Dreams about MJ! (Merged)

My dream last night was very sweet. I saw Michael as a teenager with his family. They were in a field and they were just having fun and running around and chasing each other. It was just really nice to see. They were all laughing and just being a family.
Had two dreams about MJ this morning :)

In the first one there was some strange performance or event going on... something that made perfect sense in the dream, but now I can't understand at all, lol. I just remember that there were multiple levels and some lightning. MJ was there and I tried several times to see him as he went from one place to another, but I was always too far away and there were crowds of fans getting hugs and whatnot. I couldn't get close. Later, MJ was leaving and I had finally lucked out and ended up at the very front of the crowd, but he hugged one more fan to my left and turned to leave, as his car was just a couple of feet away.:( He happened to glance back my direction and I guess I looked pitiful and desperate or something because he reached his hand out to me. I took his hand and thought that would be all, just a couple of seconds holding his hand (which was wonderful enough, lol), but then it's like he figured aw heck, let's hug. So I got a quick hug from him before he jumped in the car and left :wub:

In a dream later, there was a big freeway bridge that had some new technology installed on it. It was a ray of energy, this brilliant emerald-colored light, that would hold the vehicles up as they crossed on its own accord, no road surface required. That was kind of cool. At one point we drove across it. A while later I ended up with Debbie Rowe and we were going to some party thing with friends. It was just a group of people sitting on the floor against the walls in a fairly small room. I was sitting just one person away from Michael!!! And it ws MJ from like The Wiz/Off the Wall era. A man came in and was giving us each a special new phone of some kind as a promotion or gift and we all spent time looking at it. Then the group decided to start going around the room one by one, each person telling a little about themselves, with seemingly a special emphasis on what you like to do with cameras (why? LOL?). One guy said he liked to take ghost photographs. Michael seemed interested. As it became my turn I blurted out "I also have ghost photos!" MJ looked at me and we caught eyes and he smiled :swoon: Then Debbie (or whomever was sitting between MJ and myself) had to leave early and I nearly had a panic attack as I realized I'd be sitting next to MJ then! ;) He then looked at me again and it felt like he thought I was pretty and I felt all giggly. He asked me if he could see the ghost photos and talk to me about them. Sure! Anytime! We were making plans for him to come over to my place when the alarm went off and I woke up :doh:
Had two dreams about MJ this morning :)

In the first one there was some strange performance or event going on... something that made perfect sense in the dream, but now I can't understand at all, lol. I just remember that there were multiple levels and some lightning. MJ was there and I tried several times to see him as he went from one place to another, but I was always too far away and there were crowds of fans getting hugs and whatnot. I couldn't get close. Later, MJ was leaving and I had finally lucked out and ended up at the very front of the crowd, but he hugged one more fan to my left and turned to leave, as his car was just a couple of feet away.:( He happened to glance back my direction and I guess I looked pitiful and desperate or something because he reached his hand out to me. I took his hand and thought that would be all, just a couple of seconds holding his hand (which was wonderful enough, lol), but then it's like he figured aw heck, let's hug. So I got a quick hug from him before he jumped in the car and left :wub:

In a dream later, there was a big freeway bridge that had some new technology installed on it. It was a ray of energy, this brilliant emerald-colored light, that would hold the vehicles up as they crossed on its own accord, no road surface required. That was kind of cool. At one point we drove across it. A while later I ended up with Debbie Rowe and we were going to some party thing with friends. It was just a group of people sitting on the floor against the walls in a fairly small room. I was sitting just one person away from Michael!!! And it ws MJ from like The Wiz/Off the Wall era. A man came in and was giving us each a special new phone of some kind as a promotion or gift and we all spent time looking at it. Then the group decided to start going around the room one by one, each person telling a little about themselves, with seemingly a special emphasis on what you like to do with cameras (why? LOL?). One guy said he liked to take ghost photographs. Michael seemed interested. As it became my turn I blurted out "I also have ghost photos!" MJ looked at me and we caught eyes and he smiled :swoon: Then Debbie (or whomever was sitting between MJ and myself) had to leave early and I nearly had a panic attack as I realized I'd be sitting next to MJ then! ;) He then looked at me again and it felt like he thought I was pretty and I felt all giggly. He asked me if he could see the ghost photos and talk to me about them. Sure! Anytime! We were making plans for him to come over to my place when the alarm went off and I woke up :doh:

Wow, nice dreams. :D
Yaaay! I had the cutest dream about Michael, finally.

I was walking through this huge castle, about to walk on a bridge. There was Michael sitting down on the side with a few kids or people. I think to myself, "omg, michael!". He sees me and calls out my name. I say omg Michael you know me? he giggles and says, "of course!" then i tackle hug him :) I heard his laugh and it was the sweetest thing. I'm so happy :D
Yaaay! I had the cutest dream about Michael, finally.

