Jackson 5 home video on Soul Train

I discovered this video on youtube and loved it. I think it
was a wonderfull glimpse into the Jackson lives, and I
understand why Michael is giving and always open up Neverland
to other people. Because he learned it from his parents.

I have seen this before but thanks for posting. Aww, look at Michael holding the baby!

Yeah he learned so much from his parents and esp. his mother seems to be a kind, warm person. As people in the US say, she got that down-home vibe.
Yeah, I've seen that before too.
Can you imagine being at a backyard bar-b-que with
the Jacksons and all them celebs? :girl_sigh:

MsMo...That's a cool find. He's a really good impersonator.

Cheryl Song? I've always wondered if she is the same one who
had a part in the beginning of the Beat It video? :scratch:

Thanks for posting....

Re: Jackson 5 home video on Soul Train
Originally Posted by MsMo
Check this, beginning @ 3:30

Is that the real MJ? or is it a look alike??
Definately a look al like, because he looks to the other person when he needs to jump. Michael know when he needs to do something because he knows his timing.

EDIT: Weird quote. xD
haha..aside from the dancing it was never michael. it would have been cool if he did that though.

loved that soul train video..god i love that show. rosie perez!! whoa girl got down. and i still forgot the asian girls name!! err.
way cool. Mike lovin the kids from the start. and the Jacksons singing in the background where u can hear MJ's voice from a most distant room. lol. thx for posting :)