UPDATE!!! New Lawyer appointed! Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

and the plot thickens....Randy...hmmmm....why would he do this to Michael.....why would he do this to Katherine and the kids..one reason...Money...greed....so so sad...he is suppose to be Michael's brother...he should be ashamed of himself.
Do you trust branca and mccain? do you think they have the best interest for michaels kids? do you think they care about making money for the estate for the interest of katherine and the kids or for them selves? why is branca involved with sony? did sony care about michael best interest? so before you put all your trust in branca and mccain you should think about there ties to sony, and dont you think the jackson family are suspicious of branca an mccain, why wouldnt they be. they have more inside knowledge than you think.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Some fans are funny. I remember how some fans were telling that Londell were the great one, the best choice for Michael and for his business. Londell have helped Michael A LOT during the years etc... and now ppl are calling him out?

LOL, get out of my head!!! I was just going to write the same thing b4 I saw your post...
Back when get hired Londell on to represent him during the AllGood case or either RB's lawsuit, he was being praised, now you guys are throwing him into the fire.... What's up with that??
Maybe he estate business is not his strong suit... And I see Mrs. Jackson went and got a her a someone that specializes in estate business, and from his list of past dealings, he isn't no joke...
I just hope everything eventually gets resolved and works out for the best
I don't think that Janet's greedy, but she's not very involved with her family, and with GOOD REASON.

IMO Janet is not greedy & she seems to enjoy her family. There are lots of pics with her brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, mom etc although artistically she obviously wants to be independent. She invites her family to her parties, they show it on the tab shows - they don't know who some of the family are most of the time - She does not yet have any kids of her own, but I am hoping she does soon. Check out the family photo threads on the forum. There are lots more on the net too.
this is all just too much for a 79 year old woman to be dealing with. Randy should get a job and start making his own money and leave michael's money to the people that mj left his money too.
the new lawyer said he will fight the executors , so stop blaming Londell . he was acting on behalf of the family .


the new lawyer is an expert in probate matters and challenging executors based on the "undue influence" .

Well, there are a lot of people who came in MJ's life and KNOWS how much he distrusted his family when it came to money. I am sure peopleliek Raymon Bain, and his string of past managers can attest to Joe & Katherine perstering him.

I am sure there are many taped conversations of MJ blasting his family behind closed doors to advisors.

If the family wants war, they will get it on their own term.

Just like the recently leaked conversations when MJ was writing his biography....I am sure there are a lot more of those. And the estate should NOT hesitate to air them in open court to defend the estate against the Jacksons.

I am sure many people in the industry wouldn't mind corroborate the stories that MJ did not trust his father nor his brothers. And current and former employees can testify that MJ had limited contact with his family, and the reasons behind it.

The sad part is, a long court battle can only hurt the estate.

Because Branca & co won't be able to do their job and get rid of the debt, while constantly being dragged in court. And some industry people might not want to make deals with the estate while all the drama is playing played in court & the media.

The kids will end up paying for this masquerade. Sorry to say this but aside from MJ, the Jacksons have absolutely no class.
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Not in the case of my cousin who was one of the JW elders and he beat the crap out of her.

After years of abuse, she pressed charges against him & the other JWs told her that if she gets a divorce, she'd have to leave the JWs.

So she did.

Your cousin is giving you a white washed version of the events. You are getting second hand information while I have been one my whole life. And even if the events did go as your cousin claims, there were other choices she could have made. You don't get kicked out of the religion for divorcing anyone, never! There's more to the story then you have been privy to. And my mother was a victim of abuse by my father (both JWs) and my mother left my father and she is still one to this day and doing well.
Your cousin is giving you a white washed version of the events. You are getting second hand information while I have been one my whole life. And even if the events did go as your cousin claims, there were other choices she could have made. You don't get kicked out of the religion for divorcing anyone, never! There's more to the story then you have been privy to. And my mother was a victim of abuse by my father (both JWs) and my mother left my father and she is still one to this day and doing well.

No need to get defensive, I'm just telling you what happened in my family.

It's the "divorce" issue that drove my cousin to leave. She didn't get kicked out, she was given a choice, either stay with your husband who beats the crap out of you (i.e. no Divorce, just separated) OR leave the JWs.

So she left and divorced the P.O.S. slime of her husband. This happened in the 1970s, so maybe JWs loosened up a bit since then. But I remember when one of my JW relatives was getting married, my cousin was told that she could not come. And my immediate family, who are Catholic, were invited.

My cousin was considered an outcast by the JWs, she could not have contact with any of our family members that remained within the religion, including her mother - who was forbidden to see her daughter & grandchild, all because my cousin refused to be a punching bag for her JW elder husband.

