If you could make a movie with MJ what would it be


Proud Member
Sep 13, 2012
If you could make a movie with Michael Jackson what would it be?
and what characters would you choose?
I would do twilight.
Michael would be Edward and i Bella
This is probably way too obvious, but Michael as Peter Pan and me Wendy :p But as an alternative choice, I'd have Michael be the Phantom of the Opera and me as Christine. :shifty:
A full movie lenght version of Thriller, and I would be a zombie :sideways:

Or if it has to be an existing movie... I guess we could do Star Wars. He could be Darth Vader, and I would be Jabba The Hutt.
Michael in E.T would be pretty amazing... Michael In starwars would be incredible haha... Michael in anything would be pretty cool.
Michael is suited for Disney though, so it would probably have to be a Disney film
For me I would have L.O.V.E. for him to do a movie that is like a combination of Captain Eo, Star Wars, and Moonwalker. With a tiny bit of Thriller mixed in with it. And me playing the part that Katie played in Moonwalker. Or play like a Princess Leia type roll.
There were rumors that initially Tim Burton wanted Michael to play Edward Scissorshands. I don't know if it's true or just an urban legend, but even if latter I can see why that started. That character is so much Michael. I actually would have loved Michael to play Edward.
Hi there Gem28, thx for this thread, it's very very good question. :)

Well, if i could make a movie with Michael, i'd make one in which we see him like we've never seen him before i.e some kind of Bruce Willis (in the Die Hard movies) mixed with Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. Remember the very first Die Hard movie ? It would be this kind of movie. However, it would take place at a Neverland party and the hostage takers would be fake fans. I'd be his sidekick.

I've always loved fight scenes, i grew up watching Bruce Lee, Wang Yu, Jackie Chan etc... As a consequence, if i could direct a movie and make Michael star in it i would hire someone to choreograph fight scenes for Michael. I'd try to hire Jackie Chan for that. I know Michael called Jackie Chan at least once while Jackie was sleeping, so i guess they would not have minded working together. I'd have loved Jackie to choreograph a scene like this for Michael (i'll embed a youtube video).

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If MJ were still alive, I'd just want him to have a cameo in "Rush Hour 4". :D
I was actually waiting for someone to mention a porn flick lol :D :D :D

If I could make a movie with Michael I would probably want it to be an action film, something like the Bourne Trilogy with MJ as Jason Bourne or some other agent story. I can actually picture Michael in any kind of film, comedy, Disney, romance, fantasy (Michael would have made a great elf in Lord of the Rings), science fiction, horror... Would have loved to see him in something like the Godfather, Inception or Se7en... or some period film like Jane Eyre or Pride and Prejudice. Of course I would love to be in any film where I get to kiss him :D :wub:
I was actually waiting for someone to mention a porn flick lol :D :D :D

How come I didn't come up with that :doh:

@ Wordy: Oh geee! For some reason I always fantasized about MJ doing a fight scene using martial arts.
It would have been great to see that in some of his short films like YRMW. :)
If MJ were still alive, I'd just want him to have a cameo in "Rush Hour 4". :D

That - and a cameo in "The Fifth Element" after he did his awesome 'Men In Black" one. The Fifth Element would be perfect for another Alien/MJ funny cameo.

I'm thinking the "Lord of The Rings" (I mean "The Return of The King" and Arwen crying by her King's graveside is way too real).

Also- Hitchcock's "Rebecca".

Laurence Olivier is awesome, of course- but Michael would be equally smashing in such an estate, clothes etc as he already showed with "Ghosts".
Oh- and a "Ghosts 2"- I'd love that. Maestro coming back and haunting some other public servant, lolol.
@ Wordy: Oh geee! For some reason I always fantasized about MJ doing a fight scene using martial arts.
It would have been great to see that in some of his short films like YRMW. :)

You're so right ! :)

I remember Will Smith saying Michael could kick over his head (Will's head). As for YRMW, i would have loved that too, especially when Marlon Brando shows up at the end. Would not have a fight right at that moment between Brando and Mike been great ? MJ would fight like Jackie and Bruce and Brando would fight like Sammo Hung. And..... action !

Brando: "Big bang..... later."
Mike: *takes his jacket off* "La what ? Lay your hat down and roll up your sleeves." *puts his jacket on a chair*
Brando: "Mikey ? Really ? After all the acting lessons i've given you ?"
Mike: *pulls his rhinestone glove out of his right pocket* "Oh your a*s will be thrown all over the place in a second, so consider this a dance lesson." *puts his glove on*
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Brando: "Big bang..... later."
Mike: *takes his jacket off* "La what ? Lay your hat down and roll up your sleeves." *puts his jacket on a chair*
Brando: "Mikey ? Really ? After all the acting lessons i've given you ?"
Mike: *pulls his rhinestone glove out of his right pocket* "Oh your a*s will be thrown all over the place in a second, so consider this a dance lesson." *puts his glove on*

hahaha! :lol:
Well I don't know about Brando, wasn't he a little older at that time for a fight scene like that...
I would have loved to see that anyhow :)
It'd be pr0n, of course! :D

LOL, JK. I dunno. Never did consider that. Most of the romances I like are not "normal" (i.e. Lolita) so I couldn't really imagine him playing any part in that kind of thing, especially since I sympathize with the flawed characters. xD

I guess The Phantom of the Opera would suit his personality if we went by the film only, basically someone who is made out to be a monster but is in fact a highly artistic and misunderstood soul. In the book, this is not entirely the case, and Erik does have some character flaws which would distinguish him markedly from Michael...

But anyway, most of the films I enjoy are WWII films, or anime, and things that have no relevance whatsoever in regards to Michael or his interests/personality/etc. xD
I'd make a movie based on the Who Is It short film. It's so cinematic in itself, I always felt that it would translate very well to the big screen.

I'd actually really like to take some time one day to come up with a basic outline/treatment.
Up Close and Personal, my fave movie.

Or Stealing Heaven, about the eternal love of Abelard and Heloise. Beautiful movie.
If MJ were still alive, I'd just want him to have a cameo in "Rush Hour 4". :D

Nah even better= chuck jackie out of his role for rush hour and just have michael & chris , that wouldve been heck funny lol
Originally Posted by Snow White 1937
I was actually waiting for someone to mention a porn flick lol

OMG snow! hahaha :blushing:
I wouldn't like to make a porn movie neither with him nor with anyone else. No, not at all. Sex is something that needs to happen in privacy, behind closed doors, not with an audience watching.
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I wouldn't like to make a porn movie neither with him nor with anyone else. No, not at all. Sex is something that needs to happen in privacy, behind closed doors, not with an audience watching.

Don't worry, we were just joking around.
Although I should speak for myself, I don't know the other girls :D
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I'd want to be in ''Singin' in the Rain'' with him. That's just a brilliant film and I think MJ would have been amazing in something like that.
YAY, a soft porn one! :shout: Once I had the brilliant idea of watching part of one of those and I felt like :wtf: am I watching! The characters just had met for 5 minutes or less and after that they were banging each other but with Michael I wouldn't mind! :cheeky: :naughty:

I'd also had loved Edward Scidssorhands and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Edward and Jack Skellington remind me so much to Michael! :girl_love:

I KNOW Michael would NEVER made a flick porn but there's nothing wrong with imagining... ;) :naughty:
Brando: "Big bang..... later."
Mike: *takes his jacket off* "La what ? Lay your hat down and roll up your sleeves." *puts his jacket on a chair*
Brando: "Mikey ? Really ? After all the acting lessons i've given you ?"
Mike: *pulls his rhinestone glove out of his right pocket* "Oh your a*s will be thrown all over the place in a second, so consider this a dance lesson." *puts his glove on*

I cant belive i didnt notice this till now hahahaha

Classic! :lmao: