Merged: Psychics channel Michael

So, I know a lot of you don't believe in this kind of thing...and I respect everyone's opinion so please no rudeness on here. I just wanted to have the chance to share this, because it truly feels genuine to me. There is no floofy "he's prancing through the clouds" story But rather a look at the real idea that Michael is dealing with his death in the best way he knows how at this time...and just wants his family looked after. The whole thing just sounded very much like Michael.

I personally believe in psychic abilities, but I am not gullible. Even I was skeptical of this at not everyone who claims to have these abilities are in good integrity. But if you watch both videos, I think you will be surprised. So...please watch.

(the 2nd vid is the best as far as information, but you need to watch the 1st to lead into it)

*EDIT: If you have trouble loading the videos in that link...
CLICK HERE for the first vid
CLICK HERE for the second vid.
I believe the spirt lives. I have had too many experience.
hi everyone. :)
i wanted to get something off my cheast.
ive posted some of my experiences earlier in this thread, but its quite impossible for me to find it now. i just wanted to say that this thread is helping me so much. before michaels passing i was very skeptical about all these kinds of things, iguess i was afraid of it. but now, after michaels passing ive become extremly curious. ive done my own research and learned so much about spirituality.. my mom has always been fascinated by it, and since she lost her sister few years ago, she has become very curious too.
right when michael passed i felt him everywhere. in my room, at school, everywhere. but now, after michael have been buried i dont feel him any longer. im just longing for a sign from him.. i used to signs all the time, it could be little things like an image of him in the sky, a song being played when thinking of him, a smell... anything.
i dont get that any longer.. :/
Spirites can visit you when the time is right. Just give it time.
hi everyone. :)
i wanted to get something off my cheast.
ive posted some of my experiences earlier in this thread, but its quite impossible for me to find it now. i just wanted to say that this thread is helping me so much. before michaels passing i was very skeptical about all these kinds of things, iguess i was afraid of it. but now, after michaels passing ive become extremly curious. ive done my own research and learned so much about spirituality.. my mom has always been fascinated by it, and since she lost her sister few years ago, she has become very curious too.
right when michael passed i felt him everywhere. in my room, at school, everywhere. but now, after michael have been buried i dont feel him any longer. im just longing for a sign from him.. i used to signs all the time, it could be little things like an image of him in the sky, a song being played when thinking of him, a smell... anything.
i dont get that any longer.. :/

I have felt the same... I really felt Michaels spirit was in my room around July and August and I've had a few experiences that led me to believe so. But now Im not feeling that presence as much and I feel he is harder to reach. I hope he can still contact us and is not stuck in another dimension completely.
Want to share a brief something from a meditation last night. I was quite deep in meditation, working on my chakras and clearing my mind and such and after a while saw one of my guides. I asked him if there was any way I could see where Michael was. I had the feeling like "he's busy" so I asked for just a glimpse, without bothering him. Then I saw inside a large building, like a great hall and there was a whole crowd of children sitting on chairs and on the floor facing in one general direction (or at least they appeared as kids or maybe were souls who'd died as children or chose to be children?... who's to say...) and in front of them, like teaching them something or reading to them was Michael. He looked so absolutely gorgeous -- reminded me a bit of 1996 with the straightened hair and was wearing something reminiscent of the YANA shirt. :wub: And he was just beaming with happiness. It was as if I was peeking in from above a ways. He seemed to notice me and glanced up and smiled at me, this big beautiful smile, with a sort of "hi" nod and I smiled back and gave a bit of a wave and floated away. And that was all. I felt like I was peeking in the door of a classroom to say hi to the teacher, lol. He was working, helping other souls, busy doing stuff just like he would be busy doing stuff down here. And with kids, who else? :) Of course, I can't say if that's for real or just in my own mind, but I felt quite nice after that.
Want to share a brief something from a meditation last night. I was quite deep in meditation, working on my chakras and clearing my mind and such and after a while saw one of my guides. I asked him if there was any way I could see where Michael was. I had the feeling like "he's busy" so I asked for just a glimpse, without bothering him. Then I saw inside a large building, like a great hall and there was a whole crowd of children sitting on chairs and on the floor facing in one general direction (or at least they appeared as kids or maybe were souls who'd died as children or chose to be children?... who's to say...) and in front of them, like teaching them something or reading to them was Michael. He looked so absolutely gorgeous -- reminded me a bit of 1996 with the straightened hair and was wearing something reminiscent of the YANA shirt. :wub: And he was just beaming with happiness. It was as if I was peeking in from above a ways. He seemed to notice me and glanced up and smiled at me, this big beautiful smile, with a sort of "hi" nod and I smiled back and gave a bit of a wave and floated away. And that was all. It was like he was working, helping other souls, busy doing stuff just like he would be busy doing stuff down here. And he was working with children :) Of course, I can't say if that's for real or just in my own mind, but I felt quite nice after that.