I was walking through this huge castle, about to walk on a bridge. There was Michael sitting down on the side with a few kids or people. I think to myself, "omg, michael!". He sees me and calls out my name. I say omg Michael you know me? he giggles and says, "of course!" then i tackle hug him :) I heard his laugh and it was the sweetest thing. I'm so happy :D
Cool :)
I had another dream about Michael. This one though was Michael in his later years. He was with his family again but they were camping. Michael was sleeping and he was taking up like 3 chairs because he was so tall. His sisters for some reason were sitting on his lap and the other family was just sitting around the camp fire.
The next part was like the video Leave Me Alone. I was sitting on a chair floating next to MJ who was sitting on a chair also and as soon as he saw me, he was afraid because he thought I was going to try and grab him or something, and he rolled over and flew away. In my dream I felt like he was scared of me or didn't recognize me. I think it's because I don't have the clean thoughts I was having before when I have the meaningful dreams and now that my thoughts are corrupted from some certain threads :lol: It seems that Michael doesn't even recognize me in my dreams anymore and he just wants to get away:boohoo:
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Surprisingly, I actually had another MJ dream this morning that I could remember a bit of. He had just done a concert and was sitting in a large cafeteria-like room with many tables and plastic chairs. His table was situated a bit away from the others, so as to give him some privacy. He had a laptop on which he was reviewing his performance or something. I know he had curls, but I can't say exactly what he was wearing. Perhaps Bad-era something. Some fans were about 10-15 feet behind him at another table, all giggly and nervous. The other fans and I noticed each other and smiled. I don't know if I was just being annoying or courageous, but I decided to get closer and sit at a table next to his, about 5 feet away to his right. :unsure: The instrumental version of Heal the World played from his computer. He sang a bit to himself, to the delight of the slightly squealing fans in the room, lol. He just ignored us all, though. Then some of the fans behind him started to sing along quietly and I could see that he was smiling and laughing a bit to himself, but pretending not to notice anyone around him. Swept up in the moment, I also began singing along quietly. He looked over at me and smiled and started singing louder, with me :wub: It was weird, though, because at one point we both sang the wrong lyrics. We were singing IJCSLY lyrics to the tune of HTW. I wondered then why it was that we both said the same wrong words at the same time, lol. He noticed that we had the wrong lyrics and kind of motioned like "ah, who cares, just keep going" and we got back on track with HTW. I woke up at this point and felt like I'd been having a surreal daydream. I thought, man, I really need to sleep instead of having fantasies like this. But then realized I had actually been asleep the whole time and it had been a dream. Weird.

In my dream I felt like he was scared of me or didn't recognize me. I think it's because I don't have the clean thoughts I was having before when I have the meaningful dreams and now that my thoughts are corrupted from some certain threads :lol: It seems that Michael doesn't even recognize me in my dreams anymore and he just wants to get away:boohoo:
LOL ;) Although your thoughts have been corrupted by, ahem, those threads (which I have *never* visited :innocent: ), I'm betting it was 'just a dream'. Not to get all psychological, but perhaps there's actually some guilt about that (since you mentioned it), so your 'dream-MJ' figure was like, "Gurl, u nasty", lolol. I mean for real, who knows.

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I seem to be having the same problem some of you here have had, knowing MJ was probably in the dream, but not really remembering it. That bugs me lol.

All I remember last night is I dreamed I was moonwalking in my shower lol, but I just know there was more to it than that.
I seem to be having the same problem some of you here have had, knowing MJ was probably in the dream, but not really remembering it. That bugs me lol.

All I remember last night is I dreamed I was moonwalking in my shower lol, but I just know there was more to it than that.

:lmao: moonwalking in the shower NICE :lol:

I had another dream about MJ but I can't even remember it. Now that my thoughts are becoming clean I can't remember my dreams :doh:
Wow, this morning I had an amazing dream!!! :wub:I was dreaming for hours about being at an MJ concert, all morning. It began as if June 25th had indeed happened, but now he was back with us and proceeding with the TII concerts. We were going to two shows, just like we would have for real at the O2, but now the demand was so high that they couldn't have the shows in usual places. We arrived at this gigantic palace-like building and although we had ticks for floor seats we got put way up high on some second level where we only got a glimpse of the very center of the stage. But I was soooooo excited. I was almost crying already knowing Michael would be there in moments. God, it felt so wonderful, like all the pain was just seeping away. The concert began with WBSS and I saw glimpses of him on the stage, alive, dancing, singing, and on the screens and the crowd screamed and cried with joy and it was beyond amazing. Michael was back! Can you imagine? :cry:

Some of us left our seats and ran up to the edge of our balcony level (which had a solid stone 'railing'/barrier on the edge) and we could look down directly onto the stage, as if almost right above it. Michael then climbed up the scaffolding/stage to its highest point, so he was then at our level. He reached across to fans, starting with some people a few feet away from me. He looked like himself, but not like himself at the same time. He seemed more... delicate, for lack of a better word. But beautiful as always. He was taking so much time with the fans and was so sweet and caring, like an angel. :angel:He came closer as he moved from one person to the next. He then reached out his hand toward mine as he spoke with someone else. I took his hand and it was the softest hand I'd ever felt. I could feel his hand in mine so intensly. And I couldn't bring myself to let go, but he just let me hold it as he talked to the fan next to me. He then turned to look at me and I could see this faint, but amazing golden light deep within his eyes, like radiating out gently like sunlight.

I tried to make a pic like it today. It was more subtle than this and ethereal-like, sparkling and alive, so this is just a weak example:


While I looked into these beautiful gold-lighted eyes he mouthed the words "I love you" to me (or maybe spoke them and I couldn't hear them? I've never dreamt of him telling me that before, actually.) Still looking deeply into his eyes I mouthed the words back to him, "I LOVE YOU". I almost felt embarrassed for a moment because I was sooooo emotive :blush:, but his eyes were so kind and somehow they told me that we know each other and that there's nothing to hide. This was just so... omg. Again, like an angel, his hand slowly and softly left mine and he moved past me to see the fans to my left, including my husband. I was just left in a state of bliss, not just from the encounter, but trying to comprehend that we have Michael back. That the past 4+ months of the nightmare were over.

After MJ went back down to the stage I said to my hubby, "Did you see something in his eyes??? Did you see that???" He paused and then said he saw a special something, a 'warmth' there (which I equated to the sun again). Then I explained to him what I had seen. The dream continued despite me waking up a few times and falling back to sleep. We eventually ended up down on floor level, right in front of the stage. I remember hearing WBSS, Jam, BotD, maybe Thriller. But it was like the concert stopped and started again off and on and the whole thing had a festival atmosphere. At one point we went out to get some food and came back, I left to use the bathroom, lol, stuff like that. But overall, this goes onto my Favorite Dreams list for sure. :angel:
mjbunny, wow that sounds like a really beautiful dream. Michael is truly angelic. :angel:

I had this rather nice dream last night

I was doing a bunch of things Michael had done like having a water balloon fight, and I met Bill Clinton, and I was watching Free Willy on YouTube. I really think these were the happy times for Michael. 1991-1993, before the allegations took place.

Then I become an observer. I see Michael walking through his Neverland home with some business man. Michael was kinda skipping along and I caught this snippet of a conversation between the two:

Businessman: Mez (I think this is because of that thread about Thomas Mesereau here)
Michael: Mez?
Businessman: Mesereau
Michael: Oh, I'm not good with nicknames.

Then Michael and the businessman are walking by a large window and Michael looks out. He sees a housing track off in the distance, and says, "and then you look out your window, and you see all those homes, and you just want to say 'come on down to Neverland and enjoy yourselves!'"
So OK the dream I had was this-

It was 10 years ago ( I say that because I was single in the dream) and I was online and all of a sudden I got a Instant Message. I can not remember what the screen name was of the person who I'Med me though.

So me and this person talked for what seemed like in the dream for a few hours. We got a long really well and really made each other laugh. We did not go as far as send each other pictures of each other, or tell our full names but did exchange first names and where we lived. Of course my name was Karen and I was in Boston and his name was Michael and he lived in LA (and really, at this point in the dream, I really had no clue who this person turned out to be).

So the dream was so weird in how real it was. I kept getting sequences of my life that time 10 years ago. The job I had, where I lived...all of it. I went through the motions on the dream of what a typical day for me would have been like, then coming home at the end of the day and getting online. And each time I got online I would either IM Michael or he would IM me. So this went on in the dream for what seemed like a few months (isn't it weird the way time goes in a dream?). And we still did not exchange pictures or last names. And I remember me wanting to because I trusted him, but him being apprehensive. I remember him saying it was not because he thought he could not trust me, he said he was afraid it would change everything for us once I saw what he looked like. I kept telling him he was crazy and he kept telling me he knew what he was talking about. That he had a feeling I would not change things, but he was so afraid it would and really enjoyed talking to me each night.

So one of the things we talked about was my part time job that I had at the time (that I did more or less for fun). At this time in my life I was a DJ in a night club. I worked each Friday night. So I remember that one day I just came online and sent him a picture of me DJ'ing. And I waited eagerly to get an IM from him to see if he was OK with that. He IM'd me and said that he got the photo and loved it and that he was actually coming to Boston and wanted to meet me at the Club I was DJing at. I was pumped. I asked how would I know it was him, and he said trust me you will.

So it's Friday night in this dream and I am DJing at the club I was working at. This is why I am like shaky today because it was so real this dream! Even to the fact that my Black Chevy Camaro was parked outside the club like it always was when I was spinning there.

