The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

First of all the image supports the hoax theory.

And second the hoax supporters are the ones who have found the most amount of information such as the staged funeral which you agreed with. The hoax sites are finding information that non believers havent found or wouldnt have found as you need an open mind which is something you do not have.
Hoax supporters first of all are helping Michaels’ murders to avoided justice. Please do not forget it. All hoax theories are about destruction. One hoax website was created on June 23 2009 BEFORE MJ death. I posted here a copy of original Google screen a few pages before.
All hoax websites have the same root. It is all about manipulations.

I have to post this picture again to remind everybody here how it looks like.

Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Hoax supporters first of all are helping Michaels’ murders to avoided justice. Please do not forget it. All hoax theories are about destruction. One hoax website was created on June 23 2009 BEFORE MJ death. I posted here a copy of original Google screen a few pages before.
All hoax websites have the same root. It is all about manipulations.

I have to post this picture again to remind everybody here how it looks like.


Yes....that screenshot originated from a hoax site. It was a hoax investigator who found that out! The conclusion was that the site existed in some form before Michael's death.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

the thing i fear most about all this, is, many fans have already committed suicide over June 25. i wouldn't want to see a repeat of that, because they would have to relive everything, all over again. the human psyche has proven that it can be very fragile.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Well myself and other members including mods have all asked you nicely to basically STFU. This was a peaceful thread full of information and discussion until your negativity was spread throughout this thread and others in. Nobody can make it any clearer to you other than SHUT UP!

Oh you are already corrected your rude comment to me? It was fast. Nice try.:) But I quoted it. Have a nice day:)
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Unnecessary. This thread is for the discussion of the hoax theory. If you think it's BS then simply don't post. Thankyou. :flowers:
Does this mean anything to anyone?

Seriously, stop the bickering. IF You can't handle the IU which is full of consipracy theories and heavy speculation, then this isn't your place.

Everyone has a limit as to what they can mentally handle in a balanced manner...Obviously someone's limit ends at the Hoax Theory, which is just a theory in a little thread not claiming anything for 100% but presenting disputable and factual information for civil discussion.
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

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Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

DI I think you should delete that post, it doesn't help this situation and it says something REALLY stupid about the children.

This website had a direct connection with SONY and it was discussed and proved many times on another board.

Oh does it?.. I for one actually haven't heard that one before... that would be interesting.

Do you have the proof to back that up?

The hoax investigators have thrown up the inconsistances surrounding Michael's death, which are factual.

You believe that Sony made the site and pose as all the members who post all the information on it? And also on Youtube. You, yourself, and others on this board have been able to use SOME of the information from those sites to suggest Sony/AEG killed Michael or at least there were suspicious circumstanses surrounding his death.. so does this mean Sony are framing themselves? This is all going around in circles now.
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Johnny Depp death hoax and similar schemes explained

by Steve Ragan - Jan 25 2010, 22:06
Johnny Depp death hoax and similar schemes explained.

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There has been a good deal of talk online about the alleged death of actor and heartthrob Johnny Depp; however, the fake news page was only the start. As soon after the rumor started to spread, criminals jumped on the trend in order to push Malware to those looking for information. Here’s a breakdown on the hoax and other additional details.
The Johnny Depp hoax and spotting similar false reports:
The Johnny Depp hoax started with a CNN news item posted online and circulated with various links. The common thread is that the initial report started with a page hosted on Angelfire, and from there several aggregator services picked up on related chatter related.
In part, the news item read:
“BORDEAUX, France (CNN) -- Johnny Depp's car was found alongside a road outside Bordeaux, France, with the guard rail embedded deep inside the car... A tourist was driving down the road when he saw a car wreck alongside the road... The police arrived at the scene shortly after and pulled out the body of the former actor, Johnny Depp.”
Images taken from the hoax article and the main page of the Angelfire site are posted below.



