Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Could be one reason he didn't promote the album if he knew it was about him right?

I wanted to add.... The end of This Is It trailer Michael said something quite significant whether to do with this thread's topic or not, it was said. "It's all for love. L-O-V-E"
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Could be one reason he didn't promote the album if he knew it was about him right?
Well now, that would make sense. But I was wondering, what reason would MJ have had for making that song about him at that point, or did he have issues with him already.

I wanted to add.... The end of This Is It trailer Michael said something quite significant whether to do with this thread's topic or not, it was said. "It's all for love. L-O-V-E"
yes, I caught that too and couldn't help but wonder the same thing! lol Thanks for posting the link.

MP and Moddie777 glad to know my long book made some kind of sense to you guyz!

btw If anyone has any issues with my interpretation just fyi, I want them to know (lurkers?? lol) that voicing it would not offend me but would make the discussion more interesting. Just tossing in that fyi b/c I know a lot of times ppl are hesitant to disagree lol .... hay as long as its in an agreeable way its all good ;) I just figure with all that reading, someone's bound to think something different and I don't want to 'come off' as some kind of authority lol...its just my P.O.V. is all ... but I guess that goes without saying ..
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Being creative myself I know that there are many things that inspire me. Maybe it's life experiences, something I've seen visually, heard or read, or my wandering vivid imagination lol, or as Stevie Wonder explained, inspiration from something as simple as a conversation with someone. Michael came up with the beat of Billie Jean driving down Ventura Blvd., didn't Quincy Jones say that P.Y.T. was inspired because of some lingerie he had purchased for Peggy Lipton? Inspiration comes from any and everywhere. Michael was a storyteller, and yes he wrote and sang about things that had significant meaning in his life, but we also have to remember that he did not write alot of the lyrics that he sang.

I personally do not believe if he was presently in love that it had something to do with someone from 10 - 20 years ago. That's jmo. Maybe he did sing about someone back then through his lyrics but we all know how much he longed for love, family, happiness, etc.. He seemed to have to go elsewhere to find those things these past 20+ years. If she truly existed all this time, why not share all those meaningful life experiences with your true love? True love is a gift from God. What's the point in being mutually in love with each other if you have to fight the feelings about what is meant to be in your life?

When I look at the Michael of recent, I think these past several years he began a new phase in his life, new inspiration and creativity, and a different energy. His more recent songs from Thriller 25 release, to Hold My Hand, to the instrumental song, he seemed to be in a new place. In Hold My Hand he came across to me like he had a renewed passion in his voice and that instrumental song, just listening to it you could feel what he was trying to say without any lyrics, it's like the beauty of the music just speaks to you. Well, hopefully when more of his music is released we will be able to interpret the messages he was trying to send to the world today. :)

"It's all for love. L-O-V-E"

LOVE... that word has always been so important and fundamental to Michael.

I would sum up thus:

"Love is the force that leads us to face all our fears, created from the first approximation of painful experiences. We become brave and bold, ready to challenge the boredom and laziness, to face life's challenges."


"Something devoid of interest, the kind you have, or should have, by anyone. It's the kind of love that has to do with the character of self and motivation to love (to wish well and taking action) to its own enemies. It is love that prompts us to do well no matter whom."


"Love is the purest feeling and that is sublime. In it you grab when you lose strength. It is a feeling that has no prejudice of color, race, religion and state."


"Love, four-letter word, word, simple and complicated at the same time. Although it is a short word, over millennia, the love has not yet been deciphered...
Many think that love is just beautiful...
Others think that love is to admire...
But love is something very complex, that nothing definitive love...

Just close to it. Because love has never been solved, the definition of love that we are not the words we say, but expressed his own feelings, who feels only know what love really is."

I'm sure Michael would like my little definitions about love. Well, actually if we talk about the hours we would love talking about it. Love is infinite and a feeling that never ends. Talking about love is an endless debate.

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Ohhhhh, the coincidences! Yeah, those many coincidences were a LOT of fun! LOL I have some that I remember too!

Back to his Off The Wall store day of shopping. We were having a discussion in the thread about the day that I had met him and we were wondering if he went back to his hotel after completing his promotional tour schedule or if he went straight to the airport. Well, one of the things that he bought at the Off The Wall store was that big toy airplane! I was thinking, "Oh! I guess he went to the airport!" LOL

And what about the time that MimiK told Ape, Linda and Summer if they were going to were T-shirts to the London concert with Did MJ Find Love In The Dark printed on them, that they should be green so they could easily be seen. Next thing we knew, MJ went shopping shortly afterwards wearing black pants, a green sports jacket, his fedora, sunglasses and that white mask! Now, whyyyy did he choose to wear green that day of all colors?! LOL

And then there was the time that Linda said she wanted to see him in the leopard print loin cloth and next thing we knew, he was out and about wearing those leopard pants. I guess he wanted to let her know that he had read her post. LOL

Yeahhhh, I think he found out about this thread and was having a good time with it. Hey, it's about love, spirituality and music. Things that he liked. Plus, he used to enjoy having a good laugh, right? He was a prankster. We also had the comedy goin' in here! LOL OMG, there were times when we all were just crackin' up! There was no way he could read some that stuff and not burst out laughin'!