Thank you SO much for sharing that!!!!! yes I truely believe this :)
Want to share a brief something from a meditation last night. I was quite deep in meditation, working on my chakras and clearing my mind and such and after a while saw one of my guides. I asked him if there was any way I could see where Michael was. I had the feeling like "he's busy" so I asked for just a glimpse, without bothering him. Then I saw inside a large building, like a great hall and there was a whole crowd of children sitting on chairs and on the floor facing in one general direction (or at least they appeared as kids or maybe were souls who'd died as children or chose to be children?... who's to say...) and in front of them, like teaching them something or reading to them was Michael. He looked so absolutely gorgeous -- reminded me a bit of 1996 with the straightened hair and was wearing something reminiscent of the YANA shirt. :wub: And he was just beaming with happiness. It was as if I was peeking in from above a ways. He seemed to notice me and glanced up and smiled at me, this big beautiful smile, with a sort of "hi" nod and I smiled back and gave a bit of a wave and floated away. And that was all. I felt like I was peeking in the door of a classroom to say hi to the teacher, lol. He was working, helping other souls, busy doing stuff just like he would be busy doing stuff down here. And with kids, who else? :) Of course, I can't say if that's for real or just in my own mind, but I felt quite nice after that.

That's so beautiful.
Thank you for sharing that. :heart:
Aw...Michael should have totally been a professor or something down here on Earth...I totally believe he is up there teaching other spirits his 'message' so they can guide us down here in the 'right' direction :)
Aw mjbunny, always enjoy reading your experiences and meditations. That sounds wonderful...and so like the way it should be. Michael surrounded by children, beaming with happiness. :wub: Wish I was there.
Want to share a brief something from a meditation last night. I was quite deep in meditation, working on my chakras and clearing my mind and such and after a while saw one of my guides. I asked him if there was any way I could see where Michael was. I had the feeling like "he's busy" so I asked for just a glimpse, without bothering him. Then I saw inside a large building, like a great hall and there was a whole crowd of children sitting on chairs and on the floor facing in one general direction (or at least they appeared as kids or maybe were souls who'd died as children or chose to be children?... who's to say...) and in front of them, like teaching them something or reading to them was Michael. He looked so absolutely gorgeous -- reminded me a bit of 1996 with the straightened hair and was wearing something reminiscent of the YANA shirt. :wub: And he was just beaming with happiness. It was as if I was peeking in from above a ways. He seemed to notice me and glanced up and smiled at me, this big beautiful smile, with a sort of "hi" nod and I smiled back and gave a bit of a wave and floated away. And that was all. I felt like I was peeking in the door of a classroom to say hi to the teacher, lol. He was working, helping other souls, busy doing stuff just like he would be busy doing stuff down here. And with kids, who else? :) Of course, I can't say if that's for real or just in my own mind, but I felt quite nice after that.

That was beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I'm so glad he's happy and at peace with the children right now. :wub:
Want to share a brief something from a meditation last night. I was quite deep in meditation, working on my chakras and clearing my mind and such and after a while saw one of my guides. I asked him if there was any way I could see where Michael was. I had the feeling like "he's busy" so I asked for just a glimpse, without bothering him. Then I saw inside a large building, like a great hall and there was a whole crowd of children sitting on chairs and on the floor facing in one general direction (or at least they appeared as kids or maybe were souls who'd died as children or chose to be children?... who's to say...) and in front of them, like teaching them something or reading to them was Michael. He looked so absolutely gorgeous -- reminded me a bit of 1996 with the straightened hair and was wearing something reminiscent of the YANA shirt. :wub: And he was just beaming with happiness. It was as if I was peeking in from above a ways. He seemed to notice me and glanced up and smiled at me, this big beautiful smile, with a sort of "hi" nod and I smiled back and gave a bit of a wave and floated away. And that was all. I felt like I was peeking in the door of a classroom to say hi to the teacher, lol. He was working, helping other souls, busy doing stuff just like he would be busy doing stuff down here. And with kids, who else? :) Of course, I can't say if that's for real or just in my own mind, but I felt quite nice after that.


Thank you so much for sharing. That is so comforting.

But how do you see it? Like how clearly?
right when michael passed i felt him everywhere. in my room, at school, everywhere. but now, after michael have been buried i dont feel him any longer. im just longing for a sign from him.. i used to signs all the time, it could be little things like an image of him in the sky, a song being played when thinking of him, a smell... anything.
i dont get that any longer.. :/
Awww :(

I'm a bit psychic, but not "go on youtube and claim to be communicating with MJ" psychic.. I actually have more of a telepathic contact with the living than with the dead.. But, everything you said - I got this as well. When Michael passed I got all those signs. I heard lines from his songs play in my head. "Remember the time" irritated me for 3 days until I said "Ok, I hear you" :lol: I'd get a vibe that I should change the tv channel - and there he'd be. I've told people things in a factual way, not having any evidence to back up my statements, and then not long after it proved true.

Then one day I felt like Michael was ready to move on. So I told him to be satisfied that he had done all he humanly could in this life and to have faith that he'd raised his children wonderfully, and that they were in good hands now.

I haven't felt any of those signs since that day. Though I haven't tried to either. Anyway, I wanted to say that asking for it, putting it out there, is a good thing. If you want a sign, then you shall get a sign. xx
Want to share a brief something from a meditation last night. I was quite deep in meditation, working on my chakras and clearing my mind and such and after a while saw one of my guides. I asked him if there was any way I could see where Michael was. I had the feeling like "he's busy" so I asked for just a glimpse, without bothering him. Then I saw inside a large building, like a great hall and there was a whole crowd of children sitting on chairs and on the floor facing in one general direction (or at least they appeared as kids or maybe were souls who'd died as children or chose to be children?... who's to say...) and in front of them, like teaching them something or reading to them was Michael. He looked so absolutely gorgeous -- reminded me a bit of 1996 with the straightened hair and was wearing something reminiscent of the YANA shirt. :wub: And he was just beaming with happiness. It was as if I was peeking in from above a ways. He seemed to notice me and glanced up and smiled at me, this big beautiful smile, with a sort of "hi" nod and I smiled back and gave a bit of a wave and floated away. And that was all. I felt like I was peeking in the door of a classroom to say hi to the teacher, lol. He was working, helping other souls, busy doing stuff just like he would be busy doing stuff down here. And with kids, who else? :) Of course, I can't say if that's for real or just in my own mind, but I felt quite nice after that.

That's so beautiful, and seems just so perfect... thanks for sharing :)
Hey guys! Last night I had a dream about Michael...figured I'd share here. The vibe of the dream was wonderful, even though it was based around Michael being in a hospital - because we all knew he was going to get better. It felt SO real, I was sad to wake up and realize that Michael wasn't really just in the hospital getting better. :boohoo:

Anyway so it started with him in the hospital - he had suffered from something to do with his heart but was recovering. Me and a few others (that felt like members from this thread, not sure who exactly) were sneaking around the hospital trying to get past security and into Michael's room to visit him. It wasn't allowed but we knew he would benefit from seeing us. We snuck around for awhile and got close many times, but ultimately could not get in to see him. So we all went outside to think of how we could help him to feel our love without going to his room. We also wanted to send our sentiments to his Mother (who also felt like "grandma" during the dream) because I guess he had just gotten news that she was sick or in the hospital too and wasn't in good shape. It was a bright sunny day, and there was this huge rock outside the hospital and below many of the hospital room windows. We all sat on the rock, and started to think. I had the idea to get lots of poster board and paint big "i love you" messages along with "get well" to him and his Mom... then stand outside his window and hold them up. We all agreed he would like this and I knew it would help him to just know that we all cared so much for him AND his family. It felt essential to his recovery. We were getting ready to put it all together when I woke up.