So I am spinning and feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see who it is, and It's Michael. And it's not only the Michael I had been talking to for the last few months online-but it was THE Michael Jackson! I could not believe it! But I also remember that I did not freak out like I think he thought I would! I remember just hugging him, then when we came out of the hug kinda like slapping him on the arm and "yelling" at him for not telling me who he was. Like I would have wigged the F out I remember saying to him. He was just laughing and laughing at what I said. Then I can remember him asking me if I had any of his songs to play. And of course I did. And he was so fascinated in how the whole DJ thing worked (I had quite the set up back in the day-it's not just turn tables now you know).

Don't get me wrong, I could not believe who I was talking to all that time, but I was not going to let things change with us, and I can remember telling him that and he was so happy to hear that too.

Then all of a sudden I woke up. Did you ever wake up from a dream that was soooooo good you try to fall back to sleep as fast as you can to get back into it? And then when you can't you are so bummed out when you wake up for the day? That was me for a little while today. So I just wanted to come on here and type all I could remember and share this with you all too!
Wow... Hi all, first of all! I'm currently observing the community forums as I am working on my Bachelor degree (or Master Degree, for Europeans) thesis on Michael, and... I fell across that subject. I had to add my own experience.

That won't sound very "professional" for me to add this, but before being a student here, I'm a MJ fan. So I'll just say it, sometimes, I speak to him. I know I'm not the only one doing that, my best friend does it too, and I read multiple times that fans talked to him, tried to connect with him. Or just, out of the blue... talked in the void of the instant hoping he'd hear, somewhere. I'm very rational but, I do that.
I dreamed of Michael only once, and it was very strange. It was two weeks ago, the night after I went to see TII. I felt love, I FELT it so much. You know it was nothing like a normal dream, I felt it so hard, so much that it's painful to mention it now. I was with my nephew and niece and we were in... Dubai lol. In that giant mall where he went several times while he was in the Emirates, and I just went up to him, he was there, wearing a rain coat, which was weird... He looked like he was in his very early 30s (I'd say approximately the end of the Bad era, pre-Dangerous). So I went up to him to ask him if the ride where I wanted to take my nephew and niece was okay. He looked sad, lonely. His back was turned on everyone, I don't even know how I recognized him (well, it's a dream lol), but I felt sadness, so I hugged him. Hard. I FELT the hug guys. Not physically but I felt the love in it. Then I was with the kids on the ride, whatever it was, it's rather blurred in my memory, but from time to time I would come back to him, still sad and hug him again, and feel that love again. And I asked him, if he was alright, then he smiled, reassuringly and said "Yes, I'm okay". And that was it.

I talk about it because as I said, I had never dreamed of him before, not once. And I don't know if it's because of the shock which followed TII or if it's something more spirtual, or a subconscious manifestation of my worries about him... But it really moved me a lot. Last time I dreamed about a singer was Freddie Mercury, some years ago... and it was also a very weird dream. I was at his place and he took me on a balcony with so much light, I had never seen so much sunlight. Before going on the balcony, I saw on a table a tiny Japanese box. Strange thing is... I had no idea of what his place looked like, and later on I learned he collected Japanese boxes and that he did have a balcony in his London home. Whatever that can mean lol...

Anyways, I wish it was Michael, really. Not only a manifestation of my psyche...
@CaptainEOLove85 - LOL, what an odd conversation snippet to hear, huh? I liked this part: 'come on down to Neverland and enjoy yourselves!' :wub:

@Mugsyam - Wow, neat! Like an alternate reality. Quote: "Did you ever wake up from a dream that was soooooo good you try to fall back to sleep as fast as you can to get back into it?" LOL, oh heck yes! :) I had one like that about MJ many years ago in which I had met Michael in the early 90's and we became friends, got married, had kids, he released new albums, went on tours, etc, etc... like a whole life that played over hours of dreaming, like a parallel universe. Thanks for sharing your dream here. I found it interesting.

@Ourania - How cool that your thesis is about MJ! The hugs in your dream sounded wonderful and like dreams so many of us have had. I loved that he told you he's okay. And pretty amazing about the Freddy Mercury dream, too. And at the end you said, "Anyways, I wish it was Michael, really. Not only a manifestation of my psyche..." Tell me about it! I'm also really logical, but with an open mind, so I'm always like... was that for real real? ... or was that just in my mind? But I have to say that ever since I was a kid I've had dreams that come true, dreams that seem to be communication between myself and others, so at this point I tend to lean toward the 'real' or 'partially real' hypothesis when it feels like that.

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Ok, I woke up from a dream very early this morning and then realized it was kind of cool, so wrote it down so I'd remember later when I got up.

