The 1993 case. [Threads merged, All discussion in this one thread]

Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

The one very good thing that I've seen in nearly every article is the mention of Jordan's restraining order against Evan for what he did in 2005. Whenever people ask "Who would take money instead of justice, or instead of money + justice, if their kid was molested?" people always retort "Someone who doesn't want to keep their child in the glare of the media or put them through a rough trial." Well, this clearly debunks that idea - these were not people with their child's best interest at heart. So, while this may not prove MJ's innocence, it definitely leaves the Chandlers with absolutely no more excuses...and that in itself says something.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Can some one PM the GQ article if they can get it.

I'm sorry, I am not sure what page, but the link to it was posted a few times throughout this thread. I'll look and let you know.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Thanks Bo G, I didn't know exactly where to find it.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Hi all,

I had to remove some posts that had an anti-jewish/anti-Semitic video, and the comments that followed. I also removed an off topic tabloid article and the comments that followed that. If your comment was removed please do not get offended! It was only moved because you quoted the offensive article/video.

Carry on!
This motion filed by T-Mez during the trial last year should clear that info:

Hightlights: Memo in Support of Objection to Subpoena for Settlement Documents
The following are excerpts from the court document:

Pg3 The settlement agreement was for global claims of negligence and the lawsuit was defended by Mr. Jackson's insurance carrier. The insurance carrier negotiated and paid the settlement, over the protests of Mr. Jackson and his personal legal counsel.

It is general practice for an insurer to be entitled to control settlement negotiations and the insured is precluded from any interference.

…Under the majority of contracts for liability insurance, the absolute control of the defense of the matter is turned over to the insurance company and the insured is excluded from any interference in any negotiation for settlement or other legal proceedings (emphasis added).

…An insurance carrier has the right to settle claims covered by insurance when it decides settlement is expedient and the insured may not interfere with nor prevent such settlements.

Pg2 Because insurance companies were the source of the settlement amounts, and the insurance companies make the payments based on their contractual rights to settle the proceeding without Mr. Jackson's permission, the settlement does not constitute an admission and cannot be used to create such an impermissible inference to the jury.

Pg3 The speculative suggestion that Mr. Jackson somehow made an admission when an insurance company required a settlement, and in fact paid for the settlement, creates an impermissible inference to the jury that would deprive Mr. Jackson of due process of law.

Pg 4 It is unfair for an insurance company's settlement to be now held against Mr. Jackson or for the Settlement Agreement to be admitted as evidence of Mr. Jackson's prior conduct or guilt. Mr. Jackson could not control nor interfere with his insurance carrier's demand to settle the dispute.

Pg9-10 Permitting evidence of settlement agreements or amounts would be speculative because there is no evidence Michael Jackson made the settlement. Settlements in civil suits many times are dictated by insurance companies who settle claims regardless of an individual's wishes.

Although Jordan Chandler was interviewed "thereafter" by detectives seeking evidence to offer in a child molestation prosecution of Michael Jackson, "no criminal charges were filed as a result of that interview."

This interview took place prior to the decision of the United States Supreme Court in Stogner v California, 539 U.S. 607, 613 (2003), holding California's retroactive extension of the statute of limitations to be unconstitutional.

In other words, Jordan Chandler's statements were not sufficient even at that earlier time, to support child molestation charges against Michael Jackson, and to now permit the suggestion of a settlement agreement for some improper act is not only irrelevant, but also a speculative violation of the statute of limitations

After this motion, the judge ruled that the prosecution were not allowed to allude to or include any information or suggested allegation that MJ paid the Chandlers because he didn't the insurance paid over MJ's and his lawyers objections...

Another thing to note... when Evan was filing suit he included "negligence course of distress" knowing full well the insurance would pay for that which would pave way for the Chandlers to avoid the criminal trial. MJ and his team were pushing for the criminal trial, they filed a motion to stop the civil trial, put in on hold to wait for the criminal trial but they were denied that chance.....

