The 1993 case. [Threads merged, All discussion in this one thread]

Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

That's because some of them are lazy as hell and the others make money on how bad and sensational you make it. MOney is the root of all evil.
No, it is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil. I can careless about this man. I am now HOlding JORDAN CHANDLER to do the right now. Jordan holds most of this mess in his hands. If he can tell friends that he was not abuse regardless to the agreement, Jordan can tell the world that his father put him up to do this. To the public at large, Jordan and Michael will look like the victims to this idoit in what he told his son to do to Michael.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

o Chandler had a blood problem/disease...

the clinic he went to specialised in cancer treatment i think some who googled it said.there had been talks for years he had this

think this is a great idea. I've had some luck actually get stories corrected by being very calm, unemotional, clearly specifying what precisely is incorrect in the story, giving the exact and credible source for the correct information. No personal attacks, no broad complaints, no "fanspeak." We could really make a difference on this.
yeah if u gonna do it do it like the above theres nothing worse than ranting fans to ruin credibility.but from past experience it very rarely works, the journos know the facts for the most part and even if they dont their editors have their agendas when it comes to mj. uk daily mail has openly admitted these .and alot of the outets like to knowthey are annoying mj fans so replying to their bait doesnt help
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Jordan better remember that GOd is looking down on him. Jordan has to stand before God with this as well. He is an adult and know what he did was wrong.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Too bad MJ is not alive to enjoy this as much as we. Although l highly doubt that MJ would feel happy for some reason as the forgiving man he was...I could be wrong.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

if ppl cared about that they wouldnt do such things in the first place .
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Do you think his death sounds suspicious? I am not really one for conspiracy theories, but what can I say? I am interested in hearing what you think. It's like they are using this to turn the public against MJ again by emphasizing, "But look he is a *********", or something like this. But I don't know, I am just talking while I am also at work. I have to go now.

I really don't. Everything pretty clearly points to a man cut off from his family, dying of what I suspect we'll learn was cancer, and in great physical pain. There's a guiding principle in science, which can also be helpful here, that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. It really works most of the time. Conspiracy theories are really riveting, and are very emotionally rewarding... but usually wrong... So until something new comes to light, it doesn't seem a worthwhile path to go down.

Now Aphrodite Jones says she uses "conspiracy" to mean only the media's "conspiracy" to report in a way to drive up ratings. They have a strong bias toward reporting in whatever way will get them more viewers or readers. She believes that shaped the investigation and the allegation, so blames the media greatly for the whole mess. And I believe she's dead on. I wouldn't want to lose focus from that too much, because it's SUCH an important issue.

There's definitely a kind of lock-in that occurs, that produces a "Prevailing Media Narrative." Media then fit their reporting to the narrative. Media critics are railing against this all the time. No one outlet likes to go against that, once it sets in, for fear of alienating viewers/readers. We can hope, hope, hope that the prevailing media narrative has shifted, and that media might feel brave enough now to venture out with independent opinions.

I don't think most of the media "have it in for MJ." I think they're all cautiously sticking their moistened fingers up into the wind to see which way it's blowing.

Now this I think may have contributed to their being dragged into reporting this two weeks late by a friggin' gossip site (RadarOnline), which is irresponsible journalism.
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Well you know, he got what he deserved...

I guess so, but I think he got the easy way out...Its sad when when anyone dies...I at least feel something for them, but yesterday when I heard the news, I felt a little pang of sadness but it went away in seconds...I just couldn't bring my self to be sad. I hope I'm not coming off as heart less but that's what I really felt.

God will judge him now...he's off our hands...

Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Well you know, he got what he deserved...

I guess so, but I think he got the easy way out...Its sad when when anyone dies...I at least feel something for them, but yesterday when I heard the news, I felt a little pang of sadness but it went away in seconds...I just couldn't bring my self to be sad. I hope I'm not coming off as heart less but that's what I really felt.

God will judge him now...he's off our hands...


Our emotions and religious opinions about his death are off-topic for this thread, OK? That was another thread that has been closed after everyone got a chance to say these things. This thread is to discuss media coverage.

I don't know if we have a mod yet watching this, and I'm going to be in and out today, so I'd like to ask for everyone's help keeping this thread on topic, and nudging one other nicely when needed. Thanks!
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Look at me at work trying to get fired. With that being said, I DO think that it is MOST times the simplest way of explaining things that turns out to be the most credible, as you said; but, drawing from your comment, conspiracy theories are intriguing if nothing more and I find it very interesting hearing what people have to say about it.

