Nobel peace prize nomination for Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I read somewhere that he was nominated twice for the Nobel peace prize.
does anyone have more information and source regarding this?
Many thanks.
Re: Nobel peace prize nomination

Guess you just picked up some kind of rumour. Never heard of it. Maybe it will happen in the future...
Re: Nobel peace prize nomination

There's actually a myspace made for Michael, with people petitioning that he be considered for a nobel peace price. Me forgots the link though, I could find it. I think it's a great idea.
Re: Nobel peace prize nomination

He was definitely nominated once... dunno about second time
Re: Nobel peace prize nomination

I red in wikipedia in MJJ' bio' that he was nominated last year, because he gave 300 millions dollars to charity...

It could be true!! 300 millions.... quite a lot for someone that is rumored to be in "bankruptcy".... TABLOIDS SUCKS!!!!

Re: Nobel peace prize nomination

He was nominated on in 2003 before all the all bull isht happend. That year my class performed different bits of sports/song/dance/poems on stage, at the city hall were the winner and all the politicians were. My part was dance and I did the whole intro of TWYMMF grammys version.. lol with a HOT chick in my class (because of that we got together and dated for 2 years, thanx mike ;) )

Imagine if michael won I'd be perfoming in front of him on stage :)
yeah I was pissed later.....
Re: Nobel peace prize nomination

I heard he was nominated in 1997...How I know this or where I got it from, is anyones guess.
Re: Nobel peace prize nomination

i don't know why people keep on saying this.

But the cold hard fact is that Nobel Prize nominations are kept TOP SECRET for at least 50 years. now that's more years than the age of michael!! so unless people nominated him before he was even born, there is no official way of knowing if Michael was ever nominated, until 50 years later.

It's like people saying bono was nominated, again, nobody will know until 50 years later.
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Re: Nobel peace prize nomination

i don't know why people keep on saying this.

But the cold hard fact is that Nobel Prize nominations are kept TOP SECRET for at least 50 years. now that's more years than the age of michael!! so unless people nominated him before he was even born, there is no official way of knowing if Michael was ever nominated, until 50 years later.

It's like people saying bono was nominated, again, nobody will know until 50 years later.
Now thats BS.. I am from Norway where the Prize is situated and i know for fact that the Nobel Peace Prize committee for sure is leaking some names every year. And Michael was mentioned in 2003 and 1998 by the committee leader. So that "knowledge" you possess is BS.

I've worked on the project of getting MJ nominated again for 3 years now, and I know the process in and out. The Myspace page is:

You sign here if you support this:

He was not nominated last year, as they declined when we asked.

We tried to get him nominated this year, and we will soon have the answer, if he is not, we will try again next year:)
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Re: Nobel peace prize nomination

^^ thanks for the information. I think he deserves it. He needs to get some recognition after all he has done, donating over 300million us dollars to the charities, helping the children, opened up Neverland to let tens of thousands of people enjoy everything for free and helping some dying cancer patient and got in trouble, written songs like Heal the world, Earth song, Man in the mirror(not written by himself but he mean it, he won't sing it if he don't mean it), We are the world, Cry('you can change the world, i can't do it by myself', this line touches me, it's just so sad) etc.
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is being nominated for a nobel as good as winning one?

this report that i'm putting here, via link, is probably the most objective report you will get from the media, save the oxymoron; 'faded pop icon'...

but in it, is included a mention of Michael being nominated for the nobel prize. now i've seen discussions about this nobel thing on other forums, and i wasn't sure if it was all true or not, judging from the discussions. but i think it's safe to say it's true. so, after you've read the report (if you wish) please tell me what you think. is being nominated for such a prestigious award, just as good as winning it?
Re: is being nominated for a nobel as good as winning one?

everybody can be nominated for the peas price i think....
Re: is being nominated for a nobel as good as winning one?

I am from Norway where the Prize is situated and its true, Michael was nominated in 2003 and 1998, it was leaked to the press from the Nobel committee's leader. Its a GREAT prestige to get nominated. Everyone can be nominated in theory, but not in real life, its hard to get nominated and its a great honour:) But of course its not as good as winning.

I've worked on the project of getting MJ nominated again for 3 years now, and I know the process in and out. Just ask if there is something else you want to know. Our Myspace page is:

You sign here if you support this:

He was not nominated last year, as they declined when we asked.

We tried to get him nominated this year, and we will soon have the answer, if he is not, we will try again next year:)
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Re: is being nominated for a nobel as good as winning one?

Now why on Earth did this get moved in here:lol:
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Re: is being nominated for a nobel as good as winning one?

I am from Norway where the Prize is situated and its true, Michael was nominated in 2003 and 1997, it was leaked to the press from the Nobel committee's leader. Its a GREAT prestige to get nominated. Everyone can be nominated in theory, but not in real life, its hard to get nominated and its a great honour:) But of course its not as good as winning.

I've worked on the project of getting MJ nominated again for 3 years now, and I know the process in and out. Just ask if there is something else you want to know. Our Myspace page is:

You sign here if you support this:

He was not nominated last year, as they declined when we asked.

We tried to get him nominated this year, and we will soon have the answer, if he is not, we will try again next year:)

thanks. i will def do my part in signing the petition. yeah i figured that getting nominated for this ranks way above getting nominated for other awards. people can mess with some awards, but they can't mess with this one. Congratulations are the best!! :clap:
Nobel prize fo Michael?

Hello ladies and gentelmen
l was watching news today and they talk about Nobel prize ,so l wonder why our King of pop Mr.Michael Jackson doesn't have this prize for peace?
l want to know if there is a way to help each other ,l don't know to make petition or something like that to get this acheivement.
l hope you will not close my thread l don't have other place to talk about this.
Re: Nobel prize fo Michael?

He's been nominated twice, but there's no chance they will ever give him an award -- he's way too controversial. Still, the fact that he was nominated is pretty amazing. I think him and Bono are the only pop stars ever nominated for this award.
Re: Nobel prize fo Michael?

I did'nt know that he has been nominated twice. Thats even huuuuge though he did'nt win!
Re: Nobel prize fo Michael?

wow thanks had no clue he was ever nominated..where can i find that info from?
Re: Nobel prize fo Michael?

anyone can be nominated u just need so many ppl to nominate u. mj does charity work doesnt mean u should get the noble peace prize. its a supposedly a respected and important award.
Re: Nobel prize fo Michael?

There is info about a petition for him to win the award on youtube and a link i believe. I don't know about MJ being too controversial to win, i'm sure there have to be others who have won that are not Mr. or Mrs. conformity.
I would like Michael to have such an honor and i don't believe all is lost to him ever winning the nobel prize, just that it may be in Michaels later years if he wins(unfortunately)
Re: Nobel prize fo Michael?

more dedicated and active people deserve the recognition and the money. that's besides the fact that the award is already dodgy enough to be given to only one person/cause a year, out of many who have done equally deserved work.
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Re: Nobel prize fo Michael?

No i dont think hes done anything big enough for a nobel prize... but that hes been nominated is kool. (im not taking anything away from all his charity work, and giving and caring for the world) just not somethin for a nobel prize lol
Re: Nobel prize fo Michael?

there's ppl dying while working for peace out there... lots of ppl.
there's ppl risking their lives while working for peace out there... lots of ppl.
I wouldn't like seeing someone win the nobel prize of peace who's just doing a job and earning money with what he's doing even when sharing it maybe to a certain part. Not only talking about Michael Jackson here.

But well it happened before also... so I can't say I really care about that prize anymore. *shrugs*
Re: Nobel prize fo Michael?

he was once nomiated in 2003 or 4 but the iranian woman won :angry:

i couldn't be angrier.

that's a shame, because she (Shireen Ebadi) is a great role model for Middle-Easterners like you and i.

i'm 110% sure Michael would have handed her the prize himself for what she's done for the children of an entire nation and its future, among other selfless achievements.
Re: Nobel prize fo Michael?

^ I agree. I could care less if Michael won it or not, he doesn't or didn't do charities for his own benefit. Why should we be mad he didn't win? Ain't that a little selfish?
Re: Nobel prize fo Michael?

Michael Jackson has been nominated twice, in 1998 and 2003.

We are a group of Michael Jackson fans who last year sent a letter to highly ranked people such as Nelson Mandela, Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan and the United Nations. The letter contained a formal request asking them if they would consider nominating Michael Jackson for the Nobel Peace Prize, and of course, we provided information as to why we thought he deserved to be nominated. We mentioned Michael’s charity work and humanitarian efforts, and asked them if they were interested in nominating Michael for a life time achievement as a great humanitarian. Unfortunately we didn’t succeed in getting Michael nominated, but Kofi Annan and the United Nations were kind enough to send a nice reply back.

This year we’re trying a little harder. We’re now in the researching phase of the project. We will use last years letter as a template for the new letter and add new information. This time we will also include your signatures along with any comments you wish to make. Please show your support by signing this petition to ensure Michael Jackson receives the recognition he deserves and is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Note: We would like this letter to be taken seriously, so it is very important that you sign your real name and the country you reside in. Thank you for your support.
We will send another letter this year. And we got a big surprise comming up this year. We cant tell you yet but I promise to keep you posted.

As for the signings, we got over 2100 signings in total now. That was our goal when we started the petition some years back. I hope the flow of signings continue:D

Michael deserves a nomintation. And if he get one, people will sure talk about it, and damn that is some positiv news:yes:

Thank you all.

The Nobel Peace Project
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Re: Nobel prize fo Michael?

^ I agree. I could care less if Michael won it or not, he doesn't or didn't do charities for his own benefit. Why should we be mad he didn't win? Ain't that a little selfish?
True, you cant be mad if he dont win it. MANY people deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, and some more than others.

You(not meaning you troubleman) can not seriously say that a winner of the Prize do not derserve it, because they all do.

EDIT: I belive he can win it, if you take a GOOD look at all the work he has done, both of radar and on radar, you see that he is well qualified to win the prize. And Michael dont wave with a flagg and says "look at me" that is not Michael. Michael does it from his heart. Please belive this is possible, help us nominate Michael.
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