We Killed Michael Jackson

to me a fan is a fan.. we all love him. And I love every single Michael Jackson fan for believing in him. Michael needs us. We believe in him and we are all he has left to carry on his mission and legacy :cry:
I've always supported Michael, I became a fan during his hardest time and never let go. So I don't feel guilty from my part. I do think others who always badmouthed him should feel guilty, and should not get a sudden attack of conscience.
i am glad i found this place. but i can't be ashamed about joining this place before i did... i just didn't know. and i have never spent a lot of time online. certainly never joined forums.

there are false fans... like false celebs... i am not sure how you would calibrate who is a fan and who is a fake fan or who is a fanatic.

at the end of the day we all know who we are . a real fan. a part time fan. or a pretender.

but .... i hope none of us.... will discourage or make younger fans of MJ... or newly MJ fans..... feel less like they are fans. because they will carry the next generation of Michaels legacy.

In the U.S. the last almost 10-15 years.... it was never a popular thing to be an MJ fan...( not to say that it is easy now.... we are always fighting haters still) now that people are finding ways to pay tribute.. they are listening to our beloved's music and dance. i hope in one or two decades.. a new artist will rise (never will equal our michael) and say.... "my idol was MJ"... like he wanted his legacy will continue and live on like "michaelangelo".

i agree with a lot of what she wrote.... but i wish she would have not attacked the long time or newly fans.... even in anger and sadness.... we have to find the right target.
Exactly! in a way envy the new genuine fans....can you imagine experiencing thriller or watching Michael in concert for the first time? or learning something new about michael that you've never known before......... *sigh* i can still remember staying up past my bedtime to see the latest MJ video premiere..
Exactly! in a way envy the new genuine fans....can you imagine experiencing thriller or watching Michael in concert for the first time? or learning something new about michael that you've never known before......... *sigh* i can still remember staying up past my bedtime to see the latest MJ video premiere..

yeah it must be very exciting for them :)
Exactly! in a way envy the new genuine fans....can you imagine experiencing thriller or watching Michael in concert for the first time? or learning something new about michael that you've never known before......... *sigh* i can still remember staying up past my bedtime to see the latest MJ video premiere..

i became a fan in 1990. I love all of MJ's work but I love Dangerous the most (thats when i saw, heard, and watched mj- when we moved to the US). U know. I am in tears as I write this.
I see little kids doing beat it in flash mobs AROUND THE WORLD. Its awesome. :D

LIVE ON OUR DEAREST LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!:punk:
to me a fan is a fan.. we all love him. And I love every single Michael Jackson fan for believing in him. Michael needs us. We believe in him and we are all he has left to carry on his mission and legacy :cry:

Oh, absolutely!
It's just that... See, some people used to be very nasty towards Michael, and now they're sending me messages about how wonderful he was, how they rediscovered him...
Yeah, great, good on you.
But deep down I can't help thinking - and when he was alive and needed your support, where were you then??? Oh, right - making a joke of him and spreading the tabloid crap around, despite me being right there with the cold hard facts of truth - but it was funnier to take a piss, wasn't it?

See, they didn't believe in him when it mattered, and I just can't get past that. I just can't treat these ppl in the same way as I do those that have been there with me throughout the years, through the joy of concerts and the drama of the courthouse... You know what I mean?

I actually do love the way Michael's being appreciated now, but I just hate the hypocrisy of some people.

And I can't help wondering how long these new fans are going to remain fans... Until the hype subsides?:(

This, of course, doesn't go for every new fan!! Please, don't feel I'm having a go at new members, I'm writing this with some particular people in mind.

Exactly! in a way envy the new genuine fans....can you imagine experiencing thriller or watching Michael in concert for the first time? or learning something new about michael that you've never known before......... *sigh* i can still remember staying up past my bedtime to see the latest MJ video premiere..

Awww!!! Takes me right back to the eighties...:wub:
I envy all the genuine newbies, too.:yes:
Although...I feel sorry for them, in a way, too... Because they'll never get to experience certain things...:(
But it's worth it anyway.:yes:
I just wanted to add too that joining an online community does not prove a person is a fan. There are plenty of Michael Jackson fans that don't belong to any communities. I highly doubt MJ would place conditions on his fans love for him, so really no one else should either. :)
I just wanted to add too that joining an online community does not prove a person is a fan. There are plenty of Michael Jackson fans that don't belong to any communities. I highly doubt MJ would place conditions on his fans love for him, so really no one else should either. :)
Yea, I agree. The important thing is the love and admiration in a fan's heart:)
Oh, absolutely!
It's just that... See, some people used to be very nasty towards Michael, and now they're sending me messages about how wonderful he was, how they rediscovered him...
Yeah, great, good on you.
But deep down I can't help thinking - and when he was alive and needed your support, where were you then??? Oh, right - making a joke of him and spreading the tabloid crap around, despite me being right there with the cold hard facts of truth - but it was funnier to take a piss, wasn't it?

See, they didn't believe in him when it mattered, and I just can't get past that. I just can't treat these ppl in the same way as I do those that have been there with me throughout the years, through the joy of concerts and the drama of the courthouse... You know what I mean?

I actually do love the way Michael's being appreciated now, but I just hate the hypocrisy of some people.

And I can't help wondering how long these new fans are going to remain fans... Until the hype subsides?:(

This, of course, doesn't go for every new fan!! Please, don't feel I'm having a go at new members, I'm writing this with some particular people in mind.

Those people that hurt him and made jokes are called hypocrites. I was thinking earlier it kind of feels to me like when Jesus was on earth. Jesus had his disciples and Michael had his fans. Both were very scrutinized. Then people that hurt them felt guilty and started believing in them after.. but why? I dont understand :(
It's kind of lame suggesting that anyone joining after JUN 2009 isn't a real fan.
I know a girl that has been a fan as long as I have (more than 15 years), and she doesn't hang on this forum.
Me too :(. I keep thinking that other members might think I've joined and become a fan only because he's died.

I was a casual fan too and I didn't follow him completely. I doubted his innocence for the second time he got charged but then my doubts went away when he was declared innocent. I didn't think he was guilty, I was doubting at times. Unfortunately with me the sentence, "you don't know what you got until it's gone" applies. I've always liked Michael Jackson. However now, I'm not sure if I should post on this forum after some of the posts I've read.
I agree with Bruce.... you have nothing to feel ashamed about. if you ever feel bad about this whole issue... look at what MJ wrote on the pillow case.
that is for all of us. keep posting, keep learning, keep his legacy alive. we want him to live on for Eternity.
when all the haters are gone.... MJ will still be here b/c of us.
I agree with Bruce.... you have nothing to feel ashamed about. if you ever feel bad about this whole issue... look at what MJ wrote on the pillow case.
that is for all of us. keep posting, keep learning, keep his legacy alive. we want him to live on for Eternity.
when all the haters are gone.... MJ will still be here b/c of us.

I agree with Bruce.... you have nothing to feel ashamed about. if you ever feel bad about this whole issue... look at what MJ wrote on the pillow case.
that is for all of us. keep posting, keep learning, keep his legacy alive. we want him to live on for Eternity.
when all the haters are gone.... MJ will still be here b/c of us.

Yeah, right now is just to get as many people as possible to carry the torch.
If someone didn't listen to MJ before his death and become a fan from that day it's still better than someone not becoming a fan at all.
I mean, as long as you stay a fan from this point it's all good.
It's not about "when" you became a fan, it's about to "stay" as a fan.

We who have been fans for years have already got our reward by appreciating him and seeing him while he was alive. We don't have to feel "threatened" by new fans :)
There will always be new fans, if I'll ever have kids then they'll be new fans also. 200 years from now, there will be new fans.

I mean look at Mozart, he's been dead for 200 years... that would mean that there are no true Mozart fans left.
i cant explain that night when he died,i new who michael was hell i bought thriller back in the 80s.
but it tore me up like i had lost a brother,and i cant explain that.all i know is i enjoy his music and dancing and everything hes done for charities.
i never realised half the things he could do until recently.
i certainly did not become a fan out of fashion and i personally resent that remark.
i cant speak for all the new fans and there reasons.
if anything ive lost out on seeing mj in person
i do agree about a lot of wats said in the article however the part about where were his fans well during his trial you could see his fans and hear them shouting "we love you michael".
during his fan meetings again he could hardly speak through the screams of the fans shouting we love you and michael would say i love you more.
his fans cant control his personal life.
as for the radio stations i dont know why there playing so much mj music but iam not gonna complain about it just wish they had always played his music.
michaels army is growing.
I mean, as long as you stay a fan from this point it's all good.
It's not about "when" you became a fan, it's about to "stay" as a fan.

totally agree.

i remember the interview MJ gave ebony....

MJ- like michaelangelo said..i know the creator will go...but his work will survive..... :clapping::clapping::clapping:

we can't go back and change the past.. but we can look toward the future and do things differently. i can't imagine the day that I am no longer an MJ fan.
This pillow explains that we (the fans) kept him alive (before he had his children?):

I love you all of you so so much.
I'm very lonely without you, you are my life always, please love me always.
"Burn" all tabloids
Michael Jackson


First of all let me start off by thanking you for your post.....although it is so so very sad, it brought me to tears....It shows the vulnerable side of Michael that only his FANS would see and appreciate. Your post also shows how much Michael s fans helped him live not die. This article.....bahhhh.....suggesting it was the fans that killed Michael....this in my opinion is crap. Who killed Michael was ......THE TABLOIDS....THE NEWS MEDIA.....HATERS..FAKE FANS.......last but definitely not least......MURDERER MURRAY.......THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO KILLED MICHEAL.
Ouch. This article makes it seem like anyone who became a fan after Michael's death, should feel bad for that. I am glad to see responses here that show acceptance for new fans rather than suspicion. I hate that I became a fan after Michael's death. It saddens me deeply. And I hate that it puts me in a category where many people would automatically assume I'm a hypocrit. Because I love Michael with all my heart and soul. I never spoke bad of him, or went along with the gossip. Ever. I was simply clueless... Michael was another fish in the huge sea of music. Sadly it took a tragedy to turn my attention to him...and I think this has what has happened with many new fans. It's bad enough that us new fans have realized all that we have missed out on. We just want to let him in our lives now...in every way we can. I don't feel that anyone elses love for him is greater than mine or others like myself, just because they've been a fan for 20 years or however long. Love is love.

So this article doesn't ring true to everyone. Sadly though, it does ring true to many. I do believe the media and those who blindly believed in their lies, contributed to Michael's downfall. He certainly suffered over their hate... when all he had to give was love. It is saddening to say the least. And disheartening, to see the people who thought Michael was a freak while he was living...that scorned him and shared in the lies and jokes... are suddenly "following the crowd" as if they are real fans now, just because he's "popular" again. I am just glad to know that there ARE people out there becoming truly enlightened by Michael. His death is a tragedy, but his love always remained...and will continue to set and example for generations to come.
Yeah, right now is just to get as many people as possible to carry the torch.
If someone didn't listen to MJ before his death and become a fan from that day it's still better than someone not becoming a fan at all.
I mean, as long as you stay a fan from this point it's all good.
It's not about "when" you became a fan, it's about to "stay" as a fan.

We who have been fans for years have already got our reward by appreciating him and seeing him while he was alive. We don't have to feel "threatened" by new fans :)
There will always be new fans, if I'll ever have kids then they'll be new fans also. 200 years from now, there will be new fans.

I mean look at Mozart, he's been dead for 200 years... that would mean that there are no true Mozart fans left.
I can't applaud this post enough.
Ouch. This article makes it seem like anyone who became a fan after Michael's death, should feel bad for that. I am glad to see responses here that show acceptance for new fans rather than suspicion. I hate that I became a fan after Michael's death. It saddens me deeply. And I hate that it puts me in a category where many people would automatically assume I'm a hypocrit. Because I love Michael with all my heart and soul. I never spoke bad of him, or went along with the gossip. Ever. I was simply clueless... Michael was another fish in the huge sea of music. Sadly it took a tragedy to turn my attention to him...and I think this has what has happened with many new fans. It's bad enough that us new fans have realized all that we have missed out on. We just want to let him in our lives now...in every way we can. I don't feel that anyone elses love for him is greater than mine or others like myself, just because they've been a fan for 20 years or however long. Love is love.

Many people only noticed Michael after he died, because suddenly - he was everywhere again.
Remember that he vanished from the music scene for 8 long years. That's long enough for some children to grow up!
It's understandable.
The issue I've got is with haters that are suddenly fans because it's the thing to be now. I know a few of them personally, and although I'm still happy they finallys aw the light, I'm a bit bitter that it took Michael's passing for them to do that...
But still, like someone said - better late than never.
Nope... we didn't kill Michael! Michael was killed by an irresponsible doctor, together with irresponsible other doctors and some business ppl who wanted to wrench the last cent out of him!

