Merged: Psychics channel Michael

For those of you who do believe, I though you may like to read this by a psychic named Cherokee Billie. I personally really like her and her work. She has this message:

I know that so many of you are excited about the documentary that opens October 27. A sweet lady in London, Saba, enclosed a photo of her ticket and booklet to Michael Jackson’s “This Is It” tour that was to take place in London. I think it’s fabulous to be able to see this priceless rare ticket and booklet. She is donating this to a children’s hospital for one of the seriously ill children in London on Tuesday, October 27, 2009. She’s a great lady.

No matter what anyone says you are still going to see the fabulous entertainer at work in this documentary. Michael was always the consummate professional. He never let his fans down.

Michael would want you to enjoy this because you are able to see his last performances. I’m sure that many of you will be moved emotionally, but remember his spirit lives on and he’s still with us.

In his own words, “And my goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive: the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance.”

Be blessed as you watch this documentary, because that’s what Michael would want for you. Remember he loves you.

See this link for more of Michael's channeled messgaes through Cherokee, I find them very comforting and very Michael :pray:

NO, that is NOT what MJ would want anyone to do.

I guess this psychic would also have you believe that MJ secretly loved Eminem's diss video a few years back, right? And that he secretly never had anything but great feelings for Tommy Motolla?

NO, that is NOT what MJ would want anyone to do.
I guess this psychic would also have you believe that MJ secretly loved Eminem's diss video a few years back, right? And that he secretly never had anything but great feelings for Tommy Motolla?
First of all, many of us here believe that this Cherokee Billie woman is full of BULL too...we agree with you there. But you can't go putting a bad label on ALL psychics because there are some that are "frauds". There ARE good true psychics and mediums out there...and Bonnie certainly feels like one.
I think it was a little rude of you to come in here and flat out tell us that MJ is NOT being if you even KNOW that fact. I understand it's your opinion and you are obviously passionate about it, but truth is, nobody knows anything for sure. We are being open minded here, and FEELING things out with our intuition and gut.

Also, of course Michael's children come first...this was true in life and is now in death. In fact in Bonnie's channelings, he has expressed his main concern is for his children. It has not been said in the channelings that us fans are any more important...just that we still mean something to him. I mean come on, you think Michael dies and suddenly doesn't care about his fans? He still loves us, and if he had the chance...he surely would let so many of those of us grieving...know that.

Pitcorthie said:
I emailed Bonnie yesterday through her facebook page and asked her thoughts on the upcoming Sky One seance with Derek Acorah as I was worried and wanted to know if Michael didn't want to be contacted would it upset him or disturb him.
She wasn't aware of the seance, here is her response to my email
Thanks for sharing this!
I feel sorry for genuine mediums everywhere who constantly have their gift debunked because of all the others out there who are not in good integrity. I know Michael is free to speak through whoever he wants, but I have a feeling this live seance is going to be pure BALONEY. :doh:
Let's just hope no over the top ridiculous statements come out of it.

Rockin said:
You Are Not Alone came on and my dad noticed a rainbow.. my mum said 'he got your prayer'.
BEAUTIFUL story. A "coincidence" you can't ignore...that happened for obvious reasons.
I'm here to tell you that it is NOT MJ she is channeling.

Yes, there are things that sound a lot like MJ, but familiar spirits usually do mimic and imitate the people who are being channeled all the time.

I do believe in the afterlife, but based on the accounts of the AL that I have read, it is simply not easy for those who have passed to reconnect with the other side. And furthermore, the "MJ" that is speaking to Bonnie is a fraud. Mike would have a lot more to say if he were really communicating to us and his communications would not time out perfectly with the opening of a Movie he would NEVER endorse.

His children would come first...NOT the fans. I'm sorry.

BTW, Bonnie, Mike was being pumped full of the appetite suppressant, Ephedrine, so yes, his eating was being controlled. The real Mike knows this.

You are wrong here. Bonnie Vent is a real person who channels Michael imo. Let say, I was very skeptical about her from the beginning but last channeling was genius. Bonnie said something she would NOT know but myself and some other ppl would know. I got my own msg from Michael. I can verify if her msg was real or not, because I know some details I got myself. I really believe 100% now what Bonnie said. Sorry, I cannot gave you more information, because in spiritual world everything works different and very often ppl who get msg really cannot say too much because the connection may be blocked. Bonnie is a person who can release a general information from Michael’s spirit but sometimes she gives some details so some ppl who connected with Michael can easy understand what she is referring to. I even want to send letter to Bonnie this time to say my thank you to her.
Also, it is spirit's choice I believe which person to communicate to. Bonnie doesn’t get anything from this kind of work. I think Michael just choose her because she is a nice person willing to help him and she is not really getting anything from this.
And, he said about his children as well. He said he has a lot of things to do to help them and he is not reincarnated as white girl which is ridiculous thing to say. I really sounds like Michael.
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Can I just say something here?

