is doing fine - not so well myself, every time I think I'm doing okay I get shocked by seeing that clip for TII on tv or something else, just these small things you know. Ugh. :boohoo:

Hug for all of you! :hug:

:huggy: to you too :)

This is a bit off topic,but ;I remember I was at a kid´s party, and there were some people who were going to dance, and when the beat of "Blame it on the boogie" started, this cute little boy screamed (in a good way); It´s Michael Jackson! And by the look of his face, you could see he was a big fan of him. He was probably about three years old.. :)
Oh wow...some amazing stories in here once again. Is there a date already for the meditation?

Hope everyone here is doing fine - not so well myself, every time I think I'm doing okay I get shocked by seeing that clip for TII on tv or something else, just these small things you know. Ugh. :boohoo:

Hug for all of you! :hug:


Sending :heart: your way.
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Alright what date should we do for our little meditation? Sunday the 20th or Sunday the 27th?? Do any of those work?

Hope everyone is having a fabulous day!
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have been crying alot lately over Michaels passing, and everytime I fall asleep I pray for him to come to my dreams, but that has not happend yet, just few images here and there but when I wake up I cant remember them that much. But like i said, I have been so sad and wondering when this hurting will stop. Today I came to this thread just out of curiosity and I found your post, I believe it was a sign for me, the words he spoke to you...telling you "Please, dont cry any longer", and the fact that he was happy and he was in the light of God, it spoke right to my heart and I feel so much joy knowing he is happy. It was meant for me to find your post, so thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Tinkerbell, how sweet you are!! You know, I kept this story close to my heart, but for some reason last night, I felt the urge to write it...Im so glad his words are comforting to you...Michael is an amazing man, even in spirit...I can't honestly say that I still havent shed anymore tears for him, because I have...But after speaking to him, the tears aren't as rapid...

I was just like you a one point, I know I was dreaming, but couldn't remember anything...One night while praying, I asked God to allow me to remember my dreams...It didn't happen all at once, but I kept praying and asking, then one morning I awoke and remembered my dream...Now, at this point, I don't remember all my dreams, but I feel that God is allowing me to remember what I need to remember, considering before I wasnt remembering anything...Pray darling, ask God for remembrance...He will assist you....
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Alright what date should we do for our little meditation? Sunday the 20th or Sunday the 27th?? Do any of those work? Hope everyone is having a fabulous day!
I could do it on either day. I wonder if a lot of people will be out Christmas shopping this coming Sunday (I mean, if you're in a country where there is shopping on a Sunday, unlike Germany where everything is closed lol). If so, then the 27th might work. But either one for me. What do the rest of you think?
I can do both...

but maybe this Sunday would be better? Cos the 27th, its the day after boxing day, maybe some family might be round or something?

But yeah, whatever the general vote is, I'll be happy :)
This is a bit off topic,but ;I remember I was at a kid´s party, and there were some people who were going to dance, and when the beat of "Blame it on the boogie" started, this cute little boy screamed (in a good way); It´s Michael Jackson! And by the look of his face, you could see he was a big fan of him. He was probably about three years old.. :)
:punk: Great! That's as it should be.

I heard some people talking about seeing flashes of light in july. In fact I saw them too. I was so much in pain and then I saw these flashes at night, and I was wondering because if someone would take photos in the middle of the night it still wouldn't affect my room. But I didn't saw more. It was before I really concentrate on spirituality ('though I was interested in it before.) To that time I also read that these light are called 'Angel light' or something like that. Anyone knows more about it?
I get that sometimes too. Like FLASH, like lightning, but there's no storm and no thunder. And from July on I'd see little sparkles, like little light flashes across the room or in a streak across the room. Not all the time, of course, but occasionally. I'd love to know more too. I mean, sometimes it can be something weird with your eyes (like if the retina is detaching you'll get that -- eek), but to suddenly have stuff like that happen often when it wasn't happening before... ummm, seems like something. And it's not happening for me as often now, the last couple months. But hey, I saw the sparkles last night! I was writing a post here about MJ and accident vs. murder and I saw two bright flashes of light (little ones, like the size of a bug) about 2 feet away from me along the wall.