He was too young in 1993, his memory about MJ faded away,
he was 13 not a young child and hes told many ppl that mj did nothing so his memory is no problem.

ason Francia and his mother Blanca Francia got a 2 mil settlement around the same time as the chandlers! But, not before Blanca got thousands of dollars selling B.S stories to the tabs, about MJ sleep overs only, she never mentioned any child being molested including her son and never went to the cops either.
blanca francia went to the tabs around the time history was on its was rumoured that sony paid the money cause they didnt want another p.r disaster. who knows? shes a prime example of being turned into a victim by diane dimond, at first the police interviewed her son and he said nothing happened.they harrassed him to the point of blanca actually making complaints that her son was being pushed into making accusations against mj by the police. during one of these interviews jason complained to the the police saying they were pushing him to say something had happened so he said mj may have accidently touched him once when play fighting. all this was documented during the trial. as soon as dimond came knocking with money the story suddenly changed.blanca had been sacked b4 this happened for stealing from mj.she claimed to have seen the likes of wade robson etc abused although said it was through frosted galss so she couldnt even see who was there. of course wade etc came to court and denied such thing ever took place. jason francia was laughed at by the jurrors during he trial because hes was so unbelievable. he claimed he had only found out a couple of weeks b4 testifyed that his mother had got 2 mill. he never asked her and didnt bother to ask why she didnt work and went from being a maid to living a nice life all those years ago. the jurrors said him claiming hed been in rehab for years cause he was accidently touched 15 years ago was a joke. they said he was nothing but a lair. he became know as tickle me elmo to the fans who were here during the trial

no they don't.

read the motion written by mez during the 05 trial. or are u claiming mez comitted perjury? that is what im basing this off what confidentiality clauses were created by either side is a seperate the end of the aday mj would have been given no choice but to settle the case either way as the cali system did not protect those who were been sued and being investigated by the police at the same time. all sneddon would have done was sit in on the civil case and build his prosecution around that. mj lawyers tried to file motions to stop the civil case from progressing b4 the crim case was over but of course the judge refused. after 93 the law in cali was changed to give the D.A the ability to stop a civil case from going forward b4 a crim case was over. they blamed mj for deciding to change the law when infact mj had been asking for this all along. as normal they lied and tried to make mj to be in the wrong.

theres also the issues with the us legal syatem as it was then with civil cases being allowed to happen b4 crim cases which hinders ppl right to a fair trial. cant remember if its been talked about in here or not.

What? Reseasing his album? I never know Evan went so far. Sick.
yes it was reported on abit at the time but for the most part covered up as it just shows how gready he was.even more so when hes wanting to sing songs about child abuse. the case dragged on for years as chandler kept appealing when judges through the case out. its thought he used pretty much all his money from the settlement on going after mj for the second time.and when he became ill thats when jordan came back into his life until evan tried to kill him in 2005
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

...but that article was showing 'recent news reporting on 1993'. Are tabloid papers not allowed in this thread? I don't know what we were expecting the papers to say.. and these are the papers that the majority of people read. :(

Anyway, I wish I hadn't clicked on it so Trish its probably good its been removed. Terrible. I feel so upset over that article. I'm going to stay away from news reporting.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Hi all,

I had to remove some posts that had an anti-jewish/anti-Semitic video, and the comments that followed. I also removed an off topic tabloid article and the comments that followed that. If your comment was removed please do not get offended! It was only moved because you quoted the offensive article/video.

Carry on!
are you talking about that article today from the Mirror that I posted? That was actually on topic with the title of this thread. :doh:
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

are you talking about that article today from the Mirror that I posted? That was actually on topic with the title of this thread. :doh:

Actually the originator of the thread said:

TK... the Mirror is a tabloid, so that would be off-topic for this thread...

