Paul Anka Claims 'This is It' is a Rip-Off

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --

On Monday, Paul Anka found out a song he wrote with Michael Jackson had been released under the name “This Is It.” And on Tuesday, he sat down with Access Hollywood’s Tony Potts to discuss the controversy surrounding it.

“So when did you find out ‘This Is It’ was your song?” Tony asked.

“Yesterday when my phone started ringing off the hook,” Paul laughed. “They were saying, ‘There’s a song they think is familiar to one you wrote for Sa-Fire.’”

Paul said he was surprised — to say the least — when he heard the recording of Michael singing “This Is It.”

“Were you shocked?” Tony asked.

“Yeah! Shocked that they’d gone this far and it was already released,” the legend said.

“It was all over the news [that] I was threatening a lawsuit,” he added, laughing.

“Did you think there were any shenanigans?” Tony asked.

“At first I did,” he said. “At first blush… and when I started looking at it I couldn’t understand why anyone would do anything like that.”

The Jackson estate said it made a mistake not crediting Paul with being co-writer on the song.

Now, Paul will not only get co-writing credit with Michael, but also 50 percent of the royalties.

As for Sa-Fire, who recorded the song in 1991, she is thrilled Michael’s rendition of the song is out there.

“It’s extremely overwhelming and emotional for me because… it’s the King of Pop,” she said. “I’m so happy that something good came out of what I did… When I did sing it, I sang it from the heart.”

Sa-Fire said that after she first met Michael, the song, originally called “I Never Heard,” was given to her with both Michael and Paul’s blessing.

And La Toya Jackson, Michael’s sister, told Access she too is happy about the single’s release.

“It’s wonderful to hear something from him because he hasn’t had anything out in awhile,” she told Access on Monday evening.

direct link to the video
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The info below is a good summary, and based on how I saw this evolve since the 43 second leak, it is realistic - thanks for this. There's really no drama here folks.

I love TII, especially the album version.

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --

On Monday, Paul Anka found out a song he wrote with Michael Jackson had been released under the name “This Is It.” And on Tuesday, he sat down with Access Hollywood’s Tony Potts to discuss the controversy surrounding it.

“So when did you find out ‘This Is It’ was your song?” Tony asked.

“Yesterday when my phone started ringing off the hook,” Paul laughed. “They were saying, ‘There’s a song they think is familiar to one you wrote for Sa-Fire.’”

Paul said he was surprised — to say the least — when he heard the recording of Michael singing “This Is It.”

“Were you shocked?” Tony asked.

“Yeah! Shocked that they’d gone this far and it was already released,” the legend said.

“It was all over the news [that] I was threatening a lawsuit,” he added, laughing.

“Did you think there were any shenanigans?” Tony asked.

“At first I did,” he said. “At first blush… and when I started looking at it I couldn’t understand why anyone would do anything like that.”

The Jackson estate said it made a mistake not crediting Paul with being co-writer on the song.

Now, Paul will not only get co-writing credit with Michael, but also 50 percent of the royalties.

As for Sa-Fire, who recorded the song in 1991, she is thrilled Michael’s rendition of the song is out there.

“It’s extremely overwhelming and emotional for me because… it’s the King of Pop,” she said. “I’m so happy that something good came out of what I did… When I did sing it, I sang it from the heart.”

Sa-Fire said that after she first met Michael, the song, originally called “I Never Heard,” was given to her with both Michael and Paul’s blessing.

And La Toya Jackson, Michael’s sister, told Access she too is happy about the single’s release.

“It’s wonderful to hear something from him because he hasn’t had anything out in awhile,” she told Access on Monday evening.

direct link to the video
They need headlines - they get headlines. The song didn't get airplay on any radiotations in Germany. I amafraid this is going to change now.
Congrats to Sa-Fire that she got the opportunity to meet MJ. She was great in the eightees.

