UPDATE!!! New Lawyer appointed! Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

oh my God shimar, you think katherine is behind the new attroney ? are you joking? it is obviously Randy's choice , he is gonna announce war very soon .
Katherine Jackson Needs More Power

Posted Oct 22nd 2009 6:32PM by TMZ Staff
Katherine Jackson's need for more power is not about her ability to control the estate -- she needs money for the electric bill.

Lawyers in the probate case just told the judge Katherine's allowance needs to be increased to pay the utility bills.

And, the lawyers say, Katherine made more money this year -- therefore, she needs to pay more taxes and needs more in the way of an allowance.

Katherine is currently pulling in $26,804 a month.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/10/22/katherine-jackson-needs-more-power/#comments#ixzz0Uhvz0oBk

$26.000 is not enough? Maybe if there weren't like 15 people living at Hayvenhurst, it would be enough. I wouldn't mind Katherine receiving money if I knew she's using them for herself. But she's providing for all the freeloaders living there.
Okay, so Streisand (LoL) looks like good peoples to me...(?)...:dntknw:
He definitely looks qualified and seems they have a good chance of getting what they want with him....but what exactly is it that they want?... =/
His being a good lawyer will either be very very good for MJ and the babies or very very bad. :unsure:
oh my God shimar, you think katherine is behind the new attroney ? are you joking? it is obviously Randy's choice , he is gonna announce war very soon .

This has Randy written all over it.

Anyone else surprise no one in the family is trying to put a stop to this farce?

Janet may want to stay out of it, but if this becomes as ugly as I think it will, she will suffer professionally. From reading a couple of blogs, most people seem to be against the Jacksons.
oh my God shimar, you think katherine is behind the new attroney ? are you joking? it is obviously Randy's choice , he is gonna announce war very soon .

I really hope not, because if they invalidate everything, then Katherine loses & the kids get everything & they won't have access to that money until one of them is of legal age.

I hope that this new attorney helps Katherine & the kids instead of helping Joe & Randy.
Who can blame the public for being against them?

All you see are a bunch of vultures picking off the last bits of their brother's bones and them evilly eyeing the children as their next meal.

This has Randy written all over it.

Anyone else surprise no one in the family is trying to put a stop to this farce?

Janet may want to stay out of it, but if this becomes as ugly as I think it will, she will suffer professionally. From reading a couple of blogs, most people seem to be against the Jacksons.
$26.000 is not enough? Maybe if there weren't like 15 people living at Hayvenhurst, it would be enough. I wouldn't mind Katherine receiving money if I knew she's using them for herself. But she's providing for all the freeloaders living there.

LoL, yeah, TMZ comment...

"- Turn off unused lights
- Kick out GROWN son's and their children and baby mama's
- Pay your own taxes with what you are receiving
- You are still married to Joe and file joint returns, he better pay his share for the $$$$$ he's earning on MJ's back"

No disrespect, I think she's a good woman, I just don't wanna see her walked on and used like her son was - payback for being sweet and trusting. =(
LoL, yeah, TMZ comment...

"- Turn off unused lights
- Kick out GROWN son's and their children and baby mama's
- Pay your own taxes with what you are receiving
- You are still married to Joe and file joint returns, he better pay his share for the $$$$$ he's earning on MJ's back"

No disrespect, I think she's a good woman, I just don't wanna see her walked on and used like her son was. =(

Too late for that.

I really hope Katherine stops listening to Joe & Randy - and think about what's best for her & the MJ3.

And kick out all those lazy good-for-nothings out of Havenhurst! There's like 15-20 of them there!
Shakeup in Jackson legal team



By ANTHONY McCARTNEY, AP Entertainment Writer Anthony Mccartney, Ap Entertainment Writer – 3 mins ago
LOS ANGELES – A shakeup in Katherine Jackson's legal team left her unrepresented during a hearing to clarify the power two attorneys have over her son's estate, but it didn't stop the judge from issuing orders upholding those powers and adding new ones.
The new authority given the administrators by Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff on Thursday included not having to seek permission from the judge to make routine decisions on various administrative matters involving the estate of Michael Jackson.
Meanwhile, an attorney for the administrators told the judge that Katherine Jackson has signed paperwork to change her attorneys in the estate case and apparently has hired another attorney. But he didn't attend the Thursday hearing because of a paperwork problem.
Too late for that.

I really hope Katherine stops listening to Joe & Randy - and think about what's best for her & the MJ3.

And kick out all those lazy good-for-nothings out of Havenhurst! There's like 15-20 of them there!

I know, I just hate to see it continue. She's vulnerable - she's grieving, she's dealing with a lot of ish, and she's tired - they know this and they'll take advantage of it. Please please help her find the strength to battle this one out.
Britney Spears' 'Lawyer' Ejected From Courtroom After Judge Doesn't Recognize Him As Her Counsel
Adam Streisand claimed he had been hired by singer over weekend; meanwhile, Sam Lutfi ordered not to contact Spears.

