Dreams about MJ! (Merged)

Then, in my dream...these guys showed up. Complete with Bayonets and everything!! MJ got off his horse, and then had this really wild dance scene with them...


Actually I could imagine those people being on stage with MJ, you never know that might be one of the 22 set pieces :lol: .
I just had a TOTALLY random MJ dream today....I took a nap and I had a dream where I was at Neverland and really STRANGE things happened...:lol: First of all Neverand was HUGE in my dream. It was so huge even MJ used an airplane to get from one place to another. :lol: And the dream didn't really have a "story"...it was just random things after another. Like at one point all the elephants were supposed to go one way from the zoo and then one of them started going the wrong way and then they all went crazy and startd running around so you had like 50 elephants running rampant around Neverland. :huh: :lol: Then at one point I wasn't in Neverland anymore but reading a newspaper somewhere and it showed a paparazzi pic of MJ and his kids with bodyguards and it says "MJ and his family goes jogging"....MJ and his kids were running on the streets in some city like Madonna always does and I was like "Wow...MJ goes running?" :lol: Then I was back to Neverland and Bashir was there too and he was being really mean and trying to destroy Neverland and all that and I kept smacking Bashir to his back and going "LEAVE HIM ALONE!!! Stop trying to hurt Michael!!! GET AWAY FROM HERE!!". :angry: :lol: Then at another point I was walking on this path at Neverland alone and it was really sandy and in the sand were all my CDs hidden (don't ask..::lol: I have NO IDEA what that was about...:lol:). And then these two old women came and were digging the sand and were putting things they found in the sand in their bags (there were other things in th sand apparently too). Then one of them said to the other "look what I found!" and held a couple of my CD's in the air and I snatched them out of her hand and was like "Those are my MICHAEL CD's!!" *hmpf* :glare: :lol:

When I woke up I was like "WTF?" :scratch: :lol: :lol: Weird dream. It was so RANDOM! :lol:
One snippet of a dream this morning had me in the O2 watching them put up the stage for MJ. It wasn't what I had expected in that it had a catwalk (not a long one, though). I thought "cool!", but also wondered about how this affected seating, since the seating chart hadn't had that.

And two days ago I dreamt there were a whole lot of us (fans) staying at some hotel that had only one level/floor in sort of a large L-shape. MJ had a room at one end, mine was at the other. Everyone was making posters, almost as if it were a contest to see which poster Michael would like the most. I had made this really cheesy one with artwork that was surprisingly good (I can't draw, lol). Something about the earth and kids and stuff. I was too embarrassed to show my husband what all it said, lol. I was determined that Michael would see mine, though! (Funny, since I'm not a poster maker.)

Later in the dream I somehow ended up knowing Michael personally and then helped him sneak around the hotel. It was like as acquaintances, so I never got to be buddies with him really. (Bummer ;-) Everywhere he went there were hoards of fans banging on doors, screaming and such. I thought, "How annoying!" and felt kind of sorry for him. They were annoying me too, lol. He wanted to go somewhere, but couldn't. We even tried to trick everyone by having him sneak out through a back alley in disguise, but there were spotters waiting everywhere and within seconds a crowd appeared. That's all I can remember from that one.
I had a special dream with Michael Jackson in it tonight.

It was like I had in my dream taken a time-travel back to the thriller days. To meet Michael in a somewhat equal age (I was still the same age as I am today).
It was sort of the intro for thriller where he sits in the theater, but in my dream it was a REAL theater, and I where one of the actresses (and Michael still stitting with he's popcorn downthere :p).

It was ment for "us" to get eyecontact in the dream. Remember that I went back in time to meet him as EQUALS. Not only in age, but the feeling I had was we also met as equal human beings.

After the theater was done he came to the backstage room to kinda ask what this wierd feeling was about. Who I was.
And then I told him the story..

but ofcourse I did'nt get he's reaction because my bloody cat had to wake me up!!.....
I had a special dream with Michael Jackson in it tonight.

It was like I had in my dream taken a time-travel back to the thriller days. To meet Michael in a somewhat equal age (I was still the same age as I am today).
It was sort of the intro for thriller where he sits in the theater, but in my dream it was a REAL theater, and I where one of the actresses (and Michael still stitting with he's popcorn downthere :p).

It was ment for "us" to get eyecontact in the dream. Remember that I went back in time to meet him as EQUALS. Not only in age, but the feeling I had was we also met as equal human beings.

After the theater was done he came to the backstage room to kinda ask what this wierd feeling was about. Who I was.
And then I told him the story..

but ofcourse I did'nt get he's reaction because my bloody cat had to wake me up!!.....

Cool dream! :)
One snippet of a dream this morning had me in the O2 watching them put up the stage for MJ. It wasn't what I had expected in that it had a catwalk (not a long one, though). I thought "cool!", but also wondered about how this affected seating, since the seating chart hadn't had that.

And two days ago I dreamt there were a whole lot of us (fans) staying at some hotel that had only one level/floor in sort of a large L-shape. MJ had a room at one end, mine was at the other. Everyone was making posters, almost as if it were a contest to see which poster Michael would like the most. I had made this really cheesy one with artwork that was surprisingly good (I can't draw, lol). Something about the earth and kids and stuff. I was too embarrassed to show my husband what all it said, lol. I was determined that Michael would see mine, though! (Funny, since I'm not a poster maker.)

Later in the dream I somehow ended up knowing Michael personally and then helped him sneak around the hotel. It was like as acquaintances, so I never got to be buddies with him really. (Bummer ;-) Everywhere he went there were hoards of fans banging on doors, screaming and such. I thought, "How annoying!" and felt kind of sorry for him. They were annoying me too, lol. He wanted to go somewhere, but couldn't. We even tried to trick everyone by having him sneak out through a back alley in disguise, but there were spotters waiting everywhere and within seconds a crowd appeared. That's all I can remember from that one.

cool some of it sounds like it could have happened in real life. The poster thing and him living in same hotel as you is maybe a little way out :lol: (he would just rent the whole hotel anyway so.. :lol:)

But don't you hate when you have these dreams where you feel you really meet the REAL Michael. Your brain really imagines stuff that you've never thought about yourself. So it seems so real. And you feel like you've connected with him and then you wake up to your borring old life again :lol:

If MY dream had ended well I would have returned to the future and then met Michael and would be like "heeey Mia I remember you from that time backthen! nice to see you. Heres my number and a couple of millions for a little candy or sumthin.." lol :lol:
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But don't you hate when you have these dreams where you feel you really meet the REAL Michael. Your brain really imagines stuff that you've never thought about yourself. So it seems so real. And you feel like you've connected with him and then you wake up to your borring old life again :lol:
Yeah, I've had a few over the years where it was really vivid and I'd swear they were real in some way. Not all my MJ dreams, though, by any means. Most feel very much like my own mind wanting to have Michael in my dreams. Only a special few had that amazing wow factor. And you know what? Who knows, maybe we do connect for a few seconds with him (and others) on rare occasions. I know some will think I'm loony for saying that (I'm really not, believe me, lol), but there's a lot of scientific research going on the last few years about consciousness, the field of energy that is thought and emotion, and it's really not soooooo crazy of an idea to think that two people could share a moment for real. But there's only one of him and millions of us, so I'd guess it would be a highly infrequent occurance per fan ;) And imagine we are all affecting each other in some quantum energy way. Celebrities are then getting bombarded 24/7 with others' wishes and fantasies and desires and begging (and negativity as well). No wonder so many of them have such a hard time.

On another note, though, one time I had a dream I was in a crowded train station and I realized I was dreaming and was then utterly amazed at how vivid it was and how truly astounding it is that my own brain was creating ALL these people, total strangers, their faces, their eyes, their movements, the sounds, the sights of the place... from one microsecond to the next, making it all "real". Think about how real your own brain can make your dreams! Really amazing!
Yeah, I've had a few over the years where it was really vivid and I'd swear they were real in some way. Not all my MJ dreams, though, by any means. Most feel very much like my own mind wanting to have Michael in my dreams. Only a special few had that amazing wow factor. And you know what? Who knows, maybe we do connect for a few seconds with him (and others) on rare occasions. I know some will think I'm loony for saying that (I'm really not, believe me, lol), but there's a lot of scientific research going on the last few years about consciousness, the field of energy that is thought and emotion, and it's really not soooooo crazy of an idea to think that two people could share a moment for real. But there's only one of him and millions of us, so I'd guess it would be a highly infrequent occurance per fan ;) And imagine we are all affecting each other in some quantum energy way. Celebrities are then getting bombarded 24/7 with others' wishes and fantasies and desires and begging (and negativity as well). No wonder so many of them have such a hard time.

On another note, though, one time I had a dream I was in a crowded train station and I realized I was dreaming and was then utterly amazed at how vivid it was and how truly astounding it is that my own brain was creating ALL these people, total strangers, their faces, their eyes, their movements, the sounds, the sights of the place... from one microsecond to the next, making it all "real". Think about how real your own brain can make your dreams! Really amazing!

yes it is quiet amazing, and I do not think you're loony for saying this because I believe it too.
However - I think that in most occations, the only one who's aware of the connection is the one who dreams. If a connection happens in for example my dream about Michael, then I don't think that he would know that in ANY way. But maybe an energy could come through he's mind. Who knows..
I'm thinking something like a "sigh" or a sudden idea to turn your head in another direction to look after something. Like a spontainious feeling that you would never think about if you was'nt aware.

I know that when my mothers granmother died (they had a really close bond), that same night my mother had a dream that her grandmother came to say goodbye, and my mother woke up and felt very odd the whole day. And then in the afternoon her aunt called and told the bad news.

So I believe that energies can transfer, and that it also can happen from one far away location to another.

anyway now I sound even more loony than you :lol:
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anyway now I sound even more loony than you :lol:
LOL, not in the slightest. Only to those who haven't had those kinds of experiences or just haven't recognized them, I guess ;) My family is like that too, having dreams, visitations, knowing when something's wrong across many miles. I think most people are, even when they don't consciously notice it or like to admit it, lol. I liked what you said about one person not being aware of the connection, like it being a sigh in a moment. I think we're all connecting like that all the time, like sort checking up on those we care about, 99% of the time on an unconscious level. When we're relaxed or sleeping we're more likely to notice it since our busy brains aren't making as much 'noise'. Cool :)

P.S. Just thought I'd add http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRV_zpRiyqc at 1:50-2:50, even though it's about a sad topic. BarbaraW: "Are you psychic? Is that what you're saying?" ....pause... MJ: "I don't want to say that, but I've done it before."

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I had an awesome dream with MJ in it last night. :wub: Aaaaww it was so nice I wanted to go right back to sleep! :wub: :lol: :lol: I was at some mall or something and there were loads of people there and MJ was there shopping and I was for some reason walking right beside him too. I don't know if we were friends in the dream or if I was a fan or what, but anyways, I was walking beside him. And there were all these people crowding around MJ and calling his name and asking for autographs and trying to grab him and what not, so at some point I put my hand in MJ's hand and clutched his arm, because all the people around us kind of scared me (I generally don't really like crowds in real life either) and made me feel uncomfortable. Then right after I had put my hand in MJ's hand, he changed how we were holding hands. You know, I had just put my hand in his, but he changed it so that we were holding hands so that our fingers were interlocked. So we walked on hand in hand and MJ was looking at things and stuff he liked and pointed out paintings he liked (there were two that were kind of blue with some silver stuff on them...like these "modern art" type of things) and then at some point he took my cell phone out of a pocket that was inside his jacket and handed it to me. :huh: :lol: I guess my phone had beeped and I had gotten a message because I can remember I checked the phone and read the message (can't remember what it was about or who sent it) and I didn't wonder at all in my dream that MJ had my phone and he handed it to me like it was nothing unusual that he had it. :lol: :lol: When I woke up I was like "Huh? Why would he carry my cell phone?" :scratch: :lol: Anyways, there were other things too but I can't remember all the details. Just remembered the hand holding and the phone thingy when I woke up and was like "Aaaaaw man....that was so nice!!! I wanna go back to sleep!!! Please please can I go back into that dream?!" :angel: :lol: Oh and MJ was wearing that green Ed Hardy jacket in my dream....This one:


Ah, what a sweet dream! :wub:
P.S. Just thought I'd add http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRV_zpRiyqc at 1:50-2:50, even though it's about a sad topic. BarbaraW: "Are you psychic? Is that what you're saying?" ....pause... MJ: "I don't want to say that, but I've done it before."

interesting :wild: these past days I've found out stuff about Michael that I did not EVER believe that he had in common with me..

I had an awesome dream with MJ in it last night. :wub: Aaaaww it was so nice I wanted to go right back to sleep! :wub: :lol: :lol: I was at some mall or something and there were loads of people there and MJ was there shopping and I was for some reason walking right beside him too. I don't know if we were friends in the dream or if I was a fan or what, but anyways, I was walking beside him. And there were all these people crowding around MJ and calling his name and asking for autographs and trying to grab him and what not, so at some point I put my hand in MJ's hand and clutched his arm, because all the people around us kind of scared me (I generally don't really like crowds in real life either) and made me feel uncomfortable. Then right after I had put my hand in MJ's hand, he changed how we were holding hands. You know, I had just put my hand in his, but he changed it so that we were holding hands so that our fingers were interlocked. So we walked on hand in hand and MJ was looking at things and stuff he liked and pointed out paintings he liked (there were two that were kind of blue with some silver stuff on them...like these "modern art" type of things) and then at some point he took my cell phone out of a pocket that was inside his jacket and handed it to me. :huh: :lol: I guess my phone had beeped and I had gotten a message because I can remember I checked the phone and read the message (can't remember what it was about or who sent it) and I didn't wonder at all in my dream that MJ had my phone and he handed it to me like it was nothing unusual that he had it. :lol: :lol: When I woke up I was like "Huh? Why would he carry my cell phone?" :scratch: :lol: Anyways, there were other things too but I can't remember all the details. Just remembered the hand holding and the phone thingy when I woke up and was like "Aaaaaw man....that was so nice!!! I wanna go back to sleep!!! Please please can I go back into that dream?!" :angel: :lol: Oh and MJ was wearing that green Ed Hardy jacket in my dream....This one:


Ah, what a sweet dream! :wub:

Thats interesting.. What a cute dream :wub: with the hand-holding.... I'm almost jaoux now!! :lol:
I was thinking something.. where is Michael now? Is he in England?
And where are you? It's just.. I get these crazy thoughts sometimes.. Maybe you felt what he was doing right there at that point? He was maybe walking like that somewhere.. And holding his hand could be a symbol of your spirits connecting maybe? I don't think it's impossible!

I know I'm loony :p

I dont think its like that everytime someones dreams about someone else though. Like for example- when I dreamt that I saved Michael from paparazzies - That, im shure, was only my imagination wanting to save him ^^ I would like to save him from the paparazzies in real life if I could :giggle:
ofcourse this dream is probably also only imagination.- but it COULD be what I wrote about above..
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Thats interesting.. What a cute dream :wub: with the hand-holding.... I'm almost jaoux now!! :lol:
I was thinking something.. where is Michael now? Is he in England?
And where are you? It's just.. I get these crazy thoughts sometimes.. Maybe you felt what he was doing right there at that point? He was maybe walking like that somewhere.. And holding his hand could be a symbol of your spirits connecting maybe? I don't think it's impossible!

I know I'm loony :p

I was at home in my bed, sleeping...Don't know where MJ was? :scratch:In my dreams? :kickass: :lol: :lol: The only thing I know is that the dream was sooooooooooo nice I wanted to get back into it. :baby_sleeping: :wub: :lol: About the sprits connecting....don't really know about that one.....I mean, hey, anything is possible...but I think the dream was probably just "wishful thinking". :lol: :lol:
I was at home in my bed, sleeping...Don't know where MJ was? :scratch:In my dreams? :kickass: :lol: :lol: The only thing I know is that the dream was sooooooooooo nice I wanted to get back into it. :baby_sleeping: :wub: :lol: About the sprits connecting....don't really know about that one.....I mean, hey, anything is possible...but I think the dream was probably just "wishful thinking". :lol: :lol:

yea probably :) what I ment was. where you in usa? spain?
The reason I thought about that is that for example- when I sleep (I live in Denmark) that meens that people in USA are awake. So if you live a place that are 10-15 hours infront of where MJ is, that would meen that he was actually awake at that moment when you slept. And it was possible that was walking around like that somewhere.

but sorry I better stop talking about my highly spiritual believes or this whole community will start to think that I'm crazy or something :lol:
yea probably :) what I ment was. where you in usa? spain?
The reason I thought about that is that for example- when I sleep (I live in Denmark) that meens that people in USA are awake. So if you live a place that are 10-15 hours infront of where MJ is, that would meen that he was actually awake at that moment when you slept. And it was possible that was walking around like that somewhere.

but sorry I better stop talking about my highly spiritual believes or this whole community will start to think that I'm crazy or something :lol:

I don't think you're crazy. That's interesting you think that way. And like I said, I guess anything is possible? Who knows? I bet there are a lot of things we are yet to discover. But like I said, I think my dream most likely was just wishful thinking on my part. :lol:
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Nice dream, Summer :) Oh, I love ones like that! But waking up always sucks :rofl:

and then at some point he took my cell phone out of a pocket that was inside his jacket and handed it to me. :huh: :lol: I guess my phone had beeped and I had gotten a message because I can remember I checked the phone and read the message (can't remember what it was about or who sent it) and I didn't wonder at all in my dream that MJ had my phone and he handed it to me like it was nothing unusual that he had it. :lol: :lol: When I woke up I was like "Huh? Why would he carry my cell phone?"
Maybe he's receiving cosmic messages for us, whenever we can't pick up the "phone". MJ then hands you the message. Hee hee. Oh, sorry, getting too New Agey again, lol. Or it was just a dream...

but sorry I better stop talking about my highly spiritual believes or this whole community will start to think that I'm crazy or something :lol:
I don't think you're crazy. Yet. Just kiddin' LOL ;)
I don't think you're crazy. That's interesting you think that way. And like I said, I guess anything is possible? Who knows? I bet there are a lot of things we are yet to discover. Have you ever read about parallel universes? It sounds "crazy" too...but I don't think it's impossible. If it's been "proven" that we only use about 10% of our real brain capacity....just imagine what all we don't know yet or what all we are capable of, if we'd learn to use 100% of our brain. So you know...anything's possible, I guess. But like I said, I think my dream most likely was just wishful thinking on my part. :lol:

Check this out:

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_vpEyE6rug

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuT-fIPZITw&NR=1

Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6_QwNrnAfo&feature=related

Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qngQkO_Rp7Y&feature=related

Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2K_FR_MWMw&feature=related

I find the stuff about parallel universes fascinating. I have a couple of books about all that stuff too. Really fascinating stuff. :yes:

I think parallel universes might not be impossible, but I don't think that theres someone like me walking around on an earth like ours. I think our univers has dimensions though..

The indians have believed in these dimensions for hundreds of years. Their way of living is call'ed "shamanism" (ofcourse its far from all indians that believes in shamanism today).
I never knew that this was an actual theory out there. I (thought I) came up with this idea when I was 18 and pregnant with my first child. (yeah that was me who wrote a comment on the page) and I was thinking about these possibilities. I forget exactly what made me think of it but God was involved. I think it was because we have free will, but yet God knows our every thought and action and reaction. There are an infinite number of decisions and reactions and things we could do, but there are (if I were to take God and his plan as necessary) three events that were necessary to happen, so it started out in the creation of the earth. Then from there, once humans were created, and we were given free choice, then it would branch off to an infinite number of possibilities and at each moment, another infinite number of possibilities until the next necessary event which I believed was the death of Christ. I guess the birth would probably also be necessary.. so anyways, it was only something that came to mind in a matter of minutes for one evening, but I got shivers after I was finished drawing these possibilities because I was left with the symbol for Infinity. because after the death of Christ, then it branches out once again into an infinite number of possibilities, and then joins back again for the end of the universe I guess. Now I suppose heaven could even exist in this theory in the midst. Perhaps the straight line right through from beginning to end. If there are an infinite number of possibilities then the possibility of perfection would also exist. The possibility of purity and no sin. Maybe Eve didn't take a bite of that apple. Maybe humanity never left paradise and that was our heaven?

I know it was a thought wayyyyyyyyy outside the box, but I thought I'd share that just because...it was interesting to me. I am not saying I believe that is true. I just remember contemplating that one evening while drawing it out and the feeling I got when I realized what it was that I had drawn.