Anka's a greedy MF. Like plenty others he takes the chance to earn big bucks without having to work at all. It is amazing how many people MJ brings through and never heard a thank you for that.
I am not going to buy it. I don't want to be responsible for making anyone of them rich.
Anka co wrote the song so he did work for it.

Do you go to work for nothing? I don't.....I expect to get paid for my time and expertise. Does that make me a greedy MF? Do you work for free?
Sony decided to use 'this is it(i never heard)' as single just because of the lyric associated with the the theme of tour,and use it to promote the upcoming movie
how STUPID they are... there are so many songs out there, but they chose a song which isn't mj's own work, such ridiculous

though Paul Anka complained about the license, yet he must be glad that he got 50% of the song earning. A godsend for Anka really!
October 14, 2009
Arts, Briefly
Anka Will Receive Royalties for Jackson Song

By BEN SISARIO; Compiled by Dave Itzkoff
Michael Jackson’s posthumous new song “This Is It” could prove a significant payday for Paul Anka, near right. Though the song had been advertised as an unheard recording left behind by Mr. Jackson — and written by him alone — it became clear after it was released on Sunday night that it had been written by Mr. Jackson, far right, and Mr. Anka 26 years ago and recorded by the singer Safire in 1991 as “I Never Heard.” On Monday afternoon the Jackson estate acknowledged Mr. Anka’s role, and on Tuesday also confirmed that Mr. Anka would receive half of all due royalties for the song, which could be substantial. The song will play over the end credits of the film “This Is It” and is featured on the soundtrack.

In addition, Mr. Anka would be owed fees for any licensed use of the song in commercials or other films. The Jackson estate is said to be in talks with Coca-Cola about possible use of “This Is It” in an ad campaign, according to people with knowledge of the discussion who were not authorized to speak about it.
"Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."

- all I can add to this is "Fuck you".

Because Michael has written a million better songs, my God, I am so sick of people trying to get attention on Michael in any possible way!!!!!!!!

All of a sudden,Michael has never written a good song.

I am so damn tired of all of this it's just a matter of time when I will just stop visiting internet completely!
They need headlines - they get headlines. The song didn't get airplay on any radiotations in Germany. I amafraid this is going to change now.
Congrats to Sa-Fire that she got the opportunity to meet MJ. She was great in the eightees.

Anka's a greedy MF. Like plenty others he takes the chance to earn big bucks without having to work at all. It is amazing how many people MJ brings through and never heard a thank you for that.
I am not going to buy it. I don't want to be responsible for making anyone of them rich.
exactly! But nevertheless I will buy it ... I love the song, and I want to be correct, even if some of you may laugh at me.

I cant understand why so many fans accept how the "obscure crooner" Anka handles this matter. And where is the prove that he really has an ownership of 50% and really has worked for 50% on this song. Now he can call himself a lucky fellow, nobody would have given a darn for it, if the money-grubbing Sony and admins of the estate wouldn't have found the old sock in the old bag.

But this is it .Anka have to go to the tabloid press to complain and claim that the Michael has stolen the tapes and let it look as if it would be HIS song, in this article I have posted is said your song, that means the song of .Anka. Why didn't he contact the label first? No, he wanted to make a mess of it.
Here is a quote from Anka in an interview with Roger Friedman:

" Who is to blame? Michael Jackson. In death he’s just as much trouble as he is in life. This was an example of his basic dishonesty. He was not a great songwriter and often took credit for material that wasn’t his. “He was more of a riff writer than a melodist,” said Anka, whose hits include Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” and the theme music to the Johnny Carson “Tonight” Show."
Here is a quote from Anka in an interview with Roger Friedman:

" Who is to blame? Michael Jackson. In death he’s just as much trouble as he is in life. This was an example of his basic dishonesty. He was not a great songwriter and often took credit for material that wasn’t his. “He was more of a riff writer than a melodist,” said Anka, whose hits include Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” and the theme music to the Johnny Carson “Tonight” Show."

I posted this in another post regarding this:

The article may say that, but the commenters thoroughly disagree.

They showed how Mj was a superlative songwriter with more success as the Wanka.