The first thing to note in the images is the look of the CNN site. For those who regularly visit the CNN domain, this stands out instantly as a very old design. The second note is the date of March 25, 2004. Another interesting aspect is that this CNN design has been used several times in the past for other fake celebrity death reports including the likes of Brad Pitt, Eminem and Tom Cruise. The item likely to change is the photo from the accident site.
Another item of note in the report is the misspelling of various words and phrases, such as alcohol, which you see in the article as: “The police suspect that alcohal [sic] was the cause of the accident.”
Each of these things should raise red flags that the entire story is false. This recent hoax, and others like it, all share many such warning signs and, with some practice, are easy to spot. However, fans will tend to crowd around devastating news, and this is where the criminal element comes into play.
The criminal element:
The criminals who took the Johnny Depp death hoax and ran with it are doing two things:
The first is spreading the news from its original source on Angelfire to other places online. They are spreading the news through one-off blog posts, forum posts, and comment sections. From there, the massive flood of news based on the supposed death of a celebrity lends creditability to the core story in the eyes of the uninformed public -- because, if dozens of sources are running with it, there must be some truth to it.

Once the number of sources starts to spread, the criminals can use back links to position malicious websites within both search results and news aggregation feeds, such as those mentioned by Sophos when it pointed out buzzfeed and Those two aggregation sites were linking to pages rising in rank because of the number of places citing them when talking about Johnny Depp's apparent demise.
To the end user, what happens is that these links spread to search engines and RSS feeds. Once accessed, some of the sites offer “new information” and “video evidence” gathered from the accident. The videos all need a special codec to play, which they gladly offer. Just as it is with similar codec requirements, once the offered .exe is installed, the host system becomes compromised. This is the final step in the two-prong approach taken by the criminals.
Nothing to see here… move along!
The malicious sites and SEO poisoning linked to the reported death of Johnny Depp is nothing new. This is the same trick and scheme used several times in the past year with Malware coming up on searches related to Michael Jackson, Tiger Woods, the earthquake in Haiti, and other high-profile events.
The criminals know that fans will always run to the Web to search for more information when there is tragedy or gossip related to someone they take interest in. The best protection is to stick to trusted sources. If it's celebrity news you seek, numerous specific sites offer regular scoops -- and none of them reside on Angelfire’s servers. Use caution when following links from news aggregation sites, especially ones full of ads and seemingly unrelated topics.
It goes without saying that the other level of protection comes from fully patched system software (browsers and operating system patches, and software like Adobe Reader, for example), and current anti-Virus software.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

the question is somebody in deep debt, suddenly full of money to live a peaceful life, by faking his own death?
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

the question is somebody in deep debt, suddenly full of money to live a peaceful life, by faking his own death?
Who said Michael was in debt?! :mello:

Full of money...It isn't news that Michael's music and merchandise have skyrocketed in sales after his death, or am I far out?
Is it safe to assume that Post-death, Michael's finances are as good as its ever been or maybe even better?
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

DI I think you should delete that post, it doesn't help this situation and it says something REALLY stupid about the children.

Oh does it?.. I for one actually haven't heard that one before... that would be interesting.

Do you have the proof to back that up?

The hoax investigators have thrown up the inconsistances surrounding Michael's death, which are factual.

You believe that Sony made the site and pose as all the members who post all the information on it? And also on Youtube. You, yourself, and others on this board have been able to use SOME of the information from those sites to suggest Sony/AEG killed Michael or at least there were suspicious circumstanses surrounding his death.. so does this mean Sony are framing themselves? This is all going around in circles now.

I can ask other fans I am in contact with if they saved this info. But it was true fact that SONY had a direct connection to this website. But as soon as fans from another board found out about this connection this website was no longer available. All info was delited but maybe something we still we can find?
I think all of it happened in October.
I believe myself that ppl from AEG killed MJ and MJ was framed and pushed to do these shows in London.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

I think we need a new hoax thread with pure factual things again.. this has gone bad.

Real bad.