So it was removed. And please remember that the owner of this board has banned ALL tabloid articles/reporting with the exception of TMZ.
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

Any discussion of the children's biology is not welcome at MJJC and stops here. Please do not carry on that part of the discussion from here on. Thanks.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

As for the elder Chandler, he eventually had numerous cosmetic surgeries that radically altered his appearance ostensibly to avoid the constant opprobrium from Jackson fans.

hmmm...oh, well...I guess thats what he gets for messing up a mans life isnt it? If he was ever alive, I'd have asked him "WAS IT WORTH IT TO DESTROY A MANS REPUTATION FOR MONEY???"
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

no fans went near him lol if they ahd hed have been dead along time ago. same ole excuse all the way back to most fans even knew what he lookedl ike. he was up his own ass to much
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

Redemption Book isn't a hardcover tabloid either that was such a stupid thing to say and it only shows that u think MJ might be guilty to me! You can't even except FACTS dancemasterman!

Also to answer the other question that some else was asking about Evan calling MJ evil lol, well it's simple MJ wasn't gonna give him what he wanted like he said on tape and he was also jealous of the relationship that MJ had with his ex and son, plus, he said MJ stop calling him too! lol
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

edemption Book isn't a hardcover tabloid either that was such a stupid thing to say and it only shows that u think MJ might be guilty to me! You can't even except FACTS dancemasterman!
the poster obviously has issues. redemption was written by the woman who worked for barry rotherman (chandlers lawyer) not quite sure how that is seen as tabloid but i guess excuses/attacks have to be used for anything that supports mj no matter how illogical those attacks are. not quite on the same level as all that glitters is it?

he said MJ stop calling him too! l
funny gavin said the same thing. always the same with thse ppl. when the friendships/jobs end they going running to the tabs or money lawyers
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Of course we all know it was for money but it didn't bring them happiness. Not even in life or death.
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

Any discussion of the children's biology is not welcome at MJJC and stops here. Please do not carry on that part of the discussion from here on. Thanks.

^ This...

Thread cleaned..
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Its a very sad soceity that we live in nowadays when so many people will do anything for money.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

There is a journalist who defends MJ about 1993 but I can't find it.

I will look for it.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Has anyone else seen this?

When it emerged yesterday that two weeks go Evan Chandler, father of Jordan Chandler, shot himself in the head, few tears were shed despite the media's best efforts to eulogise him.

Most media outlets are touting Chandler as 'the father of the boy who accused Jackson of child molestation'. Wrong. Chandler was the father who accused Jackson of molesting his son.

The initial allegations against Jackson were made not by Jordy Chandler but by his father Evan, in spite of Jordy's insistence that Jackson never touched him inappropriately, a stance that the boy maintained for several months.

Relations between the boy's father and Jackson had soured in early 1993 when Evan asked the popstar to build him a house and Jackson politely declined. A failed screenwriter, Chandler contacted Jackson shortly afterwards and asked him to negotiate three scriptwriting deals on his behalf. If Jackson did not comply, he said, he would accuse him of molesting his son. Jackson didn't comply - and the rest is history.

As revealed by Mary Fischer in her 1994 GQ article 'Was Michael Jackson Framed?' - Jordan Chandler only claimed to have been molested by Jackson after Evan - a dentist by trade - plied him with a mind-bending drug called sodium amytal, which is known to induce false memory syndrome.

Even once Jordan Chandler began to toe his father's line, his testimony was so unconvincing that DA Tom Sneddon took his case to three separate grand juries and none of them allowed him to bring charges against Michael Jackson. Contrary to widely reported myth, Jordan Chandler did not accurately describe Jackson's genitals. Among other inaccuracies, he claimed that Jackson was circumcised while police photographs proved that he was not.

Unsurprisingly, none of this information has made its way into the mainstream media's reportage of Evan Chandler's death. Instead, Chandler's suicide is seen as another opportunity to sling mud at Michael Jackson and perpetuate the same, tired old myths about the 1993 allegations - particularly with regard to the settlement.