And then there is the time when we were talking about him being in love and Ape said, "Give her the rose already!" that is when MJ's handwritten note appeared online with the beautiful rose!

To be the most famous man in the world, he sure knew how to do very sweet and fun things. Love him...love him...love him.

OH MY GOD!! I didn't even realize this!! LOL!! ROFLMAO!!:D:wub:
See Linda, your opinions do matter!:D

I just wanted him to wear THIS outfit...

who do u guys think his love is for tho?

I believe lyrically that is left up to ones own interpretation. Realistically only her (if she does exist), Michael and God know the answer to that question now. Could it be a love bond so special that it's not meant for us to ever find out? Maybe so.....I hope she (if she does exist) keeps their eternal love close and sacred in her heart.

"Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle". ~ Sam Levenson ~
About the song "Threatened", though I haven't listened to it in a while, I've always thought this was Michael's possessive side. In my interpretation of the song, I hear 2 things happening.

1) He is fussing with anyone of whom he feels has caused him heartache or problems. He is standing up to them and letting them know he is a force to be reckon with

2) In the line in question ( I forgot the exact words), when he sings about: Everytime your lady speaks she speaks to me. I Have always thought he was conveying, how aware he was that a lady of his affection was with another guy and saying romantic and meaningful things to that other guy but deep down inside, Michael knew she really wanted to say them to him instead. With that one line, he wants the other guy to know, he is just a "Fill In" someone of whom she has settled for until they ( MJ and her) can be together again.

This song have many layers and his eager to let those of whom caused him misery and pain know, they better look out for him, cause he aint taking no more ish is very loud and clear to me.

The possessive side of him is telling her, he is everywhere even when she may not wish him to be,( which indicates during their separation, there was a man in her life just like we saw women in his)but his possessive side doesn't care, he loves her and wants to dominate her every thought. He doesn't want her to forget about him.

Relisten to the song when he sings the verse about being everywhere and think about what I typed.

Michael wanted to possess his obcession and he also wanted his enemies to take notice of his strength.

With "Threatened" he is saying, he aint going down without a fight. Not with his enemies. Not with her.

When he said that it really remind me of a song I love called "Glory of Love" by Peter Cetera. It was part of the soundtrack to Karate Kid II. There are two parts of the song that are my favorite; one is when he sings about being a knight in shining armor ( I know, I'm a hopeless romantic, lol!) and the other is the very end of the song where he keeps repeating over and over again, "We did it all for love," "We did it all for love." *Sigh* So romantic!:wub:


Glory of Love (Lyrics)

Tonight it's very clear
As we're both lying here
There's so many things I want to say
I will always love you
I would never leave you alone

Sometimes I just forget
Say things I might regret
It breaks my heart to see you crying
I don't wanna lose you
I could never make it alone

I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero you're dreaming of
We'll live forever
Knowing together that we
Did it all for the glory of love

You'll keep me standing tall
You'll help me through it all
I'm always strong when you're beside me
I have always needed you
I could never make it alone

I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero you've been dreaming of
We'll live forever
Knowing together that we
Did it all for the glory of love

Just like a knight in shining armor
From a long time ago
Just in time I will save the day
Take you to my castle far away

I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero you're dreaming of
We're gonna live forever
Knowing together that we
Did it all for the glory of love

We'll live forever
Knowing together that we
Did it all for the glory of love

We did it all for love
We did it all for love
We did it all for love
We did it all for love ... ( Or as MJ says, L-O-V-E):wub:
Could be one reason he didn't promote the album if he knew it was about him right?

I wanted to add.... The end of This Is It trailer Michael said something quite significant whether to do with this thread's topic or not, it was said. "It's all for love. L-O-V-E"

Something tells me, the more information and material to come out about the "This is it" stuff, the more we are going to be able to connect it to this thread and have confirmation of Michael's private happiness with a love in his life.

Michael's last clues after the announcement ( i think) in London for the shows, indicated how he somehow was going to incorporate "her" with that tour. And lets not forget the dream I would later have with her very happily coming down the stairs anticipating his arrival( in the gold coffin) and the This is it dancers were all there warming up with the colorful confetti falling from above.

