The 1993 case. [Threads merged, All discussion in this one thread]

Re: Some FACT/TEXT about the 93 case

That's such a great comprehensive chunk of writing about it all. If only they'd print this in newspapers instead of the ish they come up with.

Sadly Stacey the day the media prints something that exonerates Michael is the day that hell freezes over.
I was thinking about all this, and I have a question :

Does anyone know why Evan Chandler was not called to testify in 2005 ? June was called, Tom Sneddon wanted Jordan to testify, but Jordan didn't want to and couldn't be made to, but what is the reason why Evan Chandler was not called ?

He initiated the civil lawsuit and the criminal procedure in 1993, it would have been so interesting to hear what he had to say...Especially to Thomas Mesereau.
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I was thinking about all this, and I have a question :

Does anyone know why Evan Chandler was not called to testify in 2005 ? June was called, Tom Sneddon wanted Jordan to testify, but Jordan didn't wnt to and couldn't be made to, but what is the reason why Evan Chandler was not called ?

He initiated the civil lawsuit and the criminal procedure in 1993, it would have been so interesting to hear what he had to say...Especially to Thomas Mesereau.
I always thought of that, he could have, but he didnt., i dont know if he was or not called, thats WEIRD and says a lot...
If you look on page 8 of that document you will find the words Qualified Funding Asset Premiums, this is the language used to describe an insurance settlement.
Also check the definition at this site:

Thank you for this Information! I went to both websites and you are correct, great find and first post! I hope this clears things for people now?
I was thinking about all this, and I have a question :

Does anyone know why Evan Chandler was not called to testify in 2005 ? June was called, Tom Sneddon wanted Jordan to testify, but Jordan didn't want to and couldn't be made to, but what is the reason why Evan Chandler was not called ?

He initiated the civil lawsuit and the criminal procedure in 1993, it would have been so interesting to hear what he had to say...Especially to Thomas Mesereau.

He didn't initiate the criminal procedure (i think i've read that in Geraldine hughes book) but Sneddon and Garcetti did. The chandler family only initiated the civil lawsuit (but off course it is never reported that way).
Evan was asked to testify but he also refused , he was on the prosecution witness list .
He didn't initiate the criminal procedure (i think i've read that in Geraldine hughes book) but Sneddon and Garcetti did. The chandler family only initiated the civil lawsuit (but off course it is never reported that way).

Yes, you are right he couldn't have. What I meant is that he initiated the criminal procedure by taking Jordan to a psychiatrist who is required by law to report this kind of allegations to the authorities, and that started the criminal investigation.
I've got a question regarding the post 2005 trial if anyone can answer, I remember rumors going that two members from the jury were saying they now dissagreed with letting mj go and that they were even writing a book about it.... Is any of that true?
I've got a question regarding the post 2005 trial if anyone can answer, I remember rumors going that two members from the jury were saying they now dissagreed with letting mj go and that they were even writing a book about it.... Is any of that true?

Yes, Juror number #5 (the old lady), and Juror #1 a Male, did. The old lady was the one who said that they (the jurors) just looked at each other and pretty much knew in regards of the verdict (which was to acquit MJ). I was surprise to see her flip flop as well has juror #1! Juror number #1 was on Nancy Disgrace show talking shit after wards! All, I gotta say is these jurors had 7 days plus, they also had the chose to convict on the alcohol only if they wanted to and they didn't even do that. They had the nerve to say things like they were forced lol which was B.S if they had a problem all they needed to do was complain and it would have been dealt with.

What I believe happened was that some media heads got to them trying to make them feel bad about what they did and they fell for it. Plus good books don't sell has we know so how else would they sell one? Nancy disgrace had a alternate juror on her show saying if she was on she would had voted guilty, so as you can see the media was only interested with trying to get someone on their side, one other juror an Asian was saying that she was being talk to funny during deliberations because of her race and she thought he was guilty too, and BLAH BLAH BLAH LMAO these people told the truth in the court of law but, forgot the truth when they got face time on TV! AMAZING!

But, my respect goes to the ones who never flip flop and called out the jurors who did! At the end of all this the ones who flip flop were laughed at and no one got their book or books sold so that's good!
yeah there were three members of the jury who later 'regretted' the verdict , two of them were negotiating a book deal even before the verdict , members of MJJforum remember there were reports on the older woman's granddaughter negotiating a book deal , she even appeared on a morning show .

once the media realised the case was much weaker than they previously thought, they started contacting family members and relatives of the jurors and offered book deals , always suggesting a guilty verdict would guarantee them much more money .

three of the jurors voted guilty initially , one woman who admitted she's a huge fan and supporter of Bill O'Rielly , she said she believed mj molested Mac, wade and Brett also ( she's an O'Reilly fan , so no surprise at all, a typical ignorant as stupid as someone can be ) and the other two as I said before were negotiating book deals even before they heard the evidence , when these three jurors were asked by the other nine to present evidence why they should have convicted mj , they had nothing and they could not back up their claims .

by the way the older woman even brought a book on pedo personality and tried to convince the jurors mj fitted perfectly the profile , that book was not admitted as evidence during the trial and it was a huge violation of the jury's instructions and could have very well resulted in a mistrial , she had obviously an agenda and even with that book she could not convince anyone to change his/her mind .

eventually the three of them could not present any facts to support the arvizos and ended agreeing with the rest of the jurors , later the two with the book deal publicly regretted their decision when they started the promotion campaign and part of the commodities offered by them were T Shirts , they were that ridiculous , the Malaysian woman her husband was also a journalist , regretted the verdict because Oreilly thought mj was guilty and she believed everything O'Reilly said .

isn't it very telling the jurors who wanted to convict were motivated by money ? they saw nothing wrong with benefiting financially from molestation accusations , probably that's why they did not find the prosecution witnesses behaviour regarding money , tabloids and ever changing stories odd .
Something I've always wondered is, obviously Evan took the money but with a case like that, even if the accuser chooses to settle surely the state would have tried to take it to trial too? I'm not trying to say it should have gone to court or anything like that but was their an investigation after the Chandlers took the money and went? Or was it Michael handed over some money and that's it - case over?
Something I've always wondered is, obviously Evan took the money but with a case like that, even if the accuser chooses to settle surely the state would have tried to take it to trial too? I'm not trying to say it should have gone to court or anything like that but was their an investigation after the Chandlers took the money and went? Or was it Michael handed over some money and that's it - case over?

Not trying to be rude but, these questions were answered already in older post on this thread, if u go back a couple pages u will get a full answer.

But, I will make it short here real quick ;) even after the settlement (that was payed by MJ's insurance) not by him, there was still an investigation, yes, but, no hard evidence was found so no case. Plus, like I said before the statue of limitations on this case ran out in 1999 that was plenty of time to make a case, and it never happened!
Not trying to be rude but, these questions were answered already in older post on this thread, if u go back a couple pages u will get a full answer.

But, I will make it short here real quick ;) even after the settlement (that was payed by MJ's insurance) not by him, there was still an investigation, yes, but, no hard evidence was found so no case. Plus, like I said before the statue of limitations on this case ran out in 1999 that was plenty of time to make a case, and it never happened!

No, you're not being rude at all :) My mistake, I thought I'd read all of this thread :doh: Thanks alot for the answer.;)
Yes, Juror number #5 (the old lady), and Juror #1 a Male, did. The old lady was the one who said that they (the jurors) just looked at each other and pretty much knew in regards of the verdict (which was to acquit MJ). I was surprise to see her flip flop as well has juror #1! Juror number #1 was on Nancy Disgrace show talking shit after wards! All, I gotta say is these jurors had 7 days plus, they also had the chose to convict on the alcohol only if they wanted to and they didn't even do that. They had the nerve to say things like they were forced lol which was B.S if they had a problem all they needed to do was complain and it would have been dealt with.

What I believe happened was that some media heads got to them trying to make them feel bad about what they did and they fell for it. Plus good books don't sell has we know so how else would they sell one? Nancy disgrace had a alternate juror on her show saying if she was on she would had voted guilty, so as you can see the media was only interested with trying to get someone on their side, one other juror an Asian was saying that she was being talk to funny during deliberations because of her race and she thought he was guilty too, and BLAH BLAH BLAH LMAO these people told the truth in the court of law but, forgot the truth when they got face time on TV! AMAZING!

But, my respect goes to the ones who never flip flop and called out the jurors who did! At the end of all this the ones who flip flop were laughed at and no one got their book or books sold so that's good!

So the other jurors spoke out against these who were trying to make money out of the case? That's good to know! :)
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question!

yeah there were three members of the jury who later 'regretted' the verdict , two of them were negotiating a book deal even before the verdict , members of MJJforum remember there were reports on the older woman's granddaughter negotiating a book deal , she even appeared on a morning show .

once the media realised the case was much weaker than they previously thought, they started contacting family members and relatives of the jurors and offered book deals , always suggesting a guilty verdict would guarantee them much more money .

three of the jurors voted guilty initially , one woman who admitted she's a huge fan and supporter of Bill O'Rielly , she said she believed mj molested Mac, wade and Brett also ( she's an O'Reilly fan , so no surprise at all, a typical ignorant as stupid as someone can be ) and the other two as I said before were negotiating book deals even before they heard the evidence , when these three jurors were asked by the other nine to present evidence why they should have convicted mj , they had nothing and they could not back up their claims .

by the way the older woman even brought a book on pedo personality and tried to convince the jurors mj fitted perfectly the profile , that book was not admitted as evidence during the trial and it was a huge violation of the jury's instructions and could have very well resulted in a mistrial , she had obviously an agenda and even with that book she could not convince anyone to change his/her mind .

eventually the three of them could not present any facts to support the arvizos and ended agreeing with the rest of the jurors , later the two with the book deal publicly regretted their decision when they started the promotion campaign and part of the commodities offered by them were T Shirts , they were that ridiculous , the Malaysian woman her husband was also a journalist , regretted the verdict because Oreilly thought mj was guilty and she believed everything O'Reilly said .

isn't it very telling the jurors who wanted to convict were motivated by money ? they saw nothing wrong with benefiting financially from molestation accusations , probably that's why they did not find the prosecution witnesses behaviour regarding money , tabloids and ever changing stories odd .

They had a book deal before the verdict!!?? incredible!! they should have been removed from the jury.

man! how do you guys manage to find all this information anyway? and how do you know what's true and what's bs? cause there's soooo much stuff about mj that that could or coul not be true and I no longer know how to tell truth from fiction when it comes to these things.
So the other jurors spoke out against these who were trying to make money out of the case? That's good to know! :)
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question!

They had a book deal before the verdict!!?? incredible!! they should have been removed from the jury.

man! how do you guys manage to find all this information anyway? and how do you know what's true and what's bs? cause there's soooo much stuff about mj that that could or coul not be true and I no longer know how to tell truth from fiction when it comes to these things.

Yes, other jurors spoke out saying their liars, as well as MJ lawyer T-Mez + one of MJ's Brothers! How I found out about these things is because I was clued to the television when shit went down in 05 and after recording everything, I got a library lol I got those interviews from the jurors and everything in between! That's the only thing I could do, I didn't have the money to go to L.A to support Michael so I instead paid attention to what was said and not being said, reading transcripts and everything, because I knew it would come back and be ask and I like to have the facts! Same with the 93 case I started research on that case at 12yrs old!:D It Don't bother me though, my fave subject in school was reading anyways, and I'm a curious person by nature!;)
An article based on FACTS of the 93' trials.

Quest from The Roots was tweeting last week about Evan Chandler. He felt as if this would of course bring up the story in the media. Which it did. Today, he posted this article by a self proclaimed "Mixhael Jackson know it all". With all the trash out there, I thought it was good to see an article that was based on what really happened.
Re: An article based on FACTS of the 93' trials.

I red it 1 week ago. The best article about the 93 case so far.

a MUST read
Re: An article based on FACTS of the 93' trials.

i think we need to stop the topic of 93 or 05 cases now, as fans we had known michael was innocent. he is the gentle, pure, kind, big heart human being. he doesn't need to prove anything. if Jordy Chandler confessed, that would be great! if he didn't, we have to accept that.
Re: An article based on FACTS of the 93' trials.

i think we need to stop the topic of 93 or 05 cases now, as fans we had known michael was innocent. he is the gentle, pure, kind, big heart human being. he doesn't need to prove anything. if Jordy Chandler confessed, that would be great! if he didn't, we have to accept that.

We know but the whole word don't. Thats the problem.
Re: An article based on FACTS of the 93' trials.

That guy looks familiar...a forum member?
alright, about the description jordan chandler gave. I've heard sooo many different versions of this one that I have no idea which one is right.
There are claims that it was totally correct, like the doctor on geraldo that did the exam:

then there are those who said it was totally incorrect, based on a picture that jordy supposedly drew. which is now said was a hoax and that jordy was never asked to draw a picture but rather Jordie was given a template, an outline of a penis and was required to fill in the blotches.

then there are those who claim it was a partial match.

