Miles Brown 4 year old kid, next Michael?

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This is the second ' Michael?' thread I've seen and there may be more. There will NEVER (at least not in our lifetime) be another Michael Jackson.
The line of great song and dance men sadly finished with michael..There is no way there will ever be another in that line, simply because noone can learn of the greats now..Mike was the last around and with his passing, no great song/dance person can speak first hand to another great..They can only watch clips and that is only half the thing...Mj, james brown , jackie wilson, sammy davis, fred astaire gene kelly etc ALL learnt from each other one on one and from other greats of the time..

There is no guiding force anymore and the line has finsihed..Thankfully It ended with the greatest of them all..But no, there will be good dancers..Not great because they cna't incorportate the past in the way the greats were able to..

This kid was good for 4, nothing special...You look at mj at 7 he felt the music and didn't just do the moves he rehearsed in relation to the music..There in lies a difference between great and good...This kid had nice moves for a 4 year old but it was all rehearsed and didn't come from his soul..Of course he will learn that but he IN NO WAY WILL BE THE NEXT MJ???

First you can't say anyone can be the next mj as it is an insult to his legacy..And also an insult to the individual who is striving to be different and unique...There can't be another mj, just like thier can't be another elvis or frank sinatra...Tis impossible
My goodness RELAX, stop taking this so seriously!

We know there will never be another MJ! This kid is adorable and when people say "He could be the next Michael Jackson", people mean this as to say that's how talented he is. Its a saying! Just like if a child is incredibly intelligent, he could be "The next Albert Eisenstein" or "The next Michael Jordon" if a child is talented in sports!

I really hope some fans are 15 years old or something when they post such immature comments. To feel threatened or get feisty over complementing a 4 year old BABY is pathetic in my opinion.

What the hell are you talking about
I didnt say anything about that child to demean him
I didnt feel threatened or did I say anything wrong
or immature in my post

Quit personally attacking people in this board
that is so rude _ knock it OFF :(

That was certainly uncalled for and pissed me off royally
please dont do it again

NOONE WILL EVER COMPARE TO HIM! He was a one of a kind! He was and will ALWAYS and FOREVER be the true one and only King of Pop. If not simply King of Music and Entertainment.

Noone can ever replace him, period!!!
This is the second ' Michael?' thread I've seen and there may be more. There will NEVER (at least not in our lifetime) be another Michael Jackson.

Omfg!!! BEFORE YOU POST READ WHAT I WROTE ON THE FIRST PAGE. The reason I named the thread next Michael was because the kid resembled Michael: his afro, he's black and he's starting out at a young age. It was a SUITABLE TITLE. I never said he had the talent or the genius of Michael. This shit with people not reading what they have to read before posting is really getting on my nerve. I think this is the third time I have to "defend" myself against stupid people like you who reads the first post and then press "post reply".

"The thing I meant was, you gotta work to even come close to achieving just a little bit of what Michael did. And often, talent alone isn't enough.

I agree of what some other people said, there won't be another Michael Jackson but I thought the kid resembled Michael; you know, the afro, he's black and starting out at an early age"

Post #7.

Guess you just skipped that one, huh?!
Omfg!!! BEFORE YOU POST READ WHAT I WROTE ON THE FIRST PAGE. The reason I named the thread next Michael was because the kid resembled Michael: his afro, he's black and he's starting out at a young age. It was a SUITABLE TITLE. I never said he had the talent or the genius of Michael. This shit with people not reading what they have to read before posting is really getting on my nerve. I think this is the third time I have to "defend" myself against stupid people like you who reads the first post and then press "post reply".


I got what you meant hun, don't worry. Unfortunately everyone else didn't. lol

He is good for a 4 year old!

But in addition to talent anyone that aspires to come even close to MJ's accomplishments is going to have to have perfect timing in his Carter and an enormous amount of luck.

There are way more people competing to become entertainers than when MJ was coming up and they can get much wider exposue than has ever been possible before.

So good luck kid, you will need it to go with your talent!
Omfg!!! BEFORE YOU POST READ WHAT I WROTE ON THE FIRST PAGE. The reason I named the thread next Michael was because the kid resembled Michael: his afro, he's black and he's starting out at a young age. It was a SUITABLE TITLE. I never said he had the talent or the genius of Michael. This shit with people not reading what they have to read before posting is really getting on my nerve. I think this is the third time I have to "defend" myself against stupid people like you who reads the first post and then press "post reply".


The fact is I shouldn't have to read the first page when the thread has a title like it does. Someone isn't the 'next Michael' because they have a similar look to someone. Will 'Miles Brown' have gold records by the time he's 18? Will 'Miles Brown' donate millions to charity? Will 'Miles Brown' grow up with Vitiligo and be dogged with controversy? Of course not.

Use your words wisely because you have obviously given the posters of this thread the wrong message. Even though you might have meant his looks, STILL nobody can compare. Michael was so classy, so eleagant in his fashion, even at a young age. If, aparrantly you meant his looks, why didnt you name the thread "Hey, this kid looks like Michael did."?

Seriously, stop being such a kid with your insults. Everyone else seems to agree with my point (however not directly) so why did you pick on me? Stop arguing on the boards because its not tolerated here.

"The thing I meant was, you gotta work to even come close to achieving just a little bit of what Michael did. And often, talent alone isn't enough.

I agree of what some other people said, there won't be another Michael Jackson but I thought the kid resembled Michael; you know, the afro, he's black and starting out at an early age"

Post #7.

Guess you just skipped that one, huh?!

Thanks, atleast SOMEONE ;)

Stop it.
Omfg!!! BEFORE YOU POST READ WHAT I WROTE ON THE FIRST PAGE. The reason I named the thread next Michael was because the kid resembled Michael: his afro, he's black and he's starting out at a young age. It was a SUITABLE TITLE. I never said he had the talent or the genius of Michael. This shit with people not reading what they have to read before posting is really getting on my nerve. I think this is the third time I have to "defend" myself against stupid people like you who reads the first post and then press "post reply".


How about you stop with the name calling!!!! What is with this place i would have thought calling someone and idiot and stupid is against the rules! f***ing rude if you ask me!
We have the internet where you can download sh*t tons of music and their videos for free illegally. There goes the idea of kickin' Thriller outta the way.
I don't know of anyone right now who can dance.
Sure, they get on stage shake their ass, do a dance routine. That ain't dancing. Anyone can learn a routine. A real dancer feels the beat and just answers with their body.
They can sing, but who can show true emotions they've never experienced? Who can make us cry with them and feel the pain of heart break? Who can make us feel that joy of a first love? What about getting us on the dance floor to shake our booty? Who can do all that without turning into a pervert? Who can keep their music clean enough for the whole family to enjoy?
What about the music videos? Do they tell a story along with the music? Or is it a bunch of skanky girls half naked shaken it?
Do they travel the world even when they are not on tour? Do they visit children in hospitals? Do they give millions away to charity? Do they open their home for children to visit who are sick and dying? Do they do all this with the cameras gone?
Do they make sure the fans outside their house are taken care of when their home? Do they send out for pizza or KFC with their own money? Do they send food to the fans outside their hotels while on tour too? Do the stand by the window and chat up the fans?
All of these things made Michael special. All of these things made us love him more than other singers and dancers. There will never be another Michael Joseph Jackson.
Just thrownin this out there.
I forgot to add,
Do they send us notes just to say hello? Do they include us as family? Do they tape greetings of holiday cheer? Do they go on stage for 45 seconds and steal the show? Do they crash a party just cause they got a crush? (Wazzup Be, you know you my gurl lol) Do they rock a single glove and turn it into the world's biggest fashion statement? Do they make sure to save tickets back for underprivileged children where they will be doing a concert to make sure those child can attend too? Do they sign a cast of a fan that got ran over by their limo through no fault of their own and make sure he's okay? Do they write a song for their best friend's birthday and share it with the world because they love them too much to not share? Do they have a crazy dance move that once shown to the world, everyone wants to learn it? Can they sing? Dance? Beatbox? Draw? All of these things equally well? Are they good at business? Are they a fly dresser even when they're just chillin at home? Do they have the balls to show up in court with jammies on? Do they have an amusement park and theater in their backyard that they share with sick children?

Lookin' like him doesn't mean jack. Blanket looks just like him, doesn't mean he has any of his Daddy's talents.
People get heated and argue over the most pathetic things.. Can't even have a light hearted thread like this without it going on? and name calling wtf?
Closing this since people can't discuss it in a nice manner. Don't see the point in cleaning and re opening, Can see it just carrying on. SMH...
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