I never knew that this was an actual theory out there. I (thought I) came up with this idea when I was 18 and pregnant with my first child. (yeah that was me who wrote a comment on the page) and I was thinking about these possibilities. I forget exactly what made me think of it but God was involved. I think it was because we have free will, but yet God knows our every thought and action and reaction. There are an infinite number of decisions and reactions and things we could do, but there are (if I were to take God and his plan as necessary) three events that were necessary to happen, so it started out in the creation of the earth. Then from there, once humans were created, and we were given free choice, then it would branch off to an infinite number of possibilities and at each moment, another infinite number of possibilities until the next necessary event which I believed was the death of Christ. I guess the birth would probably also be necessary.. so anyways, it was only something that came to mind in a matter of minutes for one evening, but I got shivers after I was finished drawing these possibilities because I was left with the symbol for Infinity. because after the death of Christ, then it branches out once again into an infinite number of possibilities, and then joins back again for the end of the universe I guess. Now I suppose heaven could even exist in this theory in the midst. Perhaps the straight line right through from beginning to end. If there are an infinite number of possibilities then the possibility of perfection would also exist. The possibility of purity and no sin. Maybe Eve didn't take a bite of that apple. Maybe humanity never left paradise and that was our heaven?

I know it was a thought wayyyyyyyyy outside the box, but I thought I'd share that just because...it was interesting to me. I am not saying I believe that is true. I just remember contemplating that one evening while drawing it out and the feeling I got when I realized what it was that I had drawn.

I like you're thoughts ape :)
It's very interesting that you where able to draw the infinity symbol based on explaining things like this.

Those things you said about innocence and paradise, and myabe eve did'nt bite the able. That could be! But I've actually always thought the straight opposite!

Or rather - I think paradise is something god has already given us. To choose. Paradise can never be if the people in in it can't behave with purity of the heart. But this univers. Our world. Is SO beautifull and innocent. If everyone where acting well and only loving and understanding eachother then this place WOULD be heaven/paradise.
But since we can't manage that we end up with hell.. But theres not far from hell to paradise.. In my openion :)
I think a lot about the O2 concerts and yesterday I had a dream and I can only remember that I was spying on his rehearsals, he was doing the first entrance and it was similar to Dangerous concerts but little different, I recorded a video on my phone to share on the forums!
2 nights ago i had a dream where christian and a few of his associates were in a bar all by themselves with me and MJ.
Christian was being really rude and told MJ to sing Gangsta live for them.
Anyways three rappers come into the bar and start the song off.
MJ joins in looking really unhappy and sings the whole song.
I think a lot about the O2 concerts and yesterday I had a dream and I can only remember that I was spying on his rehearsals, he was doing the first entrance and it was similar to Dangerous concerts but little different, I recorded a video on my phone to share on the forums!
Cool. Can you show the video to us next time we're asleep, lol? ;) (Imagine being able to bring videos back from the dream world!) Some others have also had dreams about seeing rehearsals. I'm getting bummed out because I haven't had a good MJ dream for a while now!
Okay, something kind of "freaky" happened today...Or I don't know if it's really "freaky"...maybe "odd" or "funny" is a better word. I walked past this one store and was checking out the clothes they had until I saw something that made me stop. There was this blue tunica type of shirt....with silver stuff on it...and it looked EXACTLY like one of the "paintings" MJ had liked in my dream. The exact same color, the exact same pattern of the silver thingies. In my dream it was a painting though and not a shirt. But when I saw the shirt I was like "OMG...that's the 'painting' from my dream!!". :bugeyed I was staring at the shirt for a while and couldn't stop thinking about how odd it was that I saw something that looked EXACTLY like the painting from my dream (except it was a shirt), and I had never seen that shirt in my life before that. Kind of funny and "odd". :lol: :lol: Maybe I should go buy that shirt? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Okay, something kind of "freaky" happened today...Or I don't know if it's really "freaky"...maybe "odd" or "funny" is a better word. I walked past this one store and was checking out the clothes they had until I saw something that made me stop. There was this blue tunica type of shirt....with silver stuff on it...and it looked EXACTLY like one of the "paintings" MJ had liked in my dream. The exact same color, the exact same pattern of the silver thingies. In my dream it was a painting though and not a shirt. But when I saw the shirt I was like "OMG...that's the 'painting' from my dream!!". :bugeyed I was staring at the shirt for a while and couldn't stop thinking about how odd it was that I saw something that looked EXACTLY like the painting from my dream (except it was a shirt), and I had never seen that shirt in my life before that. Kind of funny and "odd". :lol: :lol: Maybe I should go buy that shirt? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
:wild: Wow, that is so cool, Summer! I love when weird things like that happen! Maybe you should buy it and wear it to the concert(s), lol!
Cool. Can you show the video to us next time we're asleep, lol? ;) (Imagine being able to bring videos back from the dream world!) Some others have also had dreams about seeing rehearsals. I'm getting bummed out because I haven't had a good MJ dream for a while now!

It is defiantly exciting to dream about it and it is a lot better to be there in real life and attend the concerts, I wish if I had the opportunity to go.

I suggest if there is someone on the forums (with psychic abilities) to interpret our dreams! :)
Okay, something kind of "freaky" happened today...Or I don't know if it's really "freaky"...maybe "odd" or "funny" is a better word. I walked past this one store and was checking out the clothes they had until I saw something that made me stop. There was this blue tunica type of shirt....with silver stuff on it...and it looked EXACTLY like one of the "paintings" MJ had liked in my dream. The exact same color, the exact same pattern of the silver thingies. In my dream it was a painting though and not a shirt. But when I saw the shirt I was like "OMG...that's the 'painting' from my dream!!". :bugeyed I was staring at the shirt for a while and couldn't stop thinking about how odd it was that I saw something that looked EXACTLY like the painting from my dream (except it was a shirt), and I had never seen that shirt in my life before that. Kind of funny and "odd". :lol: :lol: Maybe I should go buy that shirt? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Really interesting :wild:

Talking about wierd stuff..
I actually did something cool the other day. I'm part of a small danish forum where one of the users where pregnant and was set to give birth around may 20 but she went over time, and then we started to guess when she would give birth. I don't know this women very well - just to mention!

My guess was may 30 in the afternoon (and i was the only one with this guess).. and guess what!... she gave birth to her child may 30 around 14pm!!

cool right..
Okay, something kind of "freaky" happened today...Or I don't know if it's really "freaky"...maybe "odd" or "funny" is a better word. I walked past this one store and was checking out the clothes they had until I saw something that made me stop. There was this blue tunica type of shirt....with silver stuff on it...and it looked EXACTLY like one of the "paintings" MJ had liked in my dream. The exact same color, the exact same pattern of the silver thingies. In my dream it was a painting though and not a shirt. But when I saw the shirt I was like "OMG...that's the 'painting' from my dream!!". :bugeyed I was staring at the shirt for a while and couldn't stop thinking about how odd it was that I saw something that looked EXACTLY like the painting from my dream (except it was a shirt), and I had never seen that shirt in my life before that. Kind of funny and "odd". :lol: :lol: Maybe I should go buy that shirt? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Whoaaa that is freaky!!

Maybe u should buy that shirt...who knows it might give u luck somehow
:wild: Wow, that is so cool, Summer! I love when weird things like that happen! Maybe you should buy it and wear it to the concert(s), lol!

Whoaaa that is freaky!!

Maybe u should buy that shirt...who knows it might give u luck somehow

Well I was standing in front of the store, staring at the shirt like "Am I supposed to buy it? Maybe it will be my 'lucky shirt'?". :scratch::lol: Problem is...I don't really like it...:lol: :lol: :lol: So not gonna buy it! -_- :lol:
I think a lot about the O2 concerts and yesterday I had a dream and I can only remember that I was spying on his rehearsals, he was doing the first entrance and it was similar to Dangerous concerts but little different, I recorded a video on my phone to share on the forums!