So her mother left as well a few months after her daughter did.
I'm not getting defensive. I'm justing saying that there is more to it than you know if the events happened as you said because no one would even be given the option to have to leave for refusing to stay married. They have I think loosened some when it comes to physical abuse (my mom and dad divorced in the mid 80's), but it has always been a contention that you cannot even be threatened with having to leave if you choose not to stay married to someone.
Do you trust branca and mccain? do you think they have the best interest for michaels kids? do you think they care about making money for the estate for the interest of katherine and the kids or for them selves? why is branca involved with sony? did sony care about michael best interest? so before you put all your trust in branca and mccain you should think about there ties to sony, and dont you think the jackson family are suspicious of branca an mccain, why wouldnt they be. they have more inside knowledge than you think.

yes I trust him , he was the one behind mj purchasing the sony/atv in the first place , he along with MJ built that financial empire , and the people who convinced mj that Branca was conspiring against him were Weizner and Koitzner , both liars and thieves . as for Mcclain , he is a long time friend of the family and both of these men have a very successful careers before and after they met MJ .

on the other hand I don't trust joe and katherine, I DON'T TRUST PARENTS WHO SEND THEIR FIVE YEARS OLD BOY TO PERFORM IN SEX Clubs because both of them were lazy .

I don't trust joe who abused mj physically and emotionally ,and I certainly don't trust katherine who covered up for joe . I don't trust them because they leeched off him all their lives .

and stop with this argument over why katherine did not proceed with her divorce plans .

Abusing her children mentally and physically for years was not a reason to file for divorce but cheating on her was . :smilerolleyes:

joe could do anything to those kids as long as she was safe . disgusting .
THis is what I do not understand about katherine when she asked for the original allowance she said all she got was social security check. Now she is saying she made more money and has taxes to pay. Somthing is not adding up here. I think she wants more money for to give her family. why should michael's estate pay for a whole electricity bill when children are staying there who have parents who should be supporting them.
does she have to pay tax on the money shes getting from the estate or has it being taxed already? she prob wants x amount of $ b4 tax?
does she have to pay tax on the money shes getting from the estate or has it being taxed already? she prob wants x amount of $ b4 tax?

But why does she need more money a month just wait until an accountant does the taxes in 2010 with what she owes and then ask for that amount THat is what I am not getting.
But why does she need more money a month just wait until an accountant does the taxes in 2010 with what she owes and then ask for that amount THat is what I am not getting.

i dont know how it works does she get taxed each month like u do on a normal wage or is it like being self emplyed where u pay at the end of the tax year
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Some fans are funny. I remember how some fans were telling that Londell were the great one, the best choice for Michael and for his business. Londell have helped Michael A LOT during the years etc... and now ppl are calling him out?

I am just on the first page of this thread and I'm confused by this too? I didn't know Londell wasn't a good attorney and was giving bad advice to Mrs. Jackson? I guess I missed something? I hadn't read all the katherine/attorney thread updates and I also didn't know Londell has a link to Joe and Randy Jackson?
i dont think u missed anything, i never saw it either. tbh i think some days its like who do we turn on now and declare them the bad guy
well, when did exactly joe and katherine support their children in the first place ?

It shouldn't be a secret to the public that michael had been supporting his mom and dad and whoever was living in Havenhurst since for sure the Thriller days. Jermaine and his family back then were being supported. He helped out Tito's sons when Tito went awol on them according to one of Michael sister in laws. Margaret , Jermaines ex-wife admitted that Michael held the purse strings for the family, because everyone else was broke except Michael and Janet. Her book was enlightning. She said when the first allegations came about Jermaine and Joe plopped themselves right in front of the media as the spokespersons to get his career going once again. Sounds very familiar. This book was written in the 1990's. That close relationship Jermaine keep saying they had was as not as close as he is portraying. They all weren't that close for some time now. Realistically, families tend to come together during tradedies. If Michael would have gone down the whole family would have gone down with him. So the united front had to be there. Not to say they didn't love him. I believe they did, but they let business come between love too many times. I don't think the family need to get their hands on that money. It wouldn't be in the best interest of Michaels kids.
also Margaret Maldonado stated when they were working on the American Dream t.v. series about the Jacksons life. Most of the brothers came to her privately to tell of horror stories of Joe pulling out his guns( when they were older of course) when younger beating them with extension chords and pouring salt in the wounds. I don't know how true it all is, but some aspects sound familiar from Michaels own words. The book is "Jackson Family Values" by Margaret Madonado.
The other thing I wonder about is when Katherine originally asked for the allowance she gave an itemization of her bills which i would assume include an electric bill so why now does she need more money for that when the allowance was inclusive of her household bills.
well, you got to remember the judge allowed katherine to collect 85 % of what she originally asked for, and he said that many of the bills were listed twice . she was playing smart with the judge . the judge told katherine's lawyers before that she should stop acting like she owns anything , she does not .( during the memorabilia debate) . and i'm sure at some point he will tell her that the estate has to provide for her and the three kids only , and she should stop acting like it should provide for the other 50 individuals leeching off MJ there .
Do you trust branca and mccain? do you think they have the best interest for michaels kids? do you think they care about making money for the estate for the interest of katherine and the kids or for them selves? why is branca involved with sony? did sony care about michael best interest? so before you put all your trust in branca and mccain you should think about there ties to sony, and dont you think the jackson family are suspicious of branca an mccain, why wouldnt they be. they have more inside knowledge than you think.

umm? as a fan standing on the outside... if I had to choose between Branca and McCain security the financial future of Michael's kids and his family...