News outlets the world over are once more reporting that in 1994 Jackson paid the Chandlers a settlement. This is total fiction.

Court documents from the time state clearly that Jackson's insurance carrier "negotiated and paid the settlement over the protests of Mr Jackson and his personal legal counsel."

Jackson didn't even agree with the settlement, let alone pay it.

Amongst the publications that rehashed this age old nonsense was The Sun, to which I often contribute as a Michael Jackson expert. I was contacted yesterday and asked to provide information about Evan Chandler and the 1993 allegations, which I did. However, none of my information was used - most likely because it reflected too well on Jackson. Myths that imply Jackson's guilt are evidently more important than truths which exonerate him.

Noticing that The Sun's article on Chandler's suicide contained several factual inaccuracies (most promintently that Jordy initiated the claims of molestation and that Jackson paid the family a settlement) I contacted two members of staff at the newspaper - my usual contact and the journalist who wrote the article. Neither email was replied and the article was not changed.

Elsewhere, The Mirror ranked several places higher on the adbsurdity scale as it attempted to portray Chandler as a martyr of some kind. 'Michael Jackson sex case dad Evan Chandler wanted justice but ended up destroyed', read the headline.


If Evan Chandler had wanted justice, why did he contact Jackson and ask for a three-movie script deal before he went to the police? If he wanted justice, why did he accept a settlement from Jackson's insurance carrier?

Indeed, the settlement included a clause which stated that accepting the payment in lieu of a civil trial would not affect the family's ability to testify in a criminal case. So if Evan Chandler wanted justice, why didn't he allow the police to press ahead with their investigation?

The headline, along with much of the article, is nonsense.

Having taken Jackson's insurance carrier for just under $15million (not the $20million usually alluded to by the press), in 1996 Evan Chandler tried to sue Jackson for a further $60million after claiming that the star's album HIStory was a breach of the settlement's confidentiality clause. In addition to trying to sue Jackson, Chandler requested that the court allow him to produce a rebuttal album called EVANstory.

Yes, really.

So the man who The Mirror claims only 'wanted justice' thought that the best course of action after the initial media storm died down would be to release an album of music about the supposed abuse of his pre-pubescent son.

The Mirror alluded to the fact that relations between Jordan and his parents were strained after 1993, but laid the blame at Jackson's door, claiming that the trauma of the case had driven them apart.

In actuality, Jordan Chandler went to court when he was 16 and gained legal emancipation from both of his parents. When called to appear at Jackson's 2005 trial, he refused to testify against his former friend. Had he taken the stand, Jackson's legal team had a number of witnesses who were prepared to testify that Jordan - who now lives in Long Island under an assumed name - had told them in recent years that he hated his parents for what they made him say in 1993, and that Michael Jackson had never touched him.

The evidence surrounding the 1993 allegations overwhelmingly supports Michael Jackson's innocence. It is for this reason that during the lengthy investigation, which continued for many months before Jackson's insurance carrier negotiated a settlement, Michael Jackson was never arrested and he was never charged with any crime.

The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that Evan Chandler masterminded the allegations as a money making scheme, believing it would help him to achieve his dream of working in Hollywood. Tape recorded telephone conversations heard him dismiss the boy's wellbeing as 'irrelevant' and claim that he was out to take Jackson for all he was worth. (Click here for Mary Fischer's GQ article, which contains transcripts of the telephone calls.)

Mary Fischer's evidence shows that as well as falsifying the sexual abuse of his own son in an elaborate extortion plot, when Jordan refused to play along Evan plied him with mind-altering drugs in a bid to trick him into believing that he was molested.

But even drugging a child as part of an extortion plot wasn't Evan Chandler's lowest point. That came when he petitioned the court to allow him to release an album of music about the supposed sexual abuse of his own son.

If Evan Chandler wanted justice, he got it two weeks ago.