I need to say: I really do not agree with some of the things here.
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

the question is somebody in deep debt, suddenly full of money to live a peaceful life, by faking his own death?

Great point! Do ppl think about it when reading hoax crap? I do not think so.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Who said Michael was in debt?! :mello:

Full of money...It isn't news that Michael's music and merchandise have skyrocketed in sales after his death, or am I far out?
Is it safe to assume that Post-death, Michael's finances are as good as its ever been or maybe even better?

in 2 months? what i'm saying is, that people have been saying that MJ was in debt for almost ten years. a couple months doesn't wipe that out..even after death. whatever the theories..i just wish that talking heads would admit either one of two things..that MJ was never in debt, while alive..or..he didn't have the ability to live peacefully, after faking a death.

the media and talking heads cannot have it both ways. consistency is missing here.

and then there is the theory of the kids not being his. MJ considered children to be his world. so, whether or not, those kids were his by blood, wouldn't make a difference to him. he would love them as if they were blood, and would not leave them. aside from the fact that i believe those kids are his blood, people are painting MJ as the ultimate steely cold heartless person, who could leave the children, he so dearly loved...which of course, lends creedance to those who would think of MJ as a child molester. after all, if he is detached from kids, he could molest them.

what i'm saying here,'e allowing him to be painted as the ultmate sub human personality, which, i would think that MJ fans would not want to do.'re throwing your fight to vindicate him of being heartless, when it comes to kids, right out the window. wasn't it you who fought to show MJ as one who loved kids and therefore would not have anything in him that would make him be detached from kids, therefore making him an easy target for those who thought of him as a child molester?

i'm are know he had the biggest heart. in your search to believe these hoaxes, would you want to shoot his personality straight to hell? and, in the process, allow the cold hearted theorists of hate, in the media, to jump to their own conclusions, and say that he had the personality that made him capable of being a child molester?
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

I can ask other fans I am in contact with if they saved this info. But it was true fact that SONY had a direct connection to this website. But as soon as fans from another board found out about this connection this website was no longer available. All info was delited but maybe something we still we can find?
I think all of it happened in October.
I believe myself that ppl from AEG killed MJ and MJ was framed and pushed to do these shows in London.

How would a connection with Sony be shown to that website?

I'd be very interested to see this information.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

But it was true fact that SONY had a direct connection to this website.
I think you're talking about the site "This is also it". This site grew out of a news story saying that Sony would make a continuation of "This is it" to be called "This is also it." I remember that many fans believed it could be true and that would really come from Sony. Soon after that site began redirects every day directed a hoax and many followed him. It seems that this site is no longer redirects or sometimes does and is what I remember of the time.

Look... these are some links:

Is that site still available? Can we look up any domain-owner info to see if Sony really owns this site or if its just another person trying to mess with fans?
The link is: and according to some fans sometimes do redirects, but it seems not working.

I found this link and has many things about redirects: (This page has the videos on redirects. If you have the courage to watch it... )

But it is a big waste of time reading about it. In my opinion it has nothing to do with Sony and AEG. I have the impression that when he left the news on the sequence to "This is it (This is also it)," a fan who believes in the hoax and created the site. Well, if you read, you will understand.
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

I think you're talking about the site "This is also it". This site grew out of a news story saying that Sony would make a continuation of "This is it" to be called "This is also it." I remember that many fans believed it could be true and that would really come from Sony. Soon after that site began redirects every day directed a hoax and many followed him. It seems that this site is no longer redirects or sometimes does and is what I remember of the time.
Is that site still available? Can we look up any domain-owner info to see if Sony really owns this site or if its just another person trying to mess with fans?
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

and then there is the theory of the kids not being his. MJ considered children to be his world. so, whether or not, those kids were his by blood, wouldn't make a difference to him. he would love them as if they were blood, and would not leave them. aside from the fact that i believe those kids are his blood, people are painting MJ as the ultimate steely cold heartless person, who could leave the children, he so dearly loved...which of course, lends creedance to those who would think of MJ as a child molester. after all, if he is detached from kids, he could molest them.