As regards the media, I completely agree with this. When the accusations surfaced they invested a lot of time and money in trying to portry MJ as guilty. And I think many in the public were swayed by this and are still interested in the allegations and believe him to be guilty. I am just saying that some media outlets are using this opportunity to take another jab and try to reinfornce their opinions on the matter. Which is unfortunate.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

I am just saying that some media outlets are using this opportunity to take another jab and try to reinfornce their opinions on the matter. Which is unfortunate.

What I'm not sure of is whether, for most journalists, there's a genuine "opinion." I'm not sure most really give a damn one way or another. (Some obvious exceptions to this, like Dimond, of course). BUT, that said, those who staked their credibility before on his guilt are going to be reluctant to reverse.

We have to hope for a new generation of journalists who aren't invested in this yet. And for some to have Aphrodite Jones' courage. You know she was one of the bad ones during the trial, and changed her mind afterward. Tom Mesereau on their YouTube video together talks about how he disliked her, but now supports her wholly. She is apologetic. Maybe her example will encourage some others...
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

E! Online. Not good. Bad errors, serious omissions. Anyone want to take a go at them? I don't have time -- like Ginvid, MUST get some work done today!

The Rupert Murdoch papers (, the Times, others?) are sharing the nearly identical story, one that is greatly sympathetic to Chandler. Murdoch and his cronies are taking a true advocacy position which is irresponsible and unethical journalism at its worst. Motive? Whatever sells. He's despised for a reason. I don't think I'll link to them -- I consider Murdoch beyond salvation. Others of you may disagree and want to post them, which is fine.
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation, the Times, others?
ny post is owed by him along with the sun in the uk
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

ny post is owed by him along with the sun in the uk

Thanks, I checked and that's correct -- I was actually looking for a list when you posted, but haven't found it yet. The list would be too long, probably! You all can see just how big and influential the Murdoch media conglomerate is in driving public opinion.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

E! Online. Not good. Bad errors, serious omissions. Anyone want to take a go at them? I don't have time -- like Ginvid, MUST get some work done today!

The Rupert Murdoch papers (, the Times, others?) are sharing the nearly identical story, one that is greatly sympathetic to Chandler. Murdoch and his cronies are taking a true advocacy position which is irresponsible and unethical journalism at its worst. Motive? Whatever sells. He's despised for a reason. I don't think I'll link to them -- I consider Murdoch beyond salvation. Others of you may disagree and want to post them, which is fine.
In eyes of many people, his death is viewed as GUILT as it was said on Doug banks yesterday. SO they can write what they want. I think overall, it is working out for the best for MJ.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Foxnews has it good. Just moring they reported on it and the two other host did not comment on it. The lady reporting it just look shocked.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

In eyes of many people, his death is viewed as GUILT as it was said on Doug banks yesterday. SO they can write what they want. I think overall, it is working out for the best for MJ.

What's Doug Banks? Got a link?
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Incorrect news reporting from the tabs still around I see! First of all the insurance company settled, not MJ. MJ wanted to take it to court, hiring Johnny Cochrane but even he said he couldn't guarantee victory due to OJ and the riots leaving race relations very raw. Secondly MJ did not settle to avoid it going to court, that's completely inaccurate. That was the civil case, the state could still take it to trial in a criminal case but shock horror the Chandlers didn't want it going to court after they got their millions and the case couldn't proceed due to lack of evidence, leaving us with a very pissy Tom Sneddon.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

jordan became friendly with his mother june after Evan attacked him in 2005, that's just for those who believe he may come forward now and tell the truth .

you would think after his mother took the stand against mj he would hate her even more, but it was the opposite .
as for jonny cochran , blame no one but that man for the settlement . no one was even thinking of settlement before that EVIL man became mj's attorney , he was the one who convinced mj to settle. he got millions because 'he saved mj', his buddy Feldman got 5 millions , and Evan got millions , the only one who lost was MJ .

Feldman was cochran's attorney during a divorce battle , he only came into mj's life to help Feldman .
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Thanks, I checked and that's correct -- I was actually looking for a list when you posted, but haven't found it yet. The list would be too long, probably! You all can see just how big and influential the Murdoch media conglomerate is in driving public opinion.
i think he owns the star tv network in india. but if u are just looking for the mainstream media outlets he owns then i think ppl on here would beable to pretty much name the majority of them for u

In eyes of many people, his death is viewed as GUILT as it was said on Doug banks yesterday. SO they can write what they want. I think overall, it is working out for the best for MJ.
the fact its suicide and the timing will prob make alot of the gen public go hummm. whether theres a connection is another matter, but it does look good for mj interms of how its come about
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Well, people here were whining yesterday about the lack of press....well, reports on this story are everywhere today. And they are far from favorable to MJ.