Ibut I tried an automatic writing with Michael back in July because I have had some success with it in the past with communicating with my higher self/God. .... But I did ask Michael that question if he thought his doctor was intentionally harming him, and he said "no, accident" So, I've also been on the fence about murder vs. accident.
You know I've had this thought too... that maybe some were getting that it was an accident, because he initially thought it was? I mean it is possible. It also is possible that some us may have heard "accident" because we wanted to think it was....and others have heard "murder" because they really believe it was murder. ...... I kept stopping myself during the writing process...thinking... well what's the truth? I'd stop and ask my spirit guides...was his death really a murder? Because I don't want to write this if it isn't. (side note: as I'm writing this now I'm getting that energy/vibration thing rushing through my legs like I've talked about before...interesting...) But every time I'd stop and ask that I just kept getting the sense to keep going...and more verses kept, I ended up with a full song.
So CaptainEoLove, you also got "accident". Yeah, I just really don't know what to think, so I tend toward what I got as the explanation. When I asked it had only been a couple to three weeks after it happened, before we knew much of anything. I asked again a short while later and got the same thing, so I stopped asking. :shrug: Amygrace, I can't wait to hear this song ;)

Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have been crying alot lately over Michaels passing, and everytime I fall asleep I pray for him to come to my dreams, but that has not happend yet, just few images here and there but when I wake up I cant remember them that much. But like i said, I have been so sad and wondering when this hurting will stop. Today I came to this thread just out of curiosity and I found your post, I believe it was a sign for me, the words he spoke to you...telling you "Please, dont cry any longer", and the fact that he was happy and he was in the light of God, it spoke right to my heart and I feel so much joy knowing he is happy. It was meant for me to find your post, so thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Wow, how wonderful then :angel:
darlingdear said:
maybe this Sunday would be better? Cos the 27th, its the day after boxing day, maybe some family might be round or something?
Ah yeah...ok I think it might be better to do the 20th...and it seems so far everyone is available then anyway? Let's do it! Anything specific we should plan - like how to prepare for it/honing in on what our exact intent should be?

mjbunny said:
Amygrace, I can't wait to hear this song ;)
I'm going to be in the studio this Friday to record and produce it...yippee! So hopefully I can share it this weekend. :)
I havent told but one other person this story, and it was my daughter, but since alot of people on this site has spoke to Michael, I would like to share with you one of my amazing experiences speaking with Michael.

First off, I have spoken with many deceased people. I am in direct contact with my spirit guide, and her name is Isabella...I speak with her daily...Also, when I'm laying in bed, I do see images of people and places and really dont know how they correlate to me or even why I am shown them...When I'm shown these things, Im not even asleep, but in a state of pure relaxation and very aware...I will see flashes of light and then the images will appear...This is how Michael came to me...

The timeframe was end of July and I, like many others and still, distraught over his passing...I, at this point, was crying daily, sometimes more than once...I was watching his videos and reading about him and just cry...and cry some more...I actually was hurting in my heart...My body just ached...This particular evening, I was sitting in bed, crying of course, and speaking to Isabella...She knew I was hurting and she was trying to take my mind off of Michael and speaking to me on other issues...I decided to call it a night and laid down to drift off to sleep...

When i laid down and closed my eyes, I remember telling Isabella, I need to rest...cause sometimes she will go on and on with things...She is a talker...Anyway, I closed my eyes to drift off...Suddenly, I saw bright lights...I see these often, as I stated above, so I wasn't startled...But these lights were quit different...They looked like daggers and silver in color...The points were aiming at me and then disappearing...They just kept comming at me in a forward manner. As soon as the point would almost like hit me, it would disappear and another would follow...After about a minute of this, I saw a flash of the brightest light I had ever saw...The light faded from the middle to the outskirts of the image...As the light opened up, I saw Michael Jackson...He was looking right at me...He looked like he did when he did "Will you be there" at the awards show...Long hair, beautiful smile...I will never forget the feeling I felt when I saw him...I couldn't believe what I was seeing...I was in shock....I immediately opened my eyes...

My heart was beating so fast, and I was asking myself, if what I just saw was real?? I wanted to believe it, but I was like no way...Still, my heart was feeling like it was going to jump out of my chest...I began to take deep breathes to calm myself, and asked Isabella if that was Michael...She didn't answered me...Again, I called to her, and asked her if that was Michael, she then stated yes...I still was having trouble believing it...Reason being was, why would Michael Jackson come to me?? Out of all the people in the WORLD, why would Michael show himself to me?? Confusion sets in...