I pick McCain and Branca..........

I admire and respect what the Jackson's accomplished and believed they loved Michael ..............BUT.....when so much money is involved...Branca and McClain hands down...

Michael went thru great efforts to keep his family out of his business affairs...
umm? as a fan standing on the outside... if I had to choose between Branca and McCain security the financial future of Michael's kids and his family...

I pick McCain and Branca..........

I admire and respect what the Jackson's accomplished and believed they loved Michael ..............BUT.....when so much money is involved...Branca and McClain hands down...

Michael went thru great efforts to keep his family out of his business affairs...

I'm with you on this one, Rasta.
umm? as a fan standing on the outside... if I had to choose between Branca and McCain security the financial future of Michael's kids and his family...

I pick McCain and Branca..........

I admire and respect what the Jackson's accomplished and believed they loved Michael ..............BUT.....when so much money is involved...Branca and McClain hands down...

Michael went thru great efforts to keep his family out of his business affairs...

Exactly. If MJ did not want his family in his business while he was alive, why would he want them to have a say now that he is gone?

Branca & McClain by a long shot , over any Jackson (until MJ3 reach the age MJ want them to inherit his estate).
I thought this as I read Mr. Streisand's credentials, on the first page, and the update confirms it - the whole mess is going to get uglier.

The key is here, imo : "(...) Joe Jackson appeared frustrated earlier this month when he attended his first hearing in the probate process, suggesting the lawyers should be more aggressive in court.
Streisand said the three Jackson children are doing "absolutely wonderful."

They simply got someone more agressive. And my guess is they will be using the kids.

Let's face it, we are talking about probably 1 billion dollars. Do you expect them to sit around broke, and do nothing about it?! I don't.
Lie, steal or cheat, everything, everything... everything for money, right? I have a bitter smile on my face right now...
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Exactly. If MJ did not want his family in his business while he was alive, why would he want them to have a say now that he is gone?

Branca & McClain by a long shot , over any Jackson (until MJ3 reach the age MJ want them to inherit his estate).
Thats whats wrong michael jackson had fired branca and then he is hired back when dr thome was doing the hiring and firing, its fine that some of you trust branca and mccain over the jackson family. but branca and team is making money off michael for them selves. and the estate, and you trust them?
Thats whats wrong michael jackson had fired branca and then he is hired back when dr thome was doing the hiring and firing, its fine that some of you trust branca and mccain over the jackson family. but branca and team is making money off michael for them selves. and the estate, and you trust them?

Get your facts straight!

MJ DID not fire Branca in 2006...Branca resigned because of the "crazies" that surrounded MJ during that time.

He resigned and MJ accepted his resignation. MJ ASKED Branca back a mere 2 weeks before his death. He was obviously cleaning house, and wanted his team from the '80's back in place.

McClain has been MJ's friend since they were young kids...and as far as we know, there has never been any issue with them.
Thats whats wrong michael jackson had fired branca and then he is hired back when dr thome was doing the hiring and firing, its fine that some of you trust branca and mccain over the jackson family. but branca and team is making money off michael for them selves. and the estate, and you trust them?

I trust they are best at making money for EVERYONE. They've been proven EXTREMELY successful at doing so.

I wouldn't trust them to get on stage and successfuly entertain thousands. That's not their expertise. Just like multimillion dollar business deals are not the Jacksons.
yes I trust him , he was the one behind mj purchasing the sony/atv in the first place , he along with MJ built that financial empire , and the people who convinced mj that Branca was conspiring against him were Weizner and Koitzner , both liars and thieves . as for Mcclain , he is a long time friend of the family and both of these men have a very successful careers before and after they met MJ .

on the other hand I don't trust joe and katherine, I DON'T TRUST PARENTS WHO SEND THEIR FIVE YEARS OLD BOY TO PERFORM IN SEX Clubs because both of them were lazy .

I don't trust joe who abused mj physically and emotionally ,and I certainly don't trust katherine who covered up for joe . I don't trust them because they leeched off him all their lives .

and stop with this argument over why katherine did not proceed with her divorce plans .

Abusing her children mentally and physically for years was not a reason to file for divorce but cheating on her was . :smilerolleyes:

joe could do anything to those kids as long as she was safe . disgusting .
I have not commented on katherine not getting a divorce, I have no clue on that. about branca and mccain i guest its alright for them to make money of michael just because he helped michael legally obtain the catalog and other legal deals he suppose to be on the up in up was'nt he the lawyer that wanted michael to file for bankruptcy and did'nt michael fire branca back then. and yet you trust branca who is going to make money from this it it, before the estate get there share.
Originally Posted by Rasta Pasta
umm? as a fan standing on the outside... if I had to choose between Branca and McCain security the financial future of Michael's kids and his family...

I pick McCain and Branca..........

I admire and respect what the Jackson's accomplished and believed they loved Michael ..............BUT.....when so much money is involved...Branca and McClain hands down...

Michael went thru great efforts to keep his family out of his business affairs...
Mi amico/a,

I've been saying this all along, yet certain MJJC members think I'm an azz-hole for this.