So which is it? is there any way of really knowing?
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The different claims are confusing, but thinking logically, no charges were ever brought about citing 'lack of evidence' which to me indicates the description did not match, as it was obviously unfit to be used as evidence. Something tells me had he been able to accurately describe the penis, this would have been explosive evidence and there's no chance he'd have walked away a free man. Would they even need Jordan to testify if this was accurate? Wouldn't that have been enough?
alright, about the description jordan chandler gave. I've heard sooo many different versions of this one that I have no idea which one is right.
There are claims that it was totally correct, like the doctor on geraldo that did the exam:

then there are those who said it was totally incorrect, based on a picture that jordy supposedly drew. which is now said was a hoax and that jordy was never asked to draw a picture but rather Jordie was given a template, an outline of a penis and was required to fill in the blotches.

then there are those who claim it was a partial match.

So which is it? is there any way of really knowing?

That is what I wonder as well!. I find it amazing that this isn't something that is clear. I mean, it either matched or didn't match. How is it that with all the information about Michael that is aroound this bit hasn't come out?.

I assumed it didn't match because he was not indicted, and because of the fact that he allowed the photographs to be takes in the first place. If he would have been guilty, he wouldn't have agreed to it, as he would have known it would be very likely that they'd match. He did have to agree to it, or am I wrong?.

But then that doctor on Geraldo. I read some comment that he wasn't the only doctor there.

But, if there was a match, why wasn't that "evidence" used by the prosecution in 2005?. I don't see how would they have not.
It's complete bs that there was a match. That doctor didn't even say it was a match...he said He was TOLD it was a match. LOL-Told by who? The same people who've been saying that crap. Ugh, so sick of the "It matched" crap that goes around. He absolutely would've been arrested.
It's complete bs that there was a match. That doctor didn't even say it was a match...he said He was TOLD it was a match. LOL-Told by who? The same people who've been saying that crap. Ugh, so sick of the "It matched" crap that goes around. He absolutely would've been arrested.

Yep, the guy talking to Geraldo said he was told...LOL But, don't really know the truth.....COME ON! Plus Geraldo said that this guys son is married to his daughter, so their in laws and because of it he won't question him but, doesn't really believe him. Plus, why does this guy think it's funny?

According to TMZ "Jordie was given a template, an outline of a penis and was required to fill in the blotches." Saying that they saw some Docs....and that's why I guess Arnold klein said that story about the peeing in a cup thing, when Harvey ask him? But Tmz also said on their show before that Arnold Klein took MJ to Mexico before the pics were taken to get his penis bleached...O_0 so the pics wouldn't match.....LMAO....RIGHT TMZ.....can't keep this story straight can u?

But, their is a picture that was supposedly drawn by Jordie too that looks like a five yr old drew! But, it had Evan Chandlers hand writing on it, that says "MY THEORY" on it! LOL

MJ said their was no match as well as Lisa Marie on Diane Sawyer interview. Plus, just because Jordan (MORE LIKE EVAN) says MJ had blotches on his penis doesn't mean that Jordan saw MJ's penis! One of the most affected areas that Vitiligo hits is the genital area so guess what?, anyone of us could have said this and been right! Another thing is that MJ was NOT circumcised and Jordan (MORE LIKE EVAN) said that MJ was + anyways the marks didn't match the description!

USA Today + Reuters in an article reported this back in 94 so it was reported on but, obviously not enough....I see!

And with so many different stories the media like to tell about this, makes it clear there was no match! Oh, yea and most importantly MJ was never Charged and the case went before two grand juries in two different counties and was never indicted.....I mean seriously!

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True. it was a partial match. he said there was vitiligo spots - and there was so this was a match. He said he was circumcised - but he was not and this was not a match. so some people say it's a match some say it was not. In reality it was not a complete match and circumcision thing was the main reason the DA did not go with the description.( If you see a penis you know whether it is circumcised or not - you don't need to be a rocket scientist)

Victoria83 said:
I researched during the trial extensively, and yes, this is the information I have, too, that Jordy was prepared to testify. If Mez had called Jordy, then absolutely EVERYTHING about the 1993 allegations would have been admissible in court. That was something Mez chose against, in his brilliant defense of Michael. If all that had come out they would have put others on the stand (his father and uncle) to try to discredit his. . .recantation. He was just a child when the accusations were made. Why Jordy doesn't come forward now, I don't know. Maybe he will?

Nope not true .. Jordy never agreed to testify - not for the DA and not for the T-Mez.
Listen here to Tom Mesereau . the part about jordy starts about 1:53

" ... the one you talk about never showed up. He is the one who got a settlement in the early 90s. Now my understanding is prosecutors tried to get him to show up and he wouldn't. If he had I had witnesses who would come in and say he told them it never happened and he would never talk to his parents again for what they made him say and it appeared he had gone into court to seek legal emancipation from his parents..... "