Breaking News: Roger Friedman FIRED!!!!

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Jul 25, 2011
EXCLUSIVE: Fox News Fires Showbiz Columnist For "Promoting" Piracy

Updates FBI Joins Fox In Hunt For Stolen 'Wolverine' Pirated On Web
News Corp like all major Hollywood studios takes the crime of piracy very seriously. Nor will the Fox parent company tolerate it if its employees don't. Especially after a stolen, early and unfinished work print of 20th Century Fox's big summer blockbuster X-Men Origins: Wolverine was put onto the Internet illegally this week in a major scandal that the FBI is now investigating. So there was universal shock on Friday when long-time "Fox 411" freelance columnist Roger Friedman wrote what I'm told his bosses felt was a blatant promotion of piracy on his Fox News web outlet. Besides writing a review from watching the purloined print of Wolverine, Friedman posted, “I did find the whole top 10 [movies in theaters], plus TV shows, commercials, videos, everything, all streaming away. It took really less than seconds to start playing it all right onto my computer. I could have downloaded all of it but really, who has the time or the room? Later tonight I may finally catch up with Paul Rudd in I Love You, Man. It’s so much easier than going out in the rain!” I'm told that Fox News' actions were swift and severe. First, Roger Ailes, who overseas Fox News, deleted the offending post after he was contacted by 20th Century Fox about it. And then Ailes fired Friedman as a freelance Fox News entertainment writer. I hear the move was done with the full support of News Corp. "He promoted piracy. He basically suggested that viewing a stolen film is OK, which is absolutely intolerable. So we fired him," a source told me Saturday. "Fox News acted promptly on all fronts."
Friedman has written his gossip column, "Fox 411", for for more than a decade and peppers it with celebrity items, industry news, and off-the-cuff movie reviews. He has long been a controversial writer who quite frequently angers the publicity machine surrounding actors, directors, producers, studios, celebrities, movies and TV. Occasionally he has scoops, especially about the music biz. Still, how could he not have known that his writings Friday would hit a nerve with his employers. After Friedman's column on appeared, both News Corp and Fox condemned it as "promoting a pirated version of Wolverine".
News Corp issued this statement: “Roger Friedman’s views in no way reflect the views of News Corporation. We, along with 20th Century Fox Film Corporation, have been a consistent leader in the fight against piracy and have zero tolerance for any action that encourages and promotes piracy. Once we learned of Roger Friedman’s post we asked Fox News to remove it, which they did immediately.”
And Fox said, "We’ve just been made aware that Roger Friedman, a freelance columnist who writes Fox 411 on – an entirely separate company from 20th Century Fox -- watched on the internet and reviewed a stolen and unfinished version of X-Men Orgins: Wolverine. This behavior is reprehensible and we condemn this act categorically -- whether the review is good or bad."
UPDATE: I did reach Friedman for comment. He emailed back only that he was at the Paul McCartney concert.

By Nikki Finke on Sat, Apr 4th, 2009 at 05:57PM http://www.deadlinehollywooddaily.c...res-showbiz-columnist-for-encouraging-piracy/
EXCLUSIVE: Fox News Fires Showbiz Columnist For "Promoting" Piracy
Fox Fires Friedman Over Early ‘Wolverine’ Review Earlier this week, an unfinished, workprint copy of X-Men Origins: Wolverine leaked its way onto the Internet from an inside, unknown source at 20th Century Fox. The act of piracy lead to hundreds of thousands of downloads in a matter of days and countless dollars lost for the studio even before the summer blockbuster hits theaters on May 1. Fox even called in the help of the FBI to investigate the illegal action. So why did Roger Friedman, a freelance columnist for Fox News think it was a good idea to not only download the stolen movie, but write an early review of it? Your guess is as good as mine, but I’ll venture one any way: It’s because he’s an ass.
Roger Friedman wrote a positive review of the movie while openly admitting to watching the film illegally on his home computer. The very first paragraph is his admission of guilt. “I found a work in progress print of it, 95 percent completed, on the internet last night.” Congratulations Roger Friedman, you broke the law. (The article has since been removed from the Fox News website, but you can click on the image in this article to enlarge and read his entire post.)
Friedman wrote, “Right now, my ‘cousins’ at 20th Century Fox are probably having apoplexy…. But everyone can relax. I am, in fact, amazed about how greatWolverine turned out.” Oh well, in that case it’s ok! As if Fox brought in the FBI to find the criminal(s) responsible because they were concerned about poor word of mouth. Hey Fox, you just lost millions of dollars. Relax. One irrelevant tool for your sister company liked it, so everything is going to be fine.
He continues, “I don’t know what the big headline is here: the fact that Wolverine is so good, or that I also found the top 10 movies in theaters.” Half the article is him condoning the illegal downloads of movies, TV shows, and commercials. I don’t know what the bigger headline is here: the fact that a so-called professional journalist is bragging about blatant piracy or that he was stupid enough to write about it in his Fox 411 column.
As if that wasn’t enough to prove Friedman is an idiot, his review included, “It’s miles easier to understand than The Dark Knight…” Wow. What a moron.
Fox went into damage control mode yesterday, releasing this statement: “We’ve just been made aware that Roger Friedman, a freelance columnist who writes Fox 411 on - an entirely separate company from 20th Century Fox — watched on the internet and reviewed a stolen and unfinished version of X-Men Orgins: Wolverine. This behavior is reprehensible and we condemn this act categorically — whether the review is good or bad.” Then Roger Friedman was fired.
Nikki Finke (who I’ll get to some other time) learned Fox has done the right thing and removed Friedman from the freelance staff at Fox News. “He promoted piracy. He basically suggested that viewing a stolen film is OK, which is absolutely intolerable. So we fired him,” a source told Finke. Roger Ailes, who oversees Fox News, did the deed with the full support of News Corp.
It’s no secret I do not like Roger Friedman. Since I started News in Film I’ve consistently called out that Hollywood hen pecker for writing unreadable articles and still keeping his job at one of the biggest news outlets in the country. Not anymore. I said it then and I’ll say it again now: Roger Friedman is a perfect example of the worst in celebrity news. He’s a glorified gossiper. He’s a columnist who thinks that because he hobnobs, well, hobnobbed with movie stars he’s somehow a person of note. Hope you enjoy the unemployment line instead.
I know I shouldn’t revel in Fox’s firing of Friedman, especially in these hard economic times and with the eroding profession of journalism, but he deserved the swift justice and I for one am glad to see him go. Good riddance.

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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Fox News Fires Showbiz Columnist For "Promoting" Piracy

:clapping:One more **** gone..
Time for us to have huge party:cheers:
:unsure: is this a belated April Fool's prank ??

don't be toying with my emotaficationage.
Fox has issued the following press release in response to Roger Friedman's idiotic review of the leaked WOLVERINE workprint.
We've just been made aware that Roger Friedman, a freelance columnist who writes Fox 411 on - an entirely separate company from 20th Century Fox - watched on the internet and reviewed a stolen and unfinished version of X-Men Orgins: Wolverine. This behavior is reprehensible and we condemn this act categorically - whether the review is good or bad.

Karma at its best. 1 less BSer to write BS on Mike. He gots what he deserved!
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If this is true, than I can't say I'm sorry to see him go. But I don't wish ill on anybody, not even someone like him. And I'm not going to really rejoice over his departure. Because they'll get somebody else to fill his position at FoxNews whose as twisted over Michael as he was or worse. And Roger himself will just show up somewhere else and he won't have changed a bit. He'll still be talking crap. I'm sure of it.
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I can´t beleive it! So Fox "news" finally fired him. When I seached the internet I found so many fans of other artists on different forums complaining over him.
What comes around, goes around.

However, i'm sure this fool will be back in some new gossip column very soon.
It’s a well deserved firing. He has told outright lies and used his column like a guillotine against celebrities who refused to kiss his lard ass. Unfortunately though as others have already noted I'm sure someone else will allow him probably another column space to be as vulgar, vile, and crude as he has always been. The real shame is that Roger had the ability at times to write wonderful work when he was talking about R&B greats who the music industry long ignored and other work along that line but his warped obsession with certain celebrities ultimately poisoned any good work he did and maybe someday he'll get it and go back to being a true column writer and now a perverse moron who spews garbage.
Na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye. Na na na ... :)

Did he the fool forget he works for FOX? lol!
Fox News just got a little bit better. It'll be even better if they get the rest of those right winged A-holes off......including the biggest A-hole....Bill O'Reilly

As far as Friedman is concerned, he got what he deserved. After years of lies and BS he finally gets what's coming to him. The only thing that could make this even better is if Michael took this fat f*(ker to court in a major defamation lawsuit.
If FOX NEWS had any moral integrity at all they would have fired his ass years ago. Oh well, now is better than never. Let's hope that he becomes the next DIANE DIMOND and slinks away into complete obscurity.
awwwww where am i gonna go for my late breakning suri/tom/katie news? crap......

walks to perez.......booooooooo lol

i just find it funny that it was this that caused it. the studio ain' t playing, them is calling in the fbi and all to find out who leaked it.
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