I don't feel that it's right to tell others what is WRONG or RIGHT, REAL or FAKE in this kind of supernatural, spiritual context....the truth is there IS no way to know for sure, 100%, what is real and what is not.
Yes, you may believe something to be be true, and that is absolutely okay! And you may believe something to be untrue - that is also okay.

But I don't believe it's okay to claim only YOU know the truth, and everyone else be damned.
This goes for both sides of the argument.

Let people believe what they want, okay?
Their belief in someone or something isn't hurting you, and vice-versa.

You know?

Personally, I feel like Bonnie Vent is doing something feels right to me, and although I am by no means sure of it, it's what I choose to believe for now.
But I will never tell anyone who disagrees with me that they are flat-out wrong.
I believe that Bonnie Vent is real. I have stressed that so so strongly in previous posts. What I do not understand is why so many people feel that it is 'wrong' to believe. Even if it is a big 'fraud' (Which I don't believe it to be) I don't see why some people are so concerned about what I choose to believe in. Bonnie is not knocking on your door or calling your telephone trying to shove her messages down your throat, so why are you letting them bother you if you do not feel they are correct? If you really feel that strongly that she is trying to bull shit everyone then keep it to yourself and go laugh at everyone in your own little corner of the universe. Coming here to obviously offend, which you have done, and point ignorance at people in a thread that is obviously helping people to heal and find closure is cruel and just makes you look like a fool.
Yes, you may believe something to be be true, and that is absolutely okay! And you may believe something to be untrue - that is also okay.

But I don't believe it's okay to claim only YOU know the truth, and everyone else be damned.
This goes for both sides of the argument.

I believe Bonnie the most. Her messages just feel so much like Michael. I've been studying Michael for a while now, and they just sound so much like him. I hope it is him :) I believe it anyway because it comforts me.
I firmly stand by what I said above. BV is not channeling Mike. The spirit she made contact with is a fraud. You would know that if you had a clear understanding of Mike was and what he stood for.

Notice, I never said BV was a fraud, because you are correct that mediums can and do make contact with the dead.

But unfortunately, the spirit that BV made contact with is NOT MJ. She herself has disclaimed that she cannot positively confirm it is Mike. Just read her disclaimers.

And you can take that to the bank.

If/when Mike does make contact (for real), you will know without a doubt it is him.
vstreet - once again, YOU DO NOT KNOW. Stop making statements as if you are God. Even those of us that believe here aren't saying YES...this for sure is Michael. So if you are just going to spout off your own opinions to debunk what others believe so you can get some kind of power trip by feeling like you know better...please just leave the thread. That kind of talk is not welcome here. Nuff said. Done talking to you.
vstreet - once again, YOU DO NOT KNOW. Stop making statements as if you are God. Even those of us that believe here aren't saying YES...this for sure is Michael. So if you are just going to spout off your own opinions to debunk what others believe so you can get some kind of power trip by feeling like you know better...please just leave the thread. That kind of talk is not welcome here. Nuff said. Done talking to you.

No, YOU DO NOT know. But I do know.

You should go back and read some of my posts from earlier this year when a bunch of fans ON THIS BOARD claimed Mike was "happy to part" with his belongings and really wanted to have Juliens auction it all off. I believe i was one of the only people who said it was BULL ISH and that something wasn't right with the whole thing and I also called out Tohme long before ANYONE felt it was appropriate to do so. Looking back, I guess I wasn't vocal enough cause guess what?? All those "rah, rah" fans were WRONG and I was right. Mike didn't want the auction and Mike was KILLED.

So, as I said above, the spirit BV made contact is a fraud. It just is. Sorry, I know it means a lot to the fans who love the idea of a having a fantasy version of MJ (I mean, hey, the fantasy version wanted to auction off all his belongings and loved touring for his beloved fans---we all know that).
Right, I've been holding this back because I don't know what people would say. But I've found this thread now and I think its time to share this. A few weeks ago I went to an old church.. I haven't been to church for years but I felt I wanted to go. There was no mass or anything, and there was nobody else there except us. It was completely empty and silent. I went over to where you light a candle.. I lit one for Michael and said a little prayer in my head for Michael and for his children. When we left the church we got into the car and I put Michael music on. I SWEAR I'm not lying here.. You Are Not Alone came on and my dad noticed a rainbow.. my mum said 'he got your prayer'. It could have been a complete coincidence but I felt like it was a sign...tears came to my eyes and I looked at this beautiful rainbow, the clearest, brightest I've seen until I could no longer see it. To appear 'sane' I'd like to say it was probably just a coincidence.. but I feel like it was Michael..the atmosphere felt different and I felt calmer and 'at peace' for that that crazy?

That's so beautiful!
Can I just say something here?

I don't feel that it's right to tell others what is WRONG or RIGHT, REAL or FAKE in this kind of supernatural, spiritual context....the truth is there IS no way to know for sure, 100%, what is real and what is not.
Yes, you may believe something to be be true, and that is absolutely okay! And you may believe something to be untrue - that is also okay.

But I don't believe it's okay to claim only YOU know the truth, and everyone else be damned.
This goes for both sides of the argument.

Let people believe what they want, okay?
Their belief in someone or something isn't hurting you, and vice-versa.

You know?

Personally, I feel like Bonnie Vent is doing something feels right to me, and although I am by no means sure of it, it's what I choose to believe for now.
But I will never tell anyone who disagrees with me that they are flat-out wrong.

Well said. :) P.S. don't feed the trolls.
I just quickly had to post something before I go to work. You know how all the Egypt stuff has been brought up..
I was at work a few days ago, and I had a customer who was wearing "The All Seeing Eye" or "Eye of Horous"..and it was inside a pyramid. Anyway, I was just like, "Hey neat necklace. Where did you get that?" She said a friend made it for her specially..and I just found that like kind of a coicidence. Cause I NEVER see Egyptian stuff being worn a lot. I just found it quite odd..and the necklace was quite it was just staring at me.:mello: Anywho... I just thought it was I shared. :cheeky: Anyway, off to work!

What's that MJ Spirit portriat necklace about?
Gotta run! bye!
I was on ebay checking out things and I came across the strangest item.


Im not so sure I believe that lol
LOLOL. "[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We tried to reproduce this effect for an hour and were not able to even come close.[/FONT]" Yeaaaaaah, lol. :doh: So they took a couple of pics and the reflection in the diamond looked like "MJ" from that angle ... and so they decided to put it on ebay with that description. Good golly :smilerolleyes:

P.S. don't feed the trolls.
I was on ebay checking out things and I came across the strangest item.
I think they're going to get laughed at for posting that...:doh:
Sometimes a rose is just a rose...I'm not really buyin' the idea. Not saying these people are doing this but makes me sad to see so many people ripping off fans because Michael is so "popular" right now. I was looking through Etsy yesterday and found these gold shoes that were the same exact ones I got from Wet Seal for $10...and this person slapped a crappy MJ decal on the side of the shoes and is selling them for $75! :no: I hope fans don't fall for stuff like this.

In happier news, I made a new Michael creation for you guys last night. I wanted to post last night but we had trollin' going on so it didn't feel right. Here it is now:

Like all of my Michael creations, it just kind of "showed up" for me and created itself. I felt like Michael wanted his fans to know and feel this.
Please guys, let's not let this thread die. I feel there's so much negative energy going on in this forum nowadays, so we really need a thread like this. I keep coming here every day and I feel this is such a lovely, comforting and safe place to be! Never mind those who are trying to troll this thread. Just keep on spiritualizing! (is that even a word...? )
lol, people will buy anything off ebay. That's nothing new. It's like the Jesus on the toast. I bet I could make some good money doing something silly like that. It's really ridiculous. :doh:
Please guys, let's not let this thread die. I feel there's so much negative energy going on in this forum nowadays, so we really need a thread like this. I keep coming here every day and I feel this is such a lovely, comforting and safe place to be! Never mind those who are trying to troll this thread. Just keep on spiritualizing! (is that even a word...? )

I couldn't agree more. :) I really love this thread. :wub:
Oh and amygrace, I really loved your creation. :wub:
Guys, somethings bothering me lately....don't want to bring you down, but I'm wondering why this had happened to me and would like to know what u guys think.:scratch:
On June 25th I was watching MTV and all of a sudden there was Earth Song! I've hadn't seen that for a while on I kept watching. I couldn't get my eyes off, literally. And that's when this popped up in my head 'what if he would die soon, before the shows and stuff...that would be a shock no one could ever bare'. Only a few hours later it was the painfull truth....and ofcourse I immediatly thought of what popped up in my head a few hours before. I got scared as hell I can tell you.:bugeyed
Every time I see Earth Song on MTV now I think back of that moment and can sense how I felt that time when I was watching it.
I don't know why I came up with this......did I have a clairvoyant moment or some?:(
Guys, somethings bothering me lately....don't want to bring you down, but I'm wondering why this had happened to me and would like to know what u guys think.:scratch:
On June 25th I was watching MTV and all of a sudden there was Earth Song! I've hadn't seen that for a while on I kept watching. I couldn't get my eyes off, literally. And that's when this popped up in my head 'what if he would die soon, before the shows and stuff...that would be a shock no one could ever bare'. Only a few hours later it was the painfull truth....and ofcourse I immediatly thought of what popped up in my head a few hours before. I got scared as hell I can tell you.:bugeyed
Every time I see Earth Song on MTV now I think back of that moment and can sense how I felt that time when I was watching it.
I don't know why I came up with this......did I have a clairvoyant moment or some?:(

Ohhh my goodness.. I don't know what to say, too strange :better: