Suicide hotlines, U.S. and International

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thanks for posting that. if anyone is thinking seriously about suicide please try other options first - reach out to a hotline, friend, or family, you can always re-think about suicide later but you can't do it the other way round!

emotions are intense & crazy things, but they can be untangled and relieved with time and support.

also please chat here, if you don't want to chat publicly then pm someone. don't take it personally if people out in the world think your feelings are crazy, even if they are professionals. some people don't understand our connection with Michael, cos they don't share it. just find someone you can talk too.

some years ago I was about a millimetre away from suicide. I had it all planned. but something always happened to stop me. now I am SOOO grateful, cos special things came along I never imagined, and I found my life has many purposes which I need to be here to fulfill!

remember Michael's lowest times years ago, with half the world against him - well he could have ended it all then, but he picked himself up and pushed onward and had all those beautiful years with his children. don't give up. make a difference in the world & make MJ proud of you :) :yes:
oh good there is a sticky one! ty staff for posting it. Didnt' see it ((HUGS)).
Thanx. I was distraught at the horrible news & haven't eaten in 5days. But I have started eating a little 2day becoz I want to make it 2 the memorials & the funeral dates. I am trying to be strong 4 my family & my kids but I fear I have nothing left to give them. I feel empty, alone, confused & angry at the last weeks unfolding of news reports surrounding MJs passing.

He has been a huge contributor 2 my life 4 almost 30yrs & I attribute alot of who I am to my love 4 him. I am, in great part, who I am becoz of my family, my genes, my frends & my love of all things Michael.

He has been the prodominent Male role model in my life since the age of 13yrs old. In essence Michael has helped shape my WHOLE teenage & adult life. I don't know any different. His beliefs, his charisma, his profection, his professionalism, his sense of humour, his humanitarianism, his love of children & animals, his strengths & weaknesses, his music & dance are all many of the characteristics that I have admired & followed. They are also a huge part of who I am as a sister, aunty, mother & frend. I don't care if people don't understand my feelings becoz it's not my job 2 convince them, I just care about where I go from here. I truely have no idea where 2 go or wot to do next. I am holding on & trying 2 be strong at least till the funeral where we can all say our goodbyes to a gr8 man & Michael can at last rest in peace.

Just wanted 2 put that out there. :(
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I think alot of people's initial reaction was "I want to be where Michael is" and it's understandable. But, "he" would want us to live on and live to our fullest potential.

I had really weird thoughts pass through my mind too. I kind of hate to admit it and actually I don't know why I thought similar things but if you are thinking these thoughts please, "wait". Don't do anything now. You're not alone and we are grieving just as deeply as you are. Michael would tell you to live out your life and that you'll see him when your time is right but don't decide that for yourself.

We need to stick together. *hug*
I think alot of people's initial reaction was "I want to be where Michael is" and it's understandable. But, "he" would want us to live on and live to our fullest potential.

I had really weird thoughts pass through my mind too. I kind of hate to admit it and actually I don't know why I thought similar things but if you are thinking these thoughts please, "wait". Don't do anything now. You're not alone and we are grieving just as deeply as you are. Michael would tell you to live out your life and that you'll see him when your time is right but don't decide that for yourself.

We need to stick together. *hug*

Thank you for this post. Just. . . beautiful.


I think alot of people's initial reaction was "I want to be where Michael is" and it's understandable. But, "he" would want us to live on and live to our fullest potential.

I had really weird thoughts pass through my mind too. I kind of hate to admit it and actually I don't know why I thought similar things but if you are thinking these thoughts please, "wait". Don't do anything now. You're not alone and we are grieving just as deeply as you are. Michael would tell you to live out your life and that you'll see him when your time is right but don't decide that for yourself.