The battle over Britney Spears' affairs heated up in court on Monday (February 4) as her father and his lawyers faced off against a new attorney who claimed to have been hired by the singer this weekend. The lawyer wanted to fire the singer's father as conservator of her estate, though the court ultimately did not recognize him as her counsel.

Adam Streisand, a second cousin to Barbra Streisand and an attorney who specializes in disputes over large celebrity estates, told the court during a hearing that Britney has a "very strong desire" for her father, Jamie Spears, not to be the conservator of her estate, as was decided as a temporary measure on Friday. Streisand, who spoke with Britney for 30 minutes on Saturday and a short while on Monday, said the singer — who is currently being hospitalized — has been estranged from her father and that the situation is causing a "greater estrangement."

Jamie Spears' attorneys, as well as a court-appointed investigator, questioned whether Streisand could represent Spears, saying that she didn't have the mental capacity to hire him at this time. Sam Ingham, the court-appointed investigator who spoke with Britney for 15 minutes on Sunday, told the court that the singer "did not understand" the nature of the proceedings and the impact the process could have on her affairs. "She lacks the capacity to retain direct counsel," he told the court. Streisand responded, "I am her lawyer." Commissioner Reva Goetz disagreed and did not recognize him as Spears' attorney, ejecting him from the courtroom.
Shakeup in Jackson legal team



By ANTHONY McCARTNEY, AP Entertainment Writer Anthony Mccartney, Ap Entertainment Writer – 3 mins ago
LOS ANGELES – A shakeup in Katherine Jackson's legal team left her unrepresented during a hearing to clarify the power two attorneys have over her son's estate, but it didn't stop the judge from issuing orders upholding those powers and adding new ones.
The new authority given the administrators by Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff on Thursday included not having to seek permission from the judge to make routine decisions on various administrative matters involving the estate of Michael Jackson.
Meanwhile, an attorney for the administrators told the judge that Katherine Jackson has signed paperwork to change her attorneys in the estate case and apparently has hired another attorney. But he didn't attend the Thursday hearing because of a paperwork problem.

yes. God bless this judge....hopefully that Streisand dude is not as crazy as Randy.

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's mother is changing the legal team she's using to fight for control of her son's estate, according to a lawyer involved in the litigation.
Katherine Jackson, with Michael in 2005, is challenging the appointment of Michael's estate trustees.


Katherine Jackson is expected to announce the replacement of Burt Levitch during a probate hearing Thursday afternoon in Los Angeles Superior Court, said Howard Weitzman, the lead lawyer for the estate's administrators.
Levitch, until now, led Katherine Jackson's challenge of the appointment of John Branca and John McClain as trustees of the estate.
It was not immediately clear if the change in lawyers would affect Katherine Jackson's plan to try to have Branca and McClain replaced or to have a Jackson family member added as a third trustee.
Thursday's hearing was requested by Branca's and McClain's lawyers to ask Judge Mitchell Beckloff to make it clear to Katherine Jackson's lawyers that they have broad powers to make deals for the estate as temporary administrators.
Branca and McClain, named in Jackson's 2002 will as trustees of his estate, were appointed to be special administrators to handle its business until the probate process is completed and permanent trustees are named.
Jackson, who died suddenly on June 25, 2009, left an estate with hundreds of millions of dollars in debt, but with the potential to be worth much more, lawyers said.
Deals made by the special administrators are expected to bring in about $100 million to the estate this year, including the agreement that resulted in next week's premiere of a documentary movie about the pop star's last days.
Katherine Jackson's lawyers have fought constantly to have a greater say in those deals since soon after Branca and McClain gained control in July.
Originally Posted by marc_vivien
It was not immediately clear if the change in lawyers would affect Katherine Jackson's plan to try to have Branca and McClain replaced or to have a Jackson family member added as a third trustee.
Oh dear.

The press is SO STUPID. The trustees are the beneficiaries, which is Paris, Mike Jr., Blanket & Katherine!

Replace the word "executor" with "trustee".
I don't know if anyone missed this, but today on TMZ's new show, Latoya Jackson and some guy who was with her was claiming that Mike's Will was fake. The guy went on saying "I could have told you how fake it was 2 months ago" . Latoya just stood there nodding in agreement.

Now I have to ask, how much money is enough? I mean, katherine get's $65,000 a month (more money then what a cop makes a whole year here in NY!!!!!!!!!) for the kid's + support. How much DOES SHE NEED? Because when Mike was alive, he did support her but I doubt she was getting as much as she is getting now.

