Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Thank you soooo much for sharing that!! I did not even notice that was an ankh before. That is so cool!
Back on the Egypt-thing...yesterday I was diggin' through my jewelry and found my Ankh-necklace which I hadn't worn for a while. That immediatly made me think of Michael and I thought I had seen him wearing something like that.:scratch:
Then I saw the trailer, and guess's on his red jacket!

The life cross Ankh is the symbol and attribute of all immortal gods. In the written language (hieroglyphs) it symbolises life. It must ensure immortality and health. It was the key for the paradise, for the worship of the gods and for a happy life. It repairs at the same time the vigorous balance and descends all detrimental golves from the body.

Hah...that's so rad! I love it when "coincidences" like that happen...where you come across something that suddenly links up with something else or some other happening. And the symbol...very Michael indeed. Aw... now I want to go pick one up. :p
Thanks for sharing that picture too...for CUTE! That jacket is made most awesome by that symbol too.
Thank you soooo much for sharing that!! I did not even notice that was an ankh before. That is so cool!
Me neither! I saw it but didn't pay that much attention, I knew he was into that Ancient-Egypt stuff. But then that Bonnie Vent message, and then I found my necklace....:scratch:

Hah...that's so rad! I love it when "coincidences" like that happen...where you come across something that suddenly links up with something else or some other happening. And the symbol...very Michael indeed. Aw... now I want to go pick one up. :p
Thanks for sharing that picture too...for CUTE! That jacket is made most awesome by that symbol too.
Quite strange coincidences indeed! :wub: I so badly want such a's friggin' awesome.
Cool, Shayla! :D I don't know much about orbs...should try to find out sometime.

Back on the Egypt-thing...yesterday I was diggin' through my jewelry and found my Ankh-necklace which I hadn't worn for a while. That immediatly made me think of Michael and I thought I had seen him wearing something like that.:scratch:
Then I saw the trailer, and guess's on his red jacket!

The life cross Ankh is the symbol and attribute of all immortal gods. In the written language (hieroglyphs) it symbolises life. It must ensure immortality and health. It was the key for the paradise, for the worship of the gods and for a happy life. It repairs at the same time the vigorous balance and descends all detrimental golves from the body.

AMAZING, don't u think? :) Very fitting for him! Found it so cool he's into that Ancient-Egypt stuff too.
I know for sure, that necklace is gonna be around my neck again and now forever! :heart:
Whoa. I have my old Ankh in a box somewhere. I remember clear back in the 80's when I discovered that symbol and then in the next few years it became "cool" in the mainstream and they starting selling Ankh pendants at freakin' Walmart :smilerolleyes: and I couldn't bear wearing it anymore after that, lolol. Good eye, catching that on MJ's red jacket. Totally missed that one.

On a possibly related note, I had a dream night before last that had a whole lot of MJ in it, but as usual lately it was vague and I can't remember anything specific, just I know I was with Michael and his kids watching rehearsal footage. Later, after I woke up and fell back asleep I dreamed that I found another phone identical to our home cordless phone, but just the handset, not the charging base. I figured we could keep it as a spare. I had to program the handset so it would be ready for use and there were all these little pictures that I had to choose from on the display. There were several pictures of the full moon and then a pyramid and then several pictures of Egyptian statues, like those huge ones set/carved into the side of a hill. I kept thinking "Valley of the Kings" in connection with the pics. (Although I don't think the huge statues on the hillside I saw are actually in the Valley of the Kings area.) Anyway, weird. Haven't watched anything about Egypt lately, but we were talking about such things lately. I figured it was either 'just a dream' or it had something to do with communication with the other side, since phones in my dreams seem to often be symbols of that.
I found this on the internet. Kinda goes with what we are talking about here. Hopefully people are open-minded here. I found it here

It's a long ass post!

This is the birth data that we used to calculate the natal chart and to prepare Astro Profile interpretation for Michael Joseph Jackson:


Birthday: August 29, 1958
Time of birth: 12:00 (Unknown)
Place of birth: Gary, Indiana, United States

Michael Jackson's fundamental needs, values, and orientation towards life are symbolized by the four astrological elements. Each person has their own unique balance of these four basic energies: fire (warmth, inspiration, enthusiasm), earth (practicality, realism, material interests), air (social and intellectual qualities), and water (emotional needs and feelings).

Jackson's "elemental make-up" is described below. Remember that most people are "unbalanced" or lopsided, and if Michael is lacking or deficient in a certain element (or elements), it simply means that he needs to consciously develop that particular aspect in order to appreciate and/or work harder in that dimension of life.

Sometimes we overestimate the element that we are least endowed with, sensing it as a lack within ourselves, but more often we neglect or ignore it. The qualities described below will be reiterated and explained in more detail in the following pages.

He is a nurturer and a protector and is prone to what has sometimes been referred to as the "Atlas Syndrome" - namely, carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Michael Jackson assumes responsibilities in his relationships very conscientiously and often takes on more than his share of the troubles as well. Though Jackson appears (and indeed often is) rather passive, he possesses a great deal of quiet inner strength and the ability to flow with and repeatedly endure life's inevitable adversities. He is apt to be surrounded by people who rely on him, and though Michael Jackson derives much satisfaction from providing, giving, and being needed, he can also let himself be drained emotionally and/or financially by taking care of other people and not caring sufficiently for himself.

Michael Jackson has a very strong need for security and he places safety first. He is unlikely to make sudden changes or to take new directions that involve risk and unpredictability. Any break from the past is very difficult for Michael and he needs a great deal of support when trying to make even healthy and positive changes in his life or habits. ("Habit" is a key word for Michael Jackson as he is apt to be very attached to his!)

He is very retentive. Michael Jackson holds on (and sometimes clings) to the people, places and ways he is familiar with. He also tends to repress feelings, and he may need to learn to express and let go of old feelings and past conditioning.