what i'm saying here,'e allowing him to be painted as the ultmate sub human personality, which, i would think that MJ fans would not want to do.'re throwing your fight to vindicate him of being heartless, when it comes to kids, right out the window. wasn't it you who fought to show MJ as one who loved kids and therefore would not have anything in him that would make him be detached from kids, therefore making him an easy target for those who thought of him as a child molester?

i'm are know he had the biggest heart. in your search to believe these hoaxes, would you want to shoot his personality straight to hell? and, in the process, allow the cold hearted theorists of hate, in the media, to jump to their own conclusions, and say that he had the personality that made him capable of being a child molester?

What?! You are completely right. This thread is not meant to be saying that at all. See that article DI posted I do not agree with what they said about the children at all, I just mentioned that in a previous post. What that article mentioned is ridiculous and frankly made me :puke: we know the children are Michael's world. That article is not what this thread believes regarding the children..and BTW - who said Michael left his children or they don't know about it?

This thread was useful before when it had FACTUAL information in it. Now its misrepresented and trashed.

It was helpful now its not, I'm done.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

I dont agree with everything this Dr says and there is nothing knew in there but I thought I would post it:

So, you have posted this disrespectful to MJ's privacy info from crazy evil psychic website and you think it is OK to post on this IU forum? We have to take it as a fact now because this person wants us to “wake up” and believe MJ in hoax?

Besides,I saw a video on YouTube that this guy was “Channeling” Michael. So how he was "channeling" a person who is still a live according to his article? I feel a lot of negativity from this psychic. I am real sensitive to stuff like that. This guy deals with devil.
I can give a link to a real good medium who defends Michaels’ spirit with a great respect but I am not sure you want it.
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Thanks ashtanga.

I'm afraid to click on it actually lol but from what you've said, you confirmed my gut feeling which is that it was made by some delusional loser who has time to mess with people's heads. I have yet to hear of the evidence that this site is owned by Sony, I openly welcome the proof though.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

I think you're talking about the site "This is also it". This site grew out of a news story saying that Sony would make a continuation of "This is it" to be called "This is also it." I remember that many fans believed it could be true and that would really come from Sony. Soon after that site began redirects every day directed a hoax and many followed him. It seems that this site is no longer redirects or sometimes does and is what I remember of the time.

Look... these are some links:


No this is not a domain name I was talking about. The domain name was

I was not available for LONG time. Now I have checked it and it is available again but it redirects you automatically to a DIFFERENT domain now which is:

This web site now has a new inteface and the way how they keep info there is very disrespectful to Michael. It was more respectful before.
If ppl really love and respect MJ they would never create such a website.
It proves one more time that all hoax crap based on zero facts and zero respect. Look at this wesite and you will see it with your own eyes.

I believe that some info being posted to IU comes from this website.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Thanks ashtanga.

I'm afraid to click on it actually lol but from what you've said, you confirmed my gut feeling which is that it was made by some delusional loser who has time to mess with people's heads. I have yet to hear of the evidence that this site is owned by Sony, I openly welcome the proof though.
Thanks! On You Tube in my previous post has videos on almost all redirects the site, the videos help to understand more about the site, but has many bizarre conclusions about the redirects in the videos. So I say that is a fan behind it.

No this is not a domain name I was talking about. The domain name was

I was not available for LONG time. Now I have checked it and it is available again but it redirects you automatically to a DIFFERENT domain now which is:

This web site now has a new inteface and the way how they keep info there is very disrespectful to Michael. It was more respectful before.
If ppl really love and respect MJ they would never create such a website.
It proves one more time that all hoax crap based on zero facts and zero respect. Look at this wesite and you will see it with your own eyes.

