Debunking The Conspiracies - The Truth - 1st Video - The Old Man At MJs Memorial

It's not Michael. It's not Barry Gibb (seriously that does not look a thing like Barry Gibb!). It's not Elvis either. ;)

I'd like to know who it is just because it's irritating the begeezus out of me that some people think it's Michael and some people think it's Barry--or anyone else they are speculating about, that it's clearly not. So it'd be nice to know just once and for all who it is. I really just feel sorry for anyone who does think it's Michael, because I don't see how anyone could think he would fake his death for ANY reason. His mother had REAL TEARS in her eyes at that funeral. Her pain is REAL. His kids' pain is real. His family and friends' pain is real. And our pain is REAL too! He would NOT fake his death. So there is no way that's him.
Those are Michael's proportions. Michael's hands. His fingers. His thumb. The way he holds a phone. The way he sits. The way he spreads his little finger with his palm on his lap. The man's hand looks powdery and monotone, like it's bean spray tanned. Same with his face. Is that nail varnish? The line from his ear to his chin is a crease/join that cuts through where his lower cheek and replaces anything resembling a jawline. His ear looks partially covered. Michael's were so distinct. Oversized jacket. Massive shoulder pads. Stuffed stomach, small waist, thin legs. Can you blame people for wondering. Really?

Maybe it's not him but if it's not Michael, it's teasing none the less.
Don't know who it is, but it does seem odd that no one has figured it out yet. Especially since he must be a close friend or relative.
I don't think MJ would subject everyone to the pain of thinking he was dead because he wanted to escape. But what if someone really was trying to kill him and he found out? what if he is in a witness protection program? Perhaps someone was trying to get his billion dollar Beatles catalog. Interesting that the Beatles Rock Star and remixes just came out. At one point he thought Sony wasn't supporting Invincible because they wanted him to have to sell his share of the catalog to them. Maybe they didn't intend to kill him but to mess him up with drugs so he couldn't do the tour and would be in financial trouble and have to sell. Or maybe they did want to kill him thinking that his estate would sell. There is something fishy about the whole thing. According to the toxicology report Murray gave him more Propofol than he has admitted.
And who is the man in the hat?
Neither did they mayor in Ghosts except for the eyes, and those things I just mentioned.
Neither did they mayor in Ghosts except for the eyes, and those things I just mentioned.

OK guys lets put this to rest
This is the Mystery Man at Mjs memorial and funeral

Rick Baker on working on Michael Jackson's Thriller video

Rick Baker _








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They do look similar. Not the same. Their ears are at different levels, their noses are a different size and shape and the space from nose to cheek is...well....Michael has a space there because his nose was narrowed, while Rick doesn't. And the crease and skin still don't look natural. I'm tickled. It looks to me like Michael's had Rick Baker make him up like Rick Baker. Genius.
I'm tickled. It looks to me like Michael's had Rick Baker make him up like Rick Baker. Genius.

you're tickled?........? wow. I've got nothing else to say,.....just wow.

oh, wait...........I do have something else to say...........why the heck is this thread still open?
If you've nothing to say, don't comment. If you don't like a particular discussion, you've plenty of others to participate in. At the moment, I don't. This thread is the only place I've found to discuss this stuff (and I'm surprised to find it on here when there's nothing on the KOP!) so please butt out and leave it alone or else contribute without being rude.
you're tickled?........? wow. I've got nothing else to say,.....just wow.

oh, wait...........I do have something else to say...........why the heck is this thread still open?

Is it scary for you?
wheres the sideburns?wheres the rest of his nose?the crease from his neck? close but no.this is someone in disguise.
They do look similar. Not the same. Their ears are at different levels, their noses are a different size and shape and the space from nose to cheek is...well....Michael has a space there because his nose was narrowed, while Rick doesn't. And the crease and skin still don't look natural. I'm tickled. It looks to me like Michael's had Rick Baker make him up like Rick Baker. Genius.
I see the same nose _ears are at the same level if you look at the small pic where he is holding his head at the same angle and the crease on his cheeck from the small pic matches the same also.

But you are welcome to see what you want to see also.

ITS Rick Baker
its very clear that it is Rick Baker
even the side burns mach
and the crease in his cheeck

the man looks NOTHING like MJ in the least
there are NO similarities .. He looks like who he is
RICK BAKER :D not MJ disguised to look like Rick Baker :hysterical:
you're tickled?........? wow. I've got nothing else to say,.....just wow.

oh, wait...........I do have something else to say...........why the heck is this thread still open?

LMAO!:hysterical: That was great:cheers:!
There's also a woman with sunglasses sitting and walking right next to the man with the fedora hat, the white hair and beard.. People are now believing thats a disguise too..

Anyhow, heres the man everyones talking about:


Personally I think its Debbie Row in disguise..

yo u got me dying laughing so hard
For the record - although I believe it is possible that MJ may have faked his death, I NEVER believed 'hatman' was MJ. Nor the blonde woman for that matter lol!
For some, his death has not sunked in yet or they are in denial...:sad:

If only the casket would have been open these stories would not even have existed.
I do NOT think it is Michael

But to me the guy at the funeral doesn't look the same as the guy at the memorial.

The photo from the funeral is strange. Something just looks fake. The person looks different to the person at the memorial. The hair for a start - the texture of it looks like the kind from fake hair, and there isn't much hair there, just whats hanging at the back behind his ear. Also, the person at the funeral looks younger than the one at the memorial. His nose is also smaller.

Again I do not think this is Michael.
For some, his death has not sunked in yet or they are in denial...:sad:

If only the casket would have been open these stories would not even have existed.

Actually, I'm sure these rumors would have existed either way. Elvis' casket was open, and thousands of fans passed by it. And yet, 32 years after his death, there is still a whole legion of fans who actually believe that he is still alive. Sad, but true.

I know MJ is gone, and I don't think there is any big mystery about that man in the hat. It's just a guy we do not know (and I don't think it looks like Rick Baker either!). But I'd love to know for sure who it is so we could put at least this one rumor to rest, once and for all.
Michael Jackson Funeral 3 Who is the mystery man in the obvious disguise?

This is another one on youtube from the private family funeral - similiar disguise - the man they are talking about is in a cream colored hat - about 1:50 into the clip. Sort of reminicent of Mj in the Ghost Movie where he played the part of the Mayor in prosthetic makeup.

Looks like the vid is legit - with the people that are in it.... take a look -also notice the pictures up at the front - MJ - Liberian Girl photos - would have anticipated more recent pictures.