Physically, Michael Jackson is apt to be hearty and substantial, with a tendency to be stout. Unless other astrological factors indicate otherwise, he can also be downright lazy, especially when it comes to exercise. Michael instinctively chooses comfort over challenge. (This is true in a broader sense as well, not only regarding physical exercise).

His strengths include depth of feeling, patience, and generosity. The qualities that Michael Jackson needs to cultivate include initiative, openness to change and new experience, and a stronger sense of self.

Michael Jackson tends to lack the ability to analyze himself or his life in a detached, objective way. Michael feels and experiences but does not necessarily understand or reflect upon his experience, and thus finds it hard to talk about it. Really taking in what someone else has to say can be hard for Michael Jackson - he does not readily adapt to new ideas or people, and as a result may become inflexible or limit his experience of life. Broadening his education and gaining exposure to different cultures is very beneficial to Michael. Otherwise he is apt to be rigid and even prejudiced against those outside his own circle. (This may be manifested in arthritic conditions, poor flexibility, or poor circulation).

He also tends to distrust people who communicate freely or to feel inferior to those who are more articulate and intellectual than he is. Michael Jackson learns much more readily by watching, doing or apprenticing than by reading or being told about something.

Tenderhearted and sympathetic to an unusual degree, Michael Jackson has an understanding of other people's feelings and needs which borders on telepathy. Michael Jackson is extremely compassionate and cannot bear to see any fellow creature - human or animal - suffer. Because of his kindness and nonjudgmental attitude, people suffering from pain or confusion are drawn to Jackson for help, which he readily gives. Sometimes Jackson's soft-heartedness is taken advantage of.

He is a gentle, poetic soul and has a great love and affinity for music. Because many of his feelings are vague and he cannot easily verbalize how he experiences life, music seems a natural language for Jackson. He is also extremely romantic and often "in love with love".

Michael has strong attachments to his past, the place where he grew up, his heritage, and family traditions. In fact, Michael Jackson may be unable to step out of the habits and roles that he learned as a child. Jackson's tie to his mother is very strong and Michael Jackson also seeks nurturing and protection from his spouse and other family members as well.

Michael Jackson tends to have strange quirks, idiosyncrasies, or domestic habits, and he may feel that he does not fit in with "normal" people. These could be endearing eccentricities, or truly outlandish tastes and behavior. Establishing a steady routine and rhythm in his life and relationships would be very beneficial but may not be easily achieved. Ideally Michael Jackson can create a unique lifestyle that affords him a lot of personal space, freedom, and flexibility to follow his own somewhat erratic rhythms - while at the same time providing some order and consistency. There is a current of emotional discontent or restlessness within Michael also, which may be reflected in unstable personal relationships of the on again/off again variety. Michael Jackson craves change and excitement whether he realizes it consciously or not.

Warmhearted and generous in love relationships, Michael Jackson cannot tolerate pettiness or stinginess in his partner. Michael wants a hero to idolize and adore, someone to wholeheartedly admire and be proud of. Michael Jackson is tremendously loyal and devoted once he gives his heart to someone.

Michael Jackson craves love, appreciation and attention from others and hates to be ignored. He is rather susceptible to flattery and loves to feel special. Jackson enjoys a touch of drama and color in his love relationships and he is impressed by grand romantic gestures or extravagant expressions of generosity.

Michael is attracted to foreigners, exotic places, traveling, and to people who can expand his horizons, teach him something, or show Jackson places and worlds he has never experienced before. Sharing a philosophy or ideal with his love partner is important to him.

Also, Michael Jackson feels love and kinship for people everywhere, not only with his own family, nationality, or group. Finding similarities and making links between people from differing backgrounds or with different perspectives is a gift of his.

Loyalty, fidelity and security are very important to Michael Jackson in love relationships. He is cautious about giving his heart away but true to the one who does win his love. His tastes are simple, even austere, and he does not appreciate frivolity. Jackson is interested in a person's character and inner qualities far more than in his or her appearance. Casual or superficial relationships do not interest Michael Jackson at all, for love seems to get deeper and richer and more satisfying for him with time.

When it comes to love relationships, Jackson is likely to feel pulled in several directions at once. In addition to his desire for depth and security in his relationships, Michael Jackson has an impulsive side and a need for a lot of variety and excitement, as discussed in the following paragraphs. These urges do not have to conflict, but they certainly can, especially if Michael acts on his spontaneous impulses without much consideration for their long-term effects on his personal life.

He is excitable, spontaneous, and easily aroused emotionally and sexually. Michael Jackson falls in love very quickly and has little self-restraint or concern for propriety when his feelings have been stirred. However, it may be difficult for Michael to sustain relationships after the first rush of excitement wanes, especially if Jackson's partner is basically a conservative person who does not like to change or experiment. Nontraditional relationships appeal to Michael Jackson, and personal freedom is or paramount importance to him.

Michael Jackson has a need for calm and peaceful surrounding, but his somewhat passionate nature could bring on arguments and fights about love matters. Michael Jackson loves his work and may connect his profession with a hobby in some way.

He is quickly aroused and likes to play with fire. A bit of a Don Juan, Michael Jackson seeks adventures in love relationships, but tends to be somewhat promiscuous. Jackson tends to lead a modern way of life; his style of clothes as well as general life style.

Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:

Moon in Pisces

Moon in 4th house

Moon Quincunx Uranus

Venus in Leo

Venus in 9th house

Venus Trine Saturn

Venus aspects Saturn and Uranus

Venus Conjunct Uranus

Venus Conjunct Mars/Asc.

Venus Conjunct Uranus/MC

The following is a description of Michael's basic stance toward life, the way others see him, the way Michael Jackson comes across, the face he shows to the world. In the page about motivation you will read about the inner Michael Jackson - his real motivation, which describes the kind of person he is at heart and where his true priorities lie. Study this page and the next one and compare them - there may be significant differences between the two, in which case "the inner Michael Jackson" may not shine through and others may be in for so a few surprises once they get to know Michael a little better. This page describes the disguise Jackson wears, his role in life, while the page about motivation talks about the real person beneath the disguise.

He is very strong-willed and proud, but intensely private and not easy to know well. Behind Jackson's quiet exterior lies a great deal of emotional depth, sensitivity, complexity, and also fierce determination. When Michael Jackson wants something he goes after it rather quietly but insistently and wholeheartedly - and what Michael Jackson wants, Michael Jackson usually gets.

He is not a person who lives haphazardly or superficially. Michael wants to live passionately and intensely and is not averse to challenge, danger, or to facing the darker side of life - human pain and struggle. Michael Jackson functions well in crisis situations and he often seeks them out, for he enjoys the feeling of living at full capacity.

He is very intuitive about other people and especially about their unspoken feelings and hidden motives. Michael Jackson usually has strong, immediate gut reactions, either positive or negative, which prove to be correct. Jackson approaches life very instinctively and is not always fully conscious of why he feels or acts the way he does. Michael Jackson also has a very strong affinity with animals - an acute sensitivity and a nonverbal rapport with them.

In new relationships he is rather cautious, sometimes even suspicious, until he gets to know and trust someone - and trust does not come easily to Jackson. When Michael Jackson commits himself emotionally to someone, be it friend or lover, he is intensely loyal and devoted to them and he also expects the same kind of unwavering, undying loyalty in return. If he is ever betrayed by someone he cares deeply for, Michael Jackson is capable of hating and retaliating with as much fervor as he once loved. Nothing is done halfway. In fact, he is intensely involved and often jealously attached to whatever he cares about, be it person, idea, or cause. There is definitely a streak of emotional fanaticism in him.

Because of his natural reserve, others may see Michael Jackson as something of an enigma. He is quite self-protective and often defensive. Michael Jackson also has a very magnetic quality, especially to members of the opposite sex.

Michael Jackson appears to be sweet to other people, and he knows how to use charm, persuasion, and affection rather than more direct (but possibly disagreeable) methods to get his point across. Being overly concerned with appearances and surface beauty is possible; and if so, Michael Jackson may also seem vain and narcissistic to others.

Michael Jackson seems quirky, unusual, offbeat and "different". Sometimes it seems that he is trying to provoke people and upset the status quo just by being himself. Jackson tends to be restless, excitable, and somewhat ungrounded or nervous as well.

Michael Jackson appears sympathetic and approachable. Because he uses his feelings and intuition in assessing people, others sense that Jackson understands their feelings or their personal situations. At the same time Michael Jackson really wants people to know how he feels, and their care and support are very important to him.

Although Michael Jackson approaches life instinctively and intuitively (as described on the previous page), he also has a very analytical, rational, unemotional side, as discussed below. His conflicting urges may vacillate between living passionately and dangerously, and being conservative and playing it safe.

At heart Michael Jackson is modest and humble and rarely strives to be in the limelight or in a position of power. Michael Jackson has a sharp analytical mind, a keen eye for detail, and prefers to observe, dissect, and study life from a distance. Conscientious and conservative, Jackson can be relied upon to be cautious, efficient, and thorough in his work and he takes pride in a job well done. What he may lack in self-confidence Michael Jackson often makes up for in skills - fostering expertise, technical knowledge and competence in a specialized area. He is adept at using his hands to create or fix things, and meticulous attention to detail and careful craftsmanship are his forte. Some would say he is a little too meticulous, for Jackson can be extremely critical and petty if everything is not done exactly as he thinks it should be, and he worries about things that other people consider trivial and unimportant. Michael Jackson likes to organize, categorize and arrange everything into a logical system and is often distinctly uncomfortable when something does not fit into a neat category. Disorganization vexes Jackson. He probably wishes that he were not such a perfectionist, for besides being a stickler for details, Jackson can also be mercilessly self-critical. Whether in his environment or within himself, Jackson tends to focus on the flaws, with a desire to improve, refine, and perfect. He is strictly factual, truthful, and scrupulously honest in his self-assessment and often does not give himself enough praise or credit.

He is also highly discriminating and may be especially particular about his diet, hygiene, and health habits. Michael has high aesthetic standards and refined sensitivities, and is bothered by environmental elements (such as disorder, cigarette smoke, etc.) that others overlook. His tastes are simple and understated, yet refined. He is truly offended by coarseness, bluntness and vulgarity. Jackson can sometimes be difficult to live with because of his fastidiousness, sensitivity and idiosyncrasies about food and cleanliness.

Though Michael Jackson seems rather cool and self-contained, he is very helpful by nature and enjoys serving others. He is content to play a supporting role rather than the lead. He is quietly devoted to the ones he cares for.

He is cautious, realistic and practical in his approach to life and disinclined to gamble. Michael Jackson analyzes before he acts. He is sometimes too serious. If Jackson allowed himself to play and make mistakes, it would be highly beneficial to his health!

His career, reputation, and public image are very important to Jackson. Michael Jackson has a strong desire to be influential or make his mark on the world. The merely personal sphere does not satisfy him; his ambitions include making a major contribution and receiving broad recognition for his unique effort and gifts. Michael Jackson may undervalue the personal or inner side of life.

He is very open and receptive to the spiritual, intangible, and subtle realms, and can easily receive or give conscious guidance based on his inner attunement. Michael Jackson takes many things for granted, such as the existence of an afterlife or the effects of subtle influences like aromatherapy, spiritual healing, etc. These things seem obvious to Michael, whereas to many people they are a matter of conjecture or even illusory. Michael Jackson may not realize he has spiritual gifts because they come so naturally to him.

Inwardly he is zealous and fanatical, though he may hide his personal desires and intentions, as well as the intensity of his feelings. He is driven by a deep inner sense of destiny and mission and an almost compulsive desire for personal recognition. Michael is infatuated with power, incredibly willful and stubbornly fixated on achieving greatness or being someone Special. Michael Jackson tends to worship heroes who have powerful personal magnetism and charisma, and he often seeks to emulate them. Michael has potential for tremendous good or tremendous evil.

Jackson alternates between aggression and apathy and sometimes feels that he is unable to meet all the demands made on him. Once Michael Jackson becomes aware of what he needs to do, however, he is capable of working long and hard, not giving up until his work is done.

Michael Jackson is a person of strong opinions and he expresses his views energetically and often dramatically. He is an entertaining speaker and tends to embellish or exaggerate in order to get his point across. Michael has an aptitude for storytelling and performing. Even if his arena is only the classroom or dining room table, Jackson puts on a good show. Michael has an abundance of creative ideas and he does not enjoy a job in which he has no creative input or does not share in the decision-making. Michael Jackson could be an effective politician, spokesperson, group leader, director or coach.
Michael Jackson thinks a great deal about his career, his reputation and public image, and the way he makes a contribution or impact on the world at large. Public speaking or communications of some other kind is likely to be an important aspect of the work Michael Jackson does.

Argumentative and rather aggressive and critical in discussions, Jackson tends to turn any conversation into a debate, and sometimes a verbal war. Michael Jackson could be a spokesman for a righteous cause, a lawyer vigorously defending a client, a sharp analyst or critic. He is a convincing speaker, but is not especially receptive to the ideas and opinions of others. Michael Jackson has a forceful intellect and an aptitude for mental work.

He is mentally restless, intellectually thirsty, and immensely curious. Michael Jackson may study and travel widely in order to satisfy these urges and he is even happier if he shares his journeys with companions. Michael's gifts lie in his capacity for learning about the beliefs of a broad spectrum of people, making long-distance connections, opening up channels of communication and understanding, bringing people together from foreign lands, and promoting social and cultural exchange.

Suspecting that appearances are superficial and mask the "nitty-gritty", Michael Jackson is always probing beneath the surface to uncover the deeper, hidden recesses. He is interested in anything secret or mysterious. Michael Jackson has great powers of concentration and a penetrating mind, with an aptitude for research, investigative reporting or detective work. He is also keenly observant and seems to have "x-ray vision" regarding the inner motivations and intentions of other people. Michael Jackson would make an excellent psychotherapist, uncovering the deeper causes and roots of a person's emotional problems. He may also be drawn to esoteric or occult studies and the development of unusual mental powers. He is fascinated by stories of mystery, intrigue and espionage.

Michael Jackson has a charming disposition and loves to socialize and meet new people. Jackson also likes to be surrounded by beautiful things and likes to talk to others about his views on love relationships problems as well as his views on beauty, fashion and art in general.

Michael Jackson has a basic need to reform and is constantly looking for change in hopes that it will lead him to a life that is more exciting. Jackson may not always be tactful and his ideas and opinions sometimes are likely to be strongly challenged by others.

His sexuality probably developed early in life and problems of love relationships could be on his mind a lot. Michael Jackson may adopt a somewhat pompous and flirtatious way of speech and the subject "sex" may come up repeatedly during the course of his conversations.

Once Michael Jackson sets his mind on a goal, his dedication, determination, and commitment are extraordinary. Jackson pursues his ambitions tenaciously and will stubbornly refuse to give up, let go, or be influenced in any way. Like Aesop's tortoise, Michael labors patiently and steadfastly until he achieves what he wants - or until it is clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that all is lost. He is a reliable, consistent and productive worker, and he often shoulders more of the workload than his co-workers, usually without complaint. He often ends up with the nitty-gritty work. He prefers a regular routine, with definite hours and clearly defined responsibilities and tasks. In fact, establishing a pattern or routine is very important to his success because once he gets started in a certain direction, it is easy for Michael Jackson to kept to that path. Getting started is more difficult. Michael Jackson has a lazy, comfort-loving side and there is often a good deal of inertia for him to overcome before Jackson gets going; but once he gets a momentum going, his energy level is strong and steady.

He is interested in concrete results and solid, practical achievements. Michael Jackson needs to have some tangible product or contribution to show for his efforts, and cannot be content with only intangible rewards (such as having a good time, learning, or spiritual enrichment). Material well-being and security is also a large factor in determining what he does. Michael's stamina and persistence are his greatest assets, but they can also work against him; he can get caught in a rut and refuse to seize new opportunities. Michael Jackson also tends to play it safe, and to limit himself as a result.

Jackson is attracted to feisty, dynamic, strong-willed people, and he seems to need a lot of fireworks in his personal relationships. Michael Jackson can be very combative, or get involved with people who are. Ideally Michael will join with people who are energetic and ambitious, but not too domineering or aggressive.

Jackson frequently meets a tremendous amount of resistance whenever he wants to assert himself in a decisive way, or do something just for himself. This resistance comes from within (in the form of self-doubt, fear, or a heavy sense of responsibility to others), as well as from practical and circumstantial limitations. Especially when initiating a project or acting independently, Michael Jackson may tell himself that he is not really prepared, or that he is not good enough (yet), and he puts a lot of pressure on himself. Despite the obstacles, setbacks, or lack of support he encounters, Michael Jackson can accomplish a lot in a patient, steady fashion. However, he is apt to aim too low, and not realize how much he is truly capable of.

Michael Jackson should try to recognize that he does not have to justify his existence or prove his worth by his accomplishments.