We gonna need a box of kleenex for more reason than one, I can just feel it.
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Glory of Love (Lyrics)

Tonight it's very clear
As we're both lying here
There's so many things I want to say
I will always love you
I would never leave you alone

Sometimes I just forget
Say things I might regret
It breaks my heart to see you crying
I don't wanna lose you
I could never make it alone

I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero you're dreaming of
We'll live forever
Knowing together that we
Did it all for the glory of love

You'll keep me standing tall
You'll help me through it all
I'm always strong when you're beside me
I have always needed you
I could never make it alone

I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero you've been dreaming of
We'll live forever
Knowing together that we
Did it all for the glory of love

Just like a knight in shining armor
From a long time ago
Just in time I will save the day
Take you to my castle far away

I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero you're dreaming of
We're gonna live forever
Knowing together that we
Did it all for the glory of love

We'll live forever
Knowing together that we
Did it all for the glory of love

We did it all for love
We did it all for love
We did it all for love
We did it all for love ... ( Or as MJ says, L-O-V-E):wub:

Well remember this song. She is very beautiful. :)


It's all for love! Love is my message! >>>>>>>>> MJ


L.O.V.E. - Love Overcomes Virtually Everything. (Theater: Steps Of Broadway blackbox theatre >>>> L.O.V.E. - Love Overcomes Virtually Everything.


Marie Decker, “L O V E Spells… ,” Ensign, Mar. 1985, 15

As I sat there, my gaze was attracted to the window above the sink where I had set a small red sign with large white letters. It was a handout that my oldest daughter had received in Primary about a week before. All it said was LOVE. L-O-V-E. Suddenly, the letters stood out and into my mind came the words, “Love Overcomes Virtually Everything.” I knew that Heavenly Father had answered my prayer.


1 Corinthians 13:1-7 (New International Version)
1 Corinthians 13


1IF I speak in the tongues [a] of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7IT always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.


In "Oliver" by chance or not the character singing the song WHERE IS LOVE?

Were things that went through my head.

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MP you're bringing back memories with that song! Thats one of my favorite's from the 80'S.

and yes, it fit in perfectly with what MJ was conveying to her and the world with the "This is it" project.

Seems to me, that clip is yet another confirmation, he was a man in Love..............til the very end, he was...............a man in love.
Being creative myself I know that there are many things that inspire me. Maybe it's life experiences, something I've seen visually, heard or read, or my wandering vivid imagination lol, or as Stevie Wonder explained, inspiration from something as simple as a conversation with someone. Michael came up with the beat of Billie Jean driving down Ventura Blvd., didn't Quincy Jones say that P.Y.T. was inspired because of some lingerie he had purchased for Peggy Lipton? Inspiration comes from any and everywhere. Michael was a storyteller, and yes he wrote and sang about things that had significant meaning in his life, but we also have to remember that he did not write alot of the lyrics that he sang.

I personally do not believe if he was presently in love that it had something to do with someone from 10 - 20 years ago. That's jmo. Maybe he did sing about someone back then through his lyrics but we all know how much he longed for love, family, happiness, etc.. He seemed to have to go elsewhere to find those things these past 20+ years. If she truly existed all this time, why not share all those meaningful life experiences with your true love? True love is a gift from God. What's the point in being mutually in love with each other if you have to fight the feelings about what is meant to be in your life?

When I look at the Michael of recent, I think these past several years he began a new phase in his life, new inspiration and creativity, and a different energy. His more recent songs from Thriller 25 release, to Hold My Hand, to the instrumental song, he seemed to be in a new place. In Hold My Hand he came across to me like he had a renewed passion in his voice and that instrumental song, just listening to it you could feel what he was trying to say without any lyrics, it's like the beauty of the music just speaks to you. Well, hopefully when more of his music is released we will be able to interpret the messages he was trying to send to the world today. :)


What instrumental song? :wild:
Could be one reason he didn't promote the album if he knew it was about him right?

I wanted to add.... The end of This Is It trailer Michael said something quite significant whether to do with this thread's topic or not, it was said. "It's all for love. L-O-V-E"

It reminded me of an old song I had on my youtube page this past Valentine's Day. It's called L.O.V.E. by Nat King Cole. Frank Sinatra does a really good version, too. It goes...

"L. is for the way you look at me
O. is for the only one I see
V. is very VERY extraodinary
E. is even more than anyone that you adore..."

Cute youtube vid I have as a favorite is below.


Really good and catchy song. :)
Something tells me, the more information and material to come out about the "This is it" stuff, the more we are going to be able to connect it to this thread and have confirmation of Michael's private happiness with a love in his life.

Michael's last clues after the announcement ( i think) in London for the shows, indicated how he somehow was going to incorporate "her" with that tour. And lets not forget the dream I would later have with her very happily coming down the stairs anticipating his arrival( in the gold coffin) and the This is it dancers were all there warming up with the colorful confetti falling from above.

We gonna need a box of kleenex for more reason than one, I can just feel it.

Awww I think so too. "she" may have been going with MJ on the tour??
It reminded me of an old song I had on my youtube page this past Valentine's Day. It's called L.O.V.E. by Nat King Cole. Frank Sinatra does a really good version, too. It goes...

"L. is for the way you look at me
O. is for the only one I see
V. is very VERY extraodinary
E. is even more than anyone that you adore..."

Cute youtube vid I have as a favorite is below.


Really good and catchy song. :)

Fabulous song. :)
It reminded me of an old song I had on my youtube page this past Valentine's Day. It's called L.O.V.E. by Nat King Cole. Frank Sinatra does a really good version, too. It goes...

"L. is for the way you look at me
O. is for the only one I see
V. is very VERY extraodinary
E. is even more than anyone that you adore..."

Cute youtube vid I have as a favorite is below.


Really good and catchy song. :)


:angel:Heal The World...We Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
About the song "Threatened", though I haven't listened to it in a while, I've always thought this was Michael's possessive side. In my interpretation of the song, I hear 2 things happening.

1) He is fussing with anyone of whom he feels has caused him heartache or problems. He is standing up to them and letting them know he is a force to be reckon with

2) In the line in question ( I forgot the exact words), when he sings about: Everytime your lady speaks she speaks to me. I Have always thought he was conveying, how aware he was that a lady of his affection was with another guy and saying romantic and meaningful things to that other guy but deep down inside, Michael knew she really wanted to say them to him instead. With that one line, he wants the other guy to know, he is just a "Fill In" someone of whom she has settled for until they ( MJ and her) can be together again.

This song have many layers and his eager to let those of whom caused him misery and pain know, they better look out for him, cause he aint taking no more ish is very loud and clear to me.

The possessive side of him is telling her, he is everywhere even when she may not wish him to be,( which indicates during their separation, there was a man in her life just like we saw women in his)but his possessive side doesn't care, he loves her and wants to dominate her every thought. He doesn't want her to forget about him.

Relisten to the song when he sings the verse about being everywhere and think about what I typed.

Michael wanted to possess his obcession and he also wanted his enemies to take notice of his strength.

With "Threatened" he is saying, he aint going down without a fight. Not with his enemies. Not with her.
WoW Moddie now its my turn; and I'll say it again - WOW!

Originally Posted by ashtanga
L.O.V.E. - Love Overcomes Virtually Everything.
Thanks! Well, sometimes I hit. :smilerolleyes: :D This came immediately in my head. Did I hit? I hope so. Can not be a coincidence. Why there are no coincidences. lol! :wild:
Yep you did hit with that Ashtanga :yes: That was a BIG hit.

Here you go. Only a portion of it was released on LKL one night. It's beautiful. :)

Thanks Lily for posting that!! ;) yes, it is beautiful!
It reminded me of an old song I had on my youtube page this past Valentine's Day. It's called L.O.V.E. by Nat King Cole. Frank Sinatra does a really good version, too. It goes...

"L. is for the way you look at me
O. is for the only one I see
V. is very VERY extraodinary
E. is even more than anyone that you adore..."

Cute youtube vid I have as a favorite is below.


Really good and catchy song. :)
Ah thanks Wendy for posting that wonderful old fashioned love song. :flowers: :flowers:

What a sweet song :wub: its so perfect! Love that song era so much!
MJ: "Take meeeee toooo a place without noooo naaaaaaame..."

Hmmmmm...let's see. Is this another coincidence? :lol: :giggle:
MJ: "Take meeeee toooo a place without noooo naaaaaaame..."

Hmmmmm...let's see. Is this another coincidence? :lol: :giggle:

Yeah! It took me a few minutes to get this, but when Michael recorded that song, "She" had no name known to the public ( not that we know now, but at this time, there has been suspicion though right or wrong of who this lady could be).

Could "take me tooo a place without no name" be about MJ confirming his love doesn't have a name known to the public and he was conveying he wanted to be taken to her, near her, in her arms, in her life again?

The word "Place' is used metaphorically as to describe when they are together Michael feel there are in a world all of their own, he obviosly feels/felt safe, loved and very happy there with her and wanted those feelings to all return.

Could that be it?
Yeah! It took me a few minutes to get this, but when Michael recorded that song, "She" had no name known to the public ( not that we know now, but at this time, there has been suspicion though right or wrong of who this lady could be).

Could "take me tooo a place without no name" be about MJ confirming his love doesn't have a name known to the public and he was conveying he wanted to be taken to her, near her, in her arms, in her life again?

The word "Place' is used metaphorically as to describe when they are together Michael feel there are in a world all of their own, he obviosly feels/felt safe, loved and very happy there with her and wanted those feelings to all return.

Could that be it?

Could be, but i reckon the song is bout him saying " please take me away from all this mania....i wanna be in a normal place - living in a normal way..even if it is only for a lil while