AGAIN, message to Paul Wanka:

So Mr. Wanka, could you please step to the left? Because.....

I think Anka must have doorways in his house that are 50 feet wide and even then he probably struggles in getting through them.
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I wish the media and others would stop giving this guy attention. He is an extremely jealous and bitter person. He has absolutely no class. Why didn't he say all this about MJ when he was alive? Anka being the punk that he is was too chicken to even say these things when Michael was living, but now he can't shutup. He is eating all this attention up, but don't worry his time will be up soon enough. I can't wait 'til he dissapears once again. How sad for him that the only way he can get his name in a headline is bad mouthing a dead famous person. He's pathetic and I can't wait 'til he goes away and is forgotten once again.

Tired of this guy already.
:bow: :bow: :bow:

I am giving this bow to all the loyal MJ fans who continue to show support and defend Michael Jackson all over the world, I don’t think any celebrity fan base could go through what we went through and still going through. You guys deserve an appreciation.
I think Anka must have doorways in his house that are 50 feet wide and even then he probably stuggles in getting through them.


When Paul Wanka called MJ about re-recording MJs part in the "I never heard" song, MJ replied:

Here is a quote from Anka in an interview with Roger Friedman:

" Who is to blame? Michael Jackson. In death he’s just as much trouble as he is in life. This was an example of his basic dishonesty. He was not a great songwriter and often took credit for material that wasn’t his. “He was more of a riff writer than a melodist,” said Anka, whose hits include Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” and the theme music to the Johnny Carson “Tonight” Show."

link please? I'd like to read the article and the comments as well.
I posted this in another post regarding this:

The article may say that, but the commenters thoroughly disagree.

They showed how Mj was a superlative songwriter with more success as the Wanka.

AGAIN, message to Paul Wanka:

So Mr. Wanka, could you please step to the left? Because.....

you kill me girl! :rofl: :rofl:
:bow: :bow: :bow:

I am giving this bow to all the loyal MJ fans who continue to show support and defend Michael Jackson all over the world, I don’t think any celebrity fan base could go through what we went through and still going through. You guys deserve an appreciation.

we follow our main man's example :D... he set the tone. :yes:
This, too, shall pass. I just wish Anka had been classier. He would have had his royalties, which he apparently deserves in terms of this song. . . but he could have done so without insulting Michael. Michael was a magnificent song-writer, and we KNOW it.
This, too, shall pass. I just wish Anka had been classier. He would have had his royalties, which he apparently deserves in terms of this song. . . but he could have done so without insulting Michael. Michael was a magnificent song-writer, and we KNOW it.


MJ is one of the ONLY songwriters in Grammy history to win in the "Best Song" category for 3 genres: Pop, Rock, and R&B in one year!

And the number of global hits that MJ wrote?

A "riiff" writer? Sorry, but Songwriting 101 states that "don't bore us and get to the chorus" - if your riff isn't right & tight, then it's useless.

And Paul Wanka, you just been....

Here is a quote from Anka in an interview with Roger Friedman:

" Who is to blame? Michael Jackson. In death he’s just as much trouble as he is in life. This was an example of his basic dishonesty. He was not a great songwriter and often took credit for material that wasn’t his. “He was more of a riff writer than a melodist,” said Anka, whose hits include Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” and the theme music to the Johnny Carson “Tonight” Show."

WTF are you kidding me?
I didn't want to comment on this thread but this sh!t has gone too far
who the hell is this old dude to talk he hasn't had a hit in like what? 40 years?
I swear I thought he was dead until I heard about this
as Shimar said
MJ wrote sh*tloads of songs 1 BILLION times better than "This is It/I Never Heard" with his hands tied behind his back, climbing up a tree & doing the moonwalk underwater.
so he can set his bitter @$$ down or better yet he can check him self to a home or something
The Anka guy is just too pathetic, talking about someone who is dead knowing that he won’t get a response is just pathetic. Michael is acknowledged for his great work, no need to get into this, but I am worried about the public perception about it especially that the media are doing their best especial there is no stopping Anka. I personally cannot accept this, perhaps we need to create an Anti-Anka group.
Anka co wrote the song so he did work for it.