I was incredibly sad waking up not only because Michael was really gone but because it felt like there could have been an "alternative" to his death. Like I immediately felt and thought "NO! he just needed more people to rally around him with love and he would've gotten better!". Maybe the dream was just a compilation of subconscious thoughts - but it's not often I have a dream that feels so REAL, like it felt like an alternate reality. When I have dreams like that it feels like they happen for a reason. Not sure what though. Anyone have any thoughts on it?
Hey guys! Last night I had a dream about Michael...figured I'd share here. The vibe of the dream was wonderful, even though it was based around Michael being in a hospital - because we all knew he was going to get better. It felt SO real, I was sad to wake up and realize that Michael wasn't really just in the hospital getting better. :boohoo:

Anyway so it started with him in the hospital - he had suffered from something to do with his heart but was recovering. Me and a few others (that felt like members from this thread, not sure who exactly) were sneaking around the hospital trying to get past security and into Michael's room to visit him. It wasn't allowed but we knew he would benefit from seeing us. We snuck around for awhile and got close many times, but ultimately could not get in to see him. So we all went outside to think of how we could help him to feel our love without going to his room. We also wanted to send our sentiments to his Mother (who also felt like "grandma" during the dream) because I guess he had just gotten news that she was sick or in the hospital too and wasn't in good shape. It was a bright sunny day, and there was this huge rock outside the hospital and below many of the hospital room windows. We all sat on the rock, and started to think. I had the idea to get lots of poster board and paint big "i love you" messages along with "get well" to him and his Mom... then stand outside his window and hold them up. We all agreed he would like this and I knew it would help him to just know that we all cared so much for him AND his family. It felt essential to his recovery. We were getting ready to put it all together when I woke up.

I was incredibly sad waking up not only because Michael was really gone but because it felt like there could have been an "alternative" to his death. Like I immediately felt and thought "NO! he just needed more people to rally around him with love and he would've gotten better!". Maybe the dream was just a compilation of subconscious thoughts - but it's not often I have a dream that feels so REAL, like it felt like an alternate reality. When I have dreams like that it feels like they happen for a reason. Not sure what though. Anyone have any thoughts on it?

Giiiiirlll your dream made me so sad :( but so happy at the same time. :doh:

I can just see some of us girls sneakin' around the hospital like we belong there...LOL whippin' out the scrubs tryin to blend in. :smilerolleyes:

Maybe you will have a continuation of your dream sometime and get to see the final product of your plan?? If only Michael was just in the hospital...:no:

I had a little dream last night, but I can't remember what it was of. I remember waking up once and I was like thinking about Michael so I'm sure I was dreaming of him. Then I went back to sleep, woke up again, and couldn't remember what it was about at all. Just wasn't meant to be I guess.
Amy, thanks for sharing. There's so much in it! That whole alternative reality thing is That is so sad... But the thing that struck me is that maybe it's an analogy for how we feel now... like we KNOW Michael is near, somewhere, but we can't quite get to him like we could before. Like we have to find new ways of reaching out to him...which seems very real to me. Just a thought :)
I can just see some of us girls sneakin' around the hospital like we belong there...LOL whippin' out the scrubs tryin to blend in. :smilerolleyes:
Maybe you will have a continuation of your dream sometime and get to see the final product of your plan?? If only Michael was just in the hospital...:no:
Haha yeah we were like a secret "team" in the hospital - it was fun.
Would be nice to have a continuation - I've had that happen with dreams before.

Neeve said:
maybe it's an analogy for how we feel now... like we KNOW Michael is near, somewhere, but we can't quite get to him like we could before. Like we have to find new ways of reaching out to him...
GREAT interpretation...seriously. I think you are right on with it...makes me feel a little better too. Thanks for adding your 2 cents!
Haha yeah we were like a secret "team" in the hospital - it was fun.
Would be nice to have a continuation - I've had that happen with dreams before.

GREAT interpretation...seriously. I think you are right on with it...makes me feel a little better too. Thanks for adding your 2 cents!

sure :wub: glad it made you feel better!
OMG you guys!! I think Julianna might have really been in contact with MJ. The Los Angeles Times wrote what the coroner found on MJ and one of the things were scars behind his ears. Julianna mentions MJ saying he had a scar behind his left ear at 1:52

Here's the report, CAUTION, it might be too much for some to read, I edit some of it out.