I believe that some info being posted to IU comes from this website.
As far as I know this forum was created (which was the first) by someone named "Amy" and say she is from Germany and now it disappeared from the map. That's what I know.
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

[size=+4]PLZ READ ABOUT MURRAY[/size]

I must say that I have been on and off this theory this whole time. At first, in the denial stage I was sure he was still alive, and then I slowly began to realize and then again I began to think he's gonna come any day now. I have been following this thread very closely and some of the things being said have seriously made me cry because how real they could be!! idk anymore! its weird. But I gotta say one of the things that is bugging me the most and the reason for no closure on our feelings is the Doctor. They have been saying that they will arrest him for seven months now. And they keep pushing the date back and back. They had us convinced that he will turn himself in on Friday the 5th of feb, and now they're saying LAPD and and D.A are fueding!! WHO CARES!!! a criminal is a criminal.. right?? then why the hell is this guy still out, free if he infact is the one and only suspect??? Something is not right here. When MJ was SO wrongly accused in 03 it took the police seconds to go and arrest him and put him in trial. WITH NO PROOF!! Murray was MJ's main doctor and with him in his house. They have all the proof in the world. then why with all the delaying??? unless if they dont want to arrest him, because he was infact a part of a hoax of some sort. All i know is that something is not right. This man's fate should be decided and shouldnt have been decided for months now.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

No this is not a domain name I was talking about. The domain name was

I was not available for LONG time. Now I have checked it and it is available again but it redirects you automatically to a DIFFERENT domain now which is:

This web site now has a new inteface and the way how they keep info there is very disrespectful to Michael. It was more respectful before.
If ppl really love and respect MJ they would never create such a website.
It proves one more time that all hoax crap based on zero facts and zero respect. Look at this wesite and you will see it with your own eyes.

I believe that some info being posted to IU comes from this website.

I don't know much regarding the origin or domain of these sites but I do know that you need to stop saying "zero facts" because many info posted on hoax forums come from common knowledge, official documents pertaining to Michael's life and death and unusual cirmcumstances surrounding his death. (Which can be found anywhere and everywhere in many other places besides hoax sites, hoax sites simply emphasize factual info inorder to support their theory).

From these official documents and unusual circumstances/events...take what you will in terms of interpretation be it a hoaxed death,conspired murder, or whatever you believe.

But yeah, I agree sometimes they will come up with wacky balogney on those hoax sites which make you go "what the flip?!" but if you're smart enough, you just stick to common sense and plain hard facts, like I and many others do.

So, back to what you were saying...Sony owns this site, which happens to have information against Sony???

Edit- What about Astanga saying that someone from germany owned/owns the site?
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

EXIF data from images

According to the EXIF data, the author of most photos by Kevin Mazur and they are executed 24.06.2009r. (yes, we saw a video from one of trials !!!!).​
IPTC data show, however, that all of these pictures were taken 28.05.2009r. Anyway, go to that record from the trial only one day.
I do not know the difference between these figures, but it is more EXIFie and there is recorded the original date of the camera. I will then guided him. Lolek can say what it really different? I never heard about the IPTC.
Here I show one by one data image.
The November dates in the “Date Time” is, please do not worry, because it certainly is apparent from the subsequent re-saving files, etc. – we count the “Date Time Original”.
Hour span is very large.
Only this picture, from bearing the logo TII is copyright Columbia Pictures has the rights to the rest of the Michael Jackson Company.
Other pictures (except a few that do not have the EXIF data at all), have the same date, differs only one hour.
Stands out from the rest, only one image, which is not surprising:​
It was made 06.05.2009r. by a man named John Shearer. (according to the IPTC data and 28.05.2009r.) Hmm, the same apparatus as Kevin Mazur.?​
It looks strange to me that all the shots come from a single day.​
Another of 24.06.