As for the media, this latest incident cements once more the industry's almost total unwillingness to report fairly or accurately on Michael Jackson, particularly on the bogus allegations of sexual abuse that were levelled against him. None of the aforementioned information and evidence was included in any article about Chandler's suicide that I have read so far, despite the fact that I personally delivered it to at least one newspaper which has repeatedly paid me as a Jackson expert on other stories.

Exculpatory facts are overlooked in favour of salacious myths. A black humanitarian is tarred as a paedophile and hiswhite extortionist is painted as a martyr.

As for Jordy Chandler, maybe with his father gone he will find the courage to do the honourable thing. Perhaps he will surface somewhere and tell the world what he's been telling his friends for over a decade now - that Michael Jackson never laid a finger on him. Until then, I suspect he will live with the same torment that it seems eventually claimed his father, suspiciously soon after the demise of the biggest victim in all of this; Michael Jackson.
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Another one!

The Guardian was today forced to disable the 'comments' function on an editorial about Michael Jackson after hundreds of readers voiced their disgust at the irresponsible factual inaccuracies that it contained.

Tanya Gold's bemusing rant about Michael Jackson provoked outrage as she lambasted the King of Pop, claiming that he couldn't write hits, wasn't a great dancer and that his innovation of the music video was meaningless.

Most shocking, however, was her strong insinuation that Jackson was a paedophile, which supported with a number of incorrect 'facts'.

Gold's editorial wrongly claimed that during Jackson's 1993 child abuse storm, Jordan Chandler had accurately described the star's genitals to police officers.

This is a fiction.

The myth that Chandler accurately described Jackson's genitals is one that has been perpetuated by hack writers for over one and a half decades.

In 2007 Jacques Peretti - also a Guardian contributor - faced a barrage of OFCOM complaints after his pseudo-documentary 'Michael Jackson - What Really Happened' also rehashed this myth.

It is well documented that Jordan Chandler did not accurately describe Michael Jackson's genitals. Among other inaccuracies, he claimed that Jackson was circumcised, whilst police photographs proved that he was not.

Here is Chandler's drawing of Jackson's penis, which he gave to police officers 1993:

Damning, I'm sure you will agree.

Chandler's failure to corroborate his allegations - including his inability to accurately describe Jackson's genitals - was the reason Jackson never faced charges in 1993.

The white media would have you believe that the reason Jackson never faced trial in 1993 was because he paid off the boy's family.

This is also bogus.

The investigation into Jackson's conduct began in 1993 and lasted long into 1994. During this prolonged period - long before the financial settlement was reached - Jackson was never arrested and he was never charged. This was due to a complete lack of corroborative evidence. DA Tom Sneddon took his 'case' against Jackson to three separate grand juries - all three refused to let him bring charges against the star.

But the media won't tell you that.

Ergo, the media's widespread claim that Jackson bought his way out of a criminal trial is a myth - he was never going to stand criminal trial in the first place. When Jackson settled with the Chandler family, he was not being prosecuted. He was being sued.

To claim that Jackson settled the case at all is also a myth, although that's not the way the mainstream media tells it.

Jackson never paid the Chandlers a cent in the 1994 financial settlement. It was the the star's insurance company which covered the costs, not the Jackson himself. Furthermore, documents prove that the settlement was arranged against the star's wishes.

A 1994 document reads: "The settlement agreement was for global claims of negligence and the lawsuit was defended by Mr Jackson's insurance carrier. The insurance carrier negotiated and paid the settlement over the protests of Mr Jackson and his personal legal counsel."

All of this, Tanya Gold fails to include in her editorial.

It seems to have escaped Tanya Gold's notice that Jackson was acquitted and vindicated in his 2005 trial - a trial that included testimony about the 1993 case. As such, Jackson died an innocent man, and no person has the right to insinuate otherwise.

Interestingly, Gold - who never attended a single day of Jackson's trial - seems to believe that she knows better than the 12 jurors who sat through every nanosecond of testimony.