Do you go to work for nothing? I don't.....I expect to get paid for my time and expertise. Does that make me a greedy MF? Do you work for free?

dude...Anka said he wrote the whole song. he did not. he only wrote half. nobody is complaining about him getting fifty percent. they're complaining about how he's handling the situation, and that he wants more than he deserves, because the song is dead, if Mj's voice doesn't appear on it.

Here is a quote from Anka in an interview with Roger Friedman:

" Who is to blame? Michael Jackson. In death he’s just as much trouble as he is in life. This was an example of his basic dishonesty. He was not a great songwriter and often took credit for material that wasn’t his. “He was more of a riff writer than a melodist,” said Anka, whose hits include Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” and the theme music to the Johnny Carson “Tonight” Show."

this is clearly the words of an envious lying dishonest, dishonoring old fart, whose light went out years ago, and who would not have a career if great voices didn't sing his mediocre songs. the key to a song's greatness is it's popularity, so Anka is overrating himself. he clearly is a hypocrite, because his song 'having my baby' sounds like a platitude of 'riffs'.
The Anka guy is just too pathetic, talking about someone who is dead knowing that he won’t get a response is just pathetic. Michael is acknowledged for his great work, no need to get into this, but I am worried about the public perception about it especially that the media are doing their best especial there is no stopping Anka. I personally cannot accept this, perhaps we need to create an Anti-Anka group.

Exactly, Paul Anka is a fool. if he thinks MJ isn't a good songwriter, then why did he decide to recorded a version of MJ's "The way you make me feel".

Anyway, Safire will be on the following shows to speak her side

Access Hollywood channel 4@ 7:30 eastern standard time
Inside Edition channel 2 @ 7:00 eastern standard time.

i hope she doesn't supports anka's nonesense.
why do they keep throwing the word "legend" all over the place? seriously who the hell is paul anka?
Exactly, Paul Anka is a fool. if he thinks MJ isn't a good songwriter, then why did he decide to recorded a version of MJ's "The way you make me feel".

Anyway, Safire will be on the following shows to speak her side

Access Hollywood channel 4@ 7:30 eastern standard time
Inside Edition channel 2 @ 7:00 eastern standard time.

i hope she doesn't supports anka's nonesense.

good point...let alone he collaborated, writing with Michael, and now wants to say it wasn't a collaboration.
I posted this in another post regarding this:
Originally Posted by smooth_criminal05
Here is a quote from Anka in an interview with Roger Friedman:

" Who is to blame? Michael Jackson. In death he’s just as much trouble as he is in life. This was an example of his basic dishonesty. He was not a great songwriter and often took credit for material that wasn’t his. “He was more of a riff writer than a melodist,” said Anka, whose hits include Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” and the theme music to the Johnny Carson “Tonight” Show."

The article may say that, but the commenters thoroughly disagree.

They showed how Mj was a superlative songwriter with more success as the Wanka.
could you give a link to the original interview? Some fans on other boards disbelieve this could be a correct quote, thanks.
could you give a link to the original interview? Some fans on other boards disbelieve this could be a correct quote, thanks.

here it is:

interesting... the quote NOW looks as if Roger Friedman said it and not Anka. a matter of sloppy use of quotation marks? Judge for yourself:

“When the calls started coming in on Monday, I didn’t know what was going on,” Anka told me. He figured it out quickly. The Jackson executors were quick to fix the situation. “They didn’t know how it happened. No one there is to blame.”

Who is to blame? Michael Jackson. In death he’s just as much trouble as he is in life. This was an example of his basic dishonesty. He was not a great songwriter and often took credit for material that wasn’t his. “He was more of a riff writer than a melodist,” said Anka, whose hits include Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” and the theme music to the Johnny Carson “Tonight” Show.