Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Really didn't see this coming. MJ is unpredictable. It's a good thing Michael has agreed to settle even if it is only still in principle. In a case like this Michael's private life would be under intense scrutiny. 11th hour agreement is definitely a good thing here.
^ that's always the case whenever someone settles out of court. There's a natural suspicion in people when it doesn't get played out in front of them.

They'll get over it, and if they don't it's their problem cause MJ is moving on and if they're too snide and rude they'll miss out on their chance to get involved in his next endeavour.

I agree. They always do that. When it comes to Michael, they always have something nasty to say anyway.
It's a wrap!
The Prince and his Ice Cream can be laid to rest!
Those frequent flyer miles can be put to
better use to promote his new album dayum! :lol::clapping:
^ that's always the case whenever someone settles out of court. There's a natural suspicion in people when it doesn't get played out in front of them.

They'll get over it, and if they don't it's their problem cause MJ is moving on and if they're too snide and rude they'll miss out on their chance to get involved in his next endeavour.

There is nothing to be suspicious about this case. One party is saying there was a contract and the other is disputing that. Simple. The reason why Michael is wanting to settle this is probably because in a case like this his financial situation and health would be questioned and become public knowledge.
Michael argued that he signed the contract under undue influence, during cross- examination questions that would be asked would have been 'what was the pressure forcing you to sign the contract?' 'Was you physically threatened?' or 'was the need for money a factor in making you sign the contract?'

Other questions during cross-examination would have been:-
'do you have any proof that you were emotionally exhausted when you entered signed the contract? '

people treat you like the king of pop, always giving you gifts, 'did you not think that this large amount of money would have to be paid back in some way?'

If you knew that your legal team didn't look over the contract, then why did you not read the contract before signing it yourself, assuming you have signed contracts like this in the past?

Michael put forward many positive defences, the above questions are a few that Michael would have answered in the court room.
There is nothing to be suspicious about this case.

That's not what I said. I wasn't referring to this case. I was speaking in general terms about ANY case. The truth of the matter is that people do get suspicious when they don't have everything presented in front of them. It's the "what are they hiding" mentality and the press love to prey on that when they need to fill out their columns and news reports.

and we're not going to speculate on Mr Jackson's religious beliefs, especially considering all of that stuff came from a tired old re-hashed tabloid rumour.
That's not what I said. I wasn't referring to this case. I was speaking in general terms about ANY case. The truth of the matter is that people do get suspicious when they don't have everything presented in front of them. It's the "what are they hiding" mentality and the press love to prey on that when they need to fill out their columns and news reports.

I didn't assume you were referring to this case alone.
I can't wait for Michael to comeback and prove the f**king media wrong. I'm fed up reading that Michael is cash-strapped and a former multi millionaire which I read on the Evening Stardard newspaper (a London paper) today, which I'm sure is not true.
I can't wait for Michael to comeback and prove the f**king media wrong. I'm fed up reading that Michael is cash-strapped and a former multi millionaire which I read on the Evening Stardard newspaper (a London paper) today, which I'm sure is not true.

Today' Daily Mail (UK newspaper) page 20 has a article about him being a compulsive spender and he doesn't care. Made me mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sheik's lawyer: Settlement with Jackson a secret

LONDON – A lawyer for Sheik Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa of Bahrain says the details of his legal settlement with pop star Michael Jackson are to remain private.

Attorney Bankim Thanki says the two sides have come to a confidential agreement that they will sign soon.

Al Khalifa had claimed the singer pulled out of a planned a series of collaborations. The sheik sued Jackson and was seeking the return of $7 million he said he had given the pop star.

Neither Jackson nor the sheik attended Monday's brief High Court hearing in London.

It's a wrap!
The Prince and his Ice Cream can be laid to rest!
Those frequent flyer miles can be put to
better use to promote his new album dayum! :lol::clapping:


I wonder what agreement they came up with. Mabey he's gonna go foreward with the album and book deal? OR do you think he just gave him the money back? Anyway, I'm just glad this is done with before it turned ugly.
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Today' Daily Mail (UK newspaper) page 20 has a article about him being a compulsive spender and he doesn't care. Made me mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even if Michael is (which I doubt), it is HIS MONEY. If he want to rolling around naked in it then turn around and burn it, that is HIS CHOICE and right to do so. It is not their money.
Even if Michael is (which I doubt), it is HIS MONEY. If he want to rolling around naked in it then turn around and burn it, that is HIS CHOICE and right to do so. It is not their money.

Man, I'd kill to see that!:hysterical:
Today' Daily Mail (UK newspaper) page 20 has a article about him being a compulsive spender and he doesn't care. Made me mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's not your money, nobody is holding a gun to your head making you be a fan. He can do what he darn well pleases with his money we as fans make a CHOICE to buy his products.
That's why we have the rules we have on this board; they're there for a GOOD reason!
It's not your money, nobody is holding a gun to your head making you be a fan. He can do what he darn well pleases with his money we as fans make a CHOICE to buy his products.

I don't think moonwalker5885 was saying that MJ's money is moonwalker5885's business. They were saying that they were mad that the paper posted that article cause it could very well be a lie.

WHy does everyone have to be so mean???
You have to admit, there is something slightly comical about the way the media was hyping today up and getting visibly excited about seeing Michael and then...cancelled!

They are not even hiding the fact that they are disappointed on all the UK news channels..it serves them right anyway...

To quote one reporter "The fans must have been clearly disppointed...not to mention the media!"
I don't think moonwalker5885 was saying that MJ's money is moonwalker5885's business. They were saying that they were mad that the paper posted that article cause it could very well be a lie.

WHy does everyone have to be so mean???

human nature:dancin:
So, if I'm not mistaken... the settlement we now have.... is only a draft until now?

Whahahahaha :cheeky::rofl::D
****Somehow things are twisted up and the media role is certain, but isn't it ironic how the moments when MJ is scheduled to appear in court are the only hope for fans to get glimpse of him...

What? Dude, what are you saying? You make it seem like MJ wanted to settle this case. The man was going to board a plane to go to London and have his say. His lawyer told him not to come because they have reached a settlement. So, what does that tell you? It should tell you that Guy Holmes testimony ruined the case and that MJ was going to come there and nail the case. It was over for the Prince so he had to settle. ***

Even if Michael is (which I doubt), it is HIS MONEY. If he want to rolling around naked in it then turn around and burn it, that is HIS CHOICE and right to do so. It is not their money.

I agree. I do not see a problem if it is true that he is a big spender. It is his money. Who cares? At least he can afford it. There are people spending money for things they cannot afford. I do not see the shitty media making a big deal out of that.

Heck, I am just happy that this mess is over and MJ can move on and do what he has to do.
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As for the settlement....Guy Holmes destroyed the Prince's case with his testimony of Friday and so they realized they where on a slippery slope to now-where and needed to settle. Michael was ready to come and put forward his case, he wasn't gonna let the Prince get away with this nonsense. Regarding the 'gifts'.....if you INVITE someone to stay at your house and you give that person presents, would you expect them to pay for them, no of course not. It would be your choice to give the person those gifts. The Prince is acting like spoilt child.
Thats what I think, anyway.
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So, if I'm not mistaken... the settlement we now have.... is only a draft until now?

Whahahahaha :cheeky::rofl::D

The settlement is in principal only. The details have to be worked out and then an agreement will be executed between the 2 parties. That is typical of how out of court settlements work.

The 'contract' that the Prince claimed he had on MJ was a DRAFT DOCUMENT. Guy Holmes testified last week that it was a draft document with MJ's signature on it. It was probably the same document used for publicity photos. Definitely not an official document. Also Holmes testified that he learned that 2Seas was not up and running -- it had not been incorporated which is key to having a legit organization to deal in the music business arena. Further and perhaps most important, Holmes stated that to his knowledge, MJ was not aware that the company had not been put in place. He also stated that he didn't think MJ even had a copy of the contract and the DRAFT document did not have the Prince's signature on it anyway.

This is probably why the Prince agreed to settle out after all. His goose was cooked in court and he was surely likely to lose on the contract issue. Personally I think he would have lost on all counts because the Prince had not demonstrated that the money he spent up front on Michael and his family was NOT a gift.

MJ will probably pay for some of the Prince's 'hospitality' -- those things that they agree is not a 'gift', so that this man can hump it back to Bahrain.
The Prince didnt even have a pot to piss in then actually.
He tried to use the very tactic that messed it up for him , on Michael?
What I mean is his sig not on the draft or contract or w/e the heck it is.
No sig makes it non-binding, right? So how he gonna try to make out like MJ
owed him something when there was no sig validating that? Gimme a break!!

Mello, thanks for the explaination. I think I understan it better now. :)

Like I said before, we're all very happy that this is now behind Michael and
he can concnetrate on his family and w/e else he needs to.
Even if Michael is (which I doubt), it is HIS MONEY. If he want to rolling around naked in it then turn around and burn it, that is HIS CHOICE and right to do so. It is not their money.

I meant to say that the article was mean and vicious.
Michael has freedom to do whatever he likes with his money.

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