Such breathtaking arrogance is a problem that dogged Jackson for much of his career. The media has a habit of hiring clueless laypersons to offer 'expert analysis' on subjects they don't understand and Jackson fell prey to this trend more than his fair share of times.

The problem hit fever pitch during Jackson's trial. On weekday evenings in spring/summer 2005, shows like 'Richard and Judy' would regularly invite assorted columnists to offer 'expert opinion' on the star's trial. Presumably, none of these journalists had actually attended Jackson's trial, given that it was often in session in Santa Maria at the very moment that they were discussing it on 'Richard and Judy'.

Gold is another in a long line of non-experts masquerading as an expert. Her 'facts' have no basis in reality. She claims that Chandler accurately described Jackson's genitals - he didn't. She claims that Jackson bought off the boy's family - he didn't.

Gold's pathetic editorial is indicative of the systemic failure of the British media to report accurately on black celebrities. Rather than physically check whether Chandler accurately described Jackson's private parts, Gold vaguely recalls hearing some other hack claiming that he did and assumes that this is proof enough. And if it isn't - who cares? You can't libel the dead anyway.

Another half hour of online research - which isn't too much to expect from a professional journalist - would have produced further evidence that the 1993 allegations were a crock.

In the wake of the 1993 scandal journalist Mary A Fischer penned an article entitled 'Was Michael Jackson Framed?' The investigation appeared in GQ magazine and contained compelling evidence that the star had been set-up, including transcripts of tape recorded telephone calls in which the boy's father, Evan Chandler, was heard discussing his plans to extort money from Michael Jackson.

In 2004 Geraldine Hughes, legal secretary to Jordan Chandler's lawyer during the 1993 allegations, wrote a book called 'Redemption'. In the book Hughes detailed how she had witnessed, from the inside, the boy's father and his lawyer masterminding the plot to extort money from Michael Jackson, or destroy him if he didn't comply.

During Jackson's 2005 trial Jordan Chandler was called by the prosecution, but failed to show up to court. Instead his mother, June Chandler, took the stand. During her testimony she admitted that Jordan had legally divorced both of his parents and no longer spoke to either of them.

During a subsequent Q+A at Harvard University, Jackson's lawyer Thomas Mesereau revealed that the reason Chandler divorced his parents was allegedly because he was incensed that they had forced him to lie to the police and in doing so had destroyed his friendship with Jackson.

Mesereau also stated that had Chandler taken the stand, the defence had numerous witnesses lined up who were willing to testify that Chandler repeatedly told them he was never molested by Jackson and that his parents, particularly his father, had concocted the entire story.

The evidence that Jackson abused Jordy Chandler is zero. That is why the star was never arrested and never charged. Conversely, the evidence that Jackson was innocent is overwhelming.

Tanya Gold, like many journalists, would do well to research her subjects in future, rather than arrogantly concluding that her own ill-informed assumptions trump the proven facts. Of course, every columnist has the right to his or her opinion. However, what they do not have is the right to misrepresent facts - and they certainly do not have the right to label innocent men paedophiles.

Put simply - it is irresponsible. In the digital age, the Guardian has a worldwide internet readership. This means that a potential audience of millions could happen upon Tanya Gold's nonsense editorial, consume it and retain her bogus factual information. Similarly, Jacques Peretti's 2007 show was watched by millions and has been repeated incessantly ever since.

Writers - be they journalists or columnists - have a responsibility to their audiences. This is why research is of the upmost importance.

Tanya Gold has failed in her responsibilities. Readers put trust in journalists, particularly broadsheet journalists. Gold's editorial was teeming with factual inaccuracies.

Rarely have I seen such irresponsibility, particularly in a newspaper such as the Guardian.
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

About the documents that say the insurance carrier settled the case - where are they?

