Did you ever see Michael in person?

As a kid, I always told myself I HAVE to see him at least once live before I die. Seriously, I used to tell myself that and I'd tell others (esp family) that. But of course now that'll never happen. :(

For that reason, I love to read yalls posts about your experiences and plus I look forward to seeing tribute artists like E Casanova one one of these days...
oh my God, one of my LIFE GOALS was to see (or meet) michael jackson. I never will now. UGH!
Same here. He was #1 at the top of my list of performers I wanted to see live. Last time he toured in 97, I was only 12/13 so I wasn't old enough to travel to wherever he performed. But I ALWAYS knew he would tour again someday or do some type of live performance, and I always promised myself, come hell or high water, I would go. Hence why I just knew that I had to make it to London. I was mere days away from finalizing my flight when he passed.
I just can't come to terms with the fact that now I'll NEVER get to see him live. When the news first broke that he was taken to the hospital, I could care less if the tour was postponed or canceled, I just wanted him to be ok first and foremost. Then when I read about the death... and so sudden... I'm telling you, I nearly fainted here at work. I had no words.

I'll never forget that I was so close to the dream... but it just wasn't meant to be I guess.
He was the only performer I wanted to see. Sure I woulda went to other concerts but michael was the only one that I was feigning to go to and WOULDN'T miss for the world. I didn't care if I had to go in debt I was going to london. I hate it that I got 18 days from my dream, my goal and it just got snatched away. I could care less if there was no TII, because I could still at least HOPE to see him in person. But theres no hope with him gone. That's what kills me the most. My biggest dream is crushed and smashed to little bits and pieces and it hurts so bad.

No more hope!:no: Michael was supposed to be my FIRST (concert) and now he will just remain a NEVER! I really hate this. I will never be able to get over this. How it happened.
oh my God, one of my LIFE GOALS was to see (or meet) michael jackson. I never will now. UGH!

He was the only performer I wanted to see. Sure I woulda went to other concerts but michael was the only one that I was feigning to go to and WOULDN'T miss for the world. I didn't care if I had to go in debt I was going to london. I hate it that I got 18 days from my dream, my goal and it just got snatched away. I could care less if there was no TII, because I could still at least HOPE to see him in person. But theres no hope with him gone. That's what kills me the most. My biggest dream is crushed and smashed to little bits and pieces and it hurts so bad.

No more hope!:no: Michael was supposed to be my FIRST (concert) and now he will just remain a NEVER! I really hate this. I will never be able to get over this. How it happened.



I feel you.

Even if my mind wanders off and it tells me "you won't see Michael live", I always forget that there's a 'forever' attached to that. For as long as we shall live, we'll NEVER have that opportunity. Ever. The finality of it is what kills me most and keeps me constantly depressed.


I feel you.

Even if my mind wanders off and it tells me "you won't see Michael live", I always forget that there's a 'forever' attached to that. For as long as we shall live, we'll NEVER have that opportunity. Ever. The finality of it is what kills me most and keeps me constantly depressed.
I have been feeling you as well lately. A lot of your post I agree with from other threads.

Its the fact that its so permenently final that just kills me...and also the fact that I thought for sure it was gonna come true. 18 days, that's all it was away. 2 weeks and 4 dayssss:bugeyed and now it forever gone. You couldn't have paid me all the money in the world to believe that michael was gonna pass on the 25th.

We all need big loooooong hugs :cry:
:no: Never.

I was always too young.

I stopped following his career and stuff pretty much after 05 until he announced the new tour. I remember my sister called me an jokingly asked if she should book our flights and I said "I'm sure he'll perform in New York sometime again, we have to go to that one!" It absolutely kills me when I think about it.

I used to fantasize about taking a road trip to California to see Neverland and meeting him somehow or even sometimes I just thought about him opening all the letters and gifts I sent him and smiling, just the idea of that made me feel like I gave a little back to him. Like a lot of you seeing him in concert was on the top of my "things I MUST do before I die" list and now...it's hard to even think about. :cry: I don't even want to think about visiting his grave. It makes me feel sick.

I love hearing these stories though! :) It just reinforces the love he had for every one of us.
I met him during the last 3 weeks of his life...the happiest and then the saddest period of my life...I will always remember his voice, his touch...and the surprise he gave me a day before he went to God
Would love to hear more about it, sounds like a wonderful and at the time a very painful memory that you will cary with you for the rest of your life. Lucky you!! :)
Would love to hear more about it, sounds like a wonderful and at the time a very painful memory that you will cary with you for the rest of your life. Lucky you!! :)

I promise to write about my wonderful experience in more detail soon.
I met him during the last 3 weeks of his life...the happiest and then the saddest period of my life...I will always remember his voice, his touch...and the surprise he gave me a day before he went to God

Oh gosh, please help us by posting your story. I have to come here on and off all day just to make it through the day.

His music plays constantly - I'm amazed at the *Love* the world is pouring out for him and wish so much that he could have seen this before.