At this point, Im relaxed again and decide to close my eyes, to see if he would reappear...After about 2 minutes laying and waiting, a collage of pictures where being shown to me...All of them were of Michael, flashing in front of me, over and over, of different times in his life...Then nothing...They stopped...After the last picture was shown, I heard his voice....He said, "Please, dont cry any longer." I asked if this was Michael Jackson and he stated yes...Isabella was with me as well...He told me again, not to cry for him, but to carry on his message of love...I couldn't see him, but I could hear him clear as day...I asked him why he came to me, and he told me that he wanted me to know that he was in the light of God and happy...He told me, no more tears, please...All I could think of at this point, is that Michael Jackson came to me to comfort me...To ease my pain over his passing...To tell me that he was fine and in the Loving hands of God...I felt so blessed...

I asked him several questions and he answered me..I will share with you what he told me...I asked him what his biggest regret was and he told me, his children...He said, not being able to ever touch them again...I felt a great sadness come over me, and he told me, don't be sad...This was my time...I also asked him, who was his greatest love, and he told me that he had had several, but he told me the name of Lisa Marie...He said, "because it was real." I asked him was he murdered and he stated, No!...He said that he blames no one for his death...He also stated that he blamed himself, because he knew what he was doing...But again, it was his time...He then gave me a final message and told me again, "Don't cry for me, but rejoice!" "Carry my message of Love to all you know" "Remember me from my music and heed my words" He then stated "He loved me" and then slowly faded away...

I have felt Michael's presence with me several times since then and spoke to him again...His spirit is so pure and filled with so much love...He is a remarkable man and I will die loving him...

Just thought I would share...:)

Thank you so much for sharing this, it's beautiful. For Michael to come and show love to his fans....after he's passed into spirit....I mean WOW, angel.. :praying:
Ah yeah...ok I think it might be better to do the 20th...and it seems so far everyone is available then anyway? Let's do it! Anything specific we should plan - like how to prepare for it/honing in on what our exact intent should be?

Yeah? So long as everyone is happy with the 20th?

Hmmm, yeah what should we actually do? haha, I mean like is our intent to all try and "meet" with each other spiritually? And things?
Should we have a list of instructions of what we should be visualising so that we can all connect together?
:lol: soo many questions.
But still, it should be a great experiment to try.
Ah yeah...ok I think it might be better to do the 20th...and it seems so far everyone is available then anyway? Let's do it! Anything specific we should plan - like how to prepare for it/honing in on what our exact intent should be?

I'm going to be in the studio this Friday to record and produce it...yippee! So hopefully I can share it this weekend. :)

sounds great!!! :)
I havent told but one other person this story, and it was my daughter, but since alot of people on this site has spoke to Michael, I would like to share with you one of my amazing experiences speaking with Michael.

First off, I have spoken with many deceased people. I am in direct contact with my spirit guide, and her name is Isabella...I speak with her daily...Also, when I'm laying in bed, I do see images of people and places and really dont know how they correlate to me or even why I am shown them...When I'm shown these things, Im not even asleep, but in a state of pure relaxation and very aware...I will see flashes of light and then the images will appear...This is how Michael came to me...

The timeframe was end of July and I, like many others and still, distraught over his passing...I, at this point, was crying daily, sometimes more than once...I was watching his videos and reading about him and just cry...and cry some more...I actually was hurting in my heart...My body just ached...This particular evening, I was sitting in bed, crying of course, and speaking to Isabella...She knew I was hurting and she was trying to take my mind off of Michael and speaking to me on other issues...I decided to call it a night and laid down to drift off to sleep...

When i laid down and closed my eyes, I remember telling Isabella, I need to rest...cause sometimes she will go on and on with things...She is a talker...Anyway, I closed my eyes to drift off...Suddenly, I saw bright lights...I see these often, as I stated above, so I wasn't startled...But these lights were quit different...They looked like daggers and silver in color...The points were aiming at me and then disappearing...They just kept comming at me in a forward manner. As soon as the point would almost like hit me, it would disappear and another would follow...After about a minute of this, I saw a flash of the brightest light I had ever saw...The light faded from the middle to the outskirts of the image...As the light opened up, I saw Michael Jackson...He was looking right at me...He looked like he did when he did "Will you be there" at the awards show...Long hair, beautiful smile...I will never forget the feeling I felt when I saw him...I couldn't believe what I was seeing...I was in shock....I immediately opened my eyes...