He is likely to feel depressed frequently and has a strong desire to overcome it, but may not be able to count on much support from others. Michael Jackson tends to separate himself from others and he feels like being expelled from society.

Language, words, communication, networking, clarity of speech or writing, being a messenger or go-between - these are key features in his career, as well as how Michael Jackson goes about achieving his goals and ambitions. "Work smarter, not harder" is Jackson's motto.

Jackson gains his objectives and ambitions in life through his personal charm, attractiveness, ability to please others visually and/or emotionally. A career in the arts or entertainment world is possible for Michael Jackson. Anything involving sales or promotion, particularly of beautiful or luxurious items, is an area he can succeed in. Vanity or indiscretions in relationships could lead Michael Jackson to his downfall.

Jackson is intensely competitive, and may engage in furious battles of will, numerous conflicts, and possible public controversy, on his way to gaining his objectives. Michael Jackson could be drawn to activities that are dangerous, in the line of fire, so to speak. He puts himself on the line. Anger or recklessness could be his downfall.

Discipline, concentration, a realistic sense of what is attainable, and steady dedication to achieving his ambitions are the keys to Michael's progress. Michael Jackson is apt to move slowly but constantly in the direction of his goals, and solid achievement is the outcome of this conservative approach.

He is quite restless and indefatigable in the pursuit of his objectives. Only satisfied with maximum results, Michael Jackson fights to the last moment. Some of his endeavors could be a bit daring though, and his aims a bit high.

His strengths lie in his ability to cooperate, to be diplomatic, and to know just what behavior is called for in whatever social situation Jackson finds himself. Michael Jackson also possesses a strong sense of fairness, the willingness to listen to opposing viewpoints and opinions, and the ability to be (or at least seem to be) impartial and moderate, rather than extreme and one-sided.

He is drawn to social work, the ministry, giving his time and energy to charitable organizations, or to serving and helping the disadvantaged in some way. His generosity and unselfishness will bring Michael Jackson and others much good.

Michael has an unusually expansive, far-reaching outlook on life. At times the everyday routine is far too dull and boring for Michael Jackson, and he is inclined to travel, daydream, fantasize, or philosophize on a grand scale.

His willingness, even eagerness, to embrace change and to undergo deep, transformative experiences for growth and self-improvement is one of Jackson's finest attributes. He is also likely to be an instrument for positive reform in the world. Michael Jackson coordinates well with other people when he shares a mission or higher purpose.

His manner is a bit phlegmatic and Jackson could give the impression that everything is too much for him. Michael Jackson also has an innate inclination to be a little on the heavy side and seems to be content and happy leading a secluded and solitary mode of life.

Because of his impractical idealism and somewhat inflated expectations, Michael Jackson may leave himself open to exploitation by other people. By the same token, at times Jackson could also have a desire to use others to his advantage.

Michael Jackson has a critical, cynical attitude towards many religions and philosophies. Without realizing it, he prevents himself from appreciating new viewpoints and attitudes. Jackson is more rigid and dogmatic than he realizes. His approach may also be too intellectual or moralistic. Michael Jackson takes his own political beliefs and spiritual philosophy very seriously, worrying and fretting if he is not 100% clear about some ideology or theory.

His fears revolve around money and material security, and Michael Jackson works very hard to ensure that his assets are solid. He may be very conservative, even stingy, with his money because he is afraid there will not be enough. He may turn this fear around and become very shrewd about investments and financial matters.

Now we will discuss patterns of behavior which Michael Jackson instinctively and habitually reverts to when under stress - a mostly subconscious process that he is apt to over indulge in because it is so familiar and hence easy for him. The direction Michael Jackson needs to follow in order to develop balance, greater awareness, and wholeness is also described.

Instinctively he is a fighter and an individualist who can stand alone when necessary. Very often, however, Michael stands alone when he does not need to, not realizing the support, assistance, and resources others may have to offer. Michael Jackson has a tendency to "reinvent the wheel" and to feel that he must be self-reliant and that only he can come up with the answers he needs. Implicit in this attitude is a kind of arrogance as well as a rather competitive approach, which - at its worst - can alienate him from others, or make Michael Jackson feel that "it is me against the world".

Social skills and graces and what Michael Jackson calls social "games" do not come naturally to him. Michael Jackson needs to learn how to share and join others, and how to negotiate and resolve conflict with others in a cooperative way.

It is deep within himself, as Michael Jackson faces his own demons, fears, and struggles - those aspects of life that are not easily or readily shared, those parts of his life that Michael Jackson keeps hidden from public view where he is most likely to wrestle with these issues.

The qualities described above can also be beneficially channeled into some sort of charitable work, altruistic service or ministering to people in need.

The following are specific activities that will support Michael Jackson in his growth. These may or may not feel natural to Jackson, and he may initially resist or feel awkward about them, but they are crucial to his path to wholeness.

Michael Jackson should develop faith and confidence both in himself and in a higher power that can guide, nourish, and help him. He needs to expand his willingness to dream and envision better things in life by studying religion, philosophy and other subjects that enable him to acquire a larger, more inclusive view of the world.

Being generous with his time, energy and resources in helping others achieve a better life will in turn benefit Michael Jackson.

He is reserved and somewhat conservative in presenting his viewpoints to others and prefers a philosophical discussion rather than small talk. Michael Jackson is quite selective in his choice of subjects and only wants to study what is really of interest to him.

Areas Where Michael Jackson is Creative, Unique, Unstable, or Compulsive

He is unconventional, even iconoclastic, in his attitude toward religion, philosophy, and politics. Michael Jackson tends to see traditional religion as restrictive, meaningless ritual with little to offer, and he is eager to experiment with other, alternative pathways. Michael has lots of creative, innovative ideas and he often feels that others are unwilling to take risks and venture out of their deeply ingrained perspectives and views.

Compassionate and extremely sensitive to the emotional tones in the atmosphere surrounding him, Michael Jackson is naturally "psychic" or able to sense and understand much about a person without talking to them or knowing them consciously at all. Michael is deeply interested in the hidden realms of life and the afterlife. His powerful sensitivity may also remain latent or repressed through much of Jackson's life and then be fully awakened in adulthood.

Michael Jackson has a powerful sense of destiny and may be unusually, even ruthlessly, ambitious. There is a very driven, compulsive quality to the way Michael pursues his career or other important life goals, which is likely to win Jackson both staunch admirers and vigorous opponents.

There is a very "radical" side to Michael, and he may want to remake or change the world in some significant way. Depending on other astrological factors in Michael's chart and his own decisions, Michael Jackson can be either very destructive or a powerful force for healing and positive change in the world.

A frequent change in his energy level could bring about sudden feelings of fatigue. Michael Jackson may not plan his objectives very carefully and he feels disillusioned when he suddenly realizes that he miscalculated the results and his efforts are for naught.

Prone to wrong impressions and perceptions at times, Michael Jackson does not always see the people in his environment in the right light. Because of this, Jackson will probably break some of his relationships that were founded on lies and deceitfulness.

Michael Jackson seems to have nerves of steel and he is ambitious and courageous with a strong desire for power. Jackson impresses others as someone not to be trifled with. Michael has far-reaching plans and is likely to reach success early in life.

Here we will discuss characteristics and traits of Michael Jackson's generation. Of course, Michael may not share all of the characteristics of his generation, but he is greatly affected by the tone that is set by his generation.

The first topic focuses on the subconscious and emotional drive of this age group. In this section we will describe a deeply felt urge - and even compulsion - of Michael's age group. This deeply felt drive comes to the surface very forcefully, thereby leaving considerable upheaval and change in its wake. The second topic concerns the dreams, fantasies and spiritual aspirations of Michael's age group. The third and last topic describes what is new and different in his age group; it highlights areas in which Jackson's age group tends to be innovative, inventive and unusual, as well as where it may be unstable and unreliable.

The characteristics described below may affect a group of people for anywhere from a few years to about 30 years. There are one or more different astrological factors described in each of the three sections below.

The Subconscious and Emotional Drive of Michael Jackson's Age Group

Michael Jackson is part of a 15-year group of people that are driven by the need to find an ethical standard and a clear sense of what is right and what is wrong. There is a subconscious drive to remedy all of the world's evils and create a world of perfect order. There is a feeling of repulsion to anything ugly, dirty, or grotesque. Oddly enough, this group is also often fascinated with these very things that are so unsavory, thereby creating a sense of hopelessness and despair about the world's condition.

These inner, conflicting emotions are reflected in the attitudes and life styles of Jackson's generation. Most people of Jackson's age group are conservative and ethical, and a small minority goes to the opposite extreme and relishes being strange or unusual in appearance, and sloppy or even grotesque in their demeanor. There seems to be no middle ground for Jackson's generation. Usually, the rebellious behavior surfaces during adolescence and subsides thereafter, and Jackson's age group tends to be very conservative in later life.

Michael Jackson's age group is not very good at compromising and tends to have strong ideas about what is right and what is wrong. There is a strong feeling that they must eliminate evil from the world. Fostering good deeds is certainly very commendable, but a categorical and simple-minded response to complex issues is not helpful. His age group will undergo tremendous fluctuations in their attitudes toward Good and Evil and will swing to great extremes. Michael's generation will also make great contributions in the areas of medicine and nutrition, ecology, and education.

The Ideals and Illusions of Michael Jackson's Age Group

Michael Jackson is part of a 14-year group of people that have very intense psychic sensitivity and imagination. Michael Jackson's age group is very attracted to the strange, the bizarre and the unusual. Their affinity for things macabre is reflected in much of the music, art, and fashions of Jackson's age group. Novels and movies with mystery and chilling suspense are also popular with Michael Jackson's age group. Emotional depression, drug use, and suicide are likely to be relatively high in Michael Jackson's age group. There is also a deep mystical sense, and Eastern religions and meditation are very attractive to his age group.

The entire generation to which Michael Jackson belongs has tremendous opportunities for spiritual rebirth and awakening. This will not be forced upon Jackson or precipitated by unavoidable events, rather it comes from an inner yearning and a natural propensity to seek the depths.

What is New and Different in Michael Jackson's Age Group

Michael Jackson is part of a 7-year group of people who are unusually self-willed, proud, and egotistical. It is a group that defies authority and insists on having its own way. Parents and schoolteachers found that it was extremely difficult to discipline Jackson's age group. Governments that are repressive to individual expression and freedom meet a great deal of resistance from Jackson's age group, and he tends to rise up against any form of tyranny and oppressive rule.
Starlightdancer, that was a lot to read. :dropdead: But thanks for sharing. It was interesting. I also found this out: Michael's life path number is 6:

Michael Jackson possesses great compassion and seeks to be of service to others. He has concern for the weak and the downtrodden. He a healer and a helper to others. Michael is capable of giving comfort to those in need and will frequently offer a shoulder for others to cry on.

Jackson's task in life is to develop the tools necessary to be truly helpful to others, rather than to simply be a sympathetic ear. Michael Jackson must find the balance between help and interference. In the same way, he must learn the delicate art of the counselor who knows when to leave the struggle to others and when to avoid taking away the necessary experiences and lessons of life.

Michael Jackson is naturally balanced. Therefore, he is well equipped to support and ground others in times of trial.

It is in his nature to take on responsibility - often filling the void left by others - and to not turn away from personal sacrifice. At times, Michael Jackson may feel overburdened by the travails of others. However, the love others bestow upon him is his well deserved reward.

Michael tries to maintain harmony within the family or group, balancing and fusing divergent forces. He seeks marriage and is often a wonderful parent, offering warmth, protection, and understanding to children.

He is generous, kind, and attractive. Jackson is often admired even adored which baffles him. He is humble and yet he carries a deep pride. Michael Jackson moves well and gracefully, but will have to work to stay in shape. He must seek out physical exercise and limit the sweets and dairy he craves to keep himself from becoming plump and round.

When young, Michael must be careful not to choose partners for the wrong reasons, and to not let sentimentality influence his decision, especially those involving the choice of a spouse. Jackson needs to be needed, but must learn to discriminate between those he can help and others who are made weaker by his care. After all, it is in Michael's nature to be attracted to the weaker brothers and sisters among us.

The temptation and the danger for Michael Jackson is to think of himself as the savior of the world, carrying the burdens of others on his shoulders.

Michael Jackson is blessed with musical talent, as well as in the visual and performing arts. However, his creativity may well be suppressed due to his willingness to sacrifice, or his inability to fully appreciate his own talents. This is not to say that Michael cannot excel in these areas; on the contrary, he has the talent, and with effort he can make a success in a number of artistic fields.

Jackson also has enormous talent in business. He is blessed with a great deal of charm and charisma, which Michael Jackson uses effectively to attract the people and support he needs.
Starlightdancer, that was a lot to read. :dropdead: But thanks for sharing. It was interesting. I also found this out: Michael's life path number is 6:

Michael Jackson possesses great compassion and seeks to be of service to others. He has concern for the weak and the downtrodden. He a healer and a helper to others. Michael is capable of giving comfort to those in need and will frequently offer a shoulder for others to cry on.

Jackson's task in life is to develop the tools necessary to be truly helpful to others, rather than to simply be a sympathetic ear. Michael Jackson must find the balance between help and interference. In the same way, he must learn the delicate art of the counselor who knows when to leave the struggle to others and when to avoid taking away the necessary experiences and lessons of life.

Michael Jackson is naturally balanced. Therefore, he is well equipped to support and ground others in times of trial.

It is in his nature to take on responsibility - often filling the void left by others - and to not turn away from personal sacrifice. At times, Michael Jackson may feel overburdened by the travails of others. However, the love others bestow upon him is his well deserved reward.

Michael tries to maintain harmony within the family or group, balancing and fusing divergent forces. He seeks marriage and is often a wonderful parent, offering warmth, protection, and understanding to children.

He is generous, kind, and attractive. Jackson is often admired even adored which baffles him. He is humble and yet he carries a deep pride. Michael Jackson moves well and gracefully, but will have to work to stay in shape. He must seek out physical exercise and limit the sweets and dairy he craves to keep himself from becoming plump and round.

When young, Michael must be careful not to choose partners for the wrong reasons, and to not let sentimentality influence his decision, especially those involving the choice of a spouse. Jackson needs to be needed, but must learn to discriminate between those he can help and others who are made weaker by his care. After all, it is in Michael's nature to be attracted to the weaker brothers and sisters among us.

The temptation and the danger for Michael Jackson is to think of himself as the savior of the world, carrying the burdens of others on his shoulders.

Michael Jackson is blessed with musical talent, as well as in the visual and performing arts. However, his creativity may well be suppressed due to his willingness to sacrifice, or his inability to fully appreciate his own talents. This is not to say that Michael cannot excel in these areas; on the contrary, he has the talent, and with effort he can make a success in a number of artistic fields.

Jackson also has enormous talent in business. He is blessed with a great deal of charm and charisma, which Michael Jackson uses effectively to attract the people and support he needs.

I know it was a lot lol :giggle:

Thanks for your post too!
I just noticed that I cut part of the picture off. On the other side had another figure to the far left.

That is cool about the picture of your dad! I think its some kind of energy or force. It makes me wonder though if it is someone, and who it is.

OMG I saw this type of orb when I was in serious grievance after MJ passed. I would say I saw it in July. I never saw anything like it before(I'm not a astronomy buff). I thought it might be a plane but it didn't move. It was right next to the moon when I saw it as well.
Wow MJstarlight, interesting photo!
I wonder who you captured?

I had a dream about MJ last night.
All I can remember is that I was watching him perform in a stadium in sea of people. He was just standing on the stage, and every single person there was completely silent. It felt like we were all waiting for something, including MJ, although I don't know what.

I have no idea what this means, but it was certainly interesting.
Ok so you are all avid in this "Ghost Hunting" right? Well if you REALLY want to know how to get in touch with Michael i wouldn't use a ouiji Board to do it you let in some pretty messed up things. And i would ALSO leave out a sayance as well. The Orbs you are all seeing could be nothing more then dust on the lens or a bug flying by as you took the picture.

Ask Direct Questions. Stuff Only Michael Might Know.
Have the proper equipment to catch sounds and or images.
for one invest in a Digital Voice Recorder. To make sure you have no other sound on your DVR make sure you are alone when attempting contact.

Have a camera set up Video would be your best bet.

THIS Isn't a bad site to look at if you want more information. Proof is hard to find but once you have it its hard to dispute it.
I check up on this thread from time to time when I need proof of Michaels afterlife.. Can anyone give me something? Yesterday I took pictures of my room and found 3-4 orbs in every shot.. I do believe in orbs..

I need to know Michael is still here, in another form.. I hope he can hear me.. I hope he can hear all of us, I hope Michael feels the love from us. Do you think he can feel our love for him? I hope so..
Personally, I feel no need to capture proof of Michael's presence with cameras or recording equipment. In the beginning I did, asking for visual or auditory signs of his existence, but I don't do that anymore because I want to be respectful. He has given me little signs through dreams or other things, which is kind of like synchronicity. That's proof enough for me. I think that's more meaningful than an EVP or a ghostly orb. I truly believe if Michael wants to reveal himself to someone, he will. As always of course it helps to keep an open mind and heart and not force it too much.
I want to have dreams too :( I want something, Michael please show yourself to me.. Little signs.. I promise I will take notice.. :cry:
OMG, I just checked Bonnie Vents video session with Michael. Ive always believed in a different dimension and a life after death and this is freaking me out. If this is true ofcourse. About Michael saying he only experienced silence and how he felt it was nice, was touching.. But it makes me feel sad at the same time, do we all experience only silence when we die? Will Michael ever hear music and melodies? Living in complete silence sounds terrible.. But I guess I might be wrong, who am I to say, afterall all people who passed on are at peace.

I dont know what to say.. I can feel it being that way and my entire life Ive been wondering what life is like after death, whether or not this is Michael, it answers quite alot of quesitons I have about afterlife and the spiritual world and what its like. Oh Michaels message to his fans!!!!!! I loved that part. Please let this be true... It helps though.. its comforting even if this isnt true...

By the way, has anyone else noticed that readings with dead people always seem joyful and positive? They never seem to have anything negative to say, or feel sad. It sounded to me like Michael was still being Michael, that he did not feel depressed about being dead or that the world was missing him. It sounded like he was content and that he is in a place he needs to be in, even though he found it hard to adjust to it in the beginning.
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I hope Michael feels the love from us. Do you think he can feel our love for him? I hope so..
He's still living in spirit, no doubt about that...I feel him every now and then when I think about or call to him in my prayers...I feel him in the synchronistic and coincidental little happenings that relate to him...I feel him in the tingling/chills sensations when I'm lonely thinking of him...and I feel him during the channelings that Bonnie has done. I definitely think he feels our love...and if you are open, you can still feel his. :wub:

CaptainEoLove85 said:
Personally, I feel no need to capture proof of Michael's presence with cameras or recording equipment
Same here. It's in the feeling...
My intuition and gut feelings give me more truth than any other person or thing does.
This thread is so comforting.. Keeps me alive. :wub: Will Bonnie continue to make more readings and videos? I hope Michael will continue to talk to us.. if he wants.
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I have a question for you guys. Lately i've been thinking about Marlon's twin and Michael's older brother Brandon that passed away a little after birth. Do you think MJ has met Brandon in the afterlife? I would love to ask Bonnie if she could ask MJ that for me. I also wonder if Brandon has grown or still an infant in the afterlife (you know MJ loves kids).
Thats something Ive always wondered too, if an infant stays infant after death or if they grow. Personally I believe they stay as infant spirits and because he passed away so young I dont think he had the capacity to grow intellectual thoughts and be aware of what was around him. I hope Michael is taking care of him though. They must have some form of connection to each other.
I too don't need to capture evidence that Michael or any spirit is around me.Normally you get signs etc when you are not expecting them anyway so it can be impossible to capture anything.

I emailed Bonnie yesterday through her facebook page and asked her thoughts on the upcoming Sky One seance with Derek Acorah as I was worried and wanted to know if Michael didn't want to be contacted would it upset him or disturb him.
She wasn't aware of the seance, here is her response to my email

Hi Sharon,

I seriously doubt this will be real. This person has a reputation of faking things for television. Michael is free to speak to whomever he chooses. This will not have any ill effect on Michael. It does make it more difficult for those of us trying to do real work with real communication who get lumped in with the fakes. I too am sadden by this.

Warmest regards,
Bonnie Vent

I really feel sorry for mediums like herself and many others that I have had readings from that are real, because if one is proven to be fake they are all then tarnished with the same brush and it can undo years of work and damage all mediums reputation's in an instant.
I wonder what will happen if Michael doesn't come through?? They will more than likely make it all up as I can't see them admitting that they couldn't make contact as that wouldn't make a very good show would it!
I shan't be watching the show anyway but I am glad that my mind has been put to rest as it just feels that Michael is still being exploited and he is not here to defend himself :(
I am sure Michael is too busy anyway to worry about what Acorah says about him :rolleyes:
Right, I've been holding this back because I don't know what people would say. But I've found this thread now and I think its time to share this. A few weeks ago I went to an old church.. I haven't been to church for years but I felt I wanted to go. There was no mass or anything, and there was nobody else there except us. It was completely empty and silent. I went over to where you light a candle.. I lit one for Michael and said a little prayer in my head for Michael and for his children. When we left the church we got into the car and I put Michael music on. I SWEAR I'm not lying here.. You Are Not Alone came on and my dad noticed a rainbow.. my mum said 'he got your prayer'. It could have been a complete coincidence but I felt like it was a sign...tears came to my eyes and I looked at this beautiful rainbow, the clearest, brightest I've seen until I could no longer see it. To appear 'sane' I'd like to say it was probably just a coincidence.. but I feel like it was Michael..the atmosphere felt different and I felt calmer and 'at peace' for that that crazy?

I've had dreams of Michael but I don't see them as him 'visiting' as the one that felt most real, where I could actually feel him was before he died.
I'm here to tell you that it is NOT MJ she is channeling.

Yes, there are things that sound a lot like MJ, but familiar spirits usually do mimic and imitate the people who are being channeled all the time.

I do believe in the afterlife, but based on the accounts of the AL that I have read, it is simply not easy for those who have passed to reconnect with the other side. And furthermore, the "MJ" that is speaking to Bonnie is a fraud. Mike would have a lot more to say if he were really communicating to us and his communications would not time out perfectly with the opening of a Movie he would NEVER endorse.

His children would come first...NOT the fans. I'm sorry.

BTW, Bonnie, Mike was being pumped full of the appetite suppressant, Ephedrine, so yes, his eating was being controlled. The real Mike knows this.
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