We need to stick together. *hug*

Thank you sweetheart. I bet that everyone had been feeling suicidal for a minute or two over all this but I agree that Michael would have wanted us to keep on living and enjoying every minute of our lives as hard as it gets. It's a hard moment we've been handling these days but we need to stand together and celebrate his life and keep his legacy alive.
I don't think Michael would want anyone to be so wrapped up in him that they would actually consider taking their life because of his passing, but posting that information is a good idea, just in case there is someone who would truly ponder doing such a horrible thing to themselves. :-(
I think alot of people's initial reaction was "I want to be where Michael is" and it's understandable. But, "he" would want us to live on and live to our fullest potential.

I had really weird thoughts pass through my mind too. I kind of hate to admit it and actually I don't know why I thought similar things but if you are thinking these thoughts please, "wait". Don't do anything now. You're not alone and we are grieving just as deeply as you are. Michael would tell you to live out your life and that you'll see him when your time is right but don't decide that for yourself.

We need to stick together. *hug*

Thanku 4 the *HUG* I needed it.
Im hanging in there. One day at a time 4 me. Thats all I can do 4 now. Not looking forward to the Tribute thing in LA tho. :angel:
I called the grief line in Australia.
They were pretty crap but im starting to think it was just me trying to find a quick fix. What the lady said was totally true, there is no quick fix. You just have to wait it out no matter how long it takes. Hours, Days, Months or god forbid years.
Good luck to all of you
im still struggling
I am working hard to cope. i was in very bad mood and one night, i wrote a poem for him, then i felt better. But 2 days later, i went back, when i saw his pictures and his smiles and thinking he is not with us, my tears just come out again.

It is just difficult..
Unfortunately grief is never simple. Everyone deals with it differently. Some people have the ability to grieve and move on. For others its not so easy. If youre feeling suicidal or depressed remember to be kind to yourself. And to give yourself a break. Youre only human.
Although I am no way suicidal, I often wonder how I'm going to live the rest of my life without Michael Jackson. Michael's absence from this world is like no longer having the sun, the moon or the stars. I'm so use to him being a part of this world, and now that he's gone, the world seems pretty boring.
For people in Australia there are several avenues for help - ringing Lifeline, seeing your local doctor, contacting mental health services in your area (it varies state to state) also Sane Australia
The thing to remember is that its okay to ask for help. Everyone going through depression or grieving often feel like they are alone. I've felt that way too. But there is help available.
Although I am no way suicidal, I often wonder how I'm going to live the rest of my life without Michael Jackson. Michael's absence from this world is like no longer having the sun, the moon or the stars. I'm so use to him being a part of this world, and now that he's gone, the world seems pretty boring.

AMEN. (sigh)
Although I am no way suicidal, I often wonder how I'm going to live the rest of my life without Michael Jackson. Michael's absence from this world is like no longer having the sun, the moon or the stars. I'm so use to him being a part of this world, and now that he's gone, the world seems pretty boring.

this is how i feel...
As some of you will know I was this low.........but now am so so concerned for my friend Irene. Plz pray for her as she is a single lady like me, my age, in her 40's...........she told me earlier tonight that she slept for 30hours after taking sleeping pills...........she is gutted about MJ's passing.........and all alone....I am seriously worried about her........ :-(
Thanks x
As some of you will know I was this low.........but now am so so concerned for my friend Irene. Plz pray for her as she is a single lady like me, my age, in her 40's...........she told me earlier tonight that she slept for 30hours after taking sleeping pills...........she is gutted about MJ's passing.........and all alone....I am seriously worried about her........ :-(
Thanks x

Sweet thoughts n Prayers 4 u Irene... We want u around 2 spread the word of MJJ....I was in the same position at 1st but as the days turn into weeks n mths I find that life has a funny way of taking care of u....Im the same age, single but I have two kids....U cud say I carry on 4 them & part of that is true but not the holle truth....As time passes & we find out more n more info on how, wot, why, our beloved passed away the more I believe he wud NEVER want us to harm ourselves strong & take ONE MOMENT AT A TIME....The pain Doesn't go away but it does ease with time.... xoxoxo
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