My heart was beating so fast, and I was asking myself, if what I just saw was real?? I wanted to believe it, but I was like no way...Still, my heart was feeling like it was going to jump out of my chest...I began to take deep breathes to calm myself, and asked Isabella if that was Michael...She didn't answered me...Again, I called to her, and asked her if that was Michael, she then stated yes...I still was having trouble believing it...Reason being was, why would Michael Jackson come to me?? Out of all the people in the WORLD, why would Michael show himself to me?? Confusion sets in...

At this point, Im relaxed again and decide to close my eyes, to see if he would reappear...After about 2 minutes laying and waiting, a collage of pictures where being shown to me...All of them were of Michael, flashing in front of me, over and over, of different times in his life...Then nothing...They stopped...After the last picture was shown, I heard his voice....He said, "Please, dont cry any longer." I asked if this was Michael Jackson and he stated yes...Isabella was with me as well...He told me again, not to cry for him, but to carry on his message of love...I couldn't see him, but I could hear him clear as day...I asked him why he came to me, and he told me that he wanted me to know that he was in the light of God and happy...He told me, no more tears, please...All I could think of at this point, is that Michael Jackson came to me to comfort me...To ease my pain over his passing...To tell me that he was fine and in the Loving hands of God...I felt so blessed...

I asked him several questions and he answered me..I will share with you what he told me...I asked him what his biggest regret was and he told me, his children...He said, not being able to ever touch them again...I felt a great sadness come over me, and he told me, don't be sad...This was my time...I also asked him, who was his greatest love, and he told me that he had had several, but he told me the name of Lisa Marie...He said, "because it was real." I asked him was he murdered and he stated, No!...He said that he blames no one for his death...He also stated that he blamed himself, because he knew what he was doing...But again, it was his time...He then gave me a final message and told me again, "Don't cry for me, but rejoice!" "Carry my message of Love to all you know" "Remember me from my music and heed my words" He then stated "He loved me" and then slowly faded away...

I have felt Michael's presence with me several times since then and spoke to him again...His spirit is so pure and filled with so much love...He is a remarkable man and I will die loving him...

Just thought I would share...:)

:cry: I am crying from reading this. Its so beautiful!!! I have a question those flashes of light did you see an actual face? I had something happen to me a couple months ago when I was lying in bed looking at the ceiling and I swore I saw Michaels face in the light. It was a very bright light, sparkling and flashing. It was one of the strangest things I ever saw and it was only for about 5 seconds. I then drifted off to sleep. I didnt tell anyone about this bc still trying to figure out for myself. Amazing, whatever it was.
Aww well that's not very nice. I mean you're entitled to your opinion and all, but you certainly must acknowledge that you don't know for sure. Nobody really knows about any of this kind of matter how much "experience" they may have in the area.

Yes I am very much entitled to my opinion but come on how can anyone be blind to her fakeness???

I have studied fake psychics/mediums & genuine psychics/mediums for 10 years and it is so blatantly fake I can hardly believe her brass neck (her cheek) at thinking people are gonna buy this

I know a lot of genuine mediums & psychics & have done for years & even they say she's a faker & that she has quite a reputation (as a sly underhanded faker) just warning people i don't want people to take EVERYTHING they hear as the truth just cause they miss Michael & are concerned at how he is

I'm not trying to be nasty but she is one person I'd stay well clear of!!! that's for sure her & Derek Acorah are the absolute worst fakers EVER!!!

don't wanna believe me fine that's your choice but if you wanna fool yourself go ahead

no problem of mine
:cry: I am crying from reading this. Its so beautiful!!! I have a question those flashes of light did you see an actual face? I had something happen to me a couple months ago when I was lying in bed looking at the ceiling and I swore I saw Michaels face in the light. It was a very bright light, sparkling and flashing. It was one of the strangest things I ever saw and it was only for about 5 seconds. I then drifted off to sleep. I didnt tell anyone about this bc still trying to figure out for myself. Amazing, whatever it was.

Yes, I did see his face...In fact, when I saw him, I couldn't believe what I was seeing..He looked right at me...smiling that beautiful smile...That is when I immediately opened my eyes...The flashes of light, they were almost cosmic...I have never yet seen anything like it...Right before he showed himself to me, the light was the brightest I have ever saw...Almost piercing...And it started fading from the middle out, and then he appeared...

Thereafter, I just saw the collage of pictures and from there just his voice...

Hope that helps you...
Yes I am very much entitled to my opinion but come on how can anyone be blind to her fakeness???

I have studied fake psychics/mediums & genuine psychics/mediums for 10 years and it is so blatantly fake I can hardly believe her brass neck (her cheek) at thinking people are gonna buy this

I know a lot of genuine mediums & psychics & have done for years & even they say she's a faker & that she has quite a reputation (as a sly underhanded faker) just warning people i don't want people to take EVERYTHING they hear as the truth just cause they miss Michael & are concerned at how he is

I'm not trying to be nasty but she is one person I'd stay well clear of!!! that's for sure her & Derek Acorah are the absolute worst fakers EVER!!!

don't wanna believe me fine that's your choice but if you wanna fool yourself go ahead

no problem of mine

I do not post on this thread anymore but have to pop up here because you left not a very nice comment . Nobody is sure 100% about ANY mediums. It is your choice to believe or not to believe. I was very skeptical about Bonnie myself but one her channeling from October was absolutely real and genius because I had a chance to verify by own way that she is not fake. I do not want to go into details because it is my private info but before you post something like this better to think if somebody has some different experience.
I do not know about other mediums you were talking about but Bonnie doesn’t do it for profit.
This is why probably Michael was in contact with her but not your “genuine” mediums who say bad words about her. Nice ppl never will say anything like that about their sort of colleague. It tells me a lot.
There is no competition here you believe or you do not. Bonnie didn’t say anything about anybody personally yet, however she said that something how to check ppl who claims that they are in contact with MJ. And I agree with her at this point. We have to look at their reputation .This statement is from her last channeling.

I have read some channeling form others and they look really fake to me. It seems like they give you to read their own fantasy. At least I do not have this feeling from Bonnie.
Wow, so many pages that I just read through. All amazing posts. :wub: I had to take a break from MJJC due to a nasty virus attacking my computer. I'm glad to be back at my home. :hug: I missed it so much here!

However, I have a little "thing" that happened to me last night as I was drifting off to sleep. I got this image in my head and I saw Patrick Swayzee, how he looked when he died, kissing a huge arm muscle on a man. Why I saw Patrick Swayzee and why he was doing this, I have no idea. I haven't thought of him nor am I a big fan of his. I just saw him. Then it switched over and I saw Michael! He looked like he did in the Dangerous era. He was smiling and giggling and looked so beautiful. I whispered out of excitement "Michael!" and then I lost the image and I fully woke up. But it was very weird. I don't know if it was just my mind thinking up things or whether this means something or not. I made sure, at that moment, to tell Michael I love him though. I hope he was with me at that time to hear me. :heart:

Glad to be back here, I enjoyed catching up on the posts in this thread, as I always enjoy reading all your experiences.

^ welcome back :)

What a great experience you had last night too. I'm sure Michael did hear you, don't worry :)

Will you join all of us in an experiment Sunday? (I think its this sunday - the 20th).
Amy suggested that we all try and meet up spiritually and just see what kinda feelings and thoughts we get.

:heart: L.O.V.E. to the spiritual family
So this coming Sunday, the 20th, at 2pm L.A. time, same time as Major Love Prayer. I'll be there ;)

You guys, I had something way weird happen early this morning. I had gone to bed and slept for probably an hour or two. I woke up lying on my side, so that I was facing toward the bedroom door. For a brief couple of seconds when I very first opened my eyes I saw a man standing in the doorway! He was probably average height, a black man probably in his 40's? It happened in a flash. Well, he made a strong and sudden arm movement toward me on the bed like "bam!"... like he was throwing something at me or blasting me with a shot of energy or something. It was so vivid. Freaked me out. I thought... who was that???? And I just 'knew' that it was one of MJ's brothers, lol. Huh? Sort of had the feeling of Marlon or Tito. Can't explain it. Weird, I know. Now, one of my guides (the one that helps with spirit communication) fits that description to a degree, but it didn't seem like him. I realize it sounds like a dream and I admit I was groggy, but I don't generally see people standing in my doorway, lol. As in ever. Too bad it was so quick and I was half asleep. Hey guys, if you're going to do a full-fledged appearance (which I've asked for on many occasions, hoping for MJ, but I'll take anyone), could it be when I'm more conscious??? Thanks. ;)