But about fandom...

Stop this!

If haters become lovers, IF... then isn't that the most beautiful what could happen?


I have completely no understanding for this kind of 'elite' thinking in some.
So strange to me to find the weirdest reason why they could be a 'better fan'.
Everyone who needs to talk someone else down or who needs to talk about someone else bad to make themselves feel better about anything has a problem, a problem with self esteem and/or is pushing away a very own feeling of guilt.
In germany we say: "pick your own nose" to such ppl.

Please stop that.

I think whoever wants to represent Michael Jackson in their heart will always welcome everyone who wants to turn to the love, the tolerance, the peace, the fun, the joy and everything else Michael stood and will always stand for.
It completely doesn't matter when love/fandom started with someone and it doesn't make one fan better than the other... there is no 'too late' in this for sure.

It's not up to anyone but Michael Jackson himself to judge anyones fandom, that's crazy.

Again anyone who thinks he is a 'stronger', 'truer' etc fan, should really and sincerly question where this feeling is coming from... it is most likely a self esteem issue. Stop jealousy in between fans it's so ridiculous, Michael loves all of us.
If that is or feels not enough or maybe not fair to some then the problem is with those.

Always keep in mind there's ppl outside the fan community who would love to stirr up stuff like this inside... these ppl can come here also... the ppl can post on message boards also. Still let them come, let them learn the most important lesson here please!

We are the world, we can make a change if we make it to stand together as one we can make a difference and we will keep Michaels legacy with that.

Don't believe ppl who want to emphasize differences between us. Do believe ppl who emphasize what we do have in common because that is our strength.
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Ouch. This article makes it seem like anyone who became a fan after Michael's death, should feel bad for that. I am glad to see responses here that show acceptance for new fans rather than suspicion. I hate that I became a fan after Michael's death. It saddens me deeply. And I hate that it puts me in a category where many people would automatically assume I'm a hypocrit. Because I love Michael with all my heart and soul. I never spoke bad of him, or went along with the gossip. Ever. I was simply clueless... Michael was another fish in the huge sea of music. Sadly it took a tragedy to turn my attention to him...and I think this has what has happened with many new fans. It's bad enough that us new fans have realized all that we have missed out on. We just want to let him in our lives now...in every way we can. I don't feel that anyone elses love for him is greater than mine or others like myself, just because they've been a fan for 20 years or however long. Love is love.

So this article doesn't ring true to everyone. Sadly though, it does ring true to many. I do believe the media and those who blindly believed in their lies, contributed to Michael's downfall. He certainly suffered over their hate... when all he had to give was love. It is saddening to say the least. And disheartening, to see the people who thought Michael was a freak while he was living...that scorned him and shared in the lies and jokes... are suddenly "following the crowd" as if they are real fans now, just because he's "popular" again. I am just glad to know that there ARE people out there becoming truly enlightened by Michael. His death is a tragedy, but his love always remained...and will continue to set and example for generations to come.

"His death is a tragedy, but his love always remained"
this is so true :cry:

I feel you, amygrace, for I am one of those newbies who became his fans after his death. I have been so guilty for not loving this man when he was alive but it's already been a torture for us new fans to realize how much we have missed out over the years and to never have a chance seeing him for any live performance or concert.

Same as you, I never spoke bad about him but I simply know very little of him before the tragedy, of cos I know about the 2nd trial cos I was still young during the 1st trial but I never said a word about that cos I know so little of him, I don't think I have the knowledge to give any comments on the case. He never had any album promotion in my hometown nor any tv channel was there to promote his music, I am not saying he was not popular in my place cos after his death I asked my uncles and aunties and they then told me that he was very popular and famous during the mid to late 80s in my hometown, but obviously not with us the younger generation as it was the 90s that I was growing up with.

I truely appreciate for your acceptance on us new fans cos though we might not love Michael just as long as the old fans, but surely we love him just as much.

**Hugs to all**
I know I did this..."We killed Michael Jackson. We helped create his gilded cage and then we rejected him. Death serves you well Michael, the world is finally acknowledging the amazing force of nature you were. You changed the face of music. Rest in peace.". I helped put him in that gilded cage...I posted stuff about how excited I was that he was going to perform again...I egged the man on.

I feel like I killed the poor man. My expectations were so high...Oh My God. I didn't reject him, however. I always loved the man...I just wish he was still around to know just how much we all loved him...truly loved him. It would have been enough to just know he was still around, taking his children to this place or the other. Now we have nothing....
Many people only noticed Michael after he died, because suddenly - he was everywhere again.
Remember that he vanished from the music scene for 8 long years. That's long enough for some children to grow up!
It's understandable.
The issue I've got is with haters that are suddenly fans because it's the thing to be now. I know a few of them personally, and although I'm still happy they finallys aw the light, I'm a bit bitter that it took Michael's passing for them to do that...
But still, like someone said - better late than never.

Thank you so much for understanding us. :)
Honestly, I seldom listen to western musics, not even when I am still a teenager. I grew up in a eastern country and all the way I mostly listen to chinese songs, but you can't imagine how amazed I have been when I first saw his motown 25 performance in youtube 2 months ago, I keep on repeating the same clip for the whole night cos I have never saw anything like that and I have spent the 2 months to read all his interviews, all his music videos and making, all his concerts and his autobiography "Moonwalk". I just can't believe there is such a beautiful and gentle human being in the world with such a great talent and yet have been so misunderstood by the world at the same time, i don't get how people don't believe he was innocent. Apart from the death of my grandparents and my dad, this is the first time I cried for someone that I have never met and the pain that I got was like he is a family to me. This may sound strange to others, but I believe everyone here do have the same feeling as me.

"Better late than never" - this is the words I keep on comforting myself :cry:
I didn't kill anyone!!!!!!!!i didn't kill the man i love and admire so much!!!!!!!the man that save me!
Thanks to you that started this thread,i'm in tears andi can't control myself.
Just the thought...gosh...if being a fan means to do and have lots of stuff...but my michael knew better.he knew betterrr

are you sure you are a fan???

Than you should be careful with what you say.i might not be theonly one heartbroken thanks to you!
Nope... we didn't kill Michael! Michael was killed by an irresponsible doctor, together with irresponsible other doctors and some business ppl who wanted to wrench the last cent out of him!

But about fandom...

Stop this!

If haters become lovers, IF... then isn't that the most beautiful what could happen?


I have completely no understanding for this kind of 'elite' thinking in some.
So strange to me to find the weirdest reason why they could be a 'better fan'.
Everyone who needs to talk someone else down or who needs to talk about someone else bad to make themselves feel better about anything has a problem, a problem with self esteem and/or is pushing away a very own feeling of guilt.
In germany we say: "pick your own nose" to such ppl.

Please stop that.

I think whoever wants to represent Michael Jackson in their heart will always welcome everyone who wants to turn to the love, the tolerance, the peace, the fun, the joy and everything else Michael stood and will always stand for.
It completely doesn't matter when love/fandom started with someone and it doesn't make one fan better than the other... there is no 'too late' in this for sure.

It's not up to anyone but Michael Jackson himself to judge anyones fandom, that's crazy.

Again anyone who thinks he is a 'stronger', 'truer' etc fan, should really and sincerly question where this feeling is coming from... it is most likely a self esteem issue. Stop jealousy in between fans it's so ridiculous, Michael loves all of us.
If that is or feels not enough or maybe not fair to some then the problem is with those.

Always keep in mind there's ppl outside the fan community who would love to stirr up stuff like this inside... these ppl can come here also... the ppl can post on message boards also. Still let them come, let them learn the most important lesson here please!

We are the world, we can make a change if we make it to stand together as one we can make a difference and we will keep Michaels legacy with that.

Don't believe ppl who want to emphasize differences between us. Do believe ppl who emphasize what we do have in common because that is our strength.

agreed and agreed :clapping:
I understand where this person who wrote this article is coming from. That is exactly why when the man i looked up to for 26 years of my life (i'm 29) i wanted to physcially kill people. I know fans some right here from this board would repeatidy be negative towards me and would say things. I would get very upset. Especially during the trial. Since then i have stopped talking to many of them. The day Michael died if i could have and gotten away with it alot of people would have been KILLED by me esp. "FAKE JAKE" fans as i call them.