How much is enough? I bet she also believes the Will is fake and is going by what Randy and the rest of her greedy children are telling her. As I said before - she is someone who is easy to persuade. I don't have to live with her to know that. Just by how she sat through DWTS and Jermaine's Vienna concert video speech, you can tell she does things she doesn't like. It's her kids and so she does what they say.

This whole new lawyer's thing smells of that too.
And if Katherine is going to go along with her other children - who haven't made a life for themselves other than sell their stories to the tabloids - then the best thing is for the kids to be removed from Havenhurst immediately.

I love & adore Katherine like if she were my aunt or mother, but the children do not belong in a home where they are seen as the next meal ticket.

I don't know if anyone missed this, but today on TMZ's new show, Latoya Jackson and some guy who was with her was claiming that Mike's Will was fake. The guy went on saying "I could have told you how fake it was 2 months ago" . Latoya just stood there nodding in agreement.

Now I have to ask, how much money is enough? I mean, katherine get's $65,000 a month (more money then what a cop makes a whole year here in NY!!!!!!!!!) for the kid's + support. How much DOES SHE NEED? Because when Mike was alive, he did support her but I doubt she was getting as much as she is getting now.

How much is enough? I bet she also believes the Will is fake and is going by what Randy and the rest of her greedy children are telling her. As I said before - she is someone who is easy to persuade. I don't have to live with her to know that. Just by how she sat through DWTS and Jermaine's Vienna concert video speech, you can tell she does things she doesn't like. It's her kids and so she does what they say.

This whole new lawyer's thing smells of that too.
The press is SO STUPID. The trustees are the beneficiaries, which is Paris, Mike Jr., Blanket & Katherine!

Replace the word "executor" with "trustee".

LMAO. I totally missed that... =P However, I didn't *write* it. That would've been far dumber. Good call, Shimar.
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's mother fired the lawyers helping her fight for control of her son's estate, but her new lawyer missed a key hearing where the judge gave more power to the men she is opposing.
Katherine Jackson, with Michael in 2005, is challenging the appointment of Michael's estate trustees.


Katherine Jackson replaced lawyers Burt Levitch and Londell McMillan with Adam Streisand, a lawyer known for his expertise in Los Angeles probate cases.
"The family came to a decision before they called me," Streisand said. "They felt they needed a different perspective and fresh look at how this case was being approached."

But Streisand arrived at court Thursday minutes after Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff ended a hearing in which he granted a request from estate special administrators John Branca and John McClain for more authority to make deals on behalf of Jackson's estate.

"I want this estate to move forward and I want these creditors to be dealt with," Beckloff said. "And while we are proceeding in this posture, I want Mrs. Jackson to have information about what is going on and I don't want to be in court all the time."
The process of probate of Jackson's will, which named Branca and McClain as executors, has been slowed since soon after the pop star's June 25 death by numerous legal challenges filed by Katherine Jackson's lawyers, led by Levitch.
Howard Weitzman, lead lawyer for the estate's administrators, expressed optimism that the two sides would be able to work better toward a settlement with Streisand in charge.

The estate's administrators were able to make a series of deals expected to bring in at least $100 million to the estate this year, mostly through a documentary movie that premieres next week.

Katherine Jackson's legal team has asked that a member of the Jackson family "have a seat at the table" as a third executor.

They've also raised questions in sealed court papers about possible conflicts of interest that might prevent Branca and McClain from controlling the estate.
Streisand said the Jackson family was frustrated with the inability "to get this case going."

He indicated Katherine Jackson still planned to challenge Branca and McClain's control of her son's wealth.

Under the 2002 will, Michael Jackson's three children and his mother are the chief beneficiaries of his estate, while unnamed charities will share in 20 percent of the wealth.

Streisand said when he met with Katherine Jackson and the children to discuss the case, they were united.

He said Jackson patriarch Joe Jackson was not present at the meeting and he's never talked with him.

Joe Jackson appeared frustrated earlier this month when he attended his first hearing in the probate process, suggesting the lawyers should be more aggressive in court.
Streisand said the three Jackson children are doing "absolutely wonderful."

And if Katherine is going to go along with her other children - who haven't made a life for themselves other than sell their stories to the tabloids - then the best thing is for the kids to be removed from Havenhurst immediately.

I love & adore Katherine like if she were my aunt or mother, but the children do not belong in a home where they are seen as the next meal ticket.

I am still not sure if Katherine is as greedy as her kids, or she is simply just a puppet for them. Either way, Diana or Debbie - DO SOMETHING.
This is so messed up! I feel sorry for those children. Katherine should think about them before going along with this mess. The future's dark for those babies right now. I'm sorry to say this, but some of the Jacksons are crazy. Their desperate tries to remove the executors only prove how greedy they are. I don't know what Randy's been telling Katherine, but this won't end well.
This is the family Michael's children have to grow up in. Other choices?
Debbie? They probably know she's their mother, but have no bond with her. When was the last time they saw her?
Diana Ross? Do they even know her?
This is so messed up! I feel sorry for those children. Katherine should think about them before going along with this mess. The future's dark for those babies right now. I'm sorry to say this, but some of the Jacksons are crazy. Their desperate tries to remove the executors only prove how greedy they are. I don't know what Randy's been telling Katherine, but this won't end well.
This is the family Michael's children have to grow up in. Other choices?
Debbie? They probably know she's their mother, but have no bond with her. When was the last time they saw her?
Diana Ross? Do they even know her?

The kids barely knew their grandmother before Mike's death. They only saw Katherine perhaps once or twice a year (according to some report I read) at special family events.

So katherine barely had any maternal bondness with them. The only contstant in their lives was Grace.
I love Katherine Jackson, I really do, but if she gets control of anything.........there will be nothing left for those children. That's all I'm going to say.
I am still not sure if Katherine is as greedy as her kids, or she is simply just a puppet for them. Either way, Diana or Debbie - DO SOMETHING.

Yeah, I don't get how Debbie Rowe isn't looking at all of this and isn't thinking WTF??? It's just so blatant what's going on.
$26.000 is not enough? Maybe if there weren't like 15 people living at Hayvenhurst, it would be enough. I wouldn't mind Katherine receiving money if I knew she's using them for herself. But she's providing for all the freeloaders living there.

you are right about the freeloaders... but they were there before June 25.

she can't (well, she CAN) but shouldn't kick out the other grand kids and baby mommas out.

after the fiasco with the PAPS.... shoot.... the estate should cough up some more money for every expense in regards to MJ3 and Katherine. Its MJ's hard work of 45 years....

MJ3 should have their daily needs met, security, drivers, etc.
I disagree. The Streisand lawyer specializes in "estate & trust disputes", this tells me they are ready for a big battle.

I think they want to take this thing all the way until Randy is in power of the estate.

Poor Michael. Poor the kids.

I hope the trust is solid. Because these lawyers have made quite a few mistakes in the will, if the trust is not iron tight, this Streisand lawyer will do his best to invalidate the trust and put Randy in charge.

I shiver at the thought of MJ's money getting in the Jacksons' hands.

Me, too. But how come Randy would be put in charge? Or Tito? Or Jermaine? This is probably precisely why Michael didn't choose ANY family member as executor to avoid in fighting. If he had chose a Jackson, other Jacksons would be just as challenging as Randy is now. I wish Michael had gone to the most prominent will expert in the country, and had something drawn up so iron tight, no challenges were possible. Then folks would have no choice put to move on with their own d@mn lives.
And where is Janet in all this mess. I know that those kids aren't her responsibility, but you think she could call up her family and tell them to turn of the crazy for 5 minutes. She seems like the only one with any sense anymore........
Katherine Jackson picks new lawyer in estate case

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY, AP Entertainment Writer Anthony Mccartney, Ap Entertainment Writer – 1 min ago

LOS ANGELES – A shakeup in Katherine Jackson's legal team left her unrepresented during a hearing Thursday to clarify the power two attorneys have over her pop star son's estate, but it didn't stop the judge from issuing orders upholding those powers and adding new ones.

The new authority given the administrators by Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff included not having to seek permission from the judge to make routine decisions on various administrative matters involving the estate of Michael Jackson.
Earlier Thursday, Katherine Jackson replaced her team of probate lawyers with a new attorney, Adam Streisand.

Attorneys for the estate told Beckloff he would not appear because some of Katherine Jackson's former attorneys had not formally relinquished their role in the case.

Streisand said after the hearing he will need to review the case before commenting on Beckloff's ruling or his strategy for the case.

Katherine Jackson is one of the main beneficiaries of her son's estate and has already been named permanent guardian of his three children, who range in ages from 7 to 12.

Her former attorneys repeatedly talked about challenging the adequacy of the estate's administrators, attorney John Branca and music executive John McClain. But Beckloff noted none of those objections have been filed, and he was concerned about frequent delays posed by Katherine Jackson's former attorneys.

"The family came to a a decision that they felt they needed a different perspective and a fresh look at how this case was being approached," Streisand said Thursday. "I answer to nobody but Mrs. Jackson."

Streisand is no stranger to high-profile celebrity estate cases. He has represented clients in the probate cases of Anna Nicole Smith, Ray Charles and Marlon Brando.
Beckloff earlier this month granted Branca and McClain the authority to handle numerous creditors' claims and lawsuits facing the estate. But attorneys for the men and Katherine Jackson couldn't agree on the wording of Beckloff's order, so a hearing was called to clarify it.

The judge allowed the administrators a new set of powers that will allow them to handle routine transactions — such as striking business deals and making additional payments to Katherine Jackson and the children — provided they are uncontested.