I don't know what people were expecting. That the press would have a change of heart? smh

Lucky for MJ's camp, that story came out while the movie is dying down. I cannot imagine the impact having this old story resurfaced could have had at the beginning of TII's run.

Most people want to forget this story...and having it resurface won't do any good. I am sure the Estate is not happy about it either.
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

someone who supported his son and helped bring down a possible pedo would not have committed suicide , he should have celebrated the monster's death . let the media twist it as they want, the first thing comes to mind did 'guilt' make him do that? but does 'guilt' hunt a father who believed he did the right thing ? No .

this is a prove that the mastermind behind the 1993 case was not stable mentally to say the least . the public now is aware of that .
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

I think it would be helpful if people posted examples of language we could be using to correct the inaccuracies, with corresponding links to good sources. That would make it easier for us to comment on these stories online. Lots of folks here are a lot more knowledgeable about this than me.

Here's an excerpt of something I just wrote at Huffington Post:
I just saw this video yesterday of Tom Mesereau, MJ's attorney who defended him against Evan Chandler. He says here about Jordan Chandler, the son, what would have happened if Evan pressed for criminal charges (which he never did, rather suspiciously):

"Now, my understanding is, the prosecutors tried to get him [Jordan Chandler] to show up and he wouldn't. If he had, I had witnesses who were going to come in and say he told them it never happened, and he would never talk to his parents again for what they made him say..."

No wonder, I think, that Evan Chandler tried to murder his son. He needed to silence him. We can only hope that Jordan now feels free to speak openly and honestly about the abuse and manipulation his father put him through.

I transcribed the video, so I know I have that part right, but my description of it could use some help. It's a little shaky because I'm unclear myself. Also, I need to know when/where this video was taken.

Here's the full citation for the Fisher article. Be sure and mention it's GQ -- that's a very widely known and respected publication.

Was Michael Jackson Framed?

The Untold Story
By Mary A. Fisher
GQ, October 1994
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

I really do hope that SOMEONE will finally come out to a major TV station for an interview and say it was all faked. But sadly, I don't think it will ever happen. And if it does, it would be for money.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Well, people here were whining yesterday about the lack of press....well, reports on this story are everywhere today. And they are far from favorable to MJ.

I don't know what people were expecting. That the press would have a change of heart? smh

Lucky for MJ's camp, that story came out while the movie is dying down. I cannot imagine the impact having this old story resurfaced could have had at the beginning of TII's run.

Most people want to forget this story...and having it resurface won't do any good. I am sure the Estate is not happy about it either.

This is the reason why I wish that there was no attention to this because It's mostly rehashing the 1993 crap. :(
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Well, people here were whining yesterday about the lack of press....well, reports on this story are everywhere today. And they are far from favorable to MJ.

I don't know what people were expecting. That the press would have a change of heart? smh
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

I don't think that Evan's death will have any bearing on what people think of Michael. People who thought that Michael was guilty to begin with are really the only ones having some crap to say about this. To me, the media has not really been in Michael's corner since 1986 and things went downhill from there regarding them. But it was all based on misconceptions about Michael and grew into the practice of people telling outright lies to get money as said misconceptions spread in the public and became popular. And the media didn't really change tack much when Michael died. Only a precious few of them deviated from the usual script after he passed away. So I'm not in the least bit surprised that there's all this bull being directed at him about Evan. None of this means anything now anyway IMO. Those who hate Michael will continue to hate him. Those who have realized what a good person he was will see through the fog of that hate. Those who love Michael will continue to love him. That's all there is to it.
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

true. the only thing that might change alot of ppl is if JC tells the truth but even the haters will find an excuse to say hes lieing.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

I was too young at the time to know much if any info about the 1993 allegation, I didn't learn about it until 05' when the second one happened. But yesterday someone posted a youtube video, called "Money" in which there's a man speaking at the beginning of the video, sounds like a recording, and words are identical to what Bo G put in his first post, "If I go through with this, there's no way I lose". Is that Evan Chandler himself saying that? And if so, why didn't the authorities ever look into it?