I was dreaming that the "www" was like a giant social networking system (think of Facebook and MySpace). I had 4,000-something friends and logged in every day, but then I found out that there was a whole second "www" that also existed. I thought this was kind of dumb. I mean, why can't we all use the same internet system?? It seemed that the one that I was part of was just for the area I lived in. At some point I went to the other side of town and was shown the other www by members there. Guess what... MJ was on that system! I was like... what?... because he's not on mine! Well, I don't know if Michael himself was a member, but the official MJ profile was on their system. It had his name and large avatar (80's pic with him in the red jacket, like below). They then invited me to join their www, but at the same time I had to contribute yearly to some fund that enforced a local ordinance requiring citizens to properly insulate their homes to help the environment. LOLOL - wth??? I wasn't so thrilled about the last part because they kind of made me write a check for something like $300. But after that, I went back to my side of town and later I found myself giving a toy to a little boy who had cancer and planning to buy toys for other kids like him.

When I woke up it felt like the two separate www's could have been symbolic of our way of communication in this world and communication on another plane of existence. And I also thought about the toy and the boy with cancer and wondered if there is a program like 'Toys for Tots' here in Germany that we could help out this Christmas (they collect donated toys to give to underprivelged children). And I thought of reminding those in America (or elsewhere, wherever there are programs like that) to make sure to participate this year and so on.

@Ourania - How cool that your thesis is about MJ! The hugs in your dream sounded wonderful and like dreams so many of us have had. I loved that he told you he's okay. And pretty amazing about the Freddy Mercury dream, too. And at the end you said, "Anyways, I wish it was Michael, really. Not only a manifestation of my psyche..." Tell me about it! I'm also really logical, but with an open mind, so I'm always like... was that for real real? ... or was that just in my mind? But I have to say that ever since I was a kid I've had dreams that come true, dreams that seem to be communication between myself and others, so at this point I tend to lean toward the 'real' or 'partially real' hypothesis when it feels like that..

I hope you are right, I keep wondering if he tried to tell me something. You know, I don't want to enter the TII/TINI war... I enjoyed the movie, even if it made me sad enough to be crying on the street after I left the movies (that kinda freaked people out actually), but this dream tells me... if I was to make interpretations, that the sadness (as I dreamed during the night following TII) was linked to the movie, either because it was not telling the truth or because he feels he has deserted us by not being there for the show. And my fear that he was sad... Maybe it was my own fear that he'd feel used and abused AGAIN through this movie, or that he really was not in as good a shape as he appears to be in the movie. But the love... Wow the love was so powerful and genuine, it makes me cry. I feel silly because even if I tend to be emotional, it feels stronger, something beyond me. I don't know...

Your own dream is a much more elaborate one! I see the desire to communicate with him, but with the risks and price of those who try to abuse him now by saying they can guarantee a contact with him. I think we are all getting very scared of those who play us for fools because we want to hear from Mike so much. I read so many accounts of psychics pretending Mike had said this or that... I wish I could believe some. (Though some were very very intriguing)
I had a wild, strange dream about MJ last night.

I dreamt that my Italian relative, a lawyer, found money left to me from a long time ago. This money was bequeathed to me unbeknownst to me from a distant relative I never heard of. First it started off that I had 1 million US dollars...but then later on in the dream, it was actually 3 million!

All the while these discoveries were going on, I met Michael. I met him under the shroud of absolute secrecy. He was alive, and looking for a wife. He met me, and we really hit it off!! We went on rides, we went shopping...but this was all in another country, while he was in disguise. He told me he needed to "stage his own death" because his life as a celebrity was over. He needed a break. When I met him, he had the cutest stubble on his face. He did have splotches, but he looked so healthy! And happy....

I dreamt then that I was one of 4 contestants vying for being Michael's bride. And I beat all of em!! Yeah!! I even met his personal hairstylist. While Michael was talking to my Italian lawyer friend, the hairstylist took me aside and gave me a make-over!! I got a spiked short hair-do. Michael loved it!

Then, his personal assistant told the other 3 women (all Valley girls from California) that they had one-way tickets back to LA...he found his woman!! ME!! YIPEE!!

I found out that I really really cared for Michael. I was happy he was happy. I was so honored and thrilled to become his wife....then I woke up. I didn't tell my husband about this dream...on account he'd get very angry with me!
The beginning of my dream was weird but than MJ came in and OMG!