I always see them quoted but I want to download a copy and keep it so I can show it to idiots when they trash MJ.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

thank you so much for posting those mjlover1988! :flowers:
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

Any discussion of the children's biology is not welcome at MJJC and stops here. Please do not carry on that part of the discussion from here on. Thanks.

I'll follow the rules, but I want to know if it goes both ways. Does this rule only apply to people who doubt they are his or does it apply to people who insist they are his children?

I could care less. I could give two craps if they are related to him. It just gets sickening how people here lie so much, and they do it knowingly. I just got a Pm telling me MJ never said what I claim he said. I was just about to post a link showing him saying it, but I wont.

You should probably make a sticky notifying members of the new rule, because most members here will not notice this post in this thread.
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

This motion filed by T-Mez during the trial last year should clear that info:

Hightlights: Memo in Support of Objection to Subpoena for Settlement Documents
The following are excerpts from the court document:

Pg3 The settlement agreement was for global claims of negligence and the lawsuit was defended by Mr. Jackson's insurance carrier. The insurance carrier negotiated and paid the settlement, over the protests of Mr. Jackson and his personal legal counsel.

It is general practice for an insurer to be entitled to control settlement negotiations and the insured is precluded from any interference.

…Under the majority of contracts for liability insurance, the absolute control of the defense of the matter is turned over to the insurance company and the insured is excluded from any interference in any negotiation for settlement or other legal proceedings (emphasis added).

…An insurance carrier has the right to settle claims covered by insurance when it decides settlement is expedient and the insured may not interfere with nor prevent such settlements.

Pg2 Because insurance companies were the source of the settlement amounts, and the insurance companies make the payments based on their contractual rights to settle the proceeding without Mr. Jackson's permission, the settlement does not constitute an admission and cannot be used to create such an impermissible inference to the jury.

Pg3 The speculative suggestion that Mr. Jackson somehow made an admission when an insurance company required a settlement, and in fact paid for the settlement, creates an impermissible inference to the jury that would deprive Mr. Jackson of due process of law.

Pg 4 It is unfair for an insurance company's settlement to be now held against Mr. Jackson or for the Settlement Agreement to be admitted as evidence of Mr. Jackson's prior conduct or guilt. Mr. Jackson could not control nor interfere with his insurance carrier's demand to settle the dispute.

Pg9-10 Permitting evidence of settlement agreements or amounts would be speculative because there is no evidence Michael Jackson made the settlement. Settlements in civil suits many times are dictated by insurance companies who settle claims regardless of an individual's wishes.

Although Jordan Chandler was interviewed "thereafter" by detectives seeking evidence to offer in a child molestation prosecution of Michael Jackson, "no criminal charges were filed as a result of that interview."

This interview took place prior to the decision of the United States Supreme Court in Stogner v California, 539 U.S. 607, 613 (2003), holding California's retroactive extension of the statute of limitations to be unconstitutional.

In other words, Jordan Chandler's statements were not sufficient even at that earlier time, to support child molestation charges against Michael Jackson, and to now permit the suggestion of a settlement agreement for some improper act is not only irrelevant, but also a speculative violation of the statute of limitations

After this motion, the judge ruled that the prosecution were not allowed to allude to or include any information or suggested allegation that MJ paid the Chandlers because he didn't the insurance paid over MJ's and his lawyers objections...

Another thing to note... when Evan was filing suit he included "negligence course of distress" knowing full well the insurance would pay for that which would pave way for the Chandlers to avoid the criminal trial. MJ and his team were pushing for the criminal trial, they filed a motion to stop the civil trial, put in on hold to wait for the criminal trial but they were denied that chance.....

he was 13 not a young child and hes told many ppl that mj did nothing so his memory is no problem.