It just kills me that he felt so lonely. The haters are loud but they're in the minority. "BILLIONS" of people love Michael Jackson and that helps the pain and emptiness I feel - we feel.

I love you Michael.
world music awards 2006, it was amazing

That's when I saw him too. I went there with mjdave, we had a fantastic time. The whole audience there was for Michael, everybody was chanting his name all the way through. It was incredible. I was standing and I was SO close, but I'm only 5' 3" and he seemed so far away at the time as there were loads of tall people in front of me and I could barely see him :no: I'm glad I had that one opportunity to see him, I will treasure that memory forever.

I had footage on my phone of all of the fans chanting, and us screaming our lungs out when Michael was making his speech, but my phone broke and I lost everything .. My one memory of seeing him live .. :cry:

I'm so sorry to all fans who didn't get to see him though, I am so so sorry.. :cry:
I've seen Michael outside the "Imperial" Hotel in Vienna back in 1997, before he was driving to the stadium to perform. There were only a handful fans outside the hotel, coz everyone else was already at the gig. When he came out of the hotel, people were screaming apart of me, I suppose! :) All in a sudden, Michael stopped directly infront of me and looked at me. It was not just a quick look, he just starred at me with a huge smile on his face! .... Probably, coz I was the only one, who did not scream and just smiled and gave him a wink! Michael gave me the victory sign before he got into the car and was off to the show.

Then in 2002, I was at the musical "Taboo" in London at the matinee show. After the show the actors, who I was friends with got excited and told me that Michael was outside. We all ran outside and really his limousine was standing right infront of the entrance for 15 minutes. Unfortunately, we could not catch a glimpse of him as the windows were dark!

Lovely memories! I am missing you Michael, more than ever before ....!!!!
Never got to see him. Wanted to see him when he was touring HIStory but I was young and parents wouldn't let me go on my own/couldn't go with me. :'(

I didn't get tickets for the TII tours as I was stuck in University and strapped for cash... but it didn't bother me 'cos I was ok thinking that he would be around for ages and was looking forward to videos of his new concerts... :( and believing that he would do concerts in other countries.
This thread it so upsetting to read
:cry: So wonderful as well. Just sad really. Just imagining all these wonderful experiences.. Never ever take for granted seeing, meeting, talking with this amazing man. I am in envy of so many of you :cry:

I never saw Michael in person. When he was over here in Australia for concerts I was way too young. I only got into Michael around 1999. I was only 8!
I've seen him in 1988 during his BAD concert, in 1993 during his Dangerous concert and 1996 - 1997 during his HIStory concert. Planning to see him July 13th, but unfortunately :cry:
(Sorry this is so long...)
Okay, I'm pretty sure I've got the only story where I just happened to run into him at work.

First, I have to say that my biggest regret is that I did not *truly* discover him sooner. I am highly ashamed of the fact that I didn't spend the time to get to know him - the real him - before he was gone. (I'm in the middle of writing something more in depth on this for another thread.)

But - after well well well over a hundred hours (no joke, I'm unemployed. =P) of googling, reading, investigating, researching, watching videos, listening to and pouring over his work...I think it's safe to say that I now know 100x more than the average fan. (Probably not at you guys' level yet...I've got decades and decades of stuff to catch up on!) After seeing and reading so much, I feel I really truly know him now. I'm sure you all can relate.

This ties in with my MJ encounter because, at the time, I didn't "know" him. Had I known him, I'm absolutely positive I'd have had the chance to really really meet him.

Okay, so...I worked for Disney Theatrical Merchandise, at The Lion King on Broadway, for a while and this happened almost exactly two years ago.
I was at work, it was like 8:10pm or something, everyone was already seated, so I came downstairs and was just hanging out in the main gift shop and lobby when I just happened to turn around and see Michael Jackson (less than two feet away) with two big bodyguards on either side of him. I really don't remember the details, what he was wearing, sunglasses or no sunglasses, hair, etc... I so wish I could. I don't even remember him looking at me. (But he had to have seen me. Aside from one other employee who was behind the register, I was the only one in the room with them.) I was just in such a trance. For anyone who has been in his presence, you understand how consuming it is. All I had room for, to take in, was OMFG Michael Jackson is standing in front of me. He walked past me, went up the escalator and I watched him the whole time and then he turned right and I never saw him again.
To make things even more insane and surreal, right as this happened, loads and loads of confetti started falling from the sky. The Minskoff Theatre has floor to ceiling windows all around with panoramic views of the city and when I looked out, all I could see was a snowstorm of confetti EVERYWHERE. (There was a celebration/performance called "Broadway on Broadway" going on down below, that's why. But I didn't know this.) I felt like I was in a snow globe and in a dream. At this time, other employees starting rushing down and we were all in shock. We had no idea he was coming and couldn't believe he just walked right in like that. That was all I could think about the whole time. *Then* during intermission, while I was selling things, someone came up to me and placed an order written on paper, lol, for a LOT of merchandise, like five or six of each doll - Simba, Nala, Pumbaa, Timon, etc, and coloring cards, keychains, magnets...etc...I definitely exceeded my selling goal that night. =) And I have a feeling that I know who all of that was going to. =) [Another reason I love him, I'm sure he could've gotten free loot for his kids, but instead he got it the normal way...kind of, lol.) When the show started back up, I went downstairs and told everyone and they were all excited and said he went to the VIP room during intermission. But that's where my story ends. I didn't see him leave or anything else. =/

The next couple of days the papers were all talking about how he came wearing wacky pants (The fact that I don't even remember what he was wearing leads me to believe whatever it was wasn't "wacky"...) and how his kids were dressed up in crazy disguises. (The cast said they did meet his kids, but they must have split up from him backstage, because he was alone when I saw him. And if they weren't with him, why would they need to wear crazy disguises?...stupid reporters.)

And now that I've fallen completely in love with him, I can't help but be upset that I didn't enjoy it as much as I would now. I was happy and excited, no doubt. But to be honest, I was a little scared. He was quite intimidating because he had such an insanely ginormous energy in his presence. Especially for someone who doesn't know how incredibly sweet he was. All I can think of are the "what ifs" and I'm sooooo mad at my former self for not seeing what an opportunity I had and how different things would be if this were to happen now. Knowing how he is, plus the fact that there was no one else there, no crowd, no rush, nothing, I'm positive that if I'd gone up to him he would have talked to me and I could have gotten a hug out of him. Plus, during intermission, I could've written him a note and left my number and stuff and given it to his bodyguard or slipped it in the bag - and there's a really really good chance he would've responded. =/ This kills me.
I feel like the one thing I want most in this whole world happened before I wanted it. Even after, I had no idea that I would ever want it like this. =(

I'm so sorry, MJ. I love you so much more.
i'm so jealous and heartbroken. i've dreamed about seeing him for so long and it was going to happen. i will never get over it.
No :( I never got the chance to meet him or even see him in person. I always said that I would see him before I died, the thought of him dying never crossed my mind

My thoughts exactly! I never got to meet him or see him. I wish I did tho. I NEVER thought he would die....Someone like Michael..so talented..so magical...it's like he would be there forever...I miss him..

My name is Laurie. I am new here. I was a fan back in the day. "Thriller" was actually the first cassette tape I ever bought of ANY one. I had that poster of him in the brown leather jacket on my wall. I admit sadly that over the years I did not follow him as much..but I always loved his music. Now that he is with the angels, I can't seem to get enough...everyday I am looking, reading, listening, or watching something that has to do with MJ! I feel almost if I don't, he will fade away and I NEVER want to forget him or his music! I love and miss you, Michael! ♥

I lost my mother 2 years ago which was the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with....Michael Jackson dying comes in second....I just NEVER thought it would happen to either one of them..even though they were both human and had beating hearts...they weren't supposed to stop....:-( Mothers are supposed to live forever and so is the King of Pop, the greatest entertainer EVER! In my heart they still will!! ♥
Thank you! It is good to find a place where I can come and talk about Michael and not be made fun of for it and not have people say ugly things...

So true! :) Facebook sucks! :lol: :p Hi Laurie my honey! *hugs you*
@PrincessMichaela: Thank u for sharing your story! I can almost feel the frustration you must feel right now.... :( But just remember, he probably was happy to have a day out without crazy ass people shouting and running after him...so you did at least a better thing than those people...maybe that'll comfort you, haha. You got further than 80% of us, and you can blame yourself for not knowing what you know now!
The fact that you DO know now in the end, is what Michael will love....:)

Then my story....well...there is none. I'm one of those fans that was too young to go to the concerts, I'm 19 now. And I've never been to the USA or anything...but I know Michael is there for all of us. Whether we live under a rock or up the biggest mountain, he sees us!
Yeah, even now when he's gone....he might maybe be closer than ever.:angel:
I'll follow his footsteps.
So true! :) Facebook sucks! :lol: :p Hi Laurie my honey! *hugs you*

Camp!! Hi my honey! ♥ I wasn't necessarily talking about Facebook, but yeah other places suck...real life sometimes too! You know how it is..when dealing with it with Clay etc..
I never got to see him in person:(
I so wish I could have...though I don't know how I would have reacted. Knowing me and how shy I'm I would have ran and hid so I didn't look like a complete idiot that was just staring at him or I would have just started to giggle and wouldn't be able to stop :doh:
Though in my dreams when I meet him I'm able to have a civilized conversation with him and him being happy with someone treating him like a human being.:)
we kind of even argued for a second.
"i love you, michael!"
"i love you more, darling!"
"i love you soo much!"
"no, i love you more!'

i can just picture that,i seen him 3 times once in liverpool 1988 bad tour,and twice in 1992 wembley and leeds,i will cherish these memories forever,