Michael had a really busy day and night-working …
Photos are spread more or less three in the morning until late afternoon.​
AEG prepared hoax of Michael. Drew my attention to pictures from the trials of Or, rather, that there are a few thousand, although they come with one max of 2-3 days.​
Due to the fact that Michael could not cope with the occurrence of the stage 50 times opted for another viable option for both parties.
Sales and promotion boards, dvd, and the same film in cinemas.​
Michael looked worse in June than in previous months.
Why, then, just squeeze us a photo of this month where he looked the worst (in terms of weight loss).
And why these photos are so very much.
At the last moment did the materials for the sale of film and plates.​
Both exif and IPTC metadata is to describe the digital images.
The difference is, however, so that exif automatically saves the data in the camera.
ALW IPTC credited manually.
From the photos exifów Ben Evenstada I know that uses Adobe XMP Core.
And that is something similar to the IPTC-simply add the additional data to photos to be carefully archived, look on the disk, or post the copyright information.​
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

I must say that I have been on and off this theory this whole time. At first, in the denial stage I was sure he was still alive, and then I slowly began to realize and then again I began to think he's gonna come any day now. I have been following this thread very closely and some of the things being said have seriously made me cry because how real they could be!! idk anymore! its weird. But I gotta say one of the things that is bugging me the most and the reason for no closure on our feelings is the Doctor. They have been saying that they will arrest him for seven months now. And they keep pushing the date back and back. They had us convinced that he will turn himself in on Friday the 5th of feb, and now they're saying LAPD and and D.A are fueding!! WHO CARES!!! a criminal is a criminal.. right?? then why the hell is this guy still out, free if he infact is the one and only suspect??? Something is not right here. When MJ was SO wrongly accused in 03 it took the police seconds to go and arrest him and put him in trial. WITH NO PROOF!! Murray was MJ's main doctor and with him in his house. They have all the proof in the world. then why with all the delaying??? unless if they dont want to arrest him, because he was infact a part of a hoax of some sort. All i know is that something is not right. This man's fate should be decided and shouldnt have been decided for months now.

Its funny that you wrote that actually because its been postponed...again!

LAPD/D.A. Feud Derails Dr. Murray Arraignment

Posted Feb 5th 2010 12:10AM by TMZ Staff
The scheduled arraignment Friday for Dr. Conrad Murray in the death of Michael Jackson will not take place as scheduled because of the feud between the L.A. County D.A. and the LAPD over Dr. Murray's surrender.


As we first reported, the LAPD was bent out of shape -- and that is an understatement -- because the D.A. had kept cops in the dark and had been working with Dr. Murray's lawyers to arrange a voluntary surrender in court at the time of the arraignment.

The plan as of this afternoon -- Dr. Murray's lawyers would drive him to the L.A. County Sheriff's Office at the Airport Courthouse in L.A. at 5:30 AM Friday, along with a bail bondsman. Dr. Murray would be booked, post bail and then walk into court without handcuffs or chains.

We're told the LAPD so vehemently objected to the plan ... the D.A. finally backed off. The LAPD wants to arrest Dr. Murray, book him and bring him into court in handcuffs and/or chains -- something that is fairly standard in homicide cases.

The plan has fallen apart and we're told ... as of now ... there will be no arraignment tomorrow.

It's starting out shaky, folks.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Here is an interesting theory that Michael hasnt died but is in a coma:
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

So, you have posted this disrespectful to MJ's privacy info from crazy evil psychic website and you think it is OK to post on this IU forum? We have to take it as a fact now because this person wants us to “wake up” and believe MJ in hoax?

Besides,I saw a video on YouTube that this guy was “Channeling” Michael. So how he was "channeling" a person who is still a live according to his article? I feel a lot of negativity from this psychic. I am real sensitive to stuff like that. This guy deals with devil.
I can give a link to a real good medium who defends Michaels’ spirit with a great respect but I am not sure you want it.

I agree with you! That guy and his web site are evil!
Shame on him for what he said about Michael concerning his kids! Anyone who knows Michael's heart knows he wouldn't leave HIS kids!