I'm in a large house. It looks like I'm in the living room but can also see the dining room not too far away. There's a lot of people around some it kind of feels like a party. Some women is making something, it kind of looks like she's making something for Halloween. The batter is really thick and it has a lot of the colors you would associate with Halloween in it.
The women tells some of the people to come watch her when she leaves for the dining room table because she doesn't want people to see what she's making quite yet. I see though that a lot of people crowd aruond the dining room table and watch her. I don't watch her because honestly I'm not that interested. I start walking away when I'm suddenly sitting on a couch, the couch that I've seen every time I go with my friend to the furniture store. It's sounded and it has two shades of really pretty blue on top of each other.
As I sit down some other guys come sit by me, I'm not very happy because apparently in my dream the guys were really super dorky. As another guy sits by me, another dorky one I look over to see another girl. She starts to say something about how it's nice that she has to sit all alone on her side, being sarcastic as she says it. Another guy, little less dorky comes running by and sits right in the middle, but not close to anyone really.
As the dream continues I see Michael talking, he's talking to the group I'm in. I don't remember what he said but he was making some kind of speech. As soon he was done another person started to talk which made Michael want to talk more so he hopped over to where I was and stood there like he wanted to talk some more. He was wearing some black suit. He looked basically like Seven's avatar.
The other person started talking so than Michael started again. For some reason I couldn't look into his eyes because they were so stern on what he was saying, I just couldn't since his eyes already make me swoon. Before I knew it he was right in front of me, a few feet away and he was talking about politics. He was saying something to the extent of we don't care about politics but we shouldn't be mean to them either. The news was on so that's probably why in my dream Michael was talking like this.
As he got closer he started to talk about the investigation process. He decided to do an example and he looked at me to use as his example. He got really close to me to where his eyes were right in front of mine and he was asking funny questions like.
"What time did you get up to have breakfast?"
I don't remember what time I said, I just remember thinking after I said the number it was pretty late to be having breakfast. As he kept questioning me I looked to the side because I still couldn't handle looking directly into his eyes, they held a sternness and I just couldn't handle it , since I never am able to even with pictures. I don't remember what he keeps saying but out of no where I feel him get really close. He get's so close that I can feel his warm breath against my neck and against my ear. I wish I could remember what he said but he said something, and all I could think of was.
"Oh my gosh!" I just wanted to faint right there.

This is how he looked

Michael wasn't in this dream, but I thought it was kinda interesting

I was in my room looking at the top of my computer desk and I happened to come across these two CD cases. They were some new Michael Jackson album. The two cases looked identical to each other, but they were both for the same album. They had a pinkish colored background and a photo of Michael from the Thriller era on the cover. His hair looked a little longer, but I can't really remember details of the clothes he was wearing. The name of the album was “Ainment” or some made up word like that. I also found out that the album was either released in 1984 or was supposed to be. I was feeling so elated to make this discovery so I took down one of the cases and sat on my bed. I opened it up and looked at the track listing. It was all a blur to me so I don't know what the songs were. I decided to take out my CD player, but I was afraid it wasn't going to work because the speaker was damaged. But then it did work and I listened to the first track on the CD. I thought it was going to be classical, but it turned out to be all remixes. I think the title to the first track was “She” something, but I don't know for sure. Even though it was remixes of songs, they sounded very different to the originals. They did have a sort of new age classical sound.
I was in my room looking at the top of my computer desk and I happened to come across these two CD cases. They were some new Michael Jackson album. The two cases looked identical to each other, but they were both for the same album. They had a pinkish colored background and a photo of Michael from the Thriller era on the cover. His hair looked a little longer, but I can't really remember details of the clothes he was wearing. The name of the album was “Ainment” or some made up word like that. I also found out that the album was either released in 1984 or was supposed to be. I was feeling so elated to make this discovery so I took down one of the cases and sat on my bed. I opened it up and looked at the track listing. It was all a blur to me so I don't know what the songs were. I decided to take out my CD player, but I was afraid it wasn't going to work because the speaker was damaged. But then it did work and I listened to the first track on the CD. I thought it was going to be classical, but it turned out to be all remixes. I think the title to the first track was “She” something, but I don't know for sure. Even though it was remixes of songs, they sounded very different to the originals. They did have a sort of new age classical sound.
'Ainment', lolol. Gotta love dreams, huh? ;) One thing it made me think of was that I had a dream back on June 21 or 22 about a new song and it was mostly instrumental like that and I was like "huh?" :scratch:
Had a few days without any MJ dreams, then this morning had one, but very strange. Warning: it's not so nice. Michael was very weak, like sick from something really severe like cancer, and couldn't barely walk. His children were there. I don't know what I was doing there. The room was fairly dark, like heavy drapes on a window. Another adult was there, helping him to his bed. I knew he was going to die and it was so sad :cry:

However, I seemed to move in and out of time and sometimes I'd see him still healthy. He was working on a film that was set in the 1800's. He'd been working on it for a long time and seemingly wouldn't have it finished. He was so specific about everything being perfect that they constructed an entire town just for this movie. It was something that at least in part was in black and white. At one point I saw a room with some odd but very elaborate and expensive-looking furniture and sculptures that belonged to this main character that MJ was playing. I saw him sitting in this room. Then the dream would flash back to before (first paragraph). Ugh...

Oh, and just now I remember that a few days ago I did have little blips of a dream about there being unreleased movies, like actual films that Michael was working on. I know there were 3 of them in total. One started and it was obviously from the late 70's and had someone like Lynda Carter in it, lol. It was on tv and I was like, "wwwwhattt??? how could I never have known about this?????"
Had a few days without any MJ dreams, then this morning had one, but very strange. Warning: it's not so nice. Michael was very weak, like sick from something really severe like cancer, and couldn't barely walk. His children were there. I don't know what I was doing there. The room was fairly dark, like heavy drapes on a window. Another adult was there, helping him to his bed. I knew he was going to die and it was so sad :cry:

However, I seemed to move in and out of time and sometimes I'd see him still healthy. He was working on a film that was set in the 1800's. He'd been working on it for a long time and seemingly wouldn't have it finished. He was so specific about everything being perfect that they constructed an entire town just for this movie. It was something that at least in part was in black and white. At one point I saw a room with some odd but very elaborate and expensive-looking furniture and sculptures that belonged to this main character that MJ was playing. I saw him sitting in this room. Then the dream would flash back to before (first paragraph). Ugh...

Oh, and just now I remember that a few days ago I did have little blips of a dream about there being unreleased movies, like actual films that Michael was working on. I know there were 3 of them in total. One started and it was obviously from the late 70's and had someone like Lynda Carter in it, lol. It was on tv and I was like, "wwwwhattt??? how could I never have known about this?????"

Ah that sucks. :( It's too bad he never got to make movies like he wanted to. I'm sure they would have been great.

I think Michael was in my dream last night, but I don't remember it. :doh:
This is my most latest MJ dream:

Me and Michael both decided to play Indiana Jackson. You know those Indiana Jones movies. Well instead of Jones it was Jackson. The dream started out good enough by Michael talking me in to playing Indiana Jackson with him. Well when we had went on our little adventure together. To find this hidden lost underground pyramid. We were at the top of this cliff and we had to climb down this cliff to another cliff. Where we were more closer to the trees. Then Michael told me that we have to swing on some vines in order to get across the groundless forest. So I got on Michael's back and we began to swing across the forest. To another cliff and Michael to me to stay here while he looked around for another way of getting out. Well as I watch him look around I heard Michael saying that he had found it. So he return to me but as soon as he did we had heard this volcano going off. And the lava was fast moving and coming right towards us. So we had to hurry up and get to that opening that Michael had found. When we did we had to jump down in to the hole. Once we were down that hole it led in to this massive opening and there right before us was the pyramid we were looking for. Michael told me that this pyramid is thousands of years old. And it is said to be fill with all sorts of treasures. So we look for the opening to the pyramid and when we did. I told Michael to wait a minute. And I had read the warning that was written in Hieroglyphs. I read them to Michael since he couldn't read the Hieroglyphs like I can. The warning saids death to all who goes in and takes the treasures inside the pyramid. And Michael told me not to worry about it they only put that there for theives. But then I told Michael isn't that what we are? And he said yes but we are just taking what rightfully belongs to the people. So we went in to take the treasure and we were face with alot of dangerous traps. But we were able to escape them. We got to the treasure and we left the pyramid with treasure.

Thats when I had woke up. I tell you I really do love having dreams about Michael. But I tend to have the most strangest dreams about Michael. And the funny thing about that dream. Is that the last time I had saw an Indiana Jones movie was long before we had lost our beloved Michael. I had this dream this past weekend.
This is my most latest MJ dream:

Me and Michael both decided to play Indiana Jackson. You know those Indiana Jones movies. Well instead of Jones it was Jackson. The dream started out good enough by Michael talking me in to playing Indiana Jackson with him. Well when we had went on our little adventure together. To find this hidden lost underground pyramid. We were at the top of this cliff and we had to climb down this cliff to another cliff. Where we were more closer to the trees. Then Michael told me that we have to swing on some vines in order to get across the groundless forest. So I got on Michael's back and we began to swing across the forest. To another cliff and Michael to me to stay here while he looked around for another way of getting out. Well as I watch him look around I heard Michael saying that he had found it. So he return to me but as soon as he did we had heard this volcano going off. And the lava was fast moving and coming right towards us. So we had to hurry up and get to that opening that Michael had found. When we did we had to jump down in to the hole. Once we were down that hole it led in to this massive opening and there right before us was the pyramid we were looking for. Michael told me that this pyramid is thousands of years old. And it is said to be fill with all sorts of treasures. So we look for the opening to the pyramid and when we did. I told Michael to wait a minute. And I had read the warning that was written in Hieroglyphs. I read them to Michael since he couldn't read the Hieroglyphs like I can. The warning saids death to all who goes in and takes the treasures inside the pyramid. And Michael told me not to worry about it they only put that there for theives. But then I told Michael isn't that what we are? And he said yes but we are just taking what rightfully belongs to the people. So we went in to take the treasure and we were face with alot of dangerous traps. But we were able to escape them. We got to the treasure and we left the pyramid with treasure.

Thats when I had woke up. I tell you I really do love having dreams about Michael. But I tend to have the most strangest dreams about Michael. And the funny thing about that dream. Is that the last time I had saw an Indiana Jones movie was long before we had lost our beloved Michael. I had this dream this past weekend.