Bet a lot of fans would have been dying to see that video! :lol: I love your signature pic by the way! Looks really cool! :yes:
I dreamed of MJ yesterday, he was touring and singing and had ??? very white face and seemed not to see me.
This morning I had a very odd & touching one. Sorry it's so long, but I had to explain it all. It's about Michael from today and Michael from a few years ago. I was sent back in the past by Michael to comfort himself. Wild. And I got to cuddle with him. Twice. :wub:

I was in some type of long, rectangular diner/cafe. Kind of reminded me of being decorated with all second-hand items from the 70's, or was just an old place. In the very back of the 'diner' was a little living room type seating area with a couch, a loveseat (2-seat sofa) and a chair. In the center of the seating area was a large coffee table. In the chair sat Michael's father. Across from him and to his right, on the couch were three men whom I felt a bit of suspicion about. They could have been attorneys or people dealing with something financial. I kind of got the feeling of a shady deal or at least something bad going on. Sitting next to his father to the left, on the loveseat, was Michael. But not Michael of today, but Michael from the past... around 2003-2005. So I was witnessing something from the past.

I was seeing this all from my seat about halfway up to the front of the building, sitting on a couch that was against the wall. And I was on that couch with..... who?.... Michael! (MJ of today/now.) He was holding me close, like we were leaning/lying against each other, in each other's arms. Not like... that ;D, hehe, but in this beautiful, calming and caring way. It was a dream, so the logistics of it all doesn't make much sense, but it was kind of like we were wrapped around each other in a way, sort of like innocent cuddling :wub:

So, to our right and about 10 feet away at the back of the building was the scene from 2003-2005, and in front of us was a screen which was showing news clips from over the years. At one point Mary Hart from Entertainment Tonight was talking about Bad being released soon. I said, "Yes, I remember seeing this back then! I was so excited." You see, Michael seemingly wanted to know how I had felt about all these moments in time as they came up. He wanted me to explain to him what my emotions had been. At one point I said something like, "Of course, as a fan... well, I don't like using the word fan here because..." and I looked up at him and into those gorgeous eyes. The thought I was trying to get across was that "fan" sounded like I was just crazy about him and blah, blah, but I intended to say, "I love you so very much" to try to let him know I was very serious, that I truly cared about him . "Fan" didn't seem like a good enough word to express the depth. But it was like I got shy at that moment and couldn't finish my sentence!!! :smilerolleyes: And then I immediately knew I regretted having not said what I felt, but the moment had already passed. Agh!

A few moments later, Michael pointed to the back of the diner, at himself in 2003/2005. Past-Michael looked very upset and kind of angry about something. Today's-Michael said to me, "Now is when you need to go sit there with me... him. He's, I'm... going to get up and go to the restroom door and when I come back to that seat I will need you with me, sitting beside me there. Please..."

I said, quite concerned, "Are you sure? I mean, you look really annoyed there and you're not going to know me yet or anything. I'm afraid the you over there won't want me nearby!"

He said, "Yes, quite possible. But I will need you at this moment."

So I sort of reluctantly left my warm and comfy cuddling embrace with today's Michael and walked toward the seating area. I was really worried about the reaction, about me just barging in, uninvited. Past-Michael looked quite ticked off about something and got up and quickly left to the restroom. At this moment I just walked right up to the loveseat and sat next to where he had been. The others took little notice of me. When Michael came back out he sat down and at first, as predicted, looked annoyed at this person (me) who'd decided I could just sit there on his little sofa without permission. I wanted to explain that he himself, from the future, had told me to sit there (!), but knew I couldn't and that he wouldn't believe me anyway. I felt quite uncomfortable and worried about what his opinion of me was at this moment and so I sort of scooched over to my own side as far as I could.

He took his reading glasses out of his pocket and began reading something with fine print, like a long contract. He was so beautiful and I was finding it hard to not stare at him. Then, without hardly even glancing at me, he said softly, "Do you want to come over here? .... Come here..." and he patted his chest lightly. I came close and he held me close to him while he read the contract. :wub:

I felt almost overwhelmed with emotion, realizing this was somehow comforting him and this is what he needed at this moment, as today's Michael had told me. I could hear his heartbeat and a few tears fell from my eyes as I said inside my mind to his heart something like... I love you so much, keep beating strong, please never stop, I love you sooo, sooo much... :angel:
And that's where my husband decided I'd slept long enough for a Saturday morning and came in and woke me up!!!! Grrrrrrr!!!! When I told him my dream he said I had permission to beat him, lolol...
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