Here are some of the findings from the Los Angeles County coroner's autopsy of Michael Jackson:

— He was 5-foot-9 and weighed 136 pounds.

— There were dark tattoos on his eyebrows and around his eyes, a pink tattoo around his lips and what appeared to be a dark tattoo on the front of his scalp.

— He was balding and suffered from a skin disease that reduced pigment and left patches of white skin.

— Osteoarthritis was visible in the lower spine and some fingers.

— He had multiple scars around his body, including behind his ears, along one shoulder, at the base of his neck and near his navel.

— His heart was strong but his lungs were inflamed. Other organs appeared,4375002.story

So what do you guys think about Julianna and the report?
So what do you guys think about Julianna and the report?

Honestly, I've been following her videos for a while now and I do really trust her. She's very "real." I definitely think she has made contact with Michael and I remember watching the video of her talking about his scar about a month ago. I thought it was very interesting and wondered if this was something known about him. Guess not. I definitely put my trust in her.
oh I didnt know about her.
Juliannas report is very interesting...
thanks for sharing that :)

so today when I was at work a customer gave me a check and it had the peter pan off to neverland design. It was very much like my avatar here. Just thought that was really cool... I NEVER have gotten a peter pan check before in my 3 years being a cashier. hehe!!!

and I ordered that perfume that Michael wears. I did not open the box yet.. but I am curious.
OMG you guys!! I think Julianna might have really been in contact with MJ. The Los Angeles Times wrote what the coroner found on MJ and one of the things were scars behind his ears. Julianna mentions MJ saying he had a scar behind his left ear at 1:52

Here's the report, CAUTION, it might be too much for some to read, I edit some of it out.

Here are some of the findings from the Los Angeles County coroner's autopsy of Michael Jackson:

— He was 5-foot-9 and weighed 136 pounds.

— There were dark tattoos on his eyebrows and around his eyes, a pink tattoo around his lips and what appeared to be a dark tattoo on the front of his scalp.

— He was balding and suffered from a skin disease that reduced pigment and left patches of white skin.

— Osteoarthritis was visible in the lower spine and some fingers.

— He had multiple scars around his body, including behind his ears, along one shoulder, at the base of his neck and near his navel.

— His heart was strong but his lungs were inflamed. Other organs appeared,4375002.story

So what do you guys think about Julianna and the report?

That is intriguing, but I also remember her saying in one of the videos that when asked about who Michael wanted to care for his children, she said "he said" Jermaine. That seems kind of suspect to me. :scratch: I think she's probably contacting Michael, but not everything is coming out right.
Hey guys! Last night I had a dream about Michael...figured I'd share here. The vibe of the dream was wonderful, even though it was based around Michael being in a hospital - because we all knew he was going to get better. It felt SO real, I was sad to wake up and realize that Michael wasn't really just in the hospital getting better. :boohoo:

Anyway so it started with him in the hospital - he had suffered from something to do with his heart but was recovering. Me and a few others (that felt like members from this thread, not sure who exactly) were sneaking around the hospital trying to get past security and into Michael's room to visit him. It wasn't allowed but we knew he would benefit from seeing us. We snuck around for awhile and got close many times, but ultimately could not get in to see him. So we all went outside to think of how we could help him to feel our love without going to his room. We also wanted to send our sentiments to his Mother (who also felt like "grandma" during the dream) because I guess he had just gotten news that she was sick or in the hospital too and wasn't in good shape. It was a bright sunny day, and there was this huge rock outside the hospital and below many of the hospital room windows. We all sat on the rock, and started to think. I had the idea to get lots of poster board and paint big "i love you" messages along with "get well" to him and his Mom... then stand outside his window and hold them up. We all agreed he would like this and I knew it would help him to just know that we all cared so much for him AND his family. It felt essential to his recovery. We were getting ready to put it all together when I woke up.

I was incredibly sad waking up not only because Michael was really gone but because it felt like there could have been an "alternative" to his death. Like I immediately felt and thought "NO! he just needed more people to rally around him with love and he would've gotten better!". Maybe the dream was just a compilation of subconscious thoughts - but it's not often I have a dream that feels so REAL, like it felt like an alternate reality. When I have dreams like that it feels like they happen for a reason. Not sure what though. Anyone have any thoughts on it?

AWW ur dream is so cute but yet sad in a way. Lol all the fans sneaking round to try and find a way to send mike love- that is typical of us fans, but hey we all loved him :wub:
That is intriguing, but I also remember her saying in one of the videos that when asked about who Michael wanted to care for his children, she said "he said" Jermaine. That seems kind of suspect to me. :scratch: I think she's probably contacting Michael, but not everything is coming out right.

hmmm.. yeah I think that when you are channeling its not always easy for the information to come out straight. Its not always easy to hear. Since they are communicating from a distance. Maybe the answers got muffled somewhere along the way.
Interesting read about Julianna! Thanks for sharing Elise!
Odd about the Jermaine comment though. But I agree with the above comments that channeling doesn't ensure clear messages - as we've talked about here before it can go through a filter sometimes or be misinterpreted. When this happens that doesn't mean the medium should be totally discredited though - just means you have to feel out each message for yourself and not just blindly believe. But we should be doing that either way! :)

The part I found interesting about the coroners report was "His heart was strong but his lungs were inflamed." - Maybe his lungs were inflamed because of how the paramedics were working on him, but that comment links up with what the psychic guy said on MTV this January during his celebrity prediction for the year. He said he saw Michael having some sort of serious infection in his lungs - that he would be all over the news and we might lose him. :cry:
The part I found interesting about the coroners report was "His heart was strong but his lungs were inflamed." - Maybe his lungs were inflamed because of how the paramedics were working on him, but that comment links up with what the psychic guy said on MTV this January during his celebrity prediction for the year. He said he saw Michael having some sort of serious infection in his lungs - that he would be all over the news and we might lose him. :cry:

oh wow.. that is terrible :no:
I remember last January someone made a thread about this.. I was so upset I didnt want to believe it..
Please please! Let me know what she says about bipolar here

I'm almost sure he was bipolar! But I dont wanna get in fights, ok? I just wanna understand what she says about it. If he was bipolar, lots of things will make sense, and this could also help people understand more about bipolar and understand some of his attitudes and thoughts (I'm not talking about the accusations).

Please write it for me. I need to read it to be able to understand.

Thank you!!
Are we confident that this 'leak' is genuine, it isn't the first. And it was pretty obvious that his eyebrows were tatood, I thought he used lip stain, the lips are pigmented skin so could be affected by vitiligo, and he was telling the truth when he denied surgery to enhance them.

We know he had a back problem, we know he had bad burns on his scalp which would have destroyed his hair growth, none of this stuff is anything someone couldn't make up. I don't doubt he might have had a face lift, hence scars behind his ears, and if his height is correct then he has shrunk since his arrest! Wasn't he 5'11''?

The superficial stuff, cosmetic if you like is irrelavent, but the inflammed lungs is ineresting, in light of what Ian Halprin was peddling, he exaggerated the problem, but it is odd, makes you wonder if someone wasn't selling medical information about him.

Maybe if you suffocate, and stopping breathing is that, the lungs do look inflammed, certainly nobody who worked with him, talked about him being short of breath, then we have to remember the chef's story about the oxygen.

Clearly there is much more going on than we know about, but the authorities need to look into these leaks, if that is what they are, and not just someone making stuff up.
Are we confident that this 'leak' is genuine, it isn't the first. And it was pretty obvious that his eyebrows were tatood, I thought he used lip stain, the lips are pigmented skin so could be affected by vitiligo, and he was telling the truth when he denied surgery to enhance them.

We know he had a back problem, we know he had bad burns on his scalp which would have destroyed his hair growth, none of this stuff is anything someone couldn't make up. I don't doubt he might have had a face lift, hence scars behind his ears, and if his height is correct then he has shrunk since his arrest! Wasn't he 5'11''?

The superficial stuff, cosmetic if you like is irrelavent, but the inflammed lungs is ineresting, in light of what Ian Halprin was peddling, he exaggerated the problem, but it is odd, makes you wonder if someone wasn't selling medical information about him.

Maybe if you suffocate, and stopping breathing is that, the lungs do look inflammed, certainly nobody who worked with him, talked about him being short of breath, then we have to remember the chef's story about the oxygen.

Clearly there is much more going on than we know about, but the authorities need to look into these leaks, if that is what they are, and not just someone making stuff up.

I thought he was 5'10.