Sounds like a fun dream. Indiana Jackson haha.

I had a long detailed dream last night, but Michael was only in one part, which was this

Michael Jackson was standing outside, I don't know where exactly. He was wearing his red shirt, black pants, and black fedora. He was standing next to some woman I didn't recognize. Around him was a large crowd of reporters, paparazzi, and probably some fans. Michael looked a little flustered, but also calm. Apparently the news was that he and this woman had had a baby or had lost one. There were two newspapers being printed. One with the headline that the baby had been born and the other that the baby was lost. So all the people were waiting to hear the answer. However, some of the fans were thinking or saying that maybe there wasn't a baby at all. (reminded me of that thread about the baby here)
Had MJ dreams last night. Mostly about him (nasty news coverage that pissed me off), but at one point earlier I dreamt that Michael had seen me out and about somewhere and invited me over to his house. Once we got there, though, he had a lot of things to do, so I was left with some other people who I think were supposed to be his kids and a nanny or other staff member. Michael seemed like he was really under time pressure to finish something. There was a little recording studio place near the front door and he'd go back and forth from there to another room. I was just kind of hanging out doing nothing, sitting by a dining table with everyone. After a long while of this I looked up from my boredom and saw that he was looking at me while working. He smiled and looked back to the recording equipment. He got up and said something to the lady about being sorry but really having to finish this. He glanced at me again with sort of a look of pity, lol, and changed his direction to run downstairs to the bottom floor.

He came back up and talked again to the lady, with whispering tones. She then came over to me with a CD and said, "Here's some stuff you might enjoy listening to." I put the CD in a portable player with headphones. It was Michael singing, like alternate versions of songs! Really great alternate versions, too. One sounded like Speechless, but the instrumental was more elaborate and some lyrics weren't the same. I was in heaven in a way, lol, ahhhh, cuz at least I got to hear him and know he was nearby for real. I looked over at poor Michael, still working hard and saw him glance for a second at me and smile a sort of secret smile to himself. It was then I realized that he felt sorry for inviting me over and then totally ignoring me, lol, so he'd run downstairs to grab that CD for me, to at least give me something. It was really sweet :wub:
:doh: My recent dreams have been of Michael, but they are in gif form...:smilerolleyes: I guess I've been looking at too many gifs :lol:

What I don't like is some really good things happen in my dreams where Michael will say something that will make me go wow that's amazing! then when I wake up I can't remember what he said.:doh::(
Had an MJ dream this morning. It was June and the two TII concerts I was due to attend in August were actually happening in June. My subconscious always remembers quite well which TII tickets we had, so the first concert we were in section 105 and the second time in the 7th row. In the dream I didn't actually see MJ much, but kind of knew I'd been there. Afterwards I felt an overwhelming feeling that I HAD to see MJ again and only the front row would do. I went hunting for ticks on Twitter. Front row for upcoming shows was going for over $5,000 a tick (some number like 5,486 - it was something specific) and I told my husband that I didn't care how much it cost -- if I had to go in debt and pay that much, then so be it, but I HAVE to get AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE to Michael! Then in the dream we reached the 25th, so tickets were irrelevant :cry:

Later I was wandering around a city that reminded me of Amsterdam near Centraal Station. I was sick with something like the flu. I was heading back to work, where I hadn't been for a long time, perhaps weeks. When I went inside everything had been reaaranged and was a mess. My old boss Marie was there and the rest of the employees seemed to be members of MJJC. We were all being forced to take some training class with an important test at the end. Everyone was sitting in a circle in the front entry, with old-style elementary school desks. I went to the bathroom and there was a big concert advertisement/poster on the wall of Prince (the singer) that said his name and then "July 7". I wondered if he was coming to Germany or just to London. I've seen Prince twice (for real) and figured it would at least be entertaining to see him if we could. Then I remembered that thing about MJ saying if he wasn't there to grab the ideas then God might give them to Prince...
Ok, I had a weird one with Michael in it last night, but it was actually just a photo of him from 1979. He was wearing a missionary outfit that looked photoshopped on. He was going to be my teacher for something.

Then I woke up and closed my eyes again and saw another photo of Michael. He was wearing a green t-shirt with white lettering that said, “Since I've been sucking my thumb, she's been out of my life.” lol wtf? :blink:
I had this pretty sad MJ dream yesterday morning. I still can't seem to get it out of my head.

I was in a couple of different child bedroom scenes with Michael. Where there was a couple of MJ posters on the wall. He had looked and was dressed as he was during the alley scene of the Black Or White video. The piano instrumental version of Childhood was playing. All Michael did was just standing in the middle of the room. looking at me with such a sad look on his face. Like he really needed my help or something. But before I could ask him what it was he needed I suddenly woke up. And for a minute or so I had actually thought Michael was still alive. But then sudden reality had hit me and I just started to really cry over Michael again.