That would be the second night I had some kind of 'thing' happen regarding the other Jackson brothers. Yesterday morning I was dreaming that I was having a conversation with Jackie. I think Marlon and Tito were there as well. I woke up from that dream and thought, "I said I wanted to dream of Michael." :lol:
I woke up lying on my side, so that I was facing toward the bedroom door. For a brief couple of seconds when I very first opened my eyes I saw a man standing in the doorway! He was probably average height, a black man probably in his 40's? It happened in a flash. Well, he made a strong and sudden arm movement toward me on the bed like "bam!"... like he was throwing something at me or blasting me with a shot of energy or something. It was so vivid. Freaked me out. I thought... who was that???? And I just 'knew' that it was one of MJ's brothers, lol. Huh? Sort of had the feeling of Marlon or Tito.
Interesting! It's a little annoying...those "in a flash" experiences aren't they?... they happen all too fast for you to form any kind of real opinion on exactly what it was. Your experience makes me think of superheroes though...with him blasting you with some kind of awesome energy. JACKSON POWERRRR! :lol:
I've been browsing through this thread (haven't got through all of it, yet) but the stories you guys are sharing are amazing.

I'm interested in participating in the meditation experiment on Sunday. It's been close to a month since I've done anything spiritual, it'll be good for me.
So this coming Sunday, the 20th, at 2pm L.A. time, same time as Major Love Prayer. I'll be there ;)

You guys, I had something way weird happen early this morning. I had gone to bed and slept for probably an hour or two. I woke up lying on my side, so that I was facing toward the bedroom door. For a brief couple of seconds when I very first opened my eyes I saw a man standing in the doorway! He was probably average height, a black man probably in his 40's? It happened in a flash. Well, he made a strong and sudden arm movement toward me on the bed like "bam!"... like he was throwing something at me or blasting me with a shot of energy or something. It was so vivid. Freaked me out. I thought... who was that???? And I just 'knew' that it was one of MJ's brothers, lol. Huh? Sort of had the feeling of Marlon or Tito. Can't explain it. Weird, I know. Now, one of my guides (the one that helps with spirit communication) fits that description to a degree, but it didn't seem like him. I realize it sounds like a dream and I admit I was groggy, but I don't generally see people standing in my doorway, lol. As in ever. Too bad it was so quick and I was half asleep. Hey guys, if you're going to do a full-fledged appearance (which I've asked for on many occasions, hoping for MJ, but I'll take anyone), could it be when I'm more conscious??? Thanks. ;)

:eek: Whoa. Seeing someone in your doorway?! I would be so freaked out if that happened :lol: but then I would probably be like oh man, that is coooool!
But it sounds really cool, thanks for sharing

I wanna find my spirit guide but alas, no luck :( I keep callin out in my own mind, but nada. I often wonder if they are screaming answers to my questions when I "talk" to them... but I just can't hear them :lol:

and buttercup welcome :)
Great that you are joining the experiment.
Now I've been seeing the 11s a lot. I was watching YouTube videos of Michael and kept seeing there were 11 ratings. Then something significant happened to me on Tuesday, which is kind of personal, but it's the start of my life going into a more positive direction. I just decided to add up the numbers of the date that day, and it reduced into "11" :bugeyed I can definitely feel things turning around for me.

I also kinda dreamed about Michael last night. First dream I was just dancing around to his music, but in the second dream I was watching The Jacksons Family Dynasty. Michael was actually in the show and it started off in the 70s and then went into the future/present day. Michael looked kind of like this


Then he went up to these guys, not sure if it was his brothers or not, and he said "Stop fighting!."

I was also feeling a lot of energy going on last night.
That would be the second night I had some kind of 'thing' happen regarding the other Jackson brothers. Yesterday morning I was dreaming that I was having a conversation with Jackie. I think Marlon and Tito were there as well. I woke up from that dream and thought, "I said I wanted to dream of Michael." :lol:

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:


On another note - why has Bonnie removed her video about Mike talking about the This Is It movie? Strange but mostly sad, it was my favourite one.
Now I've been seeing the 11s a lot. I was watching YouTube videos of Michael and kept seeing there were 11 ratings. Then something significant happened to me on Tuesday, which is kind of personal, but it's the start of my life going into a more positive direction. I just decided to add up the numbers of the date that day, and it reduced into "11" :bugeyed I can definitely feel things turning around for me.! I'm still getting the 111 thing fact just as I logged in here, I see in my stats it says "you last visited: today at 1:11pm"... haha

DanceOfZenab1994 said:
On another note - why has Bonnie removed her video about Mike talking about the This Is It movie? Strange but mostly sad, it was my favourite one.
She hasn't removed it...