blanca francia went to the tabs around the time history was on its was rumoured that sony paid the money cause they didnt want another p.r disaster. who knows? shes a prime example of being turned into a victim by diane dimond, at first the police interviewed her son and he said nothing happened.they harrassed him to the point of blanca actually making complaints that her son was being pushed into making accusations against mj by the police. during one of these interviews jason complained to the the police saying they were pushing him to say something had happened so he said mj may have accidently touched him once when play fighting. all this was documented during the trial. as soon as dimond came knocking with money the story suddenly changed.blanca had been sacked b4 this happened for stealing from mj.she claimed to have seen the likes of wade robson etc abused although said it was through frosted galss so she couldnt even see who was there. of course wade etc came to court and denied such thing ever took place. jason francia was laughed at by the jurrors during he trial because hes was so unbelievable. he claimed he had only found out a couple of weeks b4 testifyed that his mother had got 2 mill. he never asked her and didnt bother to ask why she didnt work and went from being a maid to living a nice life all those years ago. the jurrors said him claiming hed been in rehab for years cause he was accidently touched 15 years ago was a joke. they said he was nothing but a lair. he became know as tickle me elmo to the fans who were here during the trial

read the motion written by mez during the 05 trial. or are u claiming mez comitted perjury? that is what im basing this off what confidentiality clauses were created by either side is a seperate the end of the aday mj would have been given no choice but to settle the case either way as the cali system did not protect those who were been sued and being investigated by the police at the same time. all sneddon would have done was sit in on the civil case and build his prosecution around that. mj lawyers tried to file motions to stop the civil case from progressing b4 the crim case was over but of course the judge refused. after 93 the law in cali was changed to give the D.A the ability to stop a civil case from going forward b4 a crim case was over. they blamed mj for deciding to change the law when infact mj had been asking for this all along. as normal they lied and tried to make mj to be in the wrong.

theres also the issues with the us legal syatem as it was then with civil cases being allowed to happen b4 crim cases which hinders ppl right to a fair trial. cant remember if its been talked about in here or not.

yes it was reported on abit at the time but for the most part covered up as it just shows how gready he was.even more so when hes wanting to sing songs about child abuse. the case dragged on for years as chandler kept appealing when judges through the case out. its thought he used pretty much all his money from the settlement on going after mj for the second time.and when he became ill thats when jordan came back into his life until evan tried to kill him in 2005

why no link to the document? And again Michael Jackson agreed to settle out of court. He also agreed not to talk publicly about the allegations in exchange for them doing the same.

Besides according to Tom Mezzereau, I'm probably spelling it wrong, MJ got bad advice from his laywers and he agreed to settle. Cochran told him he didn't know if he would win, so Mj said settle it. Tom said that had he been MJ's lawyer at the time Mj would have fought and won.

Remember when the documents leaked to smoking gun right before the start of the trial? well here they are. the link I am posting is to the last page with MJ's signature authorizing the settlement. but you can easily click on the previous pages.

there you go.
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

He chewed Roger Friedman's butt off in another blog, hahaha.
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

Redemption Book isn't a hardcover tabloid either that was such a stupid thing to say and it only shows that u think MJ might be guilty to me! You can't even except FACTS dancemasterman!

Also to answer the other question that some else was asking about Evan calling MJ evil lol, well it's simple MJ wasn't gonna give him what he wanted like he said on tape and he was also jealous of the relationship that MJ had with his ex and son, plus, he said MJ stop calling him too! lol
Oh no you got me . I'm busted.

well I'm not a prophet so yeah Mj might be guilty. He also might be innocent. Is there something wrong with me for saying that?

I do except facts. But people here put up false facts left and right. Redemption is a hardcover tabloid which even lied about the transcipts of the tape. Half the book is talking about religion as if that has anything to do with the case. I actually wasted my money on the damn thing.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

He chewed Roger Friedman's butt off in another blog, hahaha.

Very interesting and informative blog! thanks for sharing! there's stuff there that even I didn't know! :) I really hope more people get a chance to read his work.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

This is the one we wrote to the Press Complaints Commission about. Ohh.. I'll have to add this to that thread.

The Guardian